Fighting Nazis


My dad fought Nazis in Germany.   I will fight the motherfuckers here.  Soldier Dad.jpg

I think that we are going to find out that many, many more Americans agree with Nazis than we'd like to believe.

Good. Maybe all this will expose their sorry, ignorant asses for who they really are.

Lest we forget.

Apparently, there are nazi sympathizes in Israel too.

I hate Illinois Nazis.

I told my boy to stay the hell out of the city this weekend. Nazis V Pats Fans.....not gonna be good.


you refused to vote for Clinton because you said she was the same as Trump.

I think you - and a lot of other butthurt Bernie supporters - failed your moral test when you refused to choose between a fucking nazi and Mrs Clinton.


Ive read the history of the third reich.

The Germans were suprised by the number of nazis too.


Fuck Yeah Nagan !

Just use a car not a bat

A third candidate is against the rules. 


there's a 94 year old wwii vet on Twitter ripping punk ass neo Nazis asses

>>you refused to vote for Clinton because you said she was the same as Trump.

I think you - and a lot of other butthurt Bernie supporters - failed your moral test when you refused to choose between a fucking nazi and Mrs Clinton.

Weird Steve, go fuck yourself.  Only dfifference is Cunton speaks better.  She'd have had us in many new wars by now.   I do not vote for evil.  Never have, never will.  Again, allow me to make myself clear, GO FUCK YOURSELF!

 If you didn't vote; shut the fuck up. 



good work Steve 

>> If you didn't vote; shut the fuck up. 

I voted.  Just didn;t vote for evil.

>>If you didn't vote; shut the fuck up. 

He didn't say that.  He said he didn't vote for Clinton.

I think you - and a lot of other butthurt Bernie supporters - failed your moral test when you refused to choose between a fucking nazi and Mrs Clinton.<<<

And who decides what the "test" is?

"I think" was pretty clear.

"I think" was pretty clear<<<

Are you suggesting that you have some form of "vested authority" to administer moral tests for others?

I don't know how the dude voted, but suspect Negman chose between "a fucking Nazi" and a very progressive, pro-environment physician-activist who took in only 1.6% of the vote in New York, which didn't affect the outcome of that state's presidential election considering Clinton took in 59% of the vote compared to Trump who only got 36% of the vote.

I chose between a fucking Nazi cunt, a fuckign corporate whore, corrupt, war mongering cunt and a progressive.

>>>> which didn't affect the outcome of that state


yeah but what about


lol what a mess you are

It needed to be hilary. 

It really really needed to be Bernie, but, ya know. 

So, a meaningless vote in a state where she was gonna win anyway. Check. 

You're a pussy and won't fight anyone Richie,  just like you folded to your weed charge after telling us you were going to fight it.  Don't play Mr. tough guy when your history has always been all talk-no action.

Thanks, Pennsylvania. 

Hey - make this about fighting Nazi's, not fighting Richie or each other.


As I said, if you think Clinton and Trump are the same, I think you have zero moral credibility when it comes to the Donald.

I voted for BERNIE in the democratic primary so my conscience is clear today. Also voted for CLINTON in the general election because well this explains it better...

Why the GOP Sides With the Klan and the Nazis

If you can’t win on issues, you win on racism.

By Thom Hartmann / AlterNet August 15, 2017, 9:25 AM GMT

...And it’s very, very hard to find an elected Republican (who isn’t a presidential wannabe) who will call this what it is: White Christian Racial Terrorism.


The answer is really simple: If you can’t win on issues, you go for what used to be called “wedge issues.”

The Republican Party has basically one goal and one reason for existence right now: to protect and promote the interests of the rich and powerful, be they billionaires or the big corporations that spawn them.

But no Republican will run a TV ad saying, “If elected, I promise to destroy the social safety net and give the money to the billionaires; I promise to increase the levels of pollution and cancer-causing chemicals in our food, air, and water; I promise to block renewable energy and increase your utility bills; I promise to cut the taxes of the fat-cats and record-profitable corporations, while throwing you a bone of a few hundred bucks.”

So what do they do? They create a “coalition.” They do, after all, need voters to put them into power (although it’s getting so tough for them that they have to rely on massive voter suppression among woke communities, and rigged voting machines and tabulators like were used against Governor Don Siegelman).

There are a number of American constituencies that really don’t care how big a tax cuts the billionaires get, whether health care and education are savaged, or how badly our environment is poisoned, because they consider their own issues to be so Far More Important.

