"Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0"


They can't be serious:



 “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein


If this is even remotely true, get ready for tRUMP's 2nd term angry

Hilldog: "Hold my beer"

The Democrat primaries will be a crowded affair so even if she decides to run, I doubt she will get the nomination.  No coronation this time around. 

2016 ll: This time, it's personal.

Never going to happen

Mark Penn has turned into a Clinton troll as of late  

When reality and The Onion meet...

The Democratic Party needs to wake up and put forth a viable candidate

She did win the popular vote. Who else can they viably produce?  I cant see it happening though.  Last resort only. We are fucked anyway since many voters dont seem to care about the absolute fucktard we have as the POSOTUS

I'd be happy to donate to her campaign 'again' and feel that she's still a great candidate. I say we should all give her a 3rd shot. 

I think Penn spends a lot of time on Fox News being a token democrat and he probably gets a lot of air time with this stuff.  I wouldn't put it past Hillary to consider it because she is literally that tone deaf. but I think this is more attention getting than anything at this point.


The GOP would like this to happen and the only people talking about this are republicans. Beto o'rourke 2020

STOP The Madness ! Move ON Hillary - It Aint Happening In 2020.

>>>The Democratic Party needs to wake up and put forth a viable candidate

i dont self identify as a democrat or left wing, but i might vote for tulsi gabbard...and i dont normally vote.

So who could the Dems run besides Hillary (71)....   Bernie Sanders 77,  Joe Biden (soon to turn 76) ???

Here's the rumored possibilities (in no particular order)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass), Sen. Kamala Harris (Cal), Sen Cory Booker(NJ), Sen Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn), Gov. Terry McAuliffe (VA), Gov Deval Patrick (Mass), Gov Andrew Cuomo (NY), US Attn Gen Eric Holder, Gov Steve Bullock (MT), and finally the one word wonders;  Michelle and Oprah 

Beto needs to be on that list ^

So who could the Dems run besides Hillary (71)....   Bernie Sanders 77,  Joe Biden (soon to turn 76) ??? <<<


NONE Of The Above ^^^^

GET A Vibrant One In Their 50s Or and The Like  of Eric Garcetti and The Like ! Get To WORK Dems In 2019 ! One With VISION and MORE VISION ! yes



“HRC2020 speculation exists entirely within the fantasy world of Republicans whose idea of heaven is to perpetually chant “Lock Her Up!” while reliving a whole generation of Clinton-hatred.

Penn and Stein should be investigated as political pornographers.”

When I read this article on CNN yesterday, I figured it was recognized as satire/trolling (the quote). How could anyone think it represents Hillary's people talking in earnest about her 2020 potential or plans? 

The Democrats need to realize that they are running for president of Florida and 3-4 states in the Midwest and choose a candidate accordingly. Obviously Hillary isn't running.

So presumably most if not all of you voted for this monstrosity, but obviously want nothing to do with her...this is a very enlightening thread, please continue.

lol, dude you voted and support trump. please don’t continue. 

Oh look, it's racist GOP supporter , Brayin'.


Brayin', please elaborate on your belief of superiority of western culture...it's very enlightening. 

So now we're criticizing Western Civilization?  That's beginning to be quite a long list.

We voted for her because of the alternative, not because we love her.

What were your thoughts on her foreign policy at the time?

Bryen's another "Psychedelic Cowboy" claiming that Trump was the better pick. 

- smh

No, Brayin', I'm referring to this little racist tidbit you posted...


>it isn't coincidence or happenstance that the revolution of consciousness is rooted in the farthest westerly points of the good earth...it's divine providence<



I know, Brayin', lies and deflection are all you have



>What were your thoughts on her foreign policy at the time?

My thought's were 'am I the biggest fan of Hillary, no, does Hillary understand what the term foreign policy means, yes'.  Ok, easy choice.  


The reality is if Hillary runs(I don't think she will) or another democrat that some see as a 'flawed candidate'(lol..flawed candidate....wtf does that even mean, that they're human???) and the 'progressives' look to the 3rd party by 2024 this country will be unrecognizable.





So you're one of those that think that 'neocon' Hillary would have gotten us into a full out war by now?  She would have named it after herself, amirite???  World War Hill.   Who are the enemies?  Do we have allies? Or did her 'horrendous' policy as secretary of state alienate all of them?  You know the ones that Trump disrespects on a daily basis. 



Bryen math:

LSD + Peace = Trump

I thought it was LSD + Trump = Peace.

I do believe that if Hillary had won the presidency that we would be in a large scale conflict right now, yes.  If there was a political figure in the history of the nuclear era that posed the very real threat of the end of civilization it was Hillary Clinton.  She is a bloodthirsty warmonger, and everyone on this message board is well aware of that.

You are incorrect, sir.

I've always said that Hillary is a hawk...much in the same way that Obama and Clinton were. Which is to say: they kept the military machine rolling and yet both managed to avoid full out conflict. Now, if we compare that to say...oh Bush Jr., Bush Sr. or Reagan, well, it's pretty clear who starts wars and who cleans them up...

ALD + Psychosis = Bryen


>I do believe that if Hillary had won the presidency that we would be in a large scale conflict right now, yes. <


You wrote that you also believe this...


>it isn't coincidence or happenstance that the revolution of consciousness is rooted in the farthest westerly points of the good earth...it's divine providence<


So it looks as if you are an idiot, as well as racist. 



