Happy 100th Birthday Kirk Douglas


An icon turns 100.  Too many great movies to name.  Here's a pic from one of my favorites, Paths of Glory.

Kirk Douglass.jpg

whoa!  I had not looked at my phone or seen any other form of media (paper, tv, radio, etc), but out of the blue I thought of him on my drive into work this morning.



Happy Bday Spartacus!


I'M spartacus !

He helped break the Hollywood Blacklist by openly hiring and giving on screen credit to blacklisted writers for Spartacus.  


From: There was a crooked man
Setting is in an old west jail:
Kirk Douglas: If you want smokes you get'em from a guy called Tobakky,you want hard candy you get'em from a guy called sweets,well I wanna know,do you have a guy here name a Poontang?