The Great Montgomery AL Riverfront MollyWop of 2023



Saturnday, 8.5.23 is now FuckAround&FindOutDay

and i am sooooooo all in for it!!!!!!!!!

kinda/completely not surprised it hasn't been mentioned here yet.

first of all:

the black worker was not lynched in public in broad daylight with onlookers filming it: Win #1

the dumbass privileged white dooshnozzles not only were completely white all the way, they stayed at the scene of their crime because also add arrogant.

and, 3rd, watching the black folks step up, swim up, and SHOW UP for their brother was so purely JOYOUS


this port is a major slave auction historical site, complete with "warehouses." for HUMANS

a couple of hours before this, a local woman had a ceremony of Healing with other WomenOfColor, and lotsa folks are saying the Ancestors were StirredUP

much like my 2025plan thread, this'll likely go nowhere, lol d'oh.

whatever is up with this place, my formerly well read words have become ignored and meaningless here.

ain't stopping me tho!






I read some song lyrics recently...  

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
'Round here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Hey jlp, check out August pics thread for more about Montgomery.

Aquaman jumping into the water and swimming to the dock to protect the security guard from the mob of racist assholes was pretty cool.

Prosecutor says not a hate crime. WRF?!



Somehow I don't see the white trash giving  that beat down to a white captain 

Then you haven't been around drunken boaters.

No surprise that the racists are denying that it was a hate crimd

 Nothing is shocking at all anymore from cheeto's faithful baboon followers.  Nothing.

Enough of your histrionic hysteria Nancy.  I've watched and listened  to the video.  Didn't hear any race-specific language, just what sounded like drunken idiots attacking a dock worker.  Humans doing stupid shit to other humans.  It wasn't some Klan rally.  I detest racism as much as anyone, but that's not what happened on that dock, and your brushing in broad strokes is sensationalist.

Kudos to the person who swam over to help, and to all who intervened to assist the guy getting attacked.  People helping people. That's what should happen and is the lesson to be learned here.  When a fellow human is down, lend a helping hand.  It's as simple as that.  No need for provocateurs and bored social media shit-stirrers to exploit the situation for their own misguided agendas.


Should be interesting to see where this high-handed (and not without its own histrionic content) Dave-splanation takes this thread.

There aren't many actual racists in Dave's world 

but "drunks" always get the benefit of a hundred doubts




Racists are easily triggered and prone to tantrums 




Get ready for the 'I'm not a racist, but..' rant

Dave could you be more white ? i knew this place would have a perspective of #caucasian, lol, guess you wanted to win?

they tried that shit in a town where slave trade was so deplorable there are human warehouses on the tour. and in the shadow of the auction block

the Ancestors were PRESENT

Judit i will check it out

there is already plenty of merch on etsy lol

((((((((((((Folding Chair Sticker)))))))))))))

by the by, that right wing small town faux country dude is from somewhere like Macon fucken GA. Johnny Cash would kick his ass




Never mind.

wow herbal dave thinks race had nothing to do with this.....really man?


I saw a near re-enactment while bike riding down on the Venice Beach Boardwalk on Sunday when a very tattered (black) addict grabbed some cash from an Asian vendor and tried running away. They were very quickly after him and made some serious head contact with a billy stick before a few more people jumped in kicking his ass after he plowed over a lady with her little one while trying to escape. Then a couple black women jumped into it triying to defend the perp, saying they were ganging up on him and should just let him go. It all seemed to be escalating from there while I scooted. I think the cops were en route but it sure was messy and sad all around. There is a marked degrade on the streets of many places as fentanyl becomes the main problem.

> wow herbal dave thinks race had nothing to do with this.....really man?

Dave's not here.

strawbud your story has zeropointzero to do with the Birmingham thing. 

your shit just comes off as racist, frankly

and it gives me such glee when i wish a Black person a happy August 5th and their response is:

same to you (:

August thread with 2 pix lol (shruggy emoji)

Happy August 25th to everyone!

Sorry you feel that way, jlp. I happen to hate thieves (and racists), regardless of their color, and so did the asian guy who beat his ass for stealing from him. The only racists in that mix appeared to be the black women (who knew nothing about what actually happened) while defending said (black) thief. No big deal. You weren't there either but seem to arbitrarily like calling people racist. I admit that my story isn't an exact fit but does show how race/racism can take center stage and unnecessarily twist and escalate situations....sorta like what you did here. Cheers. Have a good day.

^ yeah I just read his story as a recounting of events. It's a whole 'nuther discussion why we, and should we, include race and ethnicity in our descriptions of other human beings.

But what do I know... I'm delirious. Carry on.


