* * * Happy Solstice! * * *


Happy Solstice PZ.jpg

Happy Solstice, judit....all

WHOOO HOOOO... Bring on longer sunlit days..

I can almost feel those warm summer days ahead...to cure my PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome).



Happy day everyone!  I can almost picture daffodils in our near future.  For now enjoy the comforts of the Winter wherever you may find them. And celebrate your loved ones.

Happy Solstice!


And it's my last day of work before a 5-day weekend.


Have a good one

((((( 5-day weekend )))))


Happy Solstice and peace on this next trip around the sun. 

Happy Solstice all - i plan on lighting a nice fire in the pit this evening in celebration....13 days before i return to work

Yay, for more sunlight!..Bears_Ears_Pond_Moonlight2__c__Tim_Peterson.jpg 

happy Solstice to all !!


now THIS is a celebration I can get into... unlike some fake holidays that come around this time of year

Always nice to turn this corner...

A very Happy Solstice to you all, including those down in South America and Australia enjoying the longest day of the year!



Happy Solstice!


this doesn't happen in alaska. it just keeps getting darker and darker

the sky was a weird turquoise this morning

Turnin' the corner.



Beautiful snow glow, showglow!


No turn left unstoned.

happy solstice everyone. 

we're going to a solstice fire party tonight, hope you might be doing the same.

stay warm.

Happy Solstice Judit and everyone else!


Raining in the southland. I was going to go to my garden and water today. Now I don't have to. Wish I could figure something out for pulling the weeds.

Longest Darkest Day and Night....... gettin Dark already - there Will be Light soon....ha ha

Juan with his Rock Nativity creation Ventura


Nice, Rob.

Mark, if you figure out something for pulling the weeds, wow!