"Humans Against Mike Lee" - Join Now!



https://humansagainstmikelee.com/        They have stickers and shirts in their store!  

While some Republicans are pushing to censure Utah Sen. Mitt Romney for voting again to impeach Donald Trump, a left-leaning group is launching a campaign aiming to unseat Sen. Mike Lee for his vote to acquit the former president.

“Today we’re launching a campaign against him: Humans Against Mike Lee,” Kathryn Calderon, political director for The Alliance for a Better Utah wrote in an email announcing the campaign.

“If you watched any of the impeachment trial last week — or if you’ve paid attention to the news at all over the past 10 years — you know that Senator Mike Lee is the worst,” she said. “He’s an extremist who enjoys debating semantics and picking culture war fights instead of getting things done to help Utahns.”

The group launched a website, HumansAgainstMikeLee.com aiming to collect stories about why Lee should be dumped in two years, seeking volunteers and raising money. Among its suggestions: “Donate now. It’s therapeutic.”

Not sure why the link above didn't work. Maybe an extra space.  https://humansagainstmikelee.com/


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Now the money-hungry schmuck is in Mar-A-Lago today, sucking folks for money. https://www.ksl.com/article/50111271/what-is-sen-mike-lee-doing-at-trump...

Some folks around here are thinking (and hoping) Jon Huntsman will run against him. 

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I can send Crayons if you need a new hobby.  Pretty colors.