Handle for sale


Light use, low miles. Never used for plowing.

Downsizing and wont need it anymore.

Best offer

You interested in some half burnt cat hair nugs?


What's that guy crying about, slack?

If you give me 300$, I'll consider it.

I only have 1 handle and refuse to get caught up in the sock games. 

It's always a good idea to carry a spare, JR

was hoping this was a tulsock thread

TO crying for his quarterback, a true love story.

His weed, man? or his weed man? I'm not exactly cocksure about this.

How much cat hair nugs are we talking about?



hounder on Monday, December 26, 2016 – 01:12 pm


What's that guy crying about, slack?


That's not a tear man.surprise

Pholks buy handles?

I think it's more of a barter thing.