the fat lady has sung


Joe Biden for President.  time to end this charade of a primary season 

and its time for everybody to get on board and do whatever it takes to see to it this is a truism come the fall 


Let's Go Joe!


lives in the balance...but no pressure, bros. 

The election isn't until November. 


My vote was delayed today.

I've yet to see if it will matter later...



Quarantine Joe if you want him to make it to November. 

maxresdefault (1)_1.jpg

trump wins the popular and electoral. 

maybe not another dem pres for decade+ ? 

Slack ing pyramid 

Get over it

Not with that attitude.   Get on the train to get Dumpy butt out of office.  

to hear anyone who is not a outright supporter of potus predict his victory at this point in time is real weak sauce.  almost like you are rooting for it to happen



The Bernie bro's have deflated like a pooped balloon, and revealed that all this time, it was only all about them and their cult of personality. It's been sad and embarrassing to watch a few of them on this board end up wrong at every turn and ultimately defeated. 

While I am no Biden fan, I will do all I can to help him defeat the current evil he is up against.  The only redemption the bro's can get is by doing the same. 

>>>>>maybe not another dem pres for decade+ ? 


Bryen agrees with you.

Nobody else does.

What does that tell you?

Predicting trump victory = trump supporter


Got it


     “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
          -George Orwell, "1984"

Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell this Fall.  His main talking point was the booming economy, and that ship has sailed.  If it hadn't been plainly obvious before, the COVID-19 epidemic has revealed his complete incompetence as an effective leader.  A poll released today shows that only 37% of the people trust him.  He is toast.

OKGB is just being a sourpuss.  I voted for Sanders in our primary, but I'm not going to cry like a teenager who didn't get invited to the dance if he isn't the nominee.  


"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."


Donald Trump 

June 24, 2018

These fellows want Biden to lose so that they can have some sense of false vindication. It's childish, vindictive and disgusting.

Voter turnout has been just as high this year as it was in 2016, even in spite of Corona. Bernie simply hasn't been getting the numbers. His time is past. He had a great run and moved the party to the left. It's time to get over it and stop being sore losers.

Americans have spoken again, it's time to unite my brothers and sisters.

Join us bbros, divided you'll just get a headache




>>The Bernie bro's have deflated like a pooped balloon, and revealed that all this time, it was only all about them and their cult of personality. It's been sad and embarrassing to watch a few of them on this board end up wrong at every turn and ultimately defeated. 

While I am no Biden fan, I will do all I can to help him defeat the current evil he is up against.  The only redemption the bro's can get is by doing the same.<<

Well said.

The corporate masters are fine with Trump. You'll see Biden's super pacs (same people who give super pacs to Trump) start giving more funding to Trump just like last election when they did that with Hilary and then it will be over. Another joke election in the books. Biden is a slice of cake for Trumps campaign. It's done.

OKGB and Timpane are like Lord and Lady Butthurt.

Not butthurt. I'm good actually but I have seen this same thing happen before and it will most likely happen again. Can't imagine the largest companies in the world are ready to give up all their tax breaks for Biden yet.

Justify it however you want, Timpane. The fact is that your assessments were wrong from the start. Bernie was never the best or most popular choice. He never had the coalition that you said, and he was unable to mobilize people to vote. And that's against a shitty opponent like Biden. He got thumped against Biden and would get thumped against Trump.

If Biden loses to Trump, it won't be because Bernie was a "better" candidate. Bernie was worse in 2020 than he was in 2016.

If you really think that Biden and a Trump are the same, let's just end the conversation now. That's just ignorant and butthurt.

New Rules.

The fact that Trump only stepped in and took the Covid virus seriously when "Tucker Carlsson" personally visited him and told him to get his ass in gear. So basically we lost 4-5-6 weeks on this thing. This and this alone, the fact that the President and his administration's negligence in this crisis-if this is not enough to convince the most ardent Trump idiot supporters to kick him out, we are doomed.


"almost like you are rooting for it to happen"

"It's childish, vindictive and disgusting"

You guys are lashy-outy, eh? You do realize that people can have an intelligent well formed opinion that's different than yours, right? 

And BK, for someone who complains about the name calling he gets, you sure do a good job of calling people names. You don't know what peoples' intentions and thought processes are. What I do know is that it's childish to resort to name calling to make your point.

