Former Bush & Obama adviser Stuart Seldowitz


The mask is just completely off holy smokes

"Seldowitz was acting director for the National Security Council South Asia Directorate under Obama and was deputy director/senior political officer in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 1999 to 2003."

That's just sad. Guy was probably responsible for aid and saving the lives of thousands of Muslims over his career.  People get tired of "smile in your, face knife in your back"  a condition all people are afflicted with.  Soon the whole world will be canceled.  

Sure the guy who said he wants more Palestinians dead and is literally stalking and threatening a Muslim street vendor and his family with torture in his free time is probably a great hero who is being canceled for no reason if you don't count the obvious racism and threats involved.

This seems to be our world now. I see terrible behavior and treatment of others almost every time I go out in public.