Hey Zoner Family - Utah Jen


One of our sweetest long-time Zoners, Utah Jen, known as a friend and sister to so many on here, has started a Go Fund Me page to help with medical and other costs for her son Ben.


Our fierce but joyful and loving Mama Bear and her son have been dealing with this for a while now, and have asked for help as more surgery and rehab await. 

The link is above and I'll post the description here so you can read it right away. You'll see a few familiar Zoner names in there. I'm sending cash direct. 

P.S. - And say Happy Birthday to Jen. It was Monday the 27th!  Thank you, friends. 


When Ben Chavez began to have pain and difficulty walking, he figured he’d pulled a muscle. He expected it would get better. He expected it was nothing serious—right up until he found himself on the floor unable to move at the Red Iguana, where he worked as a waiter.

In that bustling restaurant, collapsed on the cold floor, he did what you do when you’re 24 and scared. He called his mom.

Jennifer noticed his limp and encouraged Ben to see a doctor. Now Ben was convinced too. He couldn’t move the lower half of his body.

Jennifer got to work arranging appointments. A barrage of tests followed. Ben was imaged, his fluids analyzed, and white-coated people poked and prodded. The detective work took months, but after consulting a rheumatologist at the University of Utah, Ben was diagnosed. It was not good news.

Ben has Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). AS is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the spine. Inflammation of the vertebrae and other joints causes severe, chronic pain. If unchecked, the vertebrae fuse over time. The disease is related to arthritis—very painful—but strikes most of its victims in young adulthood. Little is known about its causes, except that it’s genetic.

AS has confused Ben’s body. The cartilage in his hips is gone, bone scraping on bone. He can get around only with a cane, and with difficulty. Hiking and backpacking in his beloved Wasatch Mountains is no longer an easy drive away. Pain and fatigue are constant companions. Work, too, is out of his reach.

There is no cure.

But the symptoms can be treated. Ben’s medical team is optimistic that bilateral hip surgery will give him the use of his hips again, allowing him to walk, and work, though his options will be limited by his mobility.

Ben is scheduled for his first surgery on March 21, 2023, at the University of Utah’s Orthopedic Center. The second surgery (if all goes well) will be in May or June 2023.

The surgery co-pays and related needs come at a price, including ongoing medical treatment, prescriptions, a bed, a walker, grab bars in his bathroom, and living expenses until Ben can work again. Out-of-pocket costs so far have cost Ben’s family $25,000.

Additional costs are projected to come in at about $25,000.

We appreciate you taking the time to read this and we understand that this is hard times for everyone. If you can contribute (any amount as it all adds up), sharing the link will also be greatly appreciated.

All of you who know Ben, know his contagious joy and enthusiasm. He remains optimistic, but it feels like a gate has slammed shut on his young life. His future is clouded by a painful and potentially crippling disease. Your support would mean a great deal.

We will keep everyone updated once the surgery happens so you can all follow along on Ben’s journey to walk again.

I’d also like to thank Debbie Frank for writing this for us. We love you and we thank you.


Jen's March 23rd update after surgery:

Hi everyone,

Sorry we haven't updated since the day of the surgery. Ben is doing really well so far with the first of his bilateral hip surgery. He is getting around on crutches very well. He's feeling great so far and is very optimistic that he is going to be moving around so much better.

We did get some bad news with his bone density as I mentioned the other day. The AS has made his bones very thin and brittle. Dr. Pelt, the orthopedic surgeon, told us his bones are as thin and brittle as a 90 year old woman. The good news is that he is young and we can work on getting his bone density better so we will be working with his rheumatologist once we see her again.

Keep your fingers crossed that everything keeps going really well during this healing process so Ben can get in to have his right hip done in May.     

Damn. Every time I start feeling sorry for myself I hear a story like this one. No one deserves a fate like this, certainly not a 24-year-old.

Good luck to Ben and his family.



Done recently.

It was Jen's birthday yesterday, I hope she was able to have a good day.

heart-quilt-pattern (Greta Grama design)_1.jpg

Received an e-mail from Jen today. "Can you do me a favor and let everyone know that I'm so thankful for the donations that came through that community of friends?"

I shared my sign-in info with her and she may be posting here very soon herself.  

As she stated and I reiterate, it's nice if folks are in a position to contribute financially, but good vibes and healing thoughts are also quite welcome by themselves. 

Latest update today: 

Hi Everyone,

Ben is doing really well with his recovery. He has a lot more mobility and can actually sit and eat at the dinner table now. He can get in/out of bed without help. He can sit and chat with friends. This surgery has been life changing.