I too am of the opinion that Biden stands no chance against Trump. You all are crazy if you think his rabid base has turned their back on him over COVID. As Daylight pointed out in some thread or another, when he bumped into a Trump supporting neighbor, said neighbor expressed what a good job he thought Trump was doing with this whole situation. Many people on this board, and in the word in general, still don't seem to understand that rational arguments and good policies are not what sway people. Humans are ultimately symbolic creatures and who controls symbols controls people. Obama was good at controlling symbolism, his image if you will. Trump is a master at it. Bernie is damn good at it. Biden...not so much.

My prediction is and always was that a) the dems would put up an establishment candidate and then b) lose to Trump. Sorry. That's my opinion. Call me names if you want, but my opinion is based on research and thinking.

But that's the last I'll say of that on the Zone. It's your all's party and I don't want to sow tension. But hey, just remember: what happens in the USA DOES NOT stay in the kinda tends to spill over. So thanks in advance. 

And I'll be glad, very glad, to recognize it if I'm wrong.

What names have I called anyone here, Javs? I think that rooting for Biden to lose, because Bernie is t in the race, is childish, vindictive and disgusting. It's not like I'm calling them any of the 20 names many of us have been called by those 2,  or am I attacking their personalities and beings. I'm commenting on a specific behavior.

And Jeez, Javs, I get your solidarity here, but I wasn't talking to you or about you. 

i don't think they want trump to win. do you?

my opinion is its still dicey. 50/50%...

all the fox bots are still brainwashed and their districts gerrymandered.


Brian, I'm not here trying to prove wrong or right. I was hyped and hopefully that Bernie would win even though I know it would never happen in our corrupt country. And no I don't think Biden and trump are the same but if you are intelligent enough you can figure out that they have the same sponsors. The same people give them funding. My opinion is that Trump has already been selected. Bernie did his best and lost. I'm ok with that and I enjoyed watching him try. But the truth is that Trump was going to win no matter who won the dem primary. It's all a stage for who they want to select unfortunately. We just get to sit around and argue about it and try and turn against each other and point fingers but the jokes on us for believing all the bullshit. Elections aren't decided at the polls. They are decided by greedy investors in suits at a round table. Good luck to anyone who wants Biden to win. Try not to get let down too hard. Life will have to continue regardless. Peace.

poor policy decisions and incompetence do not necessarily translate to losing an election when you are dealing with the modern american electorate. the fact i think trump will probably win is not a reflection on the success or failure of donald trump, or how good or bad i imagine biden will be, its a reflection of how little faith i have in the american public, a reflection of how impossibly fucking stupid the average person is, and of how absolutely cancerous and corrupt our pop culture and financial culture is. 

its not that i think trump has done something good to genuinley shore up his base with people who have benefited from his policies, its that i think the vast majority of americans are to stupid to know the difference.

Trump's approval ratings haven't changed they remain in the 40's -  which is disheartening, but not when you think about the fact that in times of national emergencies the Presidents generally get a 70% approval rating. It shows you that his base will vote for him and no one else. 

We had this in 2018 and we will continue the blue wave in 2020

Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio. Mostly like Virginia will go red this round so Biden will have to make that up somewhere. He can get PA but that won't be enough. If you're thinking about overall popularity, then you're off the point. If you do believe that the people decide these elections then it comes down to the people in these states, not the general population. Maybe he trades NC for Virginia and you're still left with Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan. He'll have to win 2/3 of those states most likely.

Based on past predictions

having the Bernie bros line up

and confidently predict a Trump victory

makes Biden pretty much a sure thing.

^Lol. It's 2016 Dejavu all over again for you guys. 

^Lol. It's 2016 Dejavu all over again for you guys. 

"Based on past predictions

having the Bernie bros line up

and confidently predict a Trump victory

makes Biden pretty much a sure thing."


this is soooo very true.  I love the Sanders passion but man some of you really do suck at predictions in 2020 and would be laughed out of most intelligent conversations with your nonsense.  

good thing this is the zone tho so with that in mind,

the Redskins will win the superbowl in 2021. 



Seems like the Biden guys aren't really confident that he can win. 

I aint no Biden guy, son.  I am confident that he will compete now that the covid-19 virus has fucked up life as we know it.

what I know for sure is none of us know for sure what is going to happen with the election in Nov and the folks who have talked a good game about FACTS and the ONLY ONE who can do this that and the other look like fools now



The constitution clearly states that elections must happen no matter what, if states don't abide or there's any


Trump is out and so is pence on January 21, 2021.


The speaker of the house becomes our president.


- Jon Meacham and Michael Beschloss 



Bernie out.

BK, you are operating under the assumption that people are rooting for Biden to lose and that is what you call childish, vindictive and disgusting. You are making an assumption about people's intentions and then calling that intention names. You can't seem to grasp that maybe people aren't rooting for Biden to lose, it's just that our educated estimation of the situation leads us to think that Biden will lose.

