

"Not only was this the third consecutive year to rank hottest than all previous years, it also means 16 of the 17 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000, according to NOAA. To put this in perspective, the last time we had a record cold year was 1911."


this is all a lie...

Unfortunately, not.

it actually is....  like how they use the word hot..... when describing an overall rise in temp of 1 or 2 degrees....


thats not hot.... its a warming trend... but using the word hot, sends people into a panic, and sends the collective imagination into a frenzy, of remembering last summer, and that really hot day, and so, it must be true!!! "oh my god ... the planets is getting HOT and its time to fucking panic about everything!!!!!!!"


no.......  the temp changed by ONE degree......... its not HOT.........


pahleeze.... the media have the world by the balls. and its important not to react to the media, and not let those fuckers tell you what to think...... the media are laughing at how easy it is to troll the collective, and get a panic on almost any subject.....


please surf... dont fall for it...

I don't care but if it's my fault, let me know what I need to change. 

slacks. you just keep on being you....

Jon, I worked in Oceanography and in an EPA water lab for a total of 25 years and have been following this issue for longer.

One degree is huge.

1 degree + 1 degree + 1 degree = 1 degree + 1 degree.....................This place IS getting hot

It won't feel like a lie when Atlantic City & Miami are not on the coast, but in the Atlantic Ocean, or when the only place to see a polar bear or a penguin is in a zoo.

See the Glaciers in Glacier National Park?  Already gone... 

Rising sea levels mean more jobs. Someone has to build the sea walls. Win win

krab makes a very good point. But, the actual pace of this happening is elusive.


Tell me when ocean-front property values plunge or vanish into nothing.

>>>It won't feel like a lie when Atlantic City & Miami are not on the coast, but in the Atlantic Ocean,

But even when people realize the earth is warming and the seas are rising, some will say that its just natural cycles and humans have nothing to do with it.

I blame the cows

Well, it is a natural cycle.

Is it enhanced by human activity? Perhaps.

To what degree? There is no consensus.

This will all be resolved when we become a Star Trek type civilization. No worries.

In the real world the "natural cycle" is the Milankovitch forcing, which is now cooler.

The consensus value is that the human contribution is about 110% of the total warming.

The entire global warming epidemic started when Al Gore drained a reservoir in order to make a TV spot to sell carbon credits and get filthy rich.

You might not believe me, but he really did it.

Stu's been reading Miles Mathis again

We're one Krakatoa away from that 110% being reduced to 1%.


"...been reading Miles Mathis..."

Hadn't heard of him before now, but my first thought was "Love Child of two famous musicians ??"...


>We're one Krakatoa away from that 110% being reduced to 1%.

For a few years - Pinatubo  and Krakatoa added roughly the same amount of cooling areosols to the atmosphere.


I'm not a 'denier' or skeptic, by any means.

I am agreeing with jonnyt that the media takes the most outrageous outliers and frames them as the consensus, or middle-of-the-road assessment.


>>>I worked in Oceanography and in an EPA water lab for a total of 25 years and have been following this issue for longer.

One degree is huge.

Surf, what do you think of the bleaching events that have been occurring to the world's coral reefs?  Seems scary :(


Remember when that bridge collapsed in Minneapolis into the Mississippi, and the local politician (D) said it was due to global warming?

Remember the predictions that sea levels will rise 1 meter in 20 years?



Pretty cold today, my head was freezing at lunch ...

non scientists get science wrong all the time

not hyperbole

OK, looked up MM. I have actually read his take on the Manson Family events, which is loony but interesting.

Now I'm perhaps going to read how John Lennon faked his own death. That should be a Wacky exposition.

>>>the media are laughing at how easy it is to troll the collective, and get a panic on almost any subject.....



It's true.  I heard they are in a pretty large room having a big laugh about it.


Those tricksters. 



So Mr.Felina,

What do you think Johnny Mathis is signifying when, in that photo, he applies his thumb upon  the Third-Eye Chakra ??

I believe that it's a Masonic signal, and he is Wise to the Flintstones.

>>>>>See the Glaciers in Glacier National Park?  Already gone... 


ok... i need to chime in here..... there are no glaciers in GNP.... there are large snow and ice patches where the glaciers once were... thousands of years ago.....


im my many years living there, i never once traveled on a glacier, or heard of anyone glacier hiking or anything... there are 2 spots on the sun road where you can spot remote ice patches, but they are NOT glaciers....


alaska has glaciers.... canada has glaciers... mt rainier has glaciers.... montana does not.


they are long gone....  they did not melt off last year.... lol

There are thinning glaciers on Mt. Shasta.

...and the grizzlies are no longer grizzly. (sad face)

mt rainier has 20 glaciers. but it gets so much snow, that they maintain at best, even grow... its almost 15,000 feet.... not many peaks that high anywhere in canada, or the PNW... colorado comes close...

None (other than Mt Whitney in CA) are as high as Colorado's Mt Elbert.

Rainier is 4th highest peak in the Lower 48.

meh..... at what cost ned??? colorado is so full of people high on themselves..... what a mess.....

Canada's crest over 19,000'.

If we got rid of a few of the bad ones, specifically Puddles, we'd be OK.

mt logan... 19,500


but not many folks up naw.....


colorado needs some big ass glaciers to wipe it all off...

I can't argue with that, jonjonjonnyt

Quadruple J --

The Gore mob melted the Glaciers in GNP to create overpriced bottled water for the Elite.

Now the poor Polar Bears there are fighting for Survival, robbing tourists of Picnic Baskets and vending Grilled Cheese sandwiches on lot.

Coral bleaching is a major concern. When the algal component of the coral dies due to warm water, the coral is more prone to damage by the elements, and the biodiversity of the whole reef ecosystem is compromised. If the water cools, some corals can reacquire their algae and make a recovery.

An even scarier situation is the acidification of the ocean, caused by the seawater taking up excess carbon. If the oceans become too acidic the creatures that make their shells from calcium carbonate will become unable to do so. This would include many types of plankton, mollusks, and corals.