Favorite Sugarees


To my mind, the Sugarees from Spring 1977 GD tour are the best, and in the month of May, they shine especially bright; the one from the Sportatorium in Pembroke Pines, FL is my all-time favorite, with the one from Fox Theater in Atlanta coming in a close second. They're mid-tempo, with great dynamics, and have what I'd call an explosive quality to the jams that's hard to beat. But you might see this differently, and then there's a whole slew of JGB Sugarees to consider, so what are some of your favorite Sugarees?

Pembroke PInes
May 22, 1977

May 19, 1977


In these types of threads, "Favorite version" is always a better way to go than "best version". No disagreements/arguing, just people's personal experiences, so good technique there Mike.

Here's mine, from the Warfield in '82....


Lance mean't to say YOUR  favorite version! (sorry if i'm overreaching)

I always dislike people that say it's the best ever. 

Opinions are like a..........

> "Favorite version" is always a better way to go than "best version"

My first draft had "best," but then I thought, "No, that ain't right." Glad you approve, Lance. I feel like I've been awarded the Good Zonekeeping Seal of Approval.

> 16+ minutes show opener

I haven't listened to that Lake Placid show in years. It's cued up now as my evening entertainment.

12-28-79  opener   and yes I was there.

Love the '83 Placid opener. Great shoe.

1980 JGB Sugarees are all very good :)

First show>Lake Placid

So my first song was an epic Sugaree

Never stood a chance when the bus came by

One of the greatest GD - Garcia band crossover songs.

I have to say there have been many heartfelt and interesting post-Garcia "Sugarees" by several musicians.


I'm partial to the one on After Midnight.   In attendance, trippinballz.


I never really liked Sugaree that much.



Per Setlist FM    519 versions...... First Played July 31, 1971 at Yale Bowl     Last Played July 8, 1995 at Soldier Field   361 times 

                                                 JGB   First Played October 23, 1975 at  Providence, RI     Last Played May 30, 1987 at The Stone    158 times   

 "Favorite version" is always a better way to go>>>>   1/5/79 Tour opener, kicked the doses into high gear with some whippets.   Emoticon with rose between teeth Royalty Free Vector Image


I love a good Sugaree. Agree on all the ones here listed above being awesome. I'm on a never ending journey to find interesting Sugarees throughout the eras that make me feel good, so here's a few I love from the 1980s, in no particular order:


1. March 28, 1981 (Essen Germany): this one is literally one of the most scorching GD versions of Sugaree. Here's video proof:


2. 6/21/1980 (Alaska)


3. 7/30/1983 (Ventura, CA)


4.3/25/1985 (Springfield, MA)

5. 10/10/1981 (Bremen, Germany)



Ah the sheer power of shutting down threads on Viva with the last word. I still got it folks

I can't speak for others, Lager, but I saw it as more of a listening break than a thread killer.

Lake Placid, first show, first song....Yup, you were doomed.

The Sugar Mag->Sugaree to open the second set on 9-11-87 was great.

I saw the JGB almost 100 times and never got to hear them do this. Bummer!

Not sure if this had anything to do with it but

I found out a few years ago that I was conceived at  a Jaycees convention in Lake Placid