Back in 2016 I also thought that Hillary would lose to Trump. I had no idea really who Bernie was then. I like his ideas but didn't really get into the whole process (I've become much more political in the past 4 years). But it seemed obvious to me that Hillary would lose. Now, I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't like Hillary, I don't like her policies. But I do respect the hell out of her resume. She's smart, experienced, clearly qualified and had clear policy proposals. None of that mattered one bit. It's like Daylight said above: the average voter doesn't care about policy. Politics is like sports for the overwhelming majority of people and folks will vote for their team 95% of the time. And if the team captain is raising a ruckus and declaring victory left and right and getting nifty slogans and a cocky demeanour out to the people, than that leader will win 95% of the time. People vote for what a candidate represents to the them on a personal symbolic level. How many people have you really met in your life who do a considerate balanced analysis of candidate's policies (regardless of party affiliation) and then choose who to vote for? It's a rare thing, in my experience..

Sorry that Pinochet executed most of the rational, considerate people in your neck of the woods, Javs, but most of the people I encounter here in Seattle seem to have educated and informed perspectives.

I never made any kind of claims. Not sure what you're trying to argue about drkst and I never said you were a Biden guy. And I ain't your son. But you don't sound too confident he can win tbh.

Fact is dem Vice Presidents often have done well in primaries but not general elections. Good luck 

who is rooting for trump to win other that bryen thom and racket? 

i just think biden will get crushed by trump. i'm not voting for somebody that is owned by the same corporate masters as trump, voted to slaughter millions of iraqis, pushed for SS cuts, etc. 

biden voted for the iraq war which destroyed a country. 

good luck centrists! 

and there's still redskins fans? weird. 


you bros are batting like 0% on everything you've ever spouted.

really is fascinating to watch.


if ol bern says vote for biden, are you gonna?


he's done like dinner, fuck putting people at risk to vote.

it's been real bernie, great ideas and has helped move shit more to the left.



now get the fuck outta the way.




< I'll be glad, very glad, to recognize it if I'm wrong >

Fear not my brother, there's more than a few here who'll be much more than glad to remind you. We gotcha down in our book.   :)

Hey man, I'm human. I've been wrong often in my life and I try to learn from it and move on.

I wonder if all the people on here thumping their chests about Biden are willing to say the same thing. If they are wrong and the world gets the pleasure of Donal Trump for another four years, will the Biden Bros and Bidenettes on here say "we were wrong about Biden, he was the wrong candidate for the job"?

Dave, I've been to Seattle. Nice place. Lots of forward thinking people. Google says population of 727k people (not that many). I've also been to Spokane, Umatilla and (shudder) Vancouver, Washington. Not so forward thinking. 7.5 million people in Washington. 700 thousand in Seattle. Good stuff...

TOD, you're not even a real Biden guy. Pipe it down.


"If your poor, you're still fucked, if you're middle class you can work and never retire. If you're rich then I love you and vow to always help you."

"And I'll pretend to help everybody who's not white and keep saying Obama while fucking you."

Vote Biden

Please don't lecture me, Javs. I swear, I make one post and you're all up in my shit. I really don't think you need to stand up for a couple of dudes who have been hyper aggressive and lash-outy to people who disagree with them. And yeah, ogkb sure as hell has made it clear that he wants Biden to lose. It's not just, "he can't beat Trump." 

Sorry if you feel lectured, BK. It just seems like you can't really handle rational arguments and debate these days. I understand they're stressful times, but hey, settle down man.

And Dave, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that "Sorry that Pinochet executed most of the rational, considerate people in your neck of the woods" is a pretty heavy-duty dickhead comment. If you feel comfortable making fun of massive executions, torture and exile conducted by a government imposed by a foreign nation, than hey, that speaks volumes about you. I'm guessing you've never had the pleasure of hearing relatives talk about being tortured by a totalitarian regime, but who knows? Give it 2 or 3 years and you may get lucky yet...

>TOD, you're not even a real Biden guy. 

You just made his point for him.  None of us are 'Biden guys' but understand the reality of the situation.   Isn't it funny, in a very 'wow yeah, that's sadly comical' way, that its only the Bernie guys that make demands, make threats, taut some sort of delusional importance and spout the immature decree of 'Bernie or bust!'

If Bernie beat Biden I'd vote for Bernie without batting an eye.  If Biden beat Bernie i'd vote for Biden.  



My relatives we're tortured by totalitarian gangs.