Reshape the narrative anyway you like, she is a neoconservative that never met a war she didn't support, by 2018 she certainly would have had us involved in major conflict, that's commonly understood...if it makes you feel better to deny that, by all means continue to do so.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to bomb the shit out of the Muslim world, with an executive order to not worry about collateral damage. We are killing willy-nilly.

In doing so, we are breeding a generation that hates America. As we know, it typically means that shit will hit the fan in a couple of years.

An hypothesis that we’d be in a major conflict under Hillary is unfounded. There’s no prior data to back that up. An hypothesis that Trump is breeding hatred due to his bombings is completely founded in history.

Commonly understood by whom, and based on what data, past decisions, etc?

Just because you profess it, doesn’t mean it’s true. More of that Trump 101, right? Make shit up and call facts lies.

"that's commonly understood"

Any time this is your argument, you know you're pissing in the wind...

Who are we fighting and who are our allies?  

No one answers a Hillary question with facts -- only conjecture 'she would have cause I just know it!!' or insults 'I hate her but I don't know why?!?'



Great thread, good to see the usual nincompoops present! smiley

>> by 2018 she certainly would have had us involved in major conflict, that's commonly understood...<<

What conflict, where and with who(m)? If it's commonly understood then you should be able to answer these questions.

"Commonly understood" truly is a disingenuous statement. tRump uses the same sort of diction.

>>>>>What conflict, where and with who(m)?

Syria.  She was very hawkish when it came to Assad.   While America does have about 2,000 troops in northeast Syria right now fighting the remnants of ISIS and generally propping up a de facto Kurdish state, we have largely avoided direct confrontation with Assad and the Syrian military.  There have been a few limited missile strikes and engagements here and there, but nothing like the full on regime change and other more serious interventions Hillary was advocating.  

Hillary Is the Candidate of the War Machine | HuffPost


Let me guess the next response: "but but but i thought HuffPo is fake news, but now that it suits your narrative, you endorse it.

And around the hamsters go on the wheel.

Have fun you crazy fucking rodents!



Jesus Fuck.



Nice to see Chance posting in here this morning.

the dems are just like hollywood.

no new stories, just recycled has beens on their anniversary tours...

Ahhh... The Syrian world war.  Thanks for answering Ken. I had asked Bryen way back and then again who we were fighting and who are our allies but you were the first to jump. I expected Syria to pop up.  

Keep on keepin on the good fight brahs it's working!!   lol..  




Syria. Right.

So, just keeping score:

Obama not invading Syria: Bad

Hillary invading Syria: KILLARY!!!!!

We're all very well aware of that Turtle, in the proper context of course.  But thanks.  Keep up that fight to keep Trump in office. It's working. 



yes, because the country loves hillary.

dnc has Alzheimer's. 

"more serious interventions Hillary was advocating."


Seems like I remember Trump bombing airfields (after letting Putin know first), which uuuh....isn't that what Hillary was advocating?

The whole conversation changes later this week when Roger Stone and Don Jr. get the hammer dropped by MuellerCo.


No Turtle, the DNC was shocked that when given the choice between Hillary and Trump the country chose Trump. No one can understand that.  Defies explanation.  If 'Hillary' was a blob on a stool I'd still understand the right choice.  Blob would win over Trump everyday of the year.  


Do realize that The Blob is still a 'flawed candidate'. 


I don't think most Trump voters like Trump any more than most Clinton voters like Clinton. Trump told them what they wanted to hear about immigrants, taxes, and conspiracies. Rightly or wrongly the Trump demographic felt that their way of life was threatened, and "an enemy of my enemies" may not be a friend, but is someone they could hold their nose and vote for, just as I did with Clinton.

>>>>Seems like I remember Trump bombing airfields (after letting Putin know first), which uuuh....isn't that what Hillary was advocating?

The limited cruise missile strikes in April 2018 and last year were just pinpricks to save face.   Hillary was advocating full blown regime change (we know how well that worked out in Iraq and Libya) and a much more robust military intervention.  You know, ground wars in Asia type thing.

The whole country didn't vote for Trump. The next candidate should go to the Trump states and get their attention. 

Ken, can you provide some link where she says that? I'm not doubting you, I just don't remember hearing her advocating for regime change or robust military intervention...

Apparently Trump dropped 59 cruise missiles on an airfield, which, I have a hard time qualifying as a pinprick. Further, I can't find a single quote on the internet where Hillary every called for changing the Syrian regime or advocated for any more hard line policy. The only thing I can find is that she said she favored a more aggressive stance, and then in the same interview clarified that as meaning airstrikes on airfield, AKA, what Trump did.

>No Turtle, the DNC was shocked that when given the choice between Hillary and Trump the country chose Trump. No one can understand that<

the country voted for her, she won the popular vote, as un-popular as she was...

and it's actually easy to understand. its called the electoral college.

sketchy states with gerrymandered boundries.

anything else i can clarify for the group?


Thanks, Ken. I'll look through those soon. :)

I stand corrected. It's pretty clear that she has alluded repeatedly to the need for regime change in Syria. 

She expressly mentions the need to force Assad out in the BBC clip.   The other articles deal with Secretary Clinton's aggressive Syrian policy and long history of supporting regime change more generally.  This includes her calls for establishing "safe havens" in Syria, which would have necessarily involved imposing no fly zones and shooting down Syrian and even Russian warplanes if they flew into the areas.   That would have gone far beyond anything Obama and Trump have done in Syria and one can only imagine how that would have turned out. 

