Hey thanks, Colorado


Denver native Gorsuch seems like a real reasonable justice.

Thanks, Colorado.


You thought Denver was all weed and kombucha? It used to be Coors and stock show. 

>Denver native Gorsuch seems like a real reasonable justice.

 He's a friend of Trump and a Nazi

It's great to see a Colorado Native find success in their field.

Obviously greatness is birthright for the good people of the Mile High City.

He's a friend of Trump and a Nazi


There are Nazis in Colorado? I guess this makes sense.

I definitely remember seeing some skinheads downtown in the 90's. Do you think this guy was one of 'em? 

I'm not sure. Everyone from Colorado look like this EricCartman.pngto me.

Isn't Colorado where the big battle in King's The Stand takes place?  And the pandemic is a virus called "Captain Trips"?

Anyway, fuck the judge guy, I hope Schumer follows thru on the indefinite filibuster. 

Keen footwear is very popular in Colorado.

Tell me, Six; are you a fan of the fleece vest?

Does Keen make a fleece vest? It's probably ugly as shit and really boxy, but I'm all over it!

I'm not sure if Keen has ventured in to the outerwear game, BK. I know Patagonia and North Face both make popular versions of the fleece vest. 

Guessing Six is a Patagonia man.

Red Dawn is comin.  Head for the hills.  f  the new justice. he is just another choad from CO. Bet he supports the feds raiding CO dispensaries in the near future, unless Trump gets his slice of the profits.

I have a Patagucci fleece vest - got it as a b-day present years ago. I should maybe start wearing it. Will I get legal weed if I do?

I don't think worrying about weed shops is really a high priority for the SCOTUS, Fly. That's AG territory.

You should probably run out and get a safe abortion while you still can, though. You might also consider becoming a multi-national corporation in order to secure your First Amendment rights.

The only vest I own is a windbreaker vest that's worn on a blustery day at the golf course - made by Footjoy.

I also do not own anything made by Patagonia.

Thank you.

Have you ever owned a Members Only jacket, Six?

Please be honest. 

Uh oh, mark smellin like Pierre Cardin up in here.  Or AXE   thats it, body wash and spray.  Ever been to Chief Hosa? Tell me about the first time you saw Jerry and "got it". Was it before or after you had that column in GQ? Eh slim?

Oh and who do you think would decide on the states challenge to the federal raids?

Kids these days...

Chief Hosa is a total shithole. Seriously. 

The SCOTUS isn't going to take your weed away, Fly. That's Jeff Sessions' job. 

>>>>>Oh and who do you think would decide on the states challenge to the federal raids?


First it would go to a Court Of Appeal.  Cases don't go straight to the SCOTUS.


Here's how a case progresses to the Supreme Court:


I don't think Trump should be allowed to nominate a SC justice during the last year of his presidency.


No, Mark. No Members Only for me. Ugly jackets for compensating douche bags, imho.


 So far all your guesses have been wrong. I guess you really don't know me. :(

It's a process, Six. We'll keep at it until we eliminate parkas, mac jackets, coaching jackets, trench coats, quilted tech jackets, fleece pullovers, field jackets, fur coats, peacoats, 3-in-1's, shirt jackets, etc.

Your outerwear says a lot about you. That's why Fly wears Columbia, which is the poor man's North Face.

Hobby Lobby.

Corporations are people.


Anybody need to hear more?

Who cares if he likes to hike and fish...?


Democracy.....  Neat experiment.  Too bad it didn't last.

& The Whitehouse is now STAINED with FASCISM.

Nazi House.jpg

Birth control is going to be a money maker on the black market.

Get in now, guys.


Trump ordered a Taco Bowl with Extra Hate Sauce for the whole planet!!!  Wheee!


Life in Trumplandia


Good stuff Treble, I particularly like the turd reich.

 Just for laughs, Mark, what is your opinion of Chef Bill's wardrobe? 


Chef Bill is beyond vanity, Six. 

Also, Robin is very stylish, so whatever gaps there may or may not be in Chef's style game, she more than makes up for them with her tasteful elegance.

Um st.poser and hoov, you might be surprised what i know about the legal process.  Now if you had returned with a states rights are for republicans argument...