I still clean pools.

Jonas, would you like Biden to isolate himself until November?

This is a rational argument? It's neither rational nor an argument. I could go back and find a couple of hundred better doozies, but it isn't worth the effort.

trump wins the popular and electoral. 

maybe not another dem pres for decade+ ? 

I didn't make any demands or any threats Jonas. I just think that Trump has a big advantage and will beat Biden. And yes I poke fun at Thod.

BK hates when anyone tells him anything. 

bk you have some issues man. 

i said i don't think biden can win, not that i wish he loses. lol. 

haven't you said the same thing? you think trump wins, all of our conversations are pointless. you've said this. 

such a  little whiny bitch running around this place. reminds me of how annoying you were w/ that whole dogman thing. you suck man. 

And there it is, personal attacks, name calling, whatever. That's how the kid rolls.

Good job, ogkb. Now, take it to the trash, where it belongs.

"I wasn't making fun, Javs, that's why i said "sorry".

My point was, that you like to talk alot about what is going on up here in the States, and your opinion counts as much as a gringo like me's opinion of the state of affairs in Chile.

Bernie NOT out. 

Apparently too busy dealing with a fucking his campaign.   (CNN)


Dave, so far your intellectual Seattle arguments in favor of Biden winning the election are "Did a dictator kill all the intellectuals in your country?" and "You ain't ´merican so you ain't got no talking right!" That's good stuff. Kinda just sounds like regular old West Coast smug, not any arguments. But if you want to talk about Chile sometime, you know I love to. My country's just as fucked up as the next one, only smaller. I think your opinion counts buddy. 

BK, I've said over and over in many threads that I think it's bullshit that people feel the need to go around insulting people around here. I guess just having read your better side over the years, I find it more of a shame to stoop there. 

Dude, you're really equivocating what I said up there to the post directed at me a few hours ago? Apples and oranges. I know that you can see that.

I do have to wonder why you patronize me directly, but you don't directly address those that are on a whole different level.

>>>  I guess just having read your better side over the years, I find it more of a shame to stoop there. <<<

he likes US weed.

like's the dead (I think?)

and gosh dang it, he's liked


- obvious


now what?


what are you guys arguing about?


DNB doesn't play the east.


keep up


You like to project Javs.

In other threads, I've stated why Trump is doomed.  The main argument being that his main talking point was a strong economy and low unemployment.  With those gone by the wayside, he will be shown the door.  I would have preferred Sanders as the nominee, but I will settle for a more palatable candidate to the general electorate, and the introduction of more progressive policies to the Democratic platform.

As far as Chile, I would love to learn more, and have enjoyed the insights you have shared with us here.  As a music dealer, I came across the recordings of, and have read a little of the life and legacy of the Chilean musician and activist Victor Jara.  I don't know of a documentary or biopic about him, but if there is one, I'd like to see it.  Most 'Mericans I meet have no idea who he was, or what he endured for his country.  It's a story that should be more widely known.

Right on, Dave. I appreciate your take. Thanks for taking the time to clarify. 

And I really do love Seattle. 

Is this for me: "like's the dead (I think?)"

I do like the Dead, a lot, but I don't find myself listening to them anymore these days. I have a penchant for fresh music, music that reflects the sounds happening in the world around me. I used to listen to the Q a bunch when they were happening, and some Phil after that, but I really don't listen to any dead or dead related music these days. When I did listen to the dead I was always a fan of well. I guess late 60's, early 70's and late 70's, each for different reasons. Never dug too much on the Brent years, and apart from 91 Bruce stuff, couldn't dig on any of the 90's. I saw them once at RFK but was too young (and/or dumb) to know what was going on.

I've been listening to Phish non-stop for a few years. It's always fresh, new, reflecting what's going on in the world and in my head. Yeah, I know they fuck up a lot these days, but they still put me into orbit...

TOD, do you tuck your shirt in?



you gotten outta those granimals?



i don't know what that is.

Thod is probably a whitey tightey guy

bk you throw around names just like the rest of us. 

same shitty pz bk -- speaking for others, wagging the shamey finger, yet doing the same shit. 

you're a bitch man. 


I feel for you paintchips.


relax, shits gonna...


thod what are you doing to make sure your right-to-work state doesn't go red ? 


c'mon p, shits getting reaz

i don't understand your language, thod. 


we need a leader, trumps not it.




^You drunk, Thod?

Chill the fuck out, ogkb. You're off your rocker.

you're an angry guy, bk. 

Thod probably eats at chic fil a

Me? Jesus, look at your rants. I made one post hours ago, and you're still calling me names and attacking me. It's your thing.