So we had a choice between Clinton, who wanted to stand up to Russia in Syria and Ukraine, and Trump, who is Putin's little puppet and allowed him to infiltrate our electoral process and launder some of his billions?


Tough choice.

Why are you people still talking the 2016 election. it's pretty sad.

Love, L

It's awesome to get a preview of Trump vs. Clinton ll in this thread without buying the PPV.

Yep.  Trump 2020.     

Turtle keep on pushing that anti Hillary sentiment. Step up on memes.  You do know that dumb people never look at memes. Never, ever has some dumb fuck ever clicked on some bullshit Hillary propaganda link made by a dipshit and took it hook line and sinker. Nope, none never done none done that der here.  Killary done makes abortness at 9 mosssth.




What do you guys think of John Hickenlooper as a candidate?

He's done a nice job in Colorado.

He's done great by CO & would make a great candidate. My completely honest opinion:  his name and look doesn't work. It's just that simple.  


Good thing Trump didn't hand over Syria to Assad and Putin.

So, there's that.


Oh wait, he did.

>>>his name and look doesn't work


I hear ya. He's definitely got that "your smart uncle" thing going on. 

You think Hillary the "war hawk" would've allowed this to happen in December of 2017?

Doesn't mater now, your President Trump did.


On 18 January 2017, Russia and Syria signed an agreement, effective forthwith, where under Russia would be allowed to expand and use the naval facility at Tartus for 49 years on a free-of-charge basis and enjoy sovereign jurisdiction over the base.[5][6][7] The treaty allows Russia to keep 11 warships at Tartus, including nuclear vessels;[8] it stipulates privileges and full immunity from Syria′s jurisdiction for Russia′s personnel and materiel at the facility.[9]The treaty was ratified and approved by Russian parliament, and the relevant federal law was signed by president Vladimir Putin by the end of December 2017.[10][11][12



MAGAnificent deal for Putin don't you think?

Nah, but Hillary (insert whatever)...

What if Hillary's name and look are the issue?

>"smart uncle"

Yep, it's sad. Idiocracy is rampant.


i have not posted memes.

the fuck you talking about?

Apparently people think Hillary WAS a war hawk.


Trump gave Syria to Putin.

I'd love to shake Hillary's hand and let her know how much I respect her. 

Just wondering out loud: is Jonas going to kill himself if Trump wins in 2020, or is he going to shoot up a local Green Party headquarters?

Atiex - Holy shit, give it a rest.

We're talking about Hillary again.


But you win the "mousiest voice" award hands down.

So you got that goin' for ya.

What are your thoughts on the gulag, TOD?

Good idea that was just implemented wrong; or bad idea that resulted in the state sanctioned murder of millions?


Mark - I'll get back to you on that... Hang tight.


Big $64,000 question is....

Are you cool with Putin having a warm water port (49 year FREE lease) for Nuclear Warships in the Middle East? 

I would've thought a "war hawk" would probably try to stop that don't you?

I guess we'll never know with certainty.

She gone.

... here we are.

She's not going to run.  I'll be interested to see who will.  Will the Dems go full clown car with their primary, or will it be a bunch of dweebs like Eliz. Warren?  Avenetti is a good start to the clown car list. Anyone think that there will be a credible GOP challenger?  

John Kasich will take on the Trumptard.

You guys will vote for a republican. Sad

Purely for entertainment value, i'd like to see Maxine Waters run.

Its going to be a big field of contenders, young and old.   It will be interesting to see how it all plays out in the primaries.

lol Ateix, only if it's in a state that goes blue.

Don Trump has a plurality.  I see him winning re-election.  Clinton's "last chance" should have been '08.  The Democratic Party will have a difficult time merging the lefties and the establishment clans.  The young folks haven't yet become broken enough to understand the pragmatism of presenting an electable candidate.  "Free this...free that."  It sells well.  It can't be implemented.  Kinky Friedman/Dave Chappelle 2020.

Ateix wants me to kill myself or others.  What a standup guy!  And Willows as always...  


Kasich/Hickenlooper would be a good ticket. GOP/Dem hybrid. I think they know the political climate and will not run as an Independent ticket if they think it will enable a Trump win. They will run as (I) if, and only if, the Dems can't find a shooting star (which there are none right now).

>>> Kasich/Hickenlooper would be a good ticket. GOP/Dem hybrid. I think they know the political climate and will not run as an Independent ticket if they think it will enable a Trump win. They will run as (I) if, and only if, the Dems can't find a shooting star (which there are none right now)<<<


Lol Ned, that's good shit.

If there isn't any bigger indicator than the Blue Tsunami that demolished the Republicans in the mid-terms, 

with a bunch of no name newbies and women shattering glass ceilings everywhere.

No need for a shooting star.

People are fed fucking up and that alone will be enough to handle this current scourge.


"Dems don't have a national message, they're a mess, they're all over the place".

^^^ Republican talking point.


Dems have one...

If you don't know it, you ain't trying to hear it.

The Democrats' national message is that they have talking points people might not be able to hear?

TOD, what is the Democratic message?


Health care?


Trump sucks...Give us a try?

Hey, I'm biased (slightly). Hick has been a great Mayor of Denver and a great Governor of CO. I have been drinking his beer and eating his Cherry Cricket burgers since the early 1990s.


>> People are fed fucking up and that alone will be enough to handle this current scourge. <<

I'm pretty sure that's what seadog et al were saying leading up to the 2012 election. They thought ObamaCare/ADA on it's own was a self-induced death punch.