We have had more medical bills come in so please continue sharing this fundraiser to help Ben pay for his medical needs. We are almost at our halfway goal!

Ben has an appointment with Dr. Pelt, the surgeon, on Wednesday. We have our fingers crossed they will schedule the next surgery for his right hip when we are there since Ben is healing so well.

We thank all of you who are with us on this journey to give Ben his life back. We appreciate each and every one of you. More than you know.

Thanks, Slickrock.

done, and  (((((((((healing vibes)))))))))) for Ben with his recovery.

((((( Vibes for Ben )))))

Hi Everyone!

Jen here! Thanks Slick for letting me log in with your credentials. I've been meaning to get over here for a few days but have been so busy caring for Ben and working, etc. I just wanted to thank everyone in this community for your donations, love, emails, kindness, vibes, etc. It's such a great community and I'm so lucky to have found you all. We appreciate each and every one of you. 

Ben has a post op appointment with his surgeon tomorrow and I will update again once I have more information. He's healing up very well. His left hip was a major source of pain and the pain in gone. Once we get his right hip replaced (hopefully in the next 4-6 weeks) we are very hopeful that he will be living very much back to normal or his new normal. 

I'll post again soon with an update. Until then, just know how thankful we are for everything. heart

Jen posted this update on Thursday, April 6th. Some good news! 

Hi there!

We just wanted to give a quick update on Ben. He had his first post op appointment with the surgeon yesterday. He's healing really well. He is able to walk without a cane or walker which he hasn't been able to do in months and months. So, this is super exciting news for us! Watching my son walk again without any aid is so wonderful. He will be starting PT very soon.

He has been scheduled for his right hip surgery on May 30th. We are very hopeful that once he heals from this surgery that he will be living a very normal life again. We are so lucky that he has no fusing in his spine or neck. We still have to address his bone density. That will probably lead us to yet another specialist and lots more labs, tests, and medication.

On that note, please keep sharing. We still have a long road ahead of us and we still are not sure of what lies ahead. We are still waiting on more medical bills to come through for several different things and we know we will have more once his PT starts up and we see the new specialist.

Thank you to all of you who have donated, called, emailed, sent cards, offline donations and just all the love that we have received. We are so very, very thankful.

Just e-mailed with Jen. She says the next surgery is this Tuesday morning, the 30th. Send some positive healing energy. 

Just saw this,.Add me to those pulling for Ben. Adding May 30 to my calender...

((((((((((((((( Ben, Jen and Family )))))))))))))))

Good news! Ben's out of surgery and "it went well." 

Thanks (what again?) for the update Slick. 



>>>> (what again?)

Yeah, they did both hips. Had to give some time. March 21 was the first one. Hopefully he's on the road to healing. And less stress for Mama Jen!  

Just noticed this update from Jen from yesterday on the Go Fund Me page......

Hi everyone,

Ben is getting ready for his second surgery tomorrow morning at 6:45am. His right hip will be replaced. The left hip has gone better than we expected. He is doing so well and is almost pain free. We are so lucky!!

We have another six week journey ahead of us. The right hip will be replaced and then we will be back to the healing process and physical therapy. We have been super busy getting him ready to go. Ben is very optimistic that he will be able to start working again. Hopefully in August. That is a full year that Ben was without work. It's been a long, hard, emotional (and expensive) journey. However, we are so lucky that only Ben's hips have been the issue as his AS has a tendency to warp the spine. We are now calling Ben the bionic man! Two new hips in 4 months!

We just want to thank everyone once again! Also, to those of you that have run into Ben in the wild, aka, out around town....thank you for all you have done. Paying for his groceries, etc.

We are so lucky to have such great friends and a community that rallies around us and supports us. It's been an emotional journey. We couldn't have made it this far without you all.

Love is real! NFA! Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.

My What again was in reference to me thanking you. I had just done so on another thread. Sorry for the confusion.

Hey, just got an e-mail from the amazing Utah Jen and she wanted me to pass the word along to Viva folks. 

Ben is doing wonderfully. He is pretty much back to normal now. Starting work again next week at the restaurant. He is walking, running, riding a bike. It's just a complete turn around. Modern medicine can really be a miracle. Thank you so much for your support and for checking in and donating. Love you all.  


That GoFundMe is still going in case some Zoner hits the Mega Millions lottery.....https://www.gofundme.com/f/u5w3rf-help-ben-walk-again

Glad to hear he is doing so well.


So glad to see this update. Good news for Ben, and good news for Jen. heart