You could try chilling the fuck out though. 


office rocker


paintchips lonely 


Bk you a Subway guy? Quiznos?


i work all day mother fucker. 

im catching up on all your bs you've posted today. 

bk puts ketchup on ribeye. 




why the 



I wouldn't be surprised if BK was the first zoner to get corona virus. Not even kidding around

in before bk posts that timpane just posted that he wishes bk gets coronavirus. 


you puff t - paint?


^is that your 3rd nickname for timpane this thread? 

its gonna be a long couple of weeks.



I like paintchips 


P-nutz and p-chips


I have to give it to you two gents. Your ability to hold a grudge and post and post and post to me, for hours and hours, is pretty impressive.

^lol, thats not what's happening at all. 

you ok, man? you on meds or something? 

youre not making sense...




No I don't puff, T- Hod

good butter is the best. 

but let's all remember why thod is called tHod. 

good stuff. 



that's a rough one, eh? 


If I had a a phil beef local...


vt. can't even bernie




wtf, indeed. 

english, mother fucker. 

look man 

you're about to get smashed

not by Hillary not by osamea



we need your fucking help

you down...


Can't believe timpane and heater keep coming back for more. Guaranteed anything they predict will end up being the opposite (look at their track record). Biden getting crushed = Biden wins in a landslide. They don't want to help Tod, only to prove some fringe left wing conspiracy theory about the DNC rigging it against Bernie. 

Night y'all. Sleep tight. Don't get too angry BK

Hey, Jr.


Fuck you. 


You guys are both punks. 






^^Go cry and whine to someone who cares

^^Go cry and whine to someone who cares

we need your fucking help

you down...


how much money have you donated to joes campaign so far tod? he needs your fucking help!

i'd provide you with the number you need to text in order to donate, but like joe biden, i cant remember it.

jr did you stock up on xanax for quarantine? 

thod that's what i have been asking you for the past several months. 

you said no, very loudly, matter of fact. 


validation is a huge won.



2 time losing shit, what


again. it's says more about you gloating that bernie lost, fucking guy is just trying to get people healthcare. 

you guys say i'm shitty.

look in the mirror. 



gloat butter vegan









what are you drinking tod?

xanax for quarantine<<<


Fuck yeah,,, and beer!

They do low cost procedures on low income people. ..the kind of things they just wouldn't do to a normal full paying insurance holder. Fact.

In many cases poor people choose not to go because of this. And the fact that they piss test you for narcotics and if you test positive for even weed then they get you for fraud. 


e.g. they are instructed to pull a tooth with a cavity rather than getting a 'filling' because it's cheaper.  So if you're on medicaid with no money your tooth gets pulled. 

e.g. if you have a really bad sprained ankle they will give you an old fashioned rigid plaster cast instead of a more expensive flexible foot brace...which leads to improper healing, etc.

basically the doctor gets paid less to care for a low income medicaid patient and they will provide the least care possible.  Good luck asking any important questions they don't have time for you.

e.g. even something like a blood draw is delegated to interns with little experience who are training. ..practicing on poor people. 


In order to get food stamps you must first sign up for the low income medicaid choose a provider but they all only provide the bare minimum for medicaid patients across the board. you might have mcclaren or blue care network but the coverage is basically the same no matter which one you choose. 

What state are you in, Greg? It sure as hell isn't like that in Vermont!


And most of the 'good doctors' that take HAP or Blue Cross, for e.g., don't accept the medicaid insurance patients whatsoever.  You have to really call around to find some place that accepts low income medicaid of any sort. 

They are out there but not easy to find and sometimes it's quite a distance to get there.

Imo it's a major flaw. But even though it causes lots of low income people to not go to the doctor,  the government is still paying the bill to the insurance companies.  So essentially they got lots of new income but aren't actually providing much more care.

that was not at all my experience greg. in some of my years in the black market, off the books, i had to take the fully subsidized obamacare option - i couldnt afford to buy a plan at full cost, and because i had no income on the books, fully subsidized obamacare was the only option. would have liked a partial subsidy like most people in my actual income range, but luckily i almost never went to the doctor during that time.

the few times i did go to the doctor under obamacare as someone making $0 a year on the books, i got pretty good care imo. i did not have any procedures or anything like that, but the GP's i saw were knowledgeable and attentive, and had time for all of my questions. one of them was even willing to go over the list of obscure nootropics and supplements i was taking at the time to reference it when going over my bloodwork, and was even open to learning things about what they were and their pharmacology from me when he was not framiliar with a drug or compound...honestly one of the most refreshing doctors office experiences of my life.

i was on a plan for my county, so while out of county ER/urgent care visits were covered, my GP was in one specific building, same for everyone on that county plan, so no running around trying to find somewhere that will take your card, you just go to this one building, go see a more than competent GP, and the GP can refer you for any services from there to other doctors in the county "network". 

it was great imo, never even had to think about it.