All I'm saying is that if the ultimate Dem candidate is getting trounced in the polls come summer of 2020, I could see Kasich/Hickenlooper coming in to save the day. I don't see them being a Perot type ticket that simply takes from a potentially winning Dem candidate. 

TOD...who is the Dem candidate that you think can go toe-to-toe with the tRumpster?

What about all the indictments? 

What about them?

>>> The Democrats' national message is that they have talking points people might not be able to hear?<<<

No it's focusing on what we need locally but keep looking for that "national" message.

Just remember Healthcare for all is bad.

Enjoy your Kool Aid.

Jonas, do you think Trump will be on the 2020 ballot? Do you think he'll win your state? 

>>>>Just remember Healthcare for all is bad.


Is that what Cortez was shouting outside Pelosi's office?

You don't answer a question with a question.   

But yes, Trump will be on the ballot. And no he won't win CT. 



Ned - I think it will be someone with vision for a not a business as usual stance in Washington and pushes for the ideas

that support what is best for ALL Americans.

Not just white male pocketbooks.

That's a great bumper sticker, TOD.

Who do you see projecting those values? Please name a name (or two).

Ironically, that is exactly what a Kasich/Hickenlooper ticket would be. Bringing America Together...

Bloomberg sounds like he is interested in running in the Democratic primaries:


There was some speculation that he would run as an independent, but that would risk splitting the centrist and left of center votes, paving a way for Trump to skate into a second term.

I would personally like to see Merkley run and win the primary, but he may be too "vanilla" for some and doesn't have the star power like many of the others.  Again, it will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. 

Ned, I have no candidates in mind yet, gonna weigh it out. Just like everybody else should.


Kasich's "anti-gun" flip flop will only embolden gun nut jobs to get up and vote against him on that issue alone.

We'll just call that "he's a traitor, he wants to take our guns" vote.


Remember: Kasich's been in bed with the NRA up until recently.


So yeah, I think Kasich's toxic.

>> Kasich's "anti-gun" flip flop will only embolden gun nut jobs to get up and vote against him on that issue alone. <<

Yea, any Dem candidate will face the same labeling.

Times like these we could really use Mike W.

>>> Yea, any Dem candidate will face the same labeling.

Dems always have been labeled that, nothing new there.

Difference is Kasich's a Republican, which will make him a traitor, flip flopper and toxic AF with their base.

Republicans are hurting for a message, so why not try to sail an old standby "He wants to take our guns" this time 

they can crank it up to 11 by adding "Traitor" to their message and voila!


Oh and Kasich basically destroyed the education system in Ohio.

That info is coming from my wife's parents, who are retired lifelong teachers and her brother who has been 

teaching for 20 years, all while living in Ohio their whole lives.

But, go ahead and look it up.

>> Oh and Kasich basically destroyed the education system in Ohio. <<

No worse than anything tRump did prior to 2016....and he won.

You're assuming any Dem candidate can drop into the lovely slogans you dropped up there ^. It isn't that simple. If Trump runs again, there will need to be a game-changer ticket to beat him. A paradigm shift. Not hopey-changey #metoos.

>>>>>>>That info is coming from my wife's parents, who are retired lifelong teachers and her brother who has been 

teaching for 20 years, all while living in Ohio their whole lives.



Also known as an anecdote.

Kasich worked for Lehman brothers, will that hurt him with some Democrats?

Just TOD

Turning the country into a giant Colorado is actually a pretty awesome idea. 

Life is pretty good here, y'all.

Of all the Zoners we’ve had from Colorado Mark and Ned turned out to be the only sane ones.

When compared to Puddles and Gunner and Nick? lol

BEKIM should be on the good list.

OCLT - (Lehman) Does it matter to you?

I'm just pointing out some facts, you do you.


Ned - Hopey changing thing? Is that what brought the Blue Tsunami?


Timmy - "also known as an anecdote"

Don't take my word for it, go look it up like I had already said.

Sweet offer.  No spot taken.

>> Is that what brought the Blue Tsunami?

There was a Red Tsunami before Obama was re-elected in 2012. Derp.

Name your candidate or STFU, TOD.

TOD, I also pointed out a fact.

 I am curious if his past association with Lehman was a problem for Democrats.

Not sure why you are so defensive.

No, it isn't bothersome for me, but I'm more of a centrist. 

The talking point of "Dems need a superstar to win".

Yeah, ok. Lol.

You know that gerrymandering thing is about to be put to bed right?

So hopefully current gerrymandered voters will vote for Republicans?

Yeah that's not gonna happen.

That Citizen United thing...



Also, Nationwide Automatic Voter Registration and...

Restoring the Voting Rights act of 1965 that John Roberts gutted.


How are Republicans gonna win when they can't pick their constituents?


Question is...

How are you gonna keep your boy Trump in office now?

Ned - You mean the tea party ripple?

They gone.

But good luck with your "beer and burger" guy Hickenlooper and that shit stain Kasich fantasy.


OCLT - I re-read that, my bad.

T.O.D. is like a poor man's B-Rad.

Ateix bringing the heat!

Give me 3 names, TOD.

The 2020 POTUS campaign started last Wednesday.

I'll bet you a chicken dinner we end up voting for the same ticket in 2020.

Ned relax, I know you're feeling a lil stupid about the Hickenlooper/Kasich thing.

It's ok man, believe or not I recognize where you stand.

But damn.

You said Hickenlooper/Kasich.

Shits funny in a stupid kinda way.


I'm still weighing what's out there for possible 2020.

When I know, you'll be the first one I tell.