These include the antiabortion/misogynists, the white supremacists, the anti-Semites, small-penis gun-nuts, and a very large group of white formerly middle-class people whose livelihoods have been wiped out by Reaganism and the so-called “free trade” policies that have been pushed by Republicans since Nixon...

>>You're a pussy and won't fight anyone Richie,  just like you folded to your weed charge after telling us you were going to fight it.  Don't play Mr. tough guy when your history has always been all talk-no action.

I'll fight you.


WhenI was 16 I was heading to the City one Friday evening and there was a nazi rally on the corner by the el station.  I watched them and, when they were done, I went up to each and every one of them and said to their faces, "Fuck you."  One of them pushed me away so I kicked him in the balls.   Cops refused to arrest me as I was defending myself.  They took the nazi in for pushign me,

As I said, if you think Clinton and Trump are the same, I think you have zero moral credibility when it comes to the Donald.<<<<

Think whatever you want, still not certain how it equates to some sort of "standard" re: test of moral credibility?

JR vs Shakes

I hope theres a free stream

So I guess Whore and cunt are acceptable to say but calling out shaker for his hypocrisy isn't?

And you wonder why no one wants to join or post on here judit? 

19.5, in your opinion, is there a difference between "I think" and "In my opinion"?


thats how it goes here on the new nannyzone & richies threat to fight you will go unnoticed also

hypocrisy all over the place

Voting your conscience gives you zero moral credibility?

Even so, Steve, you're pushing your morals. 

And Clinton would have been just if bad if not worse. 

Listen, Sessions sounds more conciliatory thn Trump....we are truly in the parallel

Viva from now on should just be birthday and positive vibes cancer threads.  That seems all admin wants here anyways.  

Right On Richie!


And if you fucks don't like Viva then go the fuck away.


admin really needs to stfu. amazing.

and shaming richie for not voting clinton, haha, we are back to this

BERNIE 2020.

new zone boo hoo we can't have our little sandbox pissing contests in every thread with the same 10 brah's



A Nazi thread from Shakes with a threat of physical violence would have been an easy triple figure pull on the Zone.

On Viva, it sputters along like a flat tire. 


19.5, in your opinion, is there a difference between "I think" and "In my opinion"?<<<

In terms of expressing one's belief (and limited to such) vs. a broader moral claim: no

I predict that hospice threads will soon be the rage on viva. 

RItchie fell for the Russian propaganda about Hillary. A Nazi in the White House is a better choice though, huh?

>>So I guess Whore and cunt are acceptable to say but calling out shaker for his hypocrisy isn't?

Call me out on what you want.  Don;t make what you say true.

>>richies threat to fight you will go unnoticed also

I didn;t threaten anything.  Just stated a fact.

>>A Nazi thread from Shakes with a threat of physical violence would have been an easy triple figure pull on the Zone.

Again, i did not threaten.


Seems like a timely topic, JR.

Here's more thread ideas, if anybody wants to run with these:

That Time The GD Played In [Insert City Name]


Festival Question: Smugglin' Weed In Your Shoes?

Trees: Post About Your Favorites

Did somebody say double standards?


Did somebody say double standards?


Twice even    lol

6 is playing the repeater!

As for the weed charge in Pennsylvania, I could have taken it to trial and won.  Thing is, their system is that they put your case on a list and you show up the first Monday of the month and wait in the courthouse for them to call your case.  There is a backlog so, on Thursday afternoon they will tell you to come back the first Monday of next month and do the same.  You may have to even come back the month after until you are called.

Now the case was in southwestern PA, a 7 hour drive from me.  This would have involved renting a car and paying for hotel rooms and being out of work for all that time.  That would have been very costly.  The deal offered was $1200 in fines and fees and a month unsupervised probabtion.  Now, if JR would have offered tocover some of the expenses I could have afforded to fight.  But being the cheap fuck that he is, he did not.  Alas, I used comman sense and took the deal.  Has it affected my life since?  No.

What's that all about

>>>WhenI was 16 I was heading to the City one Friday evening and there was a nazi rally on the corner by the el station.  I watched them and, when they were done, I went up to each and every one of them and said to their faces, "Fuck you."  One of them pushed me away so I kicked him in the balls.   Cops refused to arrest me as I was defending myself.  They took the nazi in for pushign me,

Sure thing washy. 

Many thanks to your Father for his service. 

If you don't like the Viva, post somewhere else!

