Hey...I Know This Song!


You know.  Something sounds familiar (in this case, the lyrics) but it doesn't click right away.  Especially, the farther the cover ranges into "goof" territory.

 I'd never heard this version (I'd definitely have remembered).  The original got a lot of airplay, and jukebox plays at the local pizza place, when I was a kid.  It was still in jukeboxes when I was old enough to get into bars (if not legally).  


If you know a way to click past the ad without seeing the artist or title, maybe you'll recognize it (if you are a person of a certain age).



Right?  The DJ got into a bit of the history of those involved.  I had no idea.  

B...b.......b..b..b.. Baby,  you ain't seen nothin yet.




Pretty strange. There's a live version with an explanation too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuHWB_sJi2Y

The cheese factor is pretty high there but I love the Guess Who.  They were very underrated.

There doesn't appear to be No Sugar in this song