Happy Pi Day


Eat 'em if you got 'em.



Pi day is also Albert Einstein’s birthday.

C-R, I'm stealing your pic 'cause it's better than mine. smiley

Fuck Pi Day. Stone Cold Day is what's up!

Tonight's Pi. Peach/Apple.

pi day pie mine small.jpg

My son posted this on Facebook. I don't know if he made it.



^^^^That's a whole lot of awesome, Noodler!

Like wow! Whooeee! Thank 

Bump - Happy Pi Day 

Happy Pi Day everyone!  

At the rally for science at the Utah Capitol a few years back.....

Pi 2_1.jpg

3/14 Pi Day     Pi Day (Contest)The Simpsons Tapped Out ...     I ate some pie and it was delicious : r ...

Big awesome Noodler !

See noodler this is why I'm in love with you and it has nothing to do with boning ever

Also I saw one guy in the show with a t-shirt honoring the day and I made sure to let him know how badass he was