>>>BEKIM should be on the good list


Agreed. Bekim is a Good One, no doubt.


>>>T.O.D. is like a poor man's B-Rad.




>> I know you're feeling a lil stupid about the Hickenlooper/Kasich thing. <<


LOL. Not really. They have made a few appearances together over the past year. They have a plan to run together if the field of opposing candidates looks weak.

I'd consider that ticket. Could be exactly what the country needs 


I wouldn’t, and that ticket is what I fear. I understand that many people want a centerist candidate to vote for, but Kasich is still to the right of center. The devil is in the details. Keep in mind, the dude is staunchly anti-choice. Sure, he’s chill for a Republican, but he doesn’t represent my views in the least.

Kasich is the right guy.











For 1956.

>> Sure, he’s chill for a Republican, but he doesn’t represent my views in the least. <<

Does tRump?

Kasich and Chickenhoofer for Prez 2020!!!   I can see the signs now.   

Are you fuckers actually serious?  Kasich?  Liftenhooker?  Really?  



>>Does tRump?

Hell no, but what does that have to do with Kasich?

Why run a dude when a woman got more votes last time? 

Let’s say Kasich becomes POTUS in 2020. He’ll replace RBG with someone who is just as anti-choice as the two recent appointees.

I'd guess Hick would make that a non-starter before he's join the ticket.

It is good we have bryen around for comic relief.  Thom's schtick is just getting way too old.

A SCOTUS nominee under a Kaisch/Hickenlooper admin would almost certainly be a down-the-middle centrist with a judicial record so dry and non controversial it would make reruns of The Golden Girls look edgy.

Pence would nominate Mel Gibson for the Supreme Court.

Christ, let’s hope that freak never becomes president. I think that I’ll take Trump over his crazy ass.

Pence would release a cleansing fire upon the nation and publicly dress voters like TOD up as life-sized Cabbage Patch dolls for his own dark amusement.

Let that day never come. 

Hickenlooper single handedly changed Colorado from Red to Purple to Blue. Fact.

Hell, he legalized weed.

>>> Hickenlooper single handedly changed Colorado from Red to Purple to Blue. Fact.

No he didn't Ned, voters did.

>>> Hell, he legalized weed.

No, the voters did.

In what state do you residue, TOD?

TOD you've hit your limit for being wrong today. Please come back tomorrow and try again.

Ned, Hickenlooper represents the people.

The people wanted the legalization of weed.

Hickenlooper delivered for the people.


See how that works?


I like it when TOD tries to explain things.


     If recent events and some of the voices on this message board are any metric, it's probably best that democrats never see the inside of the White House ever again.

Under Hickenlooper's tutelage we have had a 8,000% increase in craft beer production, lift lines are shorter, every house gets practically free energy since it's so damn sunny all the time (thanks Hick!).

<<Dems elected 8 scientists, a caravan of women & 9 constitutional lawyers.
Republicans elected 3 felons, a Nazi, & a dead pimp.>>

Republicans elected 3 felons, a Nazi, & a dead pimp.

That should written on Trumps headstone



I'll reiterate that I've registered more democrats to vote than everyone that has ever posted on this message board combined, I'm still a registered democrat until I happen by my local courthouse to change my registration, but it literally sickens me to see what the party has become.  This is no longer JFK's party.  Good luck to each and every one of you, I hope this republic survives your hatred & angst.

>>>>This is no longer JFK's party


Owner shit

It's kind of like an X-Files plot...I never had this "breakthrough" thought before now, but I think it's a "eureka" moment, it makes perfect sense, by Hillary being the leader of the party, the party has assimilated to "become" Hillary.  If you think about it, it explains a lot, some of the people on this, and I'm sure many message boards have "become" their fearless leader, who they aspire to emulate...Hillary!  Lumber Truck, T.O.D., Ateix...I'm sure I'm missing a few, but whether consciously or subconsciously they have "become" Hillary, the leader of their movement.  Antifa, the "resistance", Jeff Flake...they are all in some way, shape or form Hillary.  Pelosi is Hillary.  Schumer is Hillary.  Kasich is Hillary.  Lumber Truck has unwittingly "become" Hillary.  The Democrats have "become" Hillary or pure hatred of all things America.


think about it

>>>>This is no longer JFK's party

JFK Party

images (5)_2.jpg

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 Bryen on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 – 10:21 pm 

I never had this "breakthrough" thought before now, but I think it's a "eureka" moment, it makes perfect sense, by Hillary being the leader of the party, the party has assimilated to "become" Hillary.  If you think about it, it explains a lot, some of the people on this, and I'm sure many message boards have "become" their fearless leader, who they aspire to emulate...Hillary!  Lumber Truck, T.O.D., Aitex...I'm sure I'm missing a few, but whether consciously or subconsciously they have "become" Hillary, the leader of their movement.  Antifa, the "resistance", Jeff Flake...they are all in some way, shape or form Hillary.  Pelosi is Hillary.  Schumer is Hillary.  Kasich is Hillary.  Lumber Truck has unwittingly "become" Hillary.  The Democrats have "become" Hillary or pure hatred of all things America.


think about it


I thought about it and I think you might have paralytic dementia

>>>>This is no longer JFK's party

Dude knew how to party --- babes, cool coffee table books, giant stash box...


lol, I think most liberals are Bernie fans....   Hillary's just a competent public official that the republicans have tried to destroy at all costs for decades.  Trump is not a competent public official, but republican'ts aren't capable of scrutinizing their own people.  (And it's not like Republincompetents didn't try to prosecute her for Benghazi to emails, and guess what, nothing happened, so either she was legally innocent, or once again they're incompetent).  How are those troops and that border invasion doing?  



