Greatest comment on Communism ever!


Who says that God doesn't have a sense of humor?


¡Viva La Revolución! Jeep Carrying Fidel Castro Ashes Breaks Down Mid-Funeral

The Russian-made jeep carrying the ashes of the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro broke down in the middle of his funeral procession on Saturday, forcing soldiers to push the vehicle until it could be repaired.

Nearly every major news website buried the news, though it was perfectly symbolic of the Cuban regime’s economic failures, and those of socialism in general.


LOl, thanks for posting this.

Proudly posting Breitbart again, I see.

If its not real it's still funny.

If its not real it's still funny.

I'm not sure if Cuba is the best example of Communism as a State that has failed its people. It has too many dichotomies. You have a totalitarian regime, but some of the best health and education in the world. Cuba has also provided free medical education to doctors who promise to work in under developed countries, and even to Americans who pledge to work in poor, rural areas.

So, God smites Fidel's jeep...per white supremacist "news" outlet? 

Got it...

Any early over/under on the executions from Trumps drug courts?  Or should they be called tribunals? 

It Brietbart reporting Trump's ongoing Tweet war with a sketch comedy show?

>Proudly posting Breitbart again, I see<

Guess that explains why Thom has refused to denounce the racist Steve Bannon.



here's a story that's actually true: the US Navy's newest destroyer, American built for $4 billion, suffered engine failure and had to be towed through the Panama Canal.

I'd call that a great comment on Capitalism.

Oh snap!


Entropy always wins.

60 years of economic do they work?

America is not a capitalistic country. Ask Mike Pence.


Communism, fooling the gullible and ignorant for centuries now.


Never worked, not one time.


>>> to denounce the racist Steve Bannon.>>


um evidence please.


Just like Trump was never considered a "racist" until he ran as a Republican. funny that.

You can make a MUCH better case that Fauxbama is a racist.

Communism has never existed. 

Just like capitalism 

Compare Cuba to places like the Dominican Republic and Haiti and come back and tell us how much of a failed state it is.

But speaking of quotes on communism, I always thought this following little story was funny:

"At a factory in the Soviet Union, the commandant in charge of the plant addresses the workers.  He asks "who owns the factory?"  The workers shout "We do!"   He then asks "Who owns the machinery?"  They respond:  "We do!"   Then pointing to two beat up jalopies parked outside, he asks "Who owns those cars."  The respond:  "Uh, you do comrade commandant and the other is owned by the party sub-commandant."

"Across the globe in a factory in Detroit, the plant manager addresses the workers and asks "Who owns the factory?"  They respond: "Mr. Ford."   He then asks "Who owns the machinery?"  They respond:  "Mr. Ford."   He then points to the fleet of brand new modern cars in the parking lot and asks,  "Who owns those cars?."   They respond:   "We do!"

Just like Trump was never considered a "racist" until he ran as a Republican. funny that.<<


Guess Seadolt missed the birther thing.


As well as the 70s & 80s.

If you settle out of court, you can keep blacks out of your apartments and not be called a racist.

You can also swindle greedy morons and not be called a fraud.

Can't wait for Seadoggie to start using all the new colors available here on Viva.

Seadog, Trump has been called a racist for over thirty years.  Nothing new there. 

Steve Bannon has said that  Breitbart was a platform for the  alt-right. The Alt-right is a racist, white nationalist movement. Bannon is either a racist, or he profited from  promulgating racist ideology. 

"and compute the price/cost probabilities just like we do."