Hipster Fest opens with rocking Alvin Brother's set


Rockabilly, blues moans and Blasters!

Wilco now playing Being There in its entirety.

Geeks,  nerds and hipsters everywhere. Nick Offerman introduced them. Apparently he and Tweedy are friends.

I F-ed up & waited to see what the weather would be like then it sold out, and like, Completely!!!!!!  Figured Sun would be a relatively easy tix (that lineup seemed the most interesting musically to me thus assuming the least commercially attractive) but damn nothing on Stub Hub or Craigslist.  I'm gonna keep checking tho.  But you guys enjoy nonetheless!!!!!!

 >>>>>Nick Offerman introduced them. Apparently he and Tweedy are friends.

Tweedy was on Parks and Rec. He probably got woodcraft as payment. 

Hipsters everywhere

what's hipster fest?

also dave alvin is the shit. s. cal's finest.

Ateix is gonna be Sofa King Pissed @ you guys calling it "Hipster Fest"  The proper Innie title is "MoCA"

thanks for the info bob

I'd really like to see/hear "Tweedy & Friends", "The Nels Cline Four" on Sunday.  Am dredging the Internet for a Sun tix . . . .

Hope you didn't sleep on the Dawn of Midi set following Yankee Hotel Foxtrot being played in its entirety, Six. Great stuff. Chatted with Pat Sansome during the DJ set in the rain afterwards, before ducking in to catch some Alloy Orchestra, very cool. This place is great, loving the sound of rain on the roof of my tent, breaks up the monotonous feel brought on by this humidity.

Do not miss Joan Shelley tomorrow whatever you do. Will be after morning yoga.


Sideshow, I pity you more than I dislike you these days. Poor guy.

What was the song the Alvins dedicated to the mountains in California? That was sick.

Dave Alvin brings a few songs to his set about California. Most notably, Dry River & *King of California - that Dave wrote about his mother and he dedicates to her and tells a story about her in his sets.

Dave is a fourth generation Californian and spreads the tale of that mighty state well.

One of the highlights of my life was being able to catch Dave Alvin & the great Lisa Pankrantz on drums this past spring with my son. It won't be the last


Atiex knows that when I call it hipsterfest it is with much love. Have to say that the crowd is the nicest, friendliest crowd I have ever been with. Lots of hyper well rounded music fans who like all kinds of music and art. Even friendlier than a hippie Grateful Dead crowd if you can believe it.

I am a long time Dave Alvin fan - since the early 80s when I got to see a bunch of Blasters gigs. Since then I have seen him fill in in X and play with John and Exene in The Knitters and with his own band. I think the song you are referring to in their set, Atiex, was Dry River. What a great set they played last night! Great way to kick off the weekend.

Ha Ha Yeah my life is piti-able, getting paid handsomely for not working & living in a nice house in the woods, yeah, OK, I'll accept that . . . & seeing you judge my life based on your parameters tells me you have A LOT of "growing up" to do . . . 

Yikes. Haha

Today's pop ups have been insane. Tweedy Meets Chikamorachi (Redux), Jake Xerxes Fussell, Waxahatchee, now Nels Cline and CUP. Glad no imaginary hurricane shut this festival down. Lol

Sit in's are always the best part of festy's.  I got an Auto-Notification for a Sun tix all set up on Stub Hub in case one happens but ain't holdin' my breath.  If I really feel like I need to get out I can go to Shaboo Reunion Fest in Willimantic.  I assume this Hipster festy doesn't allow taping but have to assume someone's stealthing - do they show up on Dime A Dozen or elsewhere eventually?  Guess I'll have to check myself in a few wks . . .

Down front waiting for Tom Verlaine and Television. 

It's 112 degrees in Redding. 

