How to tell her, to dress more appropriately? c hisll


Appropriate for what?

I'll buy stock in this thread


Alright Chris, it's time we started seeing other people. Take your shirt and leave my sweater.

I admire people with a command of the english language

> c hisll

Tulsa can has chizzle in his hizzle?

Looks like the zoner with the learning disability is driving the Tulsa Chris handle again. 

I don't know why the screen is starting this thread this way, so I will give it a shot anyway.  My  X wife and I have been doing great over the last year

or so.  I don't wish to rock the boat.  Last night our son had his first night on the stage at the High School; playing the violin with the orchestra.  He was

with me before the show, and I put him in a button down polo, with a red tie, and tan slacks.  He was nervous.  We had a great time, and he did a great 

job.  I didn't see the X until the show was over.  She was wearing a black mini skirt, that was way to short.  She was also showing off the breasts.  This

was not the place to be doing this.  I didn't bring it up to my son, but he brought it up to me on the way home.  He said "Dad what was mom wearing,

damn my friends notice that".  A bunch of eleven and twelve year old boys do notice that type of attire.  What do you think Zoners, is there anyway

I can bring it up to her?  The biggest problem is I am sure she though she was dressed appropriately.  :(

Any pictures?

Your kid said that? Let's hear what you were wearing first 

Yeah some pics would be great, very good call 

She prob. don't GAF what you say..

If her son brought ti up to her it might have a little more impact.

((((( The Breasts )))))

Was she wearing panties?

is she hot?

I don't know why the OP got fucked up.  I haven't started a thread in a long time.  Anyway to the point, what can I say to her?  I wore dark pants, and a sweater.  Most of the adults were dressed nice.  None were showing off their body's.

 When He signed up for Orchestra there was a statement about the Christmas concert, and to dress the children in 
something other than jeans.  

If son can talk to her about his feelings of being uncomfortable she might hear that and take it to heart.

I will not post a photo of her on the Zone.  My son is to scared of her to ask her about why, and what she was wearing.  

button down polo with a tie?

tsk tsk

You don't say a damn thing and you mind your own business. She is your ex and I am sure tensions are high between the

two of you or you wouldn't have split. If your son has an issue then he should speak to her but you need to keep

your trap shut. You want to fight with this woman?

Chris, If it effects your kids life you need to DEAL with this. No kid wants friends who want to bang his mom unless they have inground pool. Any fool can deal with the easy stuff in life. A true measure of a man is how he deals with the hard times in life. I would tell her what your son said. If she's half the parent you are Tulsa shit will change. Best of luck on this one buddy!

No Zippy I don't wish to fight with her.  I also don't want her to be making my son feel uncomfortable around his friends.

If he brings it up again I will ask him to bring it up to her.  

Agreed....its gotta come from kid...stay out of it.....




If you want your son to have a good crew while he grows up you should probably keep your mouth shut. Having a hot mom scores him a lot of points with his bros. 

Yeah. He needs to grow a pair and confront his mother if it "affects" him. Learn the difference between those two words please.

You on the other hand need to bite your tongue. She doesn't give two fucks what you think and this may end up a

domestic dispute. You want probation again?

That is my Father, Step Mother, and son.  She was dressed in some clothes that were Holiday oriented in color, just not enough material to cover it up.  Yes I will be as bald as my Dad.  His wife is 20 years younger than him.  He leaves the blue pills sitting out on his bathroom sink.  Gross.  

Holy fuck, you dressed your kid up like Donald Trump? That is shocking.

Zippy I agree with you, but still would like to make it stop.  Hard to grow a pair, and confront your mother when you are 

eleven years old.  Possibly I could embarrass her some time, by making sure she heres the boy's making comments.

Big props to your dad, Chris.

The tie is too long....Tell us more about black skirt outfit...What kind of shoes?Color of sweater?Blouse?We really need pics, Tulsa


Ya know, in order to help out more

that's an oxford, not a polo

Yes Zippy I dressed him up like Trump.  Hell we had KFC on the way home.  I will tell you the last time I wore a tux, a little kid came up to me, and told me I looked like W. Bush.  WTF  

Jambone he has been working on how to tie a tie.  He did it himself, so I let it go.  I could mark her face out I guess, but really don't even think that would be appropriate.  No photos of her.  Sorry

Zippy the english teacher. Go teach someone who gives two fucks what you think. 

Eleven years old? Sounds like the both of you need to get over it. She will dress any way she pleases.

I'm on her side in this. Mind your own business.

Just kidding, Tulsa...your Dad, his wife, and your son , all look happy....


Thats all that matters

Is she Italian? There seem to be some big fans around here

Just stay out of it. It is not your place to judge.   A few years ago you said a zoner knows her so it will probably get back to her what you said. Looks like you are looking for trouble by posting that picture. You must just thrive on the drama and attention. 

