Fighting Rigor Mortis (a D&C review)



In all fairness, I don't think the reviewer is a fan of jam bands, period.

maybe dosing people against their will isnt as bad as i thought it was

I remember when the Denver Post reviewed a 82 Red Rocks show and the reporter said he felt like a Klan member at an Isley Brothers Concert. Things were different in the 80's.

I skimmed the article but didn't see a mention of the Dark Star - Big River mash up. 

"Here comes the pointless and unspeakably loud drum solo, the only part of a Dead & Company show that's the same every night, so let's rush to the concessions and bathrooms."




(from the linked article above)

As much as Rory Appleton doesn't seem to get it, his riff on the Myth of Sisyphus–"But no, we're all meant to push that rock up that hill. Maybe we'll be rewarded at the top, or maybe the rock will fall back down again"–which Albert Camus used as a metaphor for absurdity, would seem to indicate that he does indeed get the Prankster angle at least.

Maybe Appleton just needs to follow daylight's suggestion so that he clearly see there is no rock and there is no hill.

Think I will listen to a few of these studio albums before I leave for work to brush up on these guys 

Besides that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

In all fairness, I was glad to go see D&C one last time in Cincy, I nearly completely agree with this authors assessment of this band and their performances.

I've seen them twice in person-2016 and 2023-because of this. THe cost of the ticket + the absolutely devastatingly predictable setlists and mainstream approach to Grateful Dead music is embarrassing.

The drums is the most interesting part every night.



Can someone copy and paste the article into the thread? Need a subscription to read


well than

Do they play Deal every other show?

I've seen some freeviews.  Are Deal and TLEO in heavy rotation?  Seems like it.