To celebrate my pitiable inability to make it to this festy, I've listened to a few Wilco albums all day, & now Television live 1978 - sound quality is pretty good on this one:


1 Sun tix just popped up on Stub Hub - $79 + fees = nearly $100, f-in Gentle scalpers, went to look @ lineups, lots of 1 hour sets, in my "waffling" someone else snapped it up.  Oh well, guess it's TS for me:


Lol wow



sixer, Daniel Bachman trio tomorrow. Be there if you can


great set from Television

Didn't Mr Ateix once post that his life Aspiration is to be Jeff Tweedy's personal assistant?  I heard Tweedy's quite a head case.  That scenario reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Bart is Krusty's personal assistant:

"Who is this kid?"

"I'm Bart Simpson, your personal assistant, I exposed Sideshow Bob's attempt to frame you for robbery, I reunited you with your estranged father & long lost daughter, I saved Itchy & Scratchy studios from bankruptcy"

"Yeah but what have you done for me lately?"

"I got you that Danish"

"Um, where'd you get it kid?"

"I stole it from Kent Brockman"


"YOINK !?!?!?!?!!?  I refuse to work under these conditions, anyone wants me, I'll be at McSorley's"


Enjoy that Wilco stream! They're sounding great in the field!

Sound quality on stream is not very good.  Seen Wilco a few times, I'm aware they do sound good live.

Holy shit they are tearing this field in two and setting it on fire!

Ha ha from now on whenever I see folks tapping away on their smarty phones @ shoes I now envision them posting on a Low Traffic Drug Band Message Board

I like this song, just started @ 11:08, assume it's the last song of the show, something about wheels, sky

Not even close


jeff Parker trio next 

Also good on you buddy what a great festival to listen to a steam to

Get a girlfriend maybe she'll let you use her phone lol

I thought Casino Queen was Uncle Tupelo but it's their 1st album, I actually have a cd of that one (AM)

I have a Galaxy 7, I already dropped & cracked the screen, due to my detached retinas I can hardly even use it anyway . . .

Plus I'm usually Tr*pping B*lls @ shoes which don't make for easy phone use

That was fun, now back to Panic soon . . .

To heck with all that - I got to see Television live!

Atiex - plan on being there for Daniel Bachman. See you there?

I'll head down in a couple minutes, look for the green "CHELSEA READS" and straw hat, blue bandana

Classic grey slacks and plain dark long sleeve t shirt here. First grabbing some breakfast in the museum cafe.

>Classic grey slacks

party animal on the loose!

I'm quite refined.

Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids have that Fela Kuti sound going on.


Technically, I guess they are grey chinos.

I did get to hear Nels Cline Four run through a song at soundcheck, but we had to get some food so we'll catch up again a little later in their set. The guitar work was blistering, you're gonna hear some crazy stuff, Six.

I wore my jorts friday, just to piss off the hipsters. cool day of music, decent food & beer.

Nels Cline was all that and more. Wow

Jean shorts? Is that an effective maneuver? Lol

Couldnt swing more than a song with the Four but we're perched on a nice hill now for Tweedy, I would be surprised if some of Wilco didn't join them for parts of this set.

Jim Elkington has been marvelous all weekend. 

I'll hafta cut & paste this fashion advice if/when I make a seriousee attempt to attend next year.  But don't fret, the only time I've ever worn Teva's & white socks was to my retirement party/roast, & that was part of my standup Schtick.  Haven't had Jorts since the 1980's either . . . but I might wear my 1 Widespread Panic shirt just to instill some Fear into those around me . . . worked well @ Phil in March:  "Careful, He's One Of Those Panic Guys"  "Oh You Don't Know The Living End Of It"

I was able to temper the reaction by carefully rolling the edges in neat 1/2" cuffs and nibbling on organic artisan vegan bacon that was cold smoked over endangered albino bamboo

By next year I'll be able to do a really Seriousee Man Bun too.  Now the front parts all come out in windy conditions.

you'll wanna get that squared away Bob, lotsa fart food at this thing, falafel, smart dog, beer and the like so it can get windy.

