hemp should team up with big oil


Biden is planning an all out attack on the fossil fuel industry which I believe is a mistake.  If there were a 'worldwide' effort to grow massive amounts of hemp, we could offset industrial/auto CO2. We could prioritize using hemp for the basic paper products (I.e. paperplates, tp, toothpicks, napkins etc.) And produce biofuel(ethanol) and plenty of other hempoil/pulp manufacturing opportunities. ditch plastic when we can...go back to paper milk cartons but use hemp..for e.g.

All while working together with big oil to push back on this future that they will have us believe will save planet earth by switching to driverless electric cars...plus with a shift to hemp production for basic paper products there will be less deforestation In general. It would have to be a worldwide effort to work...but iisn't that already the case?

big oil already works with 'big corn' for ethanol to add to gasoline. maybe they should team up with big hemp to save the planet while embracing a greener approach...and we could save our way of life too. Under the paris climate agreement,  china doesn't have to reduce their CO2 production for 30+more years And of course we know china cheats and fudges the numbers ...I mean does anyone really believe their covid numbers? Not me. 



<<<>>>Biden is planning an all out attack on the fossil fuel industry

didn't read the rest of your bs -- but opening the post w/ ^ is classic. 

you should love biden -- he's a republican, straight up. he just won't support your white supremacy like trump has. 

you do know that some oil companies are already diversifying?


You realize Newmax has zero credibility, right? Oh wait, you probably don't.   

You do know, Greg, that those Newsmax articles require a subscription. And let's be honest, nobody here is going to pay a cent for that crap.

If Republicans were true conservatives they would embrace a transition away from the oil industry.  It's too bad that they let special interest money get in the way of their true ideology.


>>>> but opening the post w/ ^ is classic. 

I think it would be great to take all the claims about the radical things people say Biden will do before he's stepped into office and make a list to keep tabs.   And then at the end of four years we can see which of these radical things he's done.   

I say radical because that's what Kelly kept calling Warnock during the recent debate - 13 times.   That's once every 2:19 minutes.  If you aren't conservative, you're now radical.  Remember the 80's when radical was cool....might be time to bring it back. 

^^you can say the same exact thing about the dems. 

Neoliberal fucks!

that's what i'm saying. 

Biden's main goal as president, aside from either dying or becoming "unfit" so Kamala can take over, is to ensure a swift and easy transition for BP and Exxon to take over and completely dominate the renewable energies market. 

They win no matter what and with the high volume of plastics still being produced there will likely be an increase of fracking and refining as well as more wars in the Middle East.

Go team go!

have we figured out how to convert existing plastic trash into energy?

All i'm saying is there could be common ground here.  It doesn't have to be one or the other.  They can coexist.  

Putting the fossil fuel industry out of business or going 'all electric' will also put ethanol production out of business with huge job losses.  And it seems like there is an all out war being waged by the left on fossil fuel production.. and now that biden/harris/aoc etc are calling the shots(especially If they 'take Georgia' jan5) Its a matter of time so what do they have to lose? Big oil has the money already to fund a world hemp growing initiative and would appear 'greener' . Some power companies already fund/source wind and solar farms.(they also get subsidized for these initiatives) If the u.s. subsidized hemp production like they do corn (for ethanol) it would be easier to convince farmers to begin to mass produce hemp. At the very least it would help. Going hemp? Slam dunk!

And rather than the objective being to eliminate fossil fuel production altogether maybe there could be a way that electric/ gas auto can coexist. It's just such a huge deal and such a tough sell..like one day muscle cars and vintage cars etc could be outlawed...or like we all have to become vegetarian and watch beyond beef try to tank beef industry in the name of climate change. 


Burning fossil fuels is destroying the habitability of our planet.

Ethanol is a huge sham.  It takes more energy to produce than it produces. Horrible scam for the big ag corn farmers.  Political corruption at its' finest. If we did away with it today it would be a huge win for taxpayers and the environment.   Fuck big oil. They have had their chances to do the right thing and have continuously chosen the easy greed route. And fuck big ag too.  They have been screwing the taxpayers and small farmers continuously for years. And don't get me started on monsanto.


Do you realize that our tax dollars have been subsidizing big oil for years?  And their profit margin is already through the roof.

Biden will continue this corruption and probably contribute to it.

If someone doesn't turn the dem party to the left soon, it is doomed. And so are we.



I do agree that hemp is one of the biggest answers. Good luck with that.


I am a staunch believer that only vinegar should be teamed up with oil 

Right now there is no real plan or solution for replacement of nuclear or oil as the top "energy" supply. So if you run a electric car h try it's good and dandy and all but unless you live in a county or state run off of renewable energies then your just using nuclear grid energy. 

Solar! It's a great idea but until they find a real renewable replacement for plastics then oil will still be king. You still need the oil to great solar panels among many other construction items which are made of plastics and need to be serviced and or replaced every 10-15 years.

We still have many things to be worked out and not moving in a real way towards a good solution. 

Solar isn't necessarily "clean" because of the materials necessary for photovoltaic cells. Not that it matters, because Trump virtually handed the solar industry to China.

Pretty astonishingly, nuclear is considered to be one of the cleanest and safest energy sources...as long as we don't have meltdowns.

>>>>>as long as we don't have meltdowns.

Well, we here at the Zone know how to handle that eventuality.


Or rate it, at least.

um, you can make plastics from hemp...

^This is true. At the moment the oil companies dominate the plastic market and they are making so much money with China manufactures and producers that they probably aren't in any hurry to change. 

The science and technology is available to literally change the world today with renewable energies and reusable or renewable manufacturing products. 

It won't but we have everything we need right now. There's a lot of logistics to work out but it should be done