All Democrats are Hillary 

Unconditional love for all





























































Hillary is watching you, Brayin'


...and love of country

^ right lumber?  

resist on misguided people 



Someday you'll actually love this country, it may take many years and experiences, but you'll love America 



Absolutely, Brayin', i love this country





Gaslighting assholes like you?


Not so much.


Steve Hilton said America can't handle one illegal immigrant crossing the border so he wants to shoot anyone crossing. 



Sure you do Lumber...sure you do






Brayin', don't forget to check under the bed, Hillary could be hiding there.

Lumber, I have a question...what have you ever done for America or the Grateful Dead Scene?

That's what I thought...nothing 

I'll consider answering your questions...


But first please eborate on the racist veiws you expressed in your California thread. 
















Don't forget to lock the basement door, I hear Hillary waits there until everyone is asleep 


you're bankrupt 

...which is a fitting end 

The "Hillarization" of Lumber, I'm sure you were once a promising young lad

Explain to me what any of you have actually done to bring about conciseness to the masses.











I'll wait

Brayin', why won't you clarify the racist bullshit you posted in your California thread? 




Please don't tell anyone about the Clinton/basement thing. It's a Democratic secret...we're not supposed to tell.


     All you seem to bring to the discussion, although you're one of my favorites and I think I would enjoy drinking beers together...but the copy & pasting...you're more intelligent than that.

Lumber...you're an idiot, I hope good things for you, but you're an idiot. 

Lumber, I'm curious, how many shows have you attended?

This one I'll answer,  Brayin', but then I'm done for the night. I have to get up at 5am


I am assuming you are referring to Grateful Dead shows...


In the neighborhood of 70, don't know exactly.  


I have a suspicion that many people on this message board have never seriously attended Grateful Dead, JGB, or Phil shows, but just log on as if they were actually a part of the scene...that's by definition unprovable, but it crossed my mind.  

Then we have probably met...just guessing, you're fortunate to be an American, would you agree?

Sorry, I like memes, pics, art in general...   but others have complained about it too.  But it sometimes is a more direct punch than trying the futility of providing an evidence based system of reasoning that you have categorically rejected in every thread on this page.  Lumber is right in asking you to explain your comments.  While I also enjoy the discussion, and would enjoy a beer as well,  I don't think there's any way to get around the stalemate.  I'm a science nerd, and no amount of proven information we bring will have any influence on you, so easier to just post a meme showing trump to be the treasonous racist and chief that he is.  Ever read kelly anne conways husbands opeds, fun stuff!  Or any professional who's left the white house, same.  They all rip on trump for some extremely dangerous and incompetent actions.

And just to make it personal, my mom worked at the White House for over 20 years, 4 administrations,  including 8 with Hillary.  Loves her to death, a very intelligent, passionate, caring public official.  Not the pinata you and that new bat shit crazy religion called Republicanism would have you believe.   Why can't you guys critique your own party?  


There's no other country that Grateful Dead tour could have happened, we should all take a moment and thank everyone who made that possible, it's all a dream that was dreamed one afternoon long ago.  

Ever heard of Gypsies? 


     God bless you...for some reason I think highly of you, but you are completely brainwashed.  I'm convinced it's not even your fault.

Questimating I saw Garcia 225 times, not that it matters, but maybe it does...then again no, it matters not, namasté


orange county lumber truck...my spirit respects your spirit.  Enjoy the day that has been gifted!






The feelings quite mutual, sad you don't have any details to back your case...  EVER...   isn't that brainwashed, when you only have empty rhetoric, and can't explain any of it?  I do believe you are looking in the mirror with your assessments,  must be from living in that factual vacuum...   


     You have no idea of which you speak, you are a good soul, I'm going to buy you a beer someday, funny story...I thought the song "Last Train From Poor Valley"  was the "Last Train From Corvallis" for years.



Another funny story you'll appreciate...we drove the double decker school bus to the Ruch barter fair and arrived in the middle of the night, this teenager was monitoring the front gate and was telling us "we're closed until tomorrow morning", we told him "I don't think you understand who we are, we're the crew that was scheduled to arrive after midnight", he said "oh yeah, I heard about you guys" and let us in...funny story.


Some of my mining claims are across the road from where Steve Millers recording studio were down near there (Williams).  They still have parties and weddings there.  And festival stories are often the best!  Billy K and his gal liked hanging at soundcrew camp instead of musicians camp at the Oregon Country fair, we don't care who he is, lol...  can just blend in, be himself.  

I enjoyed putting tarps over the speakers stacks, while the Dark Star Orchestra was tearing it up, huge bolt of lightning goes in a giant ring over the stage and crowd, had the perfect view for it, was getting rumbled from above and below!  

When you guys are older, you'll get it, Hillary is pure venom, that the democrats have built their world around that will be the undoing of the party, and honestly, good riddance.  You can't lead a country from a perspective of absolute hatred of said country.  Hillary will be the fait accompli of the democrats and rightly so. 


     We should drink heavily together, I like your style, you're brainwashed politically, but that shouldn't get in the way of our friendship...I respect your abilities on guitar, I'm an accomplished guitarist myself, I specialize in Garcia solo acoustic 

I may be mistaken, but I feel like I'm the very best at Garcia solo acoustic guitar...if anyone has any requests I'll make a recording 

You have something against Libertarians?  (my first election was Reagan / Carter, I voted 3rd party, just like I did with Trump vs Hillary, you're so quick with your accusations, but so void of substance to back them)

I say critique all of them, equally, often, and for the same reasons.

