Hey Cryotte!!


I'm coming for you!

T minus FOUR


My memory is slightly fuzzy from that day but I'm pretty sure that's not the pipe I dropped. ( Which was the first piece I broke in over 10 years) 

Good thing I'm not drinking anymore.

that was a thick one, hard to break???

Catch, slacktard is posting random pics.


pay no attention to him as usual

 tulsatime on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 – 10:54 am
Blood sausage, and once I was on my way to an oil field job.  100 degrees plus that fateful day.  Stopped at a crappy convenient store on the way, and picked up a bag of Doritos.  Started eating them on my way to the job.  They tasted a little stale, and funky, but I was hungry.  When I got to the job I continued eating them.  The chips started tasting worse.  I found a small hole in the bottom of the bag.  Guess what a mouse had been in the bag.  I was eating mouse shit.  I immediately started puking.  My God I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth.  Yes I have eaten mouse shit.  Now when it comes to the nectar of the God's it is not urine.  .  


u r cumming for him?

Does this mean that you're traveling east, OG?

See Ya Soon....


Driving the VW across the country?

Statue, og? (Is the that you, Orange One)


if yes, most very cool. Put some life up in here.