Fish my father had cancer about a decade ago.  He beat it.  Thank God for that.  The problem is he was on a ton of 

pills for the cure.  Now he likes to brag, that he only takes one pill, and it has nothing to do with his health.  No one

wants to think about their parents having sex.  No matter how old we are.  Thus, I am certain my son doesn't want to

think about his friends banging his mother.  

Ok Tulsa, let's get down to brass tacks. Are you going to mind your own business and leave the poor girl alone?

I didn't post a picture of her, nor will I.  Simply asking some Zoners their opinion on how to handle a delicate situation like

this one.  Yes she is still good looking, and I am sure the problem will get worse this summer when swim suites are worn.

Evidently, last year my 18 y/o daughter confronted her mom about her attire. She said something about her dressing like a trashy 16 year old.

Mom cried, and then went out and bought a new wardrobe.

Personally, Chris, I wouldn't say shit to your ex. I thought it about mine, but it wasn't my place to say anything. Not a line worth crossing.

How short was the skirt? Does she have nice titties? Did she squirt?

The only thing delicate here is your fragile ego. You can't handle the fact that your ex is living life without you.

That is called jealousy. Leave the woman alone and move on. She more than likely wants nothing

to do with you. That will be $100 for the therapy session.


No BK she is not a squirter.  Possibly she was going out after the concert.  Was more of a night club outfit than going

to see your son in the orchestra.  She has big breasts, and you never know when she is going to show them off.  the

squirt was short, and the bottom was lace.  If she had bent over I could answer the question if she were wearing panty's 

or not.  I meant short skirt. 

Tell the kid to join SOMA if its that big of a deal


Like someone else mentioned...being a son of a milf just makes him more popular in school...they already prob refer to him as kid w hot mom and weird let it go, before that decription gets any worse...


Basically, tulsa, just make sure he s not emberrassed by you...thats all you can control...forget about everything else

Zippy is correct, keep your mouth shut and leave it alone.My guess is she was trying to get your attention.

This is what my lawyer told me numerous times during my divorce many moons ago, you married her stop complaining.

Yeah, just laugh at her from afar.

Kid looks Sharp Chris.  My only complaint is you tied the tie way to long.  I assume you tied it for him. Lol

Zippy I don't think you have been in many adult relationships.  This has nothing to do with jealousy.  That ship sailed  

many years ago.  I simply would like it if my sons friends didn't jerk it while thinking about my X wife.  Not good for my


Your dad's wife is hot, too. Do you think she squirts? Who knows, the skill might be hereditary!

What I took from this thread is that Trump ties his ties like an eleven year old boy.

Oh Chris, teenage boys are going to choke it thinking about the friggin' breeze. I'd only worry if your son starts choking it while thinking about her. Who cares what the other boys do?

Whorish mom

Tulsa, stop worrying about what your son's friends masturbate to. This will be our last interaction until you can

start posting more appropriately. You claim your trolling days are done. I do not believe you.

I am glad you learned something Zippy.



BK that is disgusting.  She did breast feed him until he was almost four years old.  Finally the judge asked her to stop.

Anyway we have been getting a long as of late.  Thus, I will take your advice, and laugh from a far.  I will tell my son

that if it bothers him he should speak up to her.  

Whatever Zippy.  Sorry you had the dog pile on you in the Viagra thread.  You do like women dressed like whores.  That

is something I have learned from this thread.  

The fact that you are calling the mother of your son a whore speaks volumes about your mental state. I hope you do not

bad mouth her in front of the boy. That leaves long lasting trauma on a child.

Zippy I didn't call her a whore.  Simply implied that she was dressed like one.  There is a difference.  What I have 

gathered recently when it comes to your taste in women is you like them to have hairy legs, and dress like whores.

You and Negman both have that in common.  J/K

There is no difference between suggesting someone looks like something and saying they are that thing.

You need remedial English classes. I'm done here.

Go chase them hairy legs Zippy.  

Sure there is. Saying that you smell like raccoon piss isn't saying that you are raccoon piss.

Smelling and looking are two different scenarios and senses. When you say something looks like something you are

calling it that thing. Nice deflection though.

Sounds like you need a safe space.

I'm in the middle of the woods with a fresh six inches of snow on the ground. Haven't seen one moose since being

back home two weeks now. Roof over my head, fridge full of food, snuggly cat to keep me company.  There is no

place safer than right here right now. If anything Tulsa's ex needs a safe place where she has the freedom to be herself.

Damn, you worry more about Tulsa than he does his ex.

Someone has to worry about the poor cuss. He's all by his lonesome in this world. Think of me like the big brother he never had.

btw our lack of moose in this rural area is more concerning. It probably has to do with the low snowfall so far this year.

Safer walk to market to be sure. You see them more when we have heavy snow because the roads are their only reprieve.

I miss the buggers.

