Have you tried binaural beats ?


So were we ever experiencing this "brainwave synch" effect at GD shows or listening thru headphones?

[..."Playing two different but very similar frequencies, no greater than 30Hz difference, exclusively to each ear creates a specific modulation. The sound slowly cycles between being out of phase—when two different tones are on different parts of their wave causing it to sound really wide and almost disappear—to being completely in phase and merging to sound louder, Goold explains. This causes a “third tone” inside your brain, which only you can hear. In theory, this tone can be used to synchronize your brainwaves on a desired wavelength."

"...he has used psychedelic mushrooms in the past, and is adamant that binaural beats are a similar form of natural high. Other binaural beat users have also compared the experience to microdosing on shrooms—albeit, it’s not a talk-to-Smurfs-in-the-woods kind of shroom high. Rather, it’s a controlled and inventive one that can allow you to access creative head spaces you’re not easily privy to in everyday life."

“We can’t, for example, say binaural beats actually [get you high]. We don’t know that,” Alexia Maddox, a sociologist of technology at Deakin University in Australia and one of the lead authors of this paper, told The Daily Beast. “What we do know is that people are using it to alter their states and to connect with themselves, and also to connect, with a higher force or like into that more spiritual space. So it’s quite interesting.”

In fact, despite the promising research, there’s still not a lot known about binaural beats and the potential effects. Regardless, it remains a simple, noninvasive way of stimulating the brain by neural entrainment, a term for when your brainwaves sync with the wavelengths of the music you’re listening to, ..."]


Off topic

Why micro dose? Isn't the point to get high? 

a micro dose of shrooms? You yawn a couple times and it is over? You  go up for ten minutes? 

This causes a “third tone” inside your brain, which only you can hear. In theory, this tone can be used to synchronize your brainwaves on a desired wavelength.<<<

I've often suspected Bobby has always been a key player in so far as stewarding something akin to this "third tone" of the larger ensemble ... not that others in the GD couldn't do it to one (great) extent or another, but I believe it's possible Bobby might have been the best "orchestrator" of this central invisible node that emerged while all of the different wheels are turning.  I think there's some indirect support in how he sometimes struggles when it's just him solo ... I think he needs to fill this orchestrator role in order to really soar.

Regardless of my theory above that borrows from the general idea of binaural beats, it's an interesting concept to learn about itself!  I haven't quite experienced it directly, but did have a weird similarity yesterday ... when I didn't realize the midi connection between my Beat Buddy (drum machine) and Boomerang (looper) wasn't plugged in until I visually looked down and saw it dangling off to the side, yet I had a sneaking suspicion all along that something was "off" in the way the drum beats & loops weren't syncing properly.  After plugging it back in, everything sounded much better (cohesion); however, I instantly realized my mind was automatically trying to "bridge" the timing that was out of whack.  Again, I know it's a bit different, but still find it interesting how the mind naturally "gravitates" in some ways.

<< synchronize your brainwaves on a desired wavelength.

Had that tone installed back in the 70's,, still works like a charm.  

Quad minus one?

skyjunk wrote: 

<<<Off topic

Why micro dose? Isn't the point to get high? 

a micro dose of shrooms? You yawn a couple times and it is over? You  go up for ten minutes? >>>

I saw this and fully agree and coudn't resist commenting, what's the point indeed?

I guess I just like to go balls to wall with dosing, none of this micro stuff.

Anyone else concur?


i tried these quite a bit when i was younger and was never able to experience anything other than a mild feeling of calm that is no different from a half hearted meditation attempt or something like ASMR. ASMR is probably the closest feeling i know of to binural beats. IME it was very underwhelming and the reports of anything even approaching psychedelic effects are either exaggerated for clout, or those claims were made my impressionable people without any real experience with psychedelics.

honestly, even when i go to shows and do not use any kind of psychedelic, the "trace state" i experience in the midst of a great jam is significantly better and more intense than anything i felt listening to binural beat type stuff. its a totally different experience IME.