Or just post what you want here


If Neggy had voted for HRC it would've had zero effect on the election results. There's literally zero reason for people to vote against their conscience when their votes won't change the outcome. Unfortunately HRC made a horrendous choice for VP, when she should've gone with Warren or Sanders. If she'd gone with Warren or Sanders instead of lord of the milquetoast she'd be POTUS now. Instead, she chose a centrist crony who wouldn't challenge her at all, and then she chose not to campaign in states she needed to win. HRC blew it.

yeah, hillary would not have emboldened nor fomented ANY right wing sentiments if she won!

And Clinton would have been just if bad if not worse. <<


Get a grip, dude.


I expect that kind of deep stupid here.  But not from you.

Lololol he shuddered at progressive. 

Then again, so not funny

Oh, and, my father the Leo pussy hid out as a chaplain's secretary to avoid fighting Nazis


>>And Clinton would have been just if bad if not worse. <<

She would have been.  Trump has been pretty ineffectual.

Hush turts or weirdsteve will bring you to heel..

You two make a cute couple dise. 

She would have been.  Trump has been pretty ineffectual.<<


I'm sure she would have rolled back environmental regs and started a voter suppression commission.

[We really need an "eye-roll" emoji here.]

>>I'm sure she would have rolled back environmental regs and started a voter suppression commission.

She did a lot of voter suppression durung the primary/caucus process.   100,000 people romoved from the rolls in Brooklyn (Bernie's hometown) for starters.

She was in favor of TPP which pretty much negated environmental regs.


[We really need an "eye-roll" emoji here.]


I am shutting this thread down. Richie your done here. Viva doesn't tolerate your violent threats,  misogyny and now conspiracy theories. 

JR, go fuck yourself. 

She was in favor of TPP which pretty much negated environmental regs compared to pulling out of Paris. 

I now know why they put instructions on Shampoo bottles 

I was hoping the Russian narrative would have worked but racism is the next best card to play.  Hug your children close if you still have them nearby.

^Trump played the racism card.

And Mueller has two Grand juries working on the Russian investigation.

If Bernie did win and at month 8, it would be Bernie Bush, or Black Bernie Bush coming from Negman's mouth, along with a cunt, and fuck thrown in for additional attention

Swastikas and mumus on a Wednesday evening. 

>>Hey - make this about fighting Nazi's

Sounds good. I nominate this for the thread theme song:

White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own

Black people gotta lot a problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick

An' everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
An' nobody wants
To go to jail!

White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own

All the power's in the hands
Of people rich enough to buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it

Everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
Nobody wants
To go to jail!

White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own

Are you taking over
or are you taking orders?
Are you going backwards
Or are you going forwards?

Egg Shaker,

Where did  you get this mad/angry/aggressive like this before the 3some with the dog & crackhead?

Did behavior start before or after that event ?


tell us about the MOST HIGH once are another JOKE

Telluride 87 was the most high. 

Frank3 why the hate towards Negman? Are your handlers at .net speaking through you? 

no hate . just asking questions


go tend to the underage folks fafa..



how long or how much do you stalk "other site"'ve proved yourself weirdo..bye, bye

He's a trump parrot, that fafa


Cool thread

Ha, funny stuff Franky, but when you lie down with dogs.....


 Post subject: frank3

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:49 pm 

Joined: Sun May 21, 2017 5:34 am
Posts: 162

great post on the nannyzone today, awesome 


 Post subject: Re: frank3

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:25 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:00 pm
Posts: 3
thanks for the welcome..but the PZ needed this





#onecanhope #itsinthecards #cps



Jesus Christ, one minute, we were fighting nazis and the next y'all are blaming each other for the election. Easy moment for unity around a common enemy and y'all blow it like trump. Same-o Lame-o.

Odds on this thread hitting 100.

7 to 5 

Sure someone could take the bet, then post 10 more posts.

But that would be cheating.  As honorable Zoners, we play fair!

I wanted Bernie over Hillary because, even though she calls herself a Democrat, Hillary is actually a Libertarian. And any amount of whining about Bernie-supporters not voting for Hillary is just that: whining. 

 >>>>>Hillary is actually a Libertarian

She wants smaller government?


Gimme some of what you're smokin'.

Is she an American libertarian or an European libertarian? 



Thom, being intolerant of people who are intolerant of racism makes you a racist.



"Fighting Nazis"


a timeless punk rock classic.

Yea he's clearly that guy

Gross as ever

And, angry as ever


It really is pitiful