Happy Birthday Disco Stu!


Happy Birthday Disco, 

Socially distancing before it was cool. 

Have a great year on the firewood farm.


Stream be strong yet clear

While Him howls the moon, awoke

Life’s pulse one long song

Happy Birthday!

Happy B Day, Stu!! Hope you're welll!


Hope you're well too, Voodoo!

Happy B-Day Stu. Hope all is well on the farm.

Happy birthday screwloose

Happy Birthday Stu!

Happy Birthday Disco!

And remember, the candles are for making a wish and blowing out....not blowing anything up!



Have a hippie birthday, Stu.


Woody.  Not at all tinny.


This calls for a celebration.  Today you must use fresh grinds when you make coffee!!

All happiness your way!

Happy Bidet Stu. Stayin Alive 1 more year.




Quash a beer for me,Stu. Happy  Birthday!

Happy Birthday Disco Stu!

May all your days be like making hay in the sun and your saws chains be productively sharp!

Keep awn Dancin' Stu

Happy birthday, Stu.

HBD man!

Happy birthday disco Stu 

Stu, I got you this book for your birthday and it had this cool idea in it for holding wood I'm gonna steal. Thanks.





Maui again one day?

Thanks All for the Kind wishes. 

I actually had a "Day Off"  from dr. / physical therapy appointments,  so got to stay on the Farm.
One of the guys that hunts Deer here helped me work on the log splitter;  that's running again now.

Another guy shot one of the local coyotes,  which looks a lot like Hüsky but with bigger Fangs. So that was unique.

good for a day off, of sorts

same bday as howard !

Enjoy Stu! Happy Birthday

Happy birthday with lots of happy moments with H.I.M.

Husky birthday cake.jpg