Framing Britney Spears


Definitely worth the hour of your time, on HULU.

How the hell is it that someone can be sane enough to cut an album, tour, give interviews, do a Vegas residency and make $88 million in one year, but they literally have no legal control over their own body or estate? To fight it, she has to not only pay for her legal representation, she also pays for that of her Conservator, who she's trying to get rid of. It's astoundingly fucked up.

>>>>To fight it, she has to not only pay for her legal representation, she also pays for that of her Conservator, who she's trying to get rid of.

That was the saddest part to me.   No voice in this process and all her money being spent by other people.

Of course, this documentary is framed with a certain perspective.  I appreciate the lawyer who said we don't know the details.      



As a side note, Justin T. really taking a thrashing on this one.   

The ongoing legal control of all things Britney is a problem, for sure, but she put herself in situations with her kids that jeopardized her liberties. It's a sad story, and a uniquely American one too, I'd say.

Matt Lauer and Diane Sawyer are also taking beatings.

Her only power against her father is to not perform at all. 

>>>> but she put herself in situations with her kids that jeopardized her liberties

I am definitely no expert on the subject but I'll bite and open this up to discussion.  The things outlined in the show could include:


1. Driving with the baby on the lap (not excusable but her dad did this with her and it's not like it was repeated behavior).  Not saying it's acceptable but I do think it was an honest mistake and she moved on from it.   

2. Drug use is undefined at this point.  Hard to understand how much she did or how much someone else gave or is giving her as described in the video.   Or if she was around her kids.   I think a few here would probably not throw rocks in their glass houses.   Also, I would assume the dad had issues too and he has the kids so this seems to be a non factor.   

3. Attacking a truck which she was repeatedly provoked and hit her breaking point.   

What else am I missing?


I fell asleep in the 2nd half of the documentary. I need to finish it up.  I wonder how much the paparazzi slowed down if any when she started to use instagram? I was blown away that some of these photogs were getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single picture. 

The stuff with her kids would be a custody and parental rights issue, which is very different than conservatorship. I kind of get the impression that she's okay with the conservatorship, asking as it's not her father.

> her dad did this with her

Sure, but her Dad didn't have a squad of paparazzi documenting it when he did it.

> What else am I missing?

She had a few very public meltdowns, and at least a couple of private ones that resulted in hospitalization.