Help ID these berries


Some homeless lady convinced me to try the berries from this tree. They look like oval blueberries, maybe a little bigger. Sweet but a little tannic, with small seeds, any idea?





Not sure what those are, but my partner has an app on her phone  that identifies plants by taking a picture of the leaves.   Seems to work pretty good.  When I took botany in college, we learned to use keys to identify plants, but that requires lugging a big book around.

>>>>>Some homeless lady convinced me to try the berries from this tree.



Lol. No offense to you or the homeless lady, but IMO that's not a very smart reason to decide whether or not to consume unknown wild foods. YMMV I guess.

I second the snozberry

Every bite is a lil explosion in your mouth

Say, can I have some of your purple berries...?
Yes, I've been eating them for six or seven weeks now 
Haven't got sick once 
Prob'ly keep us both alive 

They are indigenous grapes, not berries.

Us homeless use this trick all the time.

It was a good cause  she is homeless not by her choice 

Go back and buy more 

Probably keep us both alive.

Be careful hanging out with that berry crowd..... one moment you're like


then, after not too find yourself



It’s a Common Myrtle or Murtus Communis L.

They look like member berries to me .



Marion Berrys

Hoover got it. Myrtle. They have the slight junipet taste from the myrtle description. We started talking because I warned her about eating random berries but she said she'd eaten them a few days before and felt fine. She seemed sane, the berries were pretty good in a small dose. The airplane lyrics have been in my head even since.


They are indigenous grapes, not berries.

Not to split hairs, but grapes ARE berries, and that's no grape, "indigenous" or otherwise.



Honey berries 100%. I grow them in the garden, aurora borealis variety to be specific. Kind of like the sour patch kids of the berry family.

Interesting to see all of the various responses.  My thoughts on unknown Berries are "Do not eat them just because the Birds eat them."

Same with Wild Mushrooms.

Although many Amanita species are delicious,  many are extremely poisonous and will kill people.

Every Grape I've seen is accompanied by Grape leaves,  which are not present in the photo.

I thought I posted this yesterday but I don't see it so.....I am going with myrtle, for a couple reasons.  They had an astringent herbal flavor that reminded me of juniper, just like myrtle berries are described as tasting. Honeyberries are described as being sweeter.  Also, honeyberry is described as a shrub or bush growing up to 5-6 feet.  These were on a tree where I had to reach up to get the lowest berries.  Finally, I guarantee that this was a cheap and common plant, as it is in a very humble city park.  I don't know how common honeyberries are, but I know myrtle's are pretty common.

The leaves in the original shape are pointy, not rounded at the top, and resemble the picture of myrtle more than the honeyberry, IMO. I don't know either plant though, just basing myself off the pictures posted.

apparently honey berry is a generic name for many species of berries.  It’s possible myrtle berries are also honey berries

God God God I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead water water BLUEBERRIES



I’m dead


Thanks Hall

such fond memories...

Festival 8 was a little nicer but they were both a blast.

great crews

he was just a few camps over from us (at Furthurfest).... I blame the motorboat dealer (who was right across from us).

 Have you tried smoking the leaves ?

i prefer elderberries