WTF is a "Smart Dog"?

google is your friend, don't try one till next year at this festival, I cannot wait for your review

Border Collie?  lol  (yup thank you Google for the chuckle)

vegan hot dogs

OK here we go:


I've dabbled in Vegetarianism in my life, in fact for several years @ one point, but never in any of those era's did I ever consume any sort of "fake meat" type products.  Just not into it.  HUGE fan of Falafel tho . . .


Not even a fan of REAL hot dogs - yuk

I have a hard time believing that Hipsters actually fart . . . 

They can their farts. 

Lots of posts in this thread by people who didn't make it to a really nice weekend of music. 

it's the interlopers Bob, I was there Friday, Ateix

Sweet crew 

>> was there Friday

Nice, did you catch any good bands? So far all I'm reading about is stuff I didn't even see.

You know there's a museum there?

safety words banana

My brain is still scrambled from the Alvin brothers/Tanja Hollander /and Ocean state job lot

I did end up with a sweet red rain poncho for 3  bucks

Just the Alvins huh? Good stuff, their acoustic set the next day in the Nick Cave exhibit was pretty special. I didn't know there was a Job Lot in town, that's fascinating.

That portraits exhibit was pretty nice, that was some moving stuff. 

Is that where they sacrificed the virgins?

No I don't think so, but I didn't take much notice of vegan hot dogs either. Might have been watching Nels Cline do a pop up in another wing when that was goin on?

I'm also getting old and don't do the cell thing, I tend to get distracted easily (ie.. the smartdogs), maybe I'll look into a guide next year, so I don't miss the really special stuff.

OK I'm officially Jealous I didn't go.  I also hijacked the DeadCo thread if it makes you feel any better.  Nitey nite

The app was pretty great but I found out most of the good info by just asking the artists. They were pretty chill about just hanging out and watching other people's sets.

I think Sixer mentioned something like that, but I'll let him tell the story. 

But yeah definitely glad to know they have vegetarian options for people who go that way, good looks on getting that info. Not sure if that was a joke or not, I think some people don't eat meat maybe

Oh sorry you missed it Sideshow, maybe next time though.

Next time is in 2 years. Solid Sound is an every other year event now.

Great fest - with great music surrounded by an art museum.

Nice to meet you, ateix. Sorry we didn't meet again at the Nels Cline set. Hope to see you at another show sometime soon.


Reports indicate the Nels Cline Four is maybe the best band he's put together. Glad I caught the soundcheck but feeling like I might have missed the best jazz set (of the three or four in all) of the weekend. Jeff Parker Trio was still pretty mind melting on Saturday night, but seems like NCF are pretty comfortable playing real fast... I like that.


Sun sets on a small city in the Berkshires

Nice photo.

It was good to be home for while.

I like to be home when I can.


That pic makes me very homesick for mass

I see Nels Cline is doing a string of shows in NYC end of August, I'm gonna try to hit up one.  Lyn's family is renting a beach house on the Jersey shore last week of Aug, so may try to hit up 1 of these shows on the way down.  Sat 8/27 looks like a good candidate, the most people in his band - anyone know anything about the folks he plays with?


I'm still kicking myself for missing the show w/Medeski & Martin last fall (when Chris Wood broke a limb or got sick or something).  Some of you NYC zoners went.  I was short on fundage & having truck issues back then.  I also missed Nels guesting w/Phil on 11/1/14, simply because I was lame & didn't find out he was a late addition to the lineup ("Pulled A G-Dad").  Balls-To-The-Wall Awesome show every single note from start to finish.



How was that Robert Glasper Experiment?  I listened to some of their stuff, sounded good/ right up my alley, except for the huge over-use of Auto-Tune, I know they have "experiment" in their name & I guess I'm just Old & all, but, Dayumn . . . .


Acoustic set by Jim Elkington surrounded by the Nick Cave installation

That chandelier is off the fuckin' charts.  Were you allowed to climb those metal stairs to the top?


Crowd always thins out by Sunday afternoon, so a lot more chili-dogging on the hill.
Tweedy band closed the festival by inviting everyone onstage for a really, I mean a really gorgeous cover of "I Shall Be Released" (this photo is not that).