No two crimes are exactly the same and so extrapolating from one to another is not logical. Folks of African decent have been brutalized and terrorized for 400 years in this country by white folks.  Still continues in many guises to this day.  Has this caused ongoing problems? Da!  And when I say brutalized that doesn't begin to convey the degradation that the dominant culture has perpetrated on folks of African decent. There is a portion of American society that just doesn't want to look clear eyed into our extremely ugly history.  That is a problem.  


Do African Americans commit crime? Sure. Do Whites commit crime? Sure. Do Asian Americans commit crime? Sure. These truths shouldn't get in the way of honest conversation about our history and its repercussions, but it does.  There are serious pathologies that exist on a societal level that are directly related to our shared history. All societies and all the cultural groups within societies have pathologies.  How these pathologies are recognized and dealt with is varied and telling.


Fundament questions need to be asked and openly discussed.  I would imagine none of the following questions were asked at the recent Republican debate, but I think they should be.  Questions like:  'Are all races human?'  'Do all children posses the potential to excel at the high intellectual levels if raised with love and quality educations while free of excessive and sustained trauma?'   'Are all persons created of equal value and worth?'  Are persons with intellectual and/or physical limitations of equal worth to persons who are gifted with extreme intellectual and physical abilities?'  Just to state a few.

A GOP primary debate might not be the best place to start asking those and many other serious questions.

I pretty much agree with you and it is largely an ongoing travesty but also wonder if this is the part where we continue pretending that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson aren't racists? What about reparation payments for descendants of slaves? My grandma's brother fought on the nazi side of WWI (he came back with no limbs and arranged for payment to the nurses to OD him on morphine) so does that make me somehow liable to descendants of the many Jewish people who were murdered by nazis and Hitler? Just posing some food for thought...I don't know where it ends but wish it would and we could all somehow be "equal".

I thought JIll's judgment was kind of harsh, Strawbud, but when I read your post from Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 01:39 pm, I had a hard time understanding how it fit in this thread (especially the fentanyl part, which seemed to just came out of nowhere), or what your intent was. The best I could come up with is it's an example of whataboutism, and your post from 4:01 PM today reads much the same.

Are we in a position to determine whether Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are racists? And even if we could, would that be relevant to the current discussion? I don't think so, and to bring them up seems like you're trying to deflect from the issue that's under discussion here. As for reparations, that's a topic that deserves a thread of its own even though we'll never solve the problem there, but it does seem to me like there needs to be some sort of radical redistribution of centuries of ill-gotten gains, and not just to Black people, and not just in the US.

But the topic of this thread was the incident involving a group of White people ganging up on a Black riverboat captain in Alabama a few weeks back, and how some Black people who were in the vicinity decided to get involved. For me, that incident was an example of the worst of us and the best of us; the worst of course being the White people who ganged up on the Black riverboat captain, and the best being the Black people nearby who rose up and said hell no, we're not going to take this anymore. That's the kind of spirit that led to the founding of this country, and that's something we haven't seen enough of in quite some time.

<so does that make me somehow liable to descendants of the many Jewish people who were murdered by nazis and Hitler>

Well, I need to pay for a new griddle and some porch furniture, so if you're feeling particularly guilty today, please send me a check. Maybe you'll pay up sooner than the Pharoh's Bank of Egypt. Still waiting for that one, too.

And I like reading your political posts, but notice you have a tendency to add too many superfluous ideas to a reply. Gunkman had a genuinely thoughtful post and you took it into a whole 'nuther direction. There's got to be a distinction between a person who believe his or her group's shared genetic/chemical composition (i.e., race) is superior to another's and a person who demands his or her group will not be deemed inferior. Every minority group has it's incendiary spokesperson who claims this or that, mostly for their own ends. I'm not defending hateful rhetoric on any side, but if you are possibly of German descent, remember:

"As Europe was ravaged by fighting, German immigrants in the US suffered harassment, internment, lynchings - and even the humiliation of being tarred and feathered. Although a little-remembered part of history today, America was wracked by the fear and paranoia that swept from coast to coast during the Great War." I'm pretty sure there were German Sharptons of the time, too.

Now I'm straying... the moral of the story is, we (humanity) are a bunch of uncivilized tribal haters. But we are also compassionate lovers. It's a paradox.

As a fond acquaintance of mine once reminded us at some really good GD shows:

“And the message is that, in the eyes of The Creator, there is only one race of people in this world, that's the human race." cyril neville (not pictured)


Now go put on the Nevill's version of Fire on the Mountain and go out to Venice beach and hug a purple-colored person. I'm sure you can find one there. Love to all, I'm going back to sleep.

White people who ganged up on the Black riverboat captain, and the best being the Black people nearby who rose up and said hell no, we're not going to take this anymore. That's the kind of spirit that led to the founding of this country, and that's something we haven't seen enough of in quite some time.