I also believe the RNC and DNC are two wings of the same bird, while the party platforms define divide and conquer.  

I've wrote in a libertarian the last 3 cycles...so no, I don't have anything against libertarians

Traveled and worked on the Howard Dean campaign, trying to stop a war...I was in Iowa for the "Dean Scream" with 250 volunteers at a bar across the street from campaign headquarters, at the time it felt like positive energy, but CNN distorted the audio and ran it in a continuous loop like 700 times in the next couple days, surgically ending the campaign.  History will not be kind to CNN. 

There's a long list of dethroning's based on a bad moment, or tank ride, or scream, etc...  

Doesn't seem to apply to the current guy, every day a lie, another lack of understanding of how anything works, completely goofy comments about shopping and ID, 15,000 troops camped in mud on the border with mexico when they could be helping with relief effort on the wildfires...   

The only thing he's really good at is badmouthing people, insults, such a fine example for our kids and grandkids (great grandkids)

Bernie likely the only candidate who isn't a warmonger...   Trumps been bombing the shit out of everything, refused to honor the troops with a visit, has made huge mistakes in Afghanistan causing many deaths, and seems to encourage the murder of members of the press... 




The unadulterated version 




     You're incorrect, you're a wonderful human being...I think highly of you, but you're incorrect on your assessment of this presidency, and that's ok, it's probably due to your surroundings.  Do you watch CNN disproportionately?  That may be part of the dynamic.

No, I know people on the inside...   the dude is nuttier than squirrel shit...  

You may be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome...it's an actual condition, I fear it has taken over this message board 



CNN followed Faux's lead by doing the opinion panels vs just reporting facts...  PBS and BBC are arguably the best as far as TV news goes (I just often don't have time for it)

I just love how you exemplify what you accuse others of, such basic psychology too, lol...    i'll stick with the facts;  Read his transcripts from when he was sued for racist housing practices 45 years ago (i've read them), could go on forever with facts you've never been able to rebut, but we love you anyway,  so determined to protect your guy, no matter how anti American he is.  

It's all about the base,  'bout the base, 'bout the base...  

^ TDS 

It's an Oregon thing...I get it



have you guys figured out how to dry herbs?

I'm not from Oregon 

(and it's a search for the truth in all things, kind of thing)

FWIW, one of the Merry Prankster kids is a trump supporter, he likes pulling his gun on us....

It's always kind of "wet" up there

Michelle Obama hugging my Mom at the White House, thanks for over 20 years of service there!



I met Ken briefly, he had the bus at Autzen...I hopped onboard, it was a beautiful moment 

That's cool, I respect that

Did you spend time in DC?  I was at the Saturday night Ripple in '88

I was also at the Other Ones in DC the night Nancy was handed the Gavel, I have a "handmade" poster that was individually printed from an antique press from that evening 

I've met Ken a few times, smoked a joint with George Walker at his Eugene home a few weeks ago...  Most of Kens cars are at Georges other home, should take a pic of them and post it here next time i'm up there, be perfect for that car thread...  


Grateful Dead 9 3 88 1st Elecric Ripple in 17 years!!SBD sound



Ken was behind the wheel with some kind of transistor headphone/speaker setup, as if he was communicating with people on another plane of reality...the energy level was omnipresent, you could cut it with a knife, you also had the feeling you were in the presence of genius.

>>> ...you also had the feeling you were in the presence of genius.


unlike now


     This is a great song to play as the soft new snows of December lightly fall around your cabin



Liquid Monkey = Genius 

New Kona

Pop. 1

 >we have probably met...just guessing<



Could be. I've met a few racists assholes over the years.



On a scale of Troll to Hillary Clinton:

Kona = Troll legend

Bryen = Hop fueled shart


But he's cool with Trump giving Putin to Syria and allowing his Nuclear Warships in the Middle East.


"You can't hug your children with nuclear arms"


Keep up the strong work brother bear.


*Syria to Putin

bryen-why have you registered so many dems? 

its not like the dem party is drastically different than 20 years ago or so. how could somebody who’s registered

more dems than anybody here be so hardcore trump? what happened? 

>>>>>>You have something against Libertarians?



Much like The Doors, Libertarianism also sounds good and makes sense when you’re in high school but not so much as an adult.

LOL no one asked Bryen how many GD shows he went to (poor thing).

Some weird psychology going on in that kid's head.

>>>>>LOL no one asked Bryen how many GD shows he went to


Nobody cares about that.  It’s all about JRAD these days.

"its not like the dem party is drastically different than 20 years ago"


Yes, it was radically different...that's what people don't get, we were trying to stop the Iraq war by unseating George W. Bush, fast forward to 2016, Hillary Clinton becomes the neoconservative on the ballot, the very ideology we were fighting against, small minded people just recognized that she was on the blue team, and in their conditioned perception blue means peace and red means war, which used to be correct, but she was a wolf in sheep's clothing, I'm convinced to this day most people still don't understand that.

>it was radically different<


in what year or decade?

pretty much the same. maybe you never noticed?

>> small minded people just recognized that she was on the blue team, <<


Your small mind can't see that some people saw tRump as a much bigger danger than HRC.


