Is the GOP intentionally killing people as a political strategy?



Looking good in the Bible Belt! Hoping that Delta finds some religion and spends a lot of time in all those mega churches.

God's will or Darwinian survival, you decide.

Who's to say it can't be both?

Yee haw! Take out the Republicans! Oh yeah - with sympathy to the families. 

Probably the only reason some repub leaders came out in favor of vaccines. They're just worried about the election - not people's lives. 

Montana just passed a law making it illegal to require vaccinations (other than the prexisting vaccination requirements for children attending public schools, as I read it).

TN is gonna bring back Polio.

Damn near impossible to fix the republican variant of stupidity, they'd rather die than think

They can't help but to practice voter suppression 

My prediction of a "Handmade Tail" America keeps on getting closer and closer. 

It's pretty simple. In the places with high vaccination rates, numbers went down. Outbreaks started back up in low vaccination areas. Delta is gnarly, and when vaccinated people get it, it isn't that bad.


Fucking idiots.

The variants would subside with increased vaciination rates but I guess that is too much scientific fact for some folks.

LA is reinstating an indoor mask mandate as of tomorrow I believe. The hospitals are getting overwhelmed again, and almost 100% of those needing hospitalization are unvaccinated.

Maybe all these anti vaxxer twits could sign a release: they don't want fake medical care for a fake virus that requires a fake vaccine.

...more "fake" deaths to follow

They're trying to control us through fear. Without CNN and MSNBC, there would be no COVID.

Next winter when this beast comes back with a vengeance (and likely new variations),  they'll get their self fulfilling wish of end times, cause that next half million dead will be non vaccinated republicans (and of course, the immune compromised like cancer patients, and other innocents the GOP doesn't mind slaughtering along the way)

Pro life, my ass!!!

And I won't feel bad for the religious leaders that are going to lose a lot of money because this;

(hell, what am I thinking, they're so well invested they'll still be able to afford more private jet planes, because Jesus needs to get there fast and without distractions!)

Well at least the hundreds of unvaccinated people who still die each day in this country will go to their graves with the satisfaction of knowing how they "owned the libs."

Unvaccinated Zombie Apocalypse !

Are the sweater vest crew vaccinated?

Does the GOP love the dead 

Ot does the GOP love people that are dead dead

How can the evangelical preachers become billionaires if their flock is all dead 

Only libtards get vaccines. 

>>>LA is reinstating an indoor mask mandate as of tomorrow I believe. The hospitals are getting overwhelmed again, and almost 100% of those needing hospitalization are unvaccinated.

Hospitals are not even close to being overwhelmed in Los Angeles.  There are 400 covid hospitalizations in a county of 10 million people.  

This is not an argument for or against masks, just educating Mikey on some facts.


Only Trump-Humpers don't get the vaccine

And poor people.

<<  I won't feel bad for the religious leaders that are going to lose a lot of money because of this;

Not to mention this -- another all too familiar epidemic.

Diocese of Norwich files for bankruptcy amid abuse claims