BK and Thod live privileged lives and expect everybody who doesn't have good insurance to "pick themselves up by the bootstraps". But now with this pandemic there is none of that. Everybody now is looking for help from the government. As long as BK and Thod are ok they are fine with everyone else being in a shitty situation. Same with Ned.


I also live a very privileged life as well and I am extremely fortunate to have very good insurance and a great job (up until this whole pandemic) and I would like to see those who are struggling but willing to work hard everyday to be able have those things as well. That is the difference in the division of the Democratic Party at the moment. 

Shut the fuck up, Timpy.

I'm self-employed. I earn every dollar I make, and have overpriced, shitty coverage. Health care is a high priority to me and my family. But, losing to Trump is not an option. Bernie would have gotten killed in the general against Trump, leaving us with Trump for 4 more years. Fuck that. You and pheater are sore losers, and need to wake the fuck up and help US vote Trump out. Fucking immature fools.

Forcing people to sign up...if you want food assistance.  Every low income medicaid individual has their cost to have the mandatory insurance paid for by the us gvt. 

Think of how much more money they get from that.  

What the hell are you prattling in about now, Timpane? That was one of the most ridiculous posts you've made, and you have some doozies. lol

I was saying that, in Vermont, those on Medicaid have great insurance, get equal medical treatment, and don't get drug tested.

Okay, go back to your regularly scheduled anger towards me, and your unhealthy infatuation.

ned how much money have you donated to the biden campaign? are you maxed out yet? if not you need to wake up and help US vote trump out

Ned just resorting to name calling and just too much of a coward to admit that he doesn't care about other people having coverage. That's ok Ned, keep living in denial. You only care about yourself. Sorry you haven't realized that yet. Keep acting like a stubborn little baby in a grown mans body though. Glad you finally came out of your shell and admitted it. You're not the only one who's self employed and or has to earn every penny. We all have to earn every penny. So grow the fuck up.

Lol at BKs false claims about Vermont. Vermont's medical centers are ill equipped and trash compared to other places but keep spouting bullshit. You guys can't handle be called out your bs. Deal with it.


So funny to see you little baby prick boomers melt all over the place.

>> Ned just resorting to name calling <<

Proceeded by you post : "BK and Thod live privileged lives....Same with Ned."

Followed by: "You only care about yourself. Sorry you haven't realized that yet. Keep acting like a stubborn little baby in a grown mans body though."

Um..... Fuck You (reprise)?

Timpy...will you help us remove trump from office?

P-heater is rooting for Trump to validate his bruised ego. LOL

I thought only us Bernie lovers call people names right? Go along and sling your shwaggy ass donuts Ned. 

Truth hurts, eh?

Which is it: do we all earn every dollar, or are some "privileged"? You're so twisted up in talking points it's disturbing.
Timpy may push past the 5.0 melt-line.

I live in NJ. Do you understand that my state and vote does not matter? Find someone in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Ohio and ask them. You guys are going down the same road you took in 2016. We know where it goes though but you still want to take that same route. It will lead to the same place. Enjoy 


Come on donut boy. Don't get all butthurt now. Crying and whining is a great baby boomer past time though.

^ You think Bernie would beat Trump with the same platform/agenda that lost to Biden? LOFL

hm, so far it seems like none of the folks imploring bernie supporters to vote biden have even donated to his campaign yet. he needs your help guys!

Biden has Bloomberg's money.

It's okay, Timpane, if Bernie runs for Senate again, he has my vote. That's where he's most effective.

Biden's platform isn't why he won smart guy. He won because "Obama" and that won't be enough in the general.

^ Timpy you have been wrong with everything, so far, so I choose to ignore your opinion(s).

^You are a Warren guy so that's just kind of funny coming from you. 

is someone appealing to, working in/with the swinghole states or what?

if not, what timpane says is true.

i wonder what the real percentage of voters that went biden recently would have voted for bernie if he was up agaisnt trump? 50%? i dunno. guess we will never know...

good luck joe...

now to interfered, postponed, drive-through, touch screen, gerrymandered voting....


