Grateful Dead on QVC


A little backstory:

About 20 years ago, in a different profession and life, I had a gig  bringing products from concept to on-air sale on QVC. I was down at their offices in West Chester meeting with buyers from different departments. One buyer commented on my Jerry tie, and we started talking about PL&F. She said her husband was on some innerwebz community, which turned out to be the Zone. Small world.

A little while later an got a CD in the mail. The Zoner sent me a tape of when Big Steve and Dick Latvala we're on QVC. I had t thought about that in years, but just  Googled it. The first 10 minutes is kind of hilarious. Check it out:

Dude, that was a trip...

I was able to watch less than two minutes of that and that was all I could take.

And people say they're jumping the shark now?


I guess if the best you can be is a glorified roadie for life, you take what you can get.

What a legacy.

I remember seeing that when it was originally aired.

A little different than selling the music out of ice cream trucks ala Ron Rakow.

I guess he was Garcia's road manager, as much as that road could be managed.

The first time I saw Parrish was in 1969 (my first GD show) when he was throwing a random stage-crasher out the back door onto the railroad tracks.

I'm pretty sure he's still that guy.

> I was able to watch less than two minutes of that and that was all I could take.

I scrolled through about a minute of it. That was more than enough for me.

Latvala was tripping