Hakuna Matata , Trump


I wonder if he'll resign this evening and end the darkness in the valley.


Go to his rubber room.


We can only hope.

Well, never mind. Quite the opposite. 

He was actually conciliatory in his first tweet since being put into time out and finally acknowledged the election results for the first time.  It was like someone was writing it for him.    

I'm sure that Donald was forced to read those talking points for the new tweet.  https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1347334804052844550?s=20



Ha.   Hope whoever is running the show at the WH right now (Melania?  Kushner?) is keeping him away from his phone.   But I suspect that he might somehow get it back and start Tweeting for real again.


Ken, self-preservation motivated him to go for sympathy and get out ahead of this breaking story

US Capitol Police Officer dies following injuries sustained during riot

WASHINGTON (NewsNation Now) — A U.S. Capitol Police Officer has died after suffering injuries in Wednesday’s riots at the U.S. Capitol Complex.

More than 50 Capitol and D.C. police were injured, including several who were hospitalized, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said in a statement before the death was reported.

A source confirmed to NewsNation D.C. Bureau reporter Alexandra Limon the officer was taken off life support and died after they were hit in the head with a fire extinguisher by a rioter.


correction to above article:  USCP: Media reports regarding the death of a United States Capitol Police (USCP) officer are not accurate.