I’m betting the Zone can’t do it.


I'm betting that it's impossible for the zone not to make one comment on any of the mindless verbal diarrhea threads started by Bryen, Greg or Thom. 
Watch how fast these mentally challenged cretins stop posting their garbage if no one responded. I'm betting it can't be done. 

Over Under at 40 posts. I'd take over.


Dont feed the monster



>Over Under at 40 posts. I'd take over<


This thread? Or a Greg, brayin'?

Sweater vest would get over 100



I've always wanted to engage in conversation with people who's views are different than mine, but there is almost always more throwing stones than listening, analyzing, and attentive conversing. 



Thanks for the reminder Slacker. I've been meaning to check this out. 



     It’s important to remember that just because the theft of a presidential election and an unprecedented effort to suppress speech on this and other platforms appear to be transpiring simultaneously, that “in and of itself” shouldn’t necessarily be considered evidence of a consciousness of guilt, but more likely pure happenstance...to think otherwise would be akin to engaging in conspiracy theory, which should be avoided at all cost. 
     As a show of good faith I’ll put in a word with the Ministry of Plenty to increase chocolate rations for the group. 
     Enjoy the day!


Yer' a real "card", Bryen- gotta give ya' that. 

Bry is the first with a shit and run! 

Cancel slacker.

Ignore Bryen.

Mock Greg.

Poor Thom.

It's their own guilty conscience that compels them.  No one likes to be wrong.


>No one likes to be wrong<


You seem to revel in it




Cancel slackers.



>>> Ignore Bryen.

Mock Ignore Greg.

Poor Thom. <<<


Fixed that for you.


That wasn't brokenwink

The Zone can't even do it in this thread. Come on Earl and everyone just fucking ignore these shits and they will go away.

My point exactly Mark. Even though it wasn't his thread. I won as soon as Earl responded. