Free tickets to Spac outlaw fest this Friday


I have 2 seats under the roof, avail to transfer via tm

los lobos string cheese bobby n willie, what's not to love??

Nice offer. Unfortunate about SCI being on the bill but looks like a cool tour. 

Nice offer, fishcane.

willie with 2 slices of cheese :)


sweet offer!

wish I had a private jet from west coast :)

I'd grab them if you still have them.  I can make it for bobby at least.  Please n tkanks!

Hey there shoot me an email. I had someone say they wanted them but still haven't heard back with his TM info. I'm gonna give him a few hours and if I don't hear, they are yours....

[email protected]

Check your email, sent those tickets . Enjoy the show!!

I have 2 more tickets available if anyone is interested last minute 

Wolf Brothers last nite:  Bertha   Greatest   Dark Star   El Paso   Sailor   Saint   West LA   Speedway   Wharf   Sugar Mag


Fun show.... funny I gave away 6 tickets at the show with only a request to share a pic with me. Not one person could take the time to do so

anyone have tix for Forest Hills?

fishcane, that's some amazing generosity. It's pretty lame that it was met with stinginess of the spirit.

Maybe the folks who didn't take/share pics got involved in mushroom experiments.

Anybody know if there's a verb form of the word "Pollyanna"? Asking for a friend.

No clue, but it didn't seem like a big request tbh. Only because my phone doesn't take good pics and was hoping to get a couple nice ones in exchange for a night out on me. Couldn't have been a privacy thing as they all openly shared emails to transfer tickets to if they didn't want to share a phone number ... 

No tickets taken but here's a couple from the show ; ) Really enjoyed it. Definitely best Wolf Bros I've seen. 



Thanks for sharing. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Wolfs set

Very generous Fishcane, and no, not too much to ask to send a danged picture. People. Jeez. 

On the 10th, Andy (Tahoe) posted a link to the Park City show from the 8th. I listened to it working out and was half surprised how good it was. Not great for working out though. My go to is Billy Strings or that great first set from the Phil/Trey show in Glen Falls 10-20-07.

Bobby Weir & Wolf Bros 

Canyon Village – Park City, Utah 

Park City Song Summit

Sept. 8, 2023

Cassidy > Salt Lake City, Friend of the Devil, Queen Jane Approximately, Weather Report Suite > Let It Grow, I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight (With Ramblin’ Jack Elliott), Looks Like Rain (With Brittney Spencer), Heartache Tonight (J.D. Souther), Greatest Story Ever Told, New Speedway Boogie > The Other One > Wharf Rat > Terrapin Station Suite > Ripple 

In the interest of transparency, the PZ member here who grabbed one of my offers(the others were taken elsewhere)reached out afterward and offered to send some pics his daughter took. I think it's likely he didn't see my request for a pic until after the show but he felt bad after seeing my post here. It was a general complaint and not trying to single him out solely so I appreciate his offer