Florida At It Again

The herpes is spreading....



Our retirement funds are what we care about more than anything else!!!   We're scared!!!  Save us, Donny!!!

- 21.6% of Florida 

De Santis will veto unless Trump "takes back" all the nicknames.

Because dignity.

She pulled the bill back Monday after the dink governor said he'd veto it. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ron-desantis-trump-veto_n_65af2b6ae4b09e7...

Fuck Me

Florida Man and Florida Woman.  Fortunately, most of them are too old to spawn.  They can still catch the Early-Bird Special at the Boca Del Vista though, so they should be alright.

>>>Fortunately, most of them are too old to spawn. 

As long as 90% of retired cops from northern states move to FL it will continue to go ever more red.