Happy Ether Day


For those that celebrate. 


But seriously anesthesia has to be one of the best inventions ever

My friends brother was an engineer at some big chemical company. We went to his house for a weekend and he had one of those big water cooler  bottles filled with ether, huff, huf, throb, throb 

Every picture tells a story, don't it?

Were he still alive, I think Hunter Thompson would approve of this thread.


Cross-post this in your mind with the 'most enduring hallucinations' thread.

My tonsils were removed in 1959 when I was 10. Ether was the anesthetic of the day. They put the mask on and I started counting backwards from 100. What I saw "in front of my eyes" was a black and white chess board that began to spiral until I was under. I can still see it; it endures. The smell endures, too. We used ether for something I can't remember in the first MD office I worked in and it was horrible to me, every time. Other people I talked to had the same reaction after it had been their anesthetic in the past.

Ether worked well as the solvent in free-basing cocaine.