^^^is this a joke? what led to the founding of this country were tax evaders who "colonized" a land already lived upon by Native People. 

the deflection and gaslighting is no surprise. I am harsh about all the seemingly proud and willful ignorance and sketch from folks like alan and straw.

i didn't own a slave so it doesn't matter to me.

i didn't kill any jews so it's not my problem.

a couple of you, especially gunkman, i pretty much agree and appreciate your thoughts.

in the morning on the day of this event, {my new fave national holiday, beats juneteenth by 20 acres and a mule}, there was a vigil held at the dock where Blacks were auctioned off as chattle, inhuman: animals.

i have learned so much, and have become vehemently anti white supremacist and Black ally focused in the past 2 years.

so expect to be called out



> ^^^is this a joke?

Nope. I was talking about revolting against the rule of royals in favor of a republic, which, in theory at least, was a pretty cool idea. Colonizing a land already lived upon by Native People is a whole 'nuther story though, I'll definitely grant you that, Jilly.

>>> ...also wonder if this is the part where we continue pretending that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson aren't racists? 

Does this mean that Jonathan Greenblatt is also a "racist?"



gaslighting by mentioning "Black racists"

mighty white of ya!

if deflection makes ya sleep better, cool cool

Lighten up and keep me out of your rants please -- you never asked me a direct question and you have no idaea what I think about anything.

You want to have a serious discussion, fire away -- maybe we have common ideas and maybe not -- you best know some history though and be educated about the subject. Otherwise it's just your opinion.

If you have a problem with the Neville Bros music, your loss -- they enhanced some good GD shows. And that's an awesome Hendrix pic.

Drive by Zoners be cray, cray!

>i have learned so much, and have become vehemently anti white supremacist and Black ally focused in the past 2 years.<

Untitled 1.png

Fun fact - did you know that pumpkins and punkin chuckin are considered a white supremacy thing. Check it out:

“When rural reality shows feature working-class residents in the South, itself an othered place symbolizing in shorthand fraught race relations, viewers can be twice-distant voyeurs. Portraying the behavior of characters in such shows as not only atypical, but also located in dark and scary versions of rural landscapes, reality television can trade on shame and fascination. But the nonthreatening, idealized, and normalized settings of Punkin Chunkin and its pumpkins position both viewers and competitors as safe, fun, and, as with PSLs  (pumpkin spice lattes) and decorative gourds, predominantly white.”

Powell, L. J. and E. S. D. Engelhardt. 2016. The perilous whiteness of pumpkins. GeoHumanities 1:414-432. DOI: 10.1080/2373566X.2015.1099421

Pumpkins and politics? Ott, who wrote the book Pumpkin: The Curious History of an American Icon, explained that in the 19th century, the pumpkin's regional significance underwent a shift. Where New Englanders had long held it as a positive symbol of bounty and agrarian simplicity, Southerners saw it as denoting backwardness, even impoverishment.

"Industrialization was taking over the U.S. at the time," she said, "and pumpkins never made a lot of money on a large-scale for their farmers." Southern agriculturalists, with their massive plantations and slave labor-driven economies, eventually appropriated it as a symbol of tenant farming and poverty, often associating it with the black agricultural underclass.

"Cartoons and illustrations in the South associated blacks with pumpkins as a form of derision," Ott said. "It's part of why blacks didn't embrace pumpkin pie in the same way. Black Thanksgiving traditions tend to involve sweet potato pie more."


Can't fix mental illness!

Holy fuck, Alan. lol (And hey, btw, how's the covid treating you?)

Does this mean we have to cancel pumpkins now? I kinda hope so. I saw a TV commercial for Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Spice coffee on August 31st. The holiday season has gotten completely out of control, and then some.

I wonder if the general public realizes the level of politicization gourds have endured!   Perhaps they should become the next protected class....

Wait a minute! I love carving pumpkins (used to be a professional pumpkin carver) and I love that people grow huge pumpkins even though they don't seem to be good as food, and that some people make great pumpkin pie, but I don't like pumpkin spice coffee or any of that.

Just a little reminder, it would be good if y'all (like everybody) could make this about the topic, not the people posting.

So we can talk about mollywopping, we just can't do any mollywopping? Do I have that right? Or we can talk about gourds, but I can't say "You are out of your gourd, Noodler"?

Such a fine line we have to tread here.

I applaud Comus for being more blatantly racist on, but condemn the honky for his passivity here.

Oh Ateix,  you still live in your parents basement.  Please enlighten the class about my racism. Examples please?  Now back to the kids table, adults are talking here....

