Happy Earth Day Friends


I have had a wonderful experience with a man who I hired to do dead tree trimming and make a 25' fire break for the lower canyon of my property.

He is a 4th generation Maidu Indian.....rare.He worked for a beloved local tree guy,and the branched off on his own.

The perfect bi-partisan scorch burn to oppose the property owners around year who have not done anything in over 25 years.

Insurance companies are dropping people 's policies  just out side of town.

Thinking about what Earth Day  meant to people in 1974 when I became aware,and what it means now........?

Such a relief for me .


Obviously I don't know how to post.

Happy Earth Day!  I was wondering why nobody posted about ED sooner, glad you did.

A belated Happy Earth Day to all.

Posted this early Earth Day morning peck-off to some friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ40B8FRYOQ      

and the link to the live feed  https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagle/   Two little eagles now. Saw mama feed 'em yesterday. 

TXR Poster

Earth Day TXR.JPG

Earth Heart_0_2.jpg

I planted an oak tree and some refer plants yesterday.


Love the poster

Downspouts on existing gutters on my day off yesterday and this evening and pointed where needed.

Looking out for Mother Earth.

Sort of. 

My your downspouts be pointed in the right direction,  Tim, or whatever.

Yes, love (y)our mother. Be Nice, see the DNB thread.

What have we done to our fair sister

Hemp every thing.  Hemp biodiesel,  every thing paper should be made from hemp. Hemp plastic.  Hemp ethanol. 

..this is cool, but until they come up with something capable of hauling kids, dog and safe in inclement weather, not gonna cut it for me..


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4-22-90 Earthday Bob Weir tv Interview...