>> ^You are a Warren guy so that's just kind of funny coming from you.  <<

WRONG You're batting 0.000

Lol, Ned. You'll get what your looking for bud. You just don't know that you're ok with Trump. That's why you like Biden

Lol, Ned. You'll get what your looking for bud. You just don't know that you're ok with Trump. That's why you like Biden

Tell you what, Timpy....I will tell you how I feel/think, and I will respectfully not tell you how you think/feel.



Gabbard suspends campaign, endorses Biden.


Tulsi's not fat.

Yep brian, they drug test the same time they draw blood for your initial exam that is required. And to get food assistance you have to apply and one of the questions they ask is about drug use. If you answered no and test positive you have to go into rehab or you get removed from federal assistance for life because of the fraud. So instead people just don't go to the lab for the bloodwork and avoid it all together.  the food card is replenished monthly automatically and you only have to worry about it once a year . So you get signed up so you can eat but in many cases the free medicaid only gets used in an emergency. 

So what is left is a bunch of people being forced to sign up if they need food assistance. And every month the federal government pays the insurance bill for them...but most of those poor people might not elect to be seen or have a procedure because they use drugs.including weed. which is still illegal federally. 

^And Biden will keep weed illegal as long as he can lol. 

ned lol. my god man. i bet you make the worst hotdogs. haha! 


and bk -- dude you're partly responsible for turning so many off to the pz w/ your whole dogman nonsense. 

talk about asshole -- you treated the pz as your own shitbox, smearing shit on your face and anybody else's that wanted to post. 

fucking little bitch. kirly level shit. 

^^ I know.  What a joke. 

They could remove from schedule 1 and decriminalize possession and use. And then leave it to the states whether or not to allow dispensaries.  Imo 

That way it's simple without a big government oversight and federal taxation.

But instead they will tax the shit out of it and Instate huge licensing fees then focus on 'impaired driving' legislation that will empower law enforcement to force thc breathalyzer (that Isnt accurate)at check points and basically toss more personal freedom out the window like they did in Canada.  All in the name of legalizing weed.

Basically if you smoke even the littlest amount you still need have to wait 8hrs or so to drive because it is treated the same as if your shit faced drunk driving. 


I know facts are hard for you, ogkb, but here's one for you: the dude spent a year of his life trolling me 24/7, starting hundreds of threads about me. Threads would often have hundreds of posts, not one by me. I never once stared a thread about him, nor did I bring it up. It was his issue, not mine. Those are the facts.

In your mind the person being trolled is at fault, and the person trolling is in the right. And that is what makes you so wrong all the time. You're like a 12 year old with Oppositional Defiance Disorder. All you've got is some hackneyed and erroneous view of some even that happened, what, 5 years ago? Take a hike. You're the constant Kirley level shit, all day, every day. You're just too lacking in executive functioning to recognize it.



haha kirly level bk!  -- own that shit, mother fucker. 

we all know you were just as responsible. 

fucking loser. 

Look at you. I haven't had any interaction with you and you just keep coming at me, calling names and generally being you. Calm down with your troll melt.

Too much...



i'm contributing to the thread, just like you.

always wagging the shamey finger, yet you're knee deep in shit -- that's what you do. which is why you always find yourself in these situations. 

Yeah, take a look at my posts today and tell me exactly what warranted your name calling and personal attacks. Nothing. You're just hiding behind your brother and acting like you are.

Step down.

how am i hiding? lol. 

take a look at your posts -- name calling, angry, etc etc. all good. 

own up to it tho. stop acting like a bitch. 

you've been doing it for years. 

Please quote any names I've called anyone today.

Meanwhile, you've now trolled me and called me 4-5 names in the last hour. So aggressive.

today? lol. 

good stuff man, i'm not playing you're fucked up game. 

you sling shit. in this thread. everywhere.  accept it man. and that dogman episode was insane tho. tough stuff. 

kirly level. 


Dogman was the weirdo. 

P heat B heading towards a melty mc meltdown.


Time to turn down the flame bro.

< Please quote any names I've called anyone today.

Well you might not have said any outloud, but you were thinkin' some.

Too f'n funny. Hey brother Pyramid, quit while you're behind.

Interesting group behavior 

perhaps a lot of lashy outy (including some from me)


i was just thinking of kirley tha last couple of days...

let's all sing that Youngblood song....

(Loved seeing that band and banana and the bunch live at the original marine world.,.

and bob Marley one love 

y'all need to pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side

guys, for the sake of the country, bernie isn't dropping out -- despite what your coprporate media tells you and wants you to thinks 

who here does this infuriate? 




F902E6D4-FBF9-4B23-A682-278B8F716DCF.jpegrrg swingin'. lol. 