I don't need to enlighten anybody. Continue. I think you were talking about how a Zoner was "cray cray." 

Yes Mike thanks I still have covid part two. I took the Paxlovid and got a rebound. Tested neg twice (just in time to go to a funeral) and then back to positive. With a head cold this time. Originally it was flu-like with a brutal headache. I'm still in quarantine. 

I avoided the dreaded decisive pink line for so long, then I cautiously went on a music binge in the last month (Santana, Jazz is Dead, DSO, Billy & Kids, Oteil / Little Feat). where I came into contact with a lot of people. but my gut says I got it from a bartender at a brew pub in Frederick, Maryland who cluelessly coughed on my drink (ironically, on my way to outdoor seating) and not at the concerts. Ya never know. I'm not going to mingle with humans ever again.

Speaking of humans, I'm really bummed I've been labeled an "ist," Mike.  It's not even a cool "ist" like.... or handsomest... It's that colored thing. Orange.

I wasn't raised anti-pumpkin. My parents were good fruit loving people. (A pumpkin, from a botanist's perspective, is a fruit because it's a product of the seed-bearing structure of flowering plants.) But gradually through the years, I realized the ordinary pumpkin was just a symbolic front for all sorts of awful stuff. Says so right in those articles. Cultural appropriation. Migrant labor. Privileged Starbuck customers in yoga pants ordering their spice lattes. Need I go on? And those deplorable people that get their jollies shooting innocent pumpkins into the void for their own sadistic pleasure --- well Mike, let me tell ya.... it made me what I am today. An avowed contra-anti-pro-pumpkin-ist. (Is that right? That might be one too many). It's not my fault. I'm a product of my times. I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone.


> An avowed contra-anti-pro-pumpkin-ist

Dammit, Alan. I had just about worked through the whiplash I got trying to understand how Jill saw what I saw as your elegant and somewhat self-deprecatingly humorous call out of Strawbud for taking gunkman's post in what you called "a whole 'nuther direction" and what I referred to as deflecting and whataboutism. And now you want me to wrap my head around what you are today vis à vis your personal pumpkin political policy? Pshaw. As if.

I'm glad to hear you were getting over covid until you weren't, and I think you're wise to eschew the company of humanity from this point forward. We're just no damn good, and you're one of us, so do whatever you think is right knowing full well it will probably go tits-up on you once Jill gets a look at it just like any other well-intentioned post made in this godforsaken mollywopping thread.

It's a real thing...first these supremacists groom the kids with candy to get them to acclimate to the friendly flora, and eventually they intentionally arm these impressionable juvenile delinquents with sharp weapons so they can practice "gutting" the flesh of the pumpkin and dismembering heads in a yearly ritual reeking of human sacrifice, and before ya know it a whole new tribe of Hilter Youth is ready to join the racist hordes. I truly hope that someone will step up and eliminate this scourge by posting nonsense on a DBMB.  (I'm doing my part.)


It's time to call out the pumpkin people. Apparently, it's the good Zoner thing to do.

> they intentionally arm these impressionable juvenile delinquents with sharp weapons

What do you propose we do about this one? She seems so nice at first, but I always sensed a much more sinister side to her. Now it sounds like she's been training the next generation of fascists all along.

treat island (judit) on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 – 08:43 pm

I love carving pumpkins (used to be a professional pumpkin carver)

A couple of the next generation of fascists-in-training have been fooled into thinking I'm the best grandma in the world - hah! I'm just bringing them along.

To honor Judit's request to stay on topic, I'll tell ya how I would have handled the mollywop situation, being a former small boat owner myself. I would look to history and take Fred Hampton's advice. (He was deputy chairman of the national Black Panther Party) and said something along the lines of "“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best."

Now most people would think that that means you don't fight racism with more reverse racism --- but you and I know it means that if you are in a big boat and there's some inconsiderate jerk-offs in a smaller boat blocking the dock -- you just ram their ass and capsize them. It''s hard to be big shot white supremacist pumpkin lover when you are neck deep in oily water hanging on to a cooler full of shitty beer and the only way to prevent you and your racist friends from drowning is to beg a black guy to throw you a life preserver.  I know it's more fun posing as a newly-minted militant cheering on the WWF fisticuffs, but all that senseless violence could have been avoided.

Now I think this thread with all its innuendos and name calling is just about done -- I'm going back to the grilling thread to look at pictures of delicious ribs (oh shit, is that racist?)



This is the new thing. There's only one correct way to see things. If you differ you're racist, sexist, misogynist, etc. There's no discussion or clarification, just judgment. There's also a lot of assigning of thoughts and motivations.

I'm with Alan. Ribs are better.

> I'm with Alan. Ribs are better.

Meat, meat, gimme my meat.