Hikers Die


A family of three died of hyperthermia and probable dehydration while hiking in a remote area in California this summer, Mariposa County Sheriff Jeremy Briese announced Thursday. Their dog was also with them, and officials believe it died of a probable heat-related death.


Still seems strange that they were all in the same place when they died. It was 70 when they started and went to 109. I ran out of water on a long day hike in Zion once. Was very happy to get back to the car after dark where there was more water. One of the many times I got lucky on the trail.

I read that story last night and find it puzzling.

I wonder if they drank bad water?

It always saddens me when I hear about people going into the wilderness without the 10 essentials. 

>>>10 essentials


The Eleventh:




It's an extremely tragic story, but I have to question the judgement of adults who would take their baby on a hike

when it was clear the forecast said it would be over 100 degrees, and not have enough water. One story said the area

had recently burned and there was almost no shade there.

Hopefully someone out there will read this story and not make the same mistakes.


It is still a little odd that everyone died, including the dog, apparently around the same time.

So, no autopsies?  Seems they could figure out what killed them. Strange article.


tragic story and could also be the making of a tragic song, more so than 'The Way' since a dog and child died too..


'Where were they going without ever knowing the way'



I always loved Joe Goldmark's take on the song.


Sad story. But given all the car commercials on TV and in print that have families headed to the backcountry on dirt roads in their new AWD Subaru or whatever, this may not be an isolated event.

Uninformed people see that and think it's a cake walk out in the wild. And being how many Americans don't think about daily water intake as it is, for many it doesn't enter their mind to make it a priority. 

And that lack of knowledge can be deadly. John and Ellen made a really bad decision with just one water bottle for the three of them. Bummer.