You're right. Bernie should stick it out and get steamrolled in FL and PA and OH and....

^not willing to fight for a stranger who has less than you. 


What does that even mean, pheater? Are you stoned again?


i wouldn't expect you to know.




hahahahaha. Is that a Young Turks, Cenk Unger pie chart, heater? 


A long lay off for Biden isn't good for him. He will most likely forget that he's running for presidential office soon. He'll be back sniffing at women's necks on public TV before we know it.

< for the sake of the country, bernie isn't dropping out --



you guys like my saying tho. 

have at it. 

ras you look different. sweaty.

votes so far:

Biden: 10 million (41%)

Bernie: 7.6 million (31%)

Warren: 2.5 million (10%)

Bloomberg: 2.4 million (10%)

Mayor Pete: 0.8 million (3%)

Amy: 0.5 million (2%)



I don't know where that chart came from, make it yourself?

Just wanted to stop by again and say how (thumbs up emoji) badass that pie chart is.

Just wanted to stop by again and say how (thumbs up emoji) badass that pie chart is.

Just wanted to stop by again and say how (thumbs up emoji) badass that pie chart is.

Young Turks take shady money but like to market themselves as freedom fighters.

fucking warren lol. sucks people like thod got duped into supporting her bs. 

horrible human warren is. 

Hey all, thanks for bringing me up to date.

The rare triple post. Nice work, JR.

so where's biden? lol. 

guy is way in over his head. fucked up. 

LOL at all the zoners who were so sure tulsi would run 3rd party

Vlad stopped cutting checks?

Thanks, Hilary!

Biden is gonna post some weird shit on Facebook while smiling saying #stayathome or some


make sure you leave the record player on during quarantine, make sure you hear words

I guess Tulsi decided to support the Democratic nominee.

Will Bernie do the right thing this time, or will he pull another 2016?

^Bernie endorsed Hilary. What do you think happened in 2016?

where's joe biden? 



Joe is currently hunkered down in the Brandywine Valley.

what a disgrace biden is. 

his response, or rather lack of, compared to bernie's, is quite telling. bernie's raising money for charity, leading corona discussions, pushing for stimulus for the people most in need. 

biden's team is hiding him b/c he can't speak, has no plan, and is just hoping it goes away. like trump. 

and you guys say biden is presidential? 

haha, insanity. 

Biden was probably busy lobbying on wall st for that 1.5 trillion dollar bailout and now that most of the working American class has been laid off or fired he has disappeared when they need help. What a guy

Hello pyramid 

ordering door dash?

I got a decent burrito the other day via doordash

dont tell me doordash is now a custie, centrist thing too!?  thats a fucking bridge too far for me

maybe we ordered via that last night?

trying to support some local businesses still.

but yeah, it is also kinda a custie thing, we all can be custies.



Never saw that Chevy, never heard the devil laugh​

^lol. biden has no idea what's going on. hahahaha. 

whats doordash? chain delivery service? 



>whats doordash? chain delivery service?<


Bye bye pyramid 


mental health issues are real

do you have insurance?

what's up my psychobabble baby? 

outside of the coronavirus situation, maybe some other kind of emergency, or maybe some kind of disability/immobility issues, doordash is like the very definition of custie.

you are paying a private delivery driver as well as a third party corporate mediator to provide you a service which essentially just entails making a phone call, driving 10-15min, sitting in a chair waiting for a few min and then just driving home. rather than know that your hot food has been rushed home as quickly as possible and treated as gently as possible, you're leaving it up to a random stranger to possibly treat your good roughly, take to long to deliver it, or otherwise do something that would degrade the quality of your food.

you are paying more money, getting taxed by a corporate technocratic mediator, and potentially receiving a lower quality product, all in exchange for a service that takes less than 30min and almost zero mental or physical effort.

im not saying its bad, or trying to shit on your for getting doordash, nothing wrong with getting doordash...but if thats not custie than what is?

When one is Door Dashing Taco Bell, are they really worried about the degraded quality of their food?

see, it is custie.

Biden looked disoriented in that last debate. He said he was "going to surge down to the border!!". Come on man he ain't "surged" since like 1970. That motherfucker ain't surging nowhere 

what I miss?  my fuckin grubhub driver was 20min late and my faux thai food was cold and I think the driver took a bite.  not only that, when I complained, fuckin technocrats gave me grubhub bucks instead of my actual cash back

I shoulda used doordash


^Did you get some faux Vietnamese bubble tea?

fuck me running.  thats not the real real bubble tea?!