>> Were you allowed to climb those metal stairs to the top?

One at a time on any of the four ladders. Similar to the Airstream outside (photo not mine):


Part of Michael Oatman's all utopias fell exhibit.

What's going on in here?  Missed this thread.  This is the fest I most want to attend

>>Chatted with Pat Sansome

Pat Sansone

>>>>>>> Crowd always thins out by Sunday afternoon,

I kinda figured that'd be the case, thus I was surprised Sun was sold out & tix were so hard to come by.  When one did pop up Sat night I was already getting my vapey-vape/ drinky-drink on & figured I'd be too burnt out to get my shit together the next day.  Oh well.  Drugs R Baaaaddd, Mmmmmm Kayyyyy . . . 

I was standing over by NYC Taper's field man for the second half of Wilco's set (Being There and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot in their completion). His AUD came out sounding pretty solid:

Oops, thanks for the correct 4WInds!

A feew shots


Dave opening the show friday


thanks for sharing pics and audio!




A few favorites snapped by my girlfriend

Glad you all had a great time- thank you for the reviews and pics.

sweet pics man, looks and sounds like a spectacular time. 

It was a spectacular time.

I will add some more pics tonight when I get home.

Just found out they are having a Smurf Music fest there Sept 15 - 17, this looks like a pretty good lineup, definitely want to catch Bill Frisell's trad music project:



I still can't find what MoCA stands for, when I Google it, I get this:



I really like this line up. 

Crooked Still is one of my favorites, Aoife O’Donovan has a voice of an angel. 



MASS MoCA is one of the world’s liveliest (and largest!) centers for making, showing, and enjoying the best art and music of our time. Our renovated 19th-century factory campus features dozens of spacious, light-filled galleries and a multiplicity of performance venues both indoors and out giving artists and audiences a wide array of welcoming spaces in which to share new work.

Along with over 100,000 square feet of galleries dedicated to showcasing immersive visual art installations, MASS MoCA also hosts over 100 performances year-round, including the Solid Sound Festival every other June, Bang on a Can Festival in July, and FreshGrass in September.


FYI - MoCA = Museum of Contemporary Art

Sorry I was unable to upload more pics last night - here they are now:




















And a few more...







i wanted to start a spin-off thread called "Hitler Fest opens with rocking Aryan Brotherhood set", but thought it might be in bad taste.

I didn't know anything about Brandi Carlile (headliner @ that Freshgrass fest in Sept) until this morning when I listened to 2 of her live shows (probably heard her name before but I probably thought she was mainstream Kuntry complete w/autotune).  Good stuff, I'd probably not seek her out @ her own shows but good for a festival.  Finally an artist I like in that "pop Americana" genre that includes the Avett Bros, Mumford & Sons, Lumineers.

& thanks guys for pointing out the MoCA thing, I do remember finding it them forgetting it/losing it.  Sometimes I post Stoopid stuff just to be a Prankster & get a rise outta certain folks, sorry to have dragged Innocent Bystanders into my Shenanigans.  Other times I am actually Really Stoopid, the fun part is, hard to tell the difference, even to myself ;)

& oh yeah sometimes because of my detached retinas I don't see stuff that's really there, some of the nerves between my eyes & my brain were severed, mostly affects up close things, not distance (so you can fear me for other things when I'm driving, not my blindness)

Man. Pitiful.


City of North Adams was so welcoming. Small but vibrant downtown. Talking with locals, they really intimated that MoCA and Solid Sound specifically had, in the last seven years, really revitalized the town. Had some really cool conversations with some good people.

>>>>>> Sometimes I post Stoopid stuff just to be a Prankster & get a rise outta certain folks,

Mission accomplished

LoVe Crooked Still Bart, fell for them big time one year at Grey Fox ..on a side stage <3

I would love to hit that festi w/Bob , but am going to see Bill Frisell : Harmony @ The Ardmore Music Hall on 16th and then we both meet up in Waverly, RI for a dear friends wedding on the beach. Lot's going on this summer, today I sat and got it all together...where is Zerb with a spreadsheet when ya need him...lol !