Hosa was a pretty hoppin place to be when the dead toured st. lonely, but you wouldn't know that would you kiddo?    I smell hugo boss up in here, and dirty light hikers.

(fresh air clause)

>>>>>>Now if you had returned with a states rights are for republicans argument...


One of the reasons the Supremes won't touch MJ.  They don't want anything to do with it.  They'll let the lower courts handle it or they would have already accepted one of the many cases about it.

Oh and I have a north face mountain light jacket that predates your birth st. poser, as well as a "morning glory" tent.  But that was when North Face was good. I wear what I want now and feel good. Labels are for losers

Closer hoov

>>>>I wear what I want now and feel good.


good enough to crack on other people's appearance while hiding

Fly, you mad bro?

Nobody seems particularly surprised at what you pretend to know about the legal process, Fly.  

Obviously you also don't know much about quality campgrounds in Colorado, either.

Also, if you're really still wearing a jacket that is almost 40 years old, and it isn't a vintage military number from WWll, all I can suggest is that it might be time to invest in something new. Tech outerwear has come a long way since the 70's. 

I should also add that I'm wearing Chanel Pour Monsieur today, which is a timeless, classic masculine chypre fragrance. It's really, really nice. I smell pretty great.

<<<Also, Robin is very stylish, so whatever gaps there may or may not be in Chef's style game, she more than makes up for them with her tasteful elegance.

I do what I can. ;)


A very diplomatic reply, Mark, which still manages to evade answering my question directly. Well done.

However, knowing that I don't wear tye dyes, I wear form-fitting clothing (which you correctly pointed out as a fashion plus) and I dress for business culture during the week - I am convinced that if you can tolerate Bill's wardrobe, then you will be more than comfortable with mine -  and we can move on and never have to address this topic again.

*flips shawl over his shoulder, closes laptop, and gazes out the window while sipping lukewarm chamomile tea*


while sipping lukewarm chamomile te-quila*

Has the mail come today, Six?

The mail up here comes by horseback, and it's snowing today.

>>>>while sipping lukewarm chamomile te-quila*



Mark, with the amount of wrong guesses you made today, Steve Bannon's suggestion is that you shut up and stop asking questions and listen more.

I like green tea with a little tequila and local honey in it, Hoover.

I didn't think it was possible to make tequila any softer than it already is; then I read Six's green tea and honey post.

Full disclosure: I'm actually sipping green tea with local honey right now. It's my go-to afternoon work drink.

Nah turts, No anger here. I like to mess with folks who are full of themselves.  St poser needs to get some air though.  His silly clothing schtick is tired.  AND he cant read. The subtext of my post was that he is a young guy who never toured with the dead and that I have NF clothing older than him. Its all good.

Slacker, I dont recall putting down what other folks wear. I could not care less. That was my point.

 Hoover, I have read every opinion regarding the new justice and the mj. Im versed. Westlaw/Lexis are good for that yo. BUT if you think CO is on solid ground with the pots, you might want to revisit that. Dats all. Hope Im wrong.. I dont need to go to a store as much as I would like the option. Remember the famous P bud in CO?

You guys can go back to sniping full time. Im a part timer at best. Work is done and im gonna jet home, have some tea and a couple vapes.

I heart CO.

Deadier than thou is generally frowned upon in this community, Fly. It's regarded as a sign of weakness when you're getting counter-trolled by a more adept zoner. 

Just a heads up.

...Democrats now say the Supreme Court should remain divided in the same way—four justices appointed by Democratic presidents, four by Republicans—for the rest of Trump’s term. “I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that President Trump puts up,” said Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. “I promise you.”

Liberal commentators agree. “It would be completely decent, honorable and in keeping with the Senate’s constitutional duty to vote against essentially every judicial nominee Trump names,’’ said the Americans for a Progressive Judiciary, a liberal think tank. “If you truly believe that a particular nominee would wreak havoc on America, why not do everything you can to stop him?”



<<what is your opinion of chef bill's wardrobe?

crocs and tie dyes. 

Fly, puttin in some quality work here, also Timmy with the links has been a big time contributor. 


Trump should have picked someone much younger, big mistake.


Can't believe that guy is 49, looks at least 60, he must be sick.