2004      stop the war in Iraq 

2016      war in perpetuity, possibly starting WWIII


radically different 





Bryen is like the Pulse nightclub shooter in many ways.

Ned, you're an idiot

Is that what your gut is telling you? lol

Dude, you hate the 'brainwashed', yet you yearn for acceptance through how many shows you went to, blah blah. You don't know jack-shit about anyone here. You're no less an idiot than I am.

because bill or obamma didn't bomb anyone?


Just for the record, Senator Clinton voted in favor of invading Iraq.   She later said it was a mistake after the invasion turned into a big costly shit show and it was revealed the whole WMD justification was a lie.

Bryen - Stop calling people idiots...


You good with Trump being so cool with Putin?

Pretty simple question.

I fully agree that Obama was a continuation of the Bush foreign policy, that was the catalyst of my realization of the false dichotomy, the illusion of red team/blue team, that same illusion was being "weaponized" to usher in a neoconservative in sheep's clothing, Hillary Clinton.  

Yeah Ken, Republicans lied about the WMD's, Hillary voted for invading Iraq and she said it was a mistake.


What is your point?

...and I also acquiesce that most of you will never get it, I'm entering into the resignation stage as far as that's concerned 

>>>>>>What is your point?



>>What is your point?<

you are a political simpleton?

>>>>>most of you will never get it


See, Bryen, this is why most of us here don't like you. It's not because of your Trump love, but because of your superior attitude.

>Someday you'll actually love this country, it may take many years and experiences<



Brayin', you talking about getting married, raising a family,  losing your home to a natural disaster,  being displaced for more than a year, having your children's sense of security and their innocence robbed from them, not waiting for handouts and rebuilding our home type of experiences?


Or like tripping at a show, and seeing God in Jerry's guitar, as the first notes of Stella Blue hit your ears?


Because I'm familiar with the former, not so much the later

figure it out, fail to do so, it matters little in the grand scheme of things, enjoy the day

What is your point?>>

Good point, with the vote based on fabricated GOP lies the statement has no point.

Maybe you saw it in phil's bass?



Sorry...edit 12:47 post...


>>>>What is your point?

There was a suggestion above that the Democratic party, and HRC more specifically, had transformed from being doves in 2004 to being hawks by 2016.  My point was simply to clarify that HRC has never been a peacenik, as evidenced in part by her vote to invade Iraq.  I get it that Cheney & Co. duped a lot of people with the WMD BS, but they did not fool 21 other Democratic senators and one independent who voted against the resolution.   

Turtle - Pollitical simpleton?

How so?

She voted on false information, created by the Republicans.

She said it was a mistake.


No Clinton apologist here.


76 other Senators voted for it.


If that vote was held knowing it was a full on bullshit lie, you think we would've went to war on that premise?


Timmy - 4.3

yeah, ok buddy. Lol.


Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.


What impact did influential zionists have in crafting the WMD narrative? PNAC was full of them, guys like Kristol, Kagan, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Rumsfeld.


>>>>>>She said it was a mistake.

No Clinton apologist here<<<<<<




Yeah, pretty sure that was the point of Kens statement that you responded “what’s your point?” to.


Take a lap TOD.  You're a little lashy outty.

Votes are all tied to political connections.   I don't buy that our politicians are voting on content .....they vote based relationships.   

Hillary won't run.  She'd be a fool to do so.   

Orange County, you do realize bry is simply an antagonistic troll.



Hillary won't run.  She'd be a fool to do so.>>>>>>>>

Obviously not, the story was planted by the GOP to divert attention away from trumps latest barrage of national embarrassments..

Sure do, fog, he is also a bit racist.

Sure thing Timmy, Ken got right to the point from the time he started the thread (Hillary)  to the war hawk narration.


I forgot you're the Ken whisperer. Lol.


Since you understand Ken so well, let me ask you this...

Why does Ken always take a passive aggressive approach to everything Hillary.


She's been gone a couple years now, might want to let him know she's not relevant anymore.



I follow HRC on Facebook and I'm inspired by her every day.  Hoping Chelsea will run for office one day. 

bry isn't the only antagonistic troll running around here, lol 

Hi Timmy.

>She voted on false information, created by the Republicans.

She said it was a mistake.<<


so...she's either the political simpleton or complicate in perpetuating the war machine.





"This is a very bad idea, House Democrats. It makes no sense whatsoever to give Republicans veto power over progressive legislation." 

^^^^Dise I agree and this topic needs it's own thread do you mind starting one?? If not, do you mind if I do it?? 

Progressives back Pelosi for speaker — in return for more power

The Democratic leader promises plum committee spots and more sway over legislation.

By RACHAEL BADE  Updated 11/16/2018 05:28 PM EST


...Pelosi's overtures also speak to progressives’ growing influence in the Democratic Caucus. The Progressive Caucus will increase its membership by at least 20 members next year, and comprise about two-fifths of the caucus. Its leaders intend to use those numbers to boost their power and agenda — starting first with committee assignments and leadership positions, then expanding into legislation...

'A Staggeringly Bad Idea': Outrage as Pelosi Pushes Tax Rule That Would 'Kneecap the Progressive Agenda'

"This is a very bad idea, House Democrats. It makes no sense whatsoever to give Republicans veto power over progressive legislation."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer


...House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—who is currently fighting back against efforts to prevent her from becoming House Speaker—is pushing for a rule that would "require a three-fifths supermajority to raise individual income taxes on the lowest-earning 80 percent of taxpayers."

You have my permission, Oaks.

Do whatever you want, Nostrand