((((Moose , soon))))

Thanks for the advice on this topic Jambone.  You are right on the money, and didn't belittle me, or be a dick in general while giving it.  I have never liked the whore look.  I am more of a librarian kind of guy.  The quiet ones always are the freaks.  

Again, Tulsa. Calling your ex a whore is not healthy for you or your family. I am very disappointed in you.

Not even close to being appropriate. That is a sign of jealousy. She probably has a life and that bothers you.

 I have never liked the whore look<<<

Do you mean sexy?

Where do you draw the line?

How to tell him, to speak more appropriately about women? c hisll

c hisll ?

I know right? That must be a new slang word for chauvinist pig.

Zippy if you have not noticed I am turning into a true gentleman.  Sorry you are obsessed with hairy beavers and hairy legs.  I simply wish my X 

would dress for the occasion.  

Short skirt and showin tits.

There are a hundred Oklahoma boys jerking off as we speak tonight.

Great street cred for your son. Tell him it's all OK.

Hey T.  Thanks for the Calendar.  My son likes it, and so do I.  He asked me if you took the pictures.  I told him no, he would have a stroke trying however.

For realz that happened about an hour ago.  

One reason I am obsessed with hairy women is because I appreciate their independence. I respect their right to do

as they please. Plus it's damn sexy. Gentlemen do not refer to women in derogatory and disrespectful terms as you

do. They do not speak about overtly sexual topics in public. There are women present. Stop being a pig. Stop telling

women how they should dress and act.


btw if she was dressed inappropriately the school would have asked her to leave.

She's a grown woman, Chris, and will dress how she pleases. What you wish doesn't matter. It probably didn't matter when you were married, and it matters even less now. You're divorced for a reason, right? Just be psyched that you don't have to stand arm in arm with someone who you disapprove of. It's not your problem, nor is it your place to say anything on your son's account.

Honestly, she wasn't as trashy looking as the Kum-and-Go ho, was she?

Glad you liked it. We all had a friend or two that had a smokin hottie slutty mom. Always got invited here and there we would hope Mom would make an apperance.

Don't worry about it too much. If the boy asks again tell him that's why you dated her.

Yeah, Chris, it's not cool to air your feelings about how someone should dress.

It is cool for a dude who was homeless for years, a drug addict and alcoholic, who has never had a job or a real relationship, to tell you how to act.

Sweet irony...

tell him that's why you dated her.  >>>>>>


That is funny T, because this last summer I had my niece, nephew, and son in the car with me.  My nephew and niece are in college now.  They started asking me how I married such a pretty women.  Made my son laugh.  People troll me all the time, even my own family when I am giving then a ride.



BK one of the biggest fights her and I ever had was over the way she dressed for an office Christmas party.  That night she looked like a Kum & go attendee.  Last night not as bad.  I agree with you BK, I will need to simply let it go.  

BK is projecting again. 

Projecting what, cat boy?


>>>>BK one of the biggest fights her and I ever had was over the way she dressed for an office Christmas party.  That night she looked like a Kum & go attendee.


...and now we know why she left you. After all that you want to bug her more about her attire? By the way I don't believe your story.

This seems more of a recycled thread from a few years ago. Now I really am done. You are and forever will be a troll, Tulsa Piss.

I had really hoped you were ready to grow up.

Never been homeless, have owned my own home for over 20 years, off dope for 25 years, happily divorced and in a very long-term and awesome relationship.

I think you need to go back on The Interwebz and look up "projecting."

All of a sudden you're a pillar of propriety? Be proud of yourself and how far you've come, but Crikey, you ain't the Pope!




I might have told the story about us having a fight over how she dressed for an office Christmas party before Zippy.  That doesn't mean it didn't happen

again last night.  Be done with me Zippy.  What a crying shame, I was headed to Alaska after the first of the year so we could hang.  Still can if you

want me too.  

Timmy's stock is soon going to start paying dividends!

The photos are a perfect fit Hall.  

The photos are a perfect fit Hall.  

Be careful what you wish for BK.  Dogman will be along soon wanting you to eat a dick.  :)

I guarantee that if Zippy was seeing a chick, and she liked to be clean shaven all over, he'd lecture her about how independent women don't need to shave, and that she could do better for herself.

Tulsa, don't make this breakup harder than it has to be. Just let go. You never even gave me a reach around.

Goodbye dear, Tulsa Piss.


Brian, I've had plenty of jobs and plenty of "real relationships". btw alcohol Is a drug and replacing one drug for another is still an addiction. Good day.

BK are you really going to guarantee anyone that Zippy is going to be seeing a chick?  

Zippy are you really going to dump me the week before Christmas?  


Zippy I really don't know how to respond to the drawing?  

It's a self-portrait.

BK I find it funny that Zippy gives me shit for a couple of hours, about not being a gentleman, and then posts that drawing.  

Everything with him is sweet irony.

I wonder what is in his fridge currently?  I am hungry.  

Is there a clodhopper version of this tune?