Also a band called The Nouveaux Honkies...






>>Finally an artist I like in that "pop Americana" genre that includes the Avett Bros, Mumford & Sons, Lumineers.

lol, can't stand any of the above. 

is Bob joking in this thread or serious?

Will the "real" Bob please stand up....lol     ;)





Do you really think he likes those bands.....c'mon ??? Remember that tantrum vid from Mtn jam, well the lumineers played earlier and that kinda set him off ( or one of those raise your hand up in the air and scream with me....bands ),,,,ughhh !





Guys, if we could take the focus of this thread off of people who were naysaying / unwilling or unable to get to a great festival, and refocus it back on the wonderful artists and amazing location who helped make that festival such a success, that would be great. Thanks!


Another snap of that unreal Nick Cave exhibit. Could do a whole thread with nothing but these amazing photos.


Oof. Salty much, Sideshow? I can sense the inebriation-seeking has begun. The posts have a certain flavor... that taste... is it mere unfunniness? No, there's something else... lack of fulfillment, possibly?


Just look at that sky, yall. I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes, y'know?



"Peak performance"?

I'm a big fan of Jeff Parker.

>>refocus it back on the wonderful artists and amazing location who helped make that festival such a success, that would be great. Thanks!

again, thanks for the pics etc.

since it's inception, I've always wanted to go to this event. very high on the list and I love hearing about what a great time you all had!

as far as the logistics, it seems like a bit of work if you're flying in without camping gear along with the distance from the airport, hotels, etc.  do folks seem to have any issues?  ideally, I would love to camp on-site.

So the closest major airport is definitely Logan, but Albany is closer than Boston and might have something going on, which would cut the drive to North Adams down by a little more than half.

The cool thing is that the promoters set up a bus service that gets you to the festival before any acts of the first day, and that runs from Boston and from NYC to North Adams, so it'd more than feasible to fly in to one of those two cities and then do the ride in with other festival goers. If you were carrying camping gear it might complicate matters, but then again maybe not.

I also spoke to a few people who were staying at an AirBnB or at a hotel in one of the surrounding towns, such as Williamstown or Pittsfield. One of the people I randomly caught up with, a photojournalist from Boston, was staying in a dude's trailer, parked right in his front yard, which he had listed out on AirBnB for next to nothing for a couple of nights. There's a hotel or two in North Adams, but it's where the festival artists stay and what rooms are left after those reservation, people very quickly snatch up as soon as dates are announced, or even put reservations on prior to dates being announced, based on rumors of when the festival might be taking place.

For us, the last two years of camping have been really fun and rewarding (the walk into town is short but beautiful), although the weather can shift very quickly and you have to be careful about waterproofing your site.

good info, much appreciated!

We did not get tickets or a hotel right away - so we had to get a bit creative. I am old and want a bed and shower. After years and years of going to shows I have earned that. lol

So, we stayed in a nice little motel in Bennington, VT just over the border about 20 minutes from Mass MoCA. The drive was nice each day - got breakfast and a few supplies for the day on the way.

Albany is definitely the closest airport - ateix is right. Even Bradley in Windsor Locks, CT (smack between Springfield, MA and Hartford, CT) is closer than Logan.

I will also add that if you thought deadheads make up the nicest, kindest crowd out there - you are wrong. The folks at Solid Sound were not only nice and kind - they were polite, friendly, giving, tolerant and genuinely generous. The first night for Wilco I was over a bit stage right and Nels was just outside my view, A father and son near me made sure I stood in front of them for awhile,so I  could see "That Nels guy going crazy!" on guitar.

We joke that this is hipster fest. Whatever. Best bunch of concert goers I have ever shared a weekend with.

¡El doble es muy emocionante!

cool, 6

thanks for the info!