Happy Saturday


What a great day to be alive and breathing in the cool morning air.

Week before Christmas and all is relatively calm. Wrapping gifts as they get delivered. Putting the last of the decorations up.

Lets get it on ya

Great to hear you being so positive after all you've been through, Tim!


Gonna (put on some layers and) head out on my usual Saturday bike ride... yes, glorious day to be alive!


Merry Christmas... and go Bills (at 4:30)!!!

#1 No Bills, Keep an eye on Justin Simmons #31, Stuart boy, coached him in Pop Warner

His brother and my son go to collage together and drove down for Christmas. Both are Rona positive both have no symptoms.

Anyways Jiustin will feast on Allens miscues all day. (I hope)

Allen's getting to the next proverbial level... gotta play 'em!



Absolutely !  Can't keep a good deadhead down.

Myself I just got back from grabbing a Phone Home vax cartridge or 3 to mix in with the fine cheeba. Gotta have the ol change of pace while hunkering down and not going any fucking place for this years celebrating. Grandma's festivities have been called off, she's 89 and wants to see 90. Wife's cousin's husband is in the icu out in Missouri, Charlie, a former Marine is getting his ass kicked good by covid, he may not last the day.

2020 Worst Year Lived Thru ( if I make it)

Well the bar's well stocked, no food shortage, wood stacked, weed at the ready,,, ahhh finally time to relax -- 

Relax (live at Fillmore East) 

The Bills squeaked ot a close one.............

Had a kidney stone and I'm hoping to get out of the hospital today.  So ready to go home.  We'll see.  Hospital is kind of on lockdown and I want to sleep in my own bed tonight.  Will watch the Bears game and take it easy either way.

Stoner to the max! 

Good luck, 4 winds. Hope it well well. Rest easy. 

Passin stones that feel like boulders and look like sand.

Kidney stones suck

Drink lots of fluid especially cranberry juice, it makes me feel luxurious

Hey 4winds, I hope you get out of there today! Sorry it's gone on so long.


Happy Sunday to everyone!

Feel better, 4 winds. Happy Saturday and Sunday, all.

Bummer 4winds. Hope you are back to normal soon.

I took a fall last Sat. and broke some ribs and my left hand.   Hand is much better already but the ribs.....

Thanks you guys!  Home now and after a long hot shower I'm ready to turn in.  Still have to get another scan but at least I'm home.


Sorry to hear Mark.  Hope you're on the mend.

Mark, that truly sucks. The ribs... I assume they told you to breathe at least 10 deep breaths every hour while you're awake to prevent pneumonia. If not, start now.

So sorry for the things that are wrong for any of us and hope that healing takes place quickly. I'm very happy you're home now 4winds.




i demand that Zoners have zero injuries or health issues or problems with their bodies 


cant speak  for their minds?

be well all 

Man, it's like a M*A*S*H unit around here lately. Take care people.

Mrs. LCL is still using a walker, but grateful to have gotten back home alive after 4 months in the hospital and nursing home.

I hope everyone ends the year as happy and healthy as possible.





i demand that Zoners have zero injuries or health issues or problems with their bodies 


cant speak  for their minds?

be well all 

Ah, lltd and his demands.

Does anyone keep track of those?

Or is that too much to ask?

Does he ever get any of his demands met?

I demand that lltd continues to make demands.



have a great Monday all


it is demanded 

by the demented

Got your demand met this time little buddy 

I got a new hat today l.  My receding hairline suggests that I wear a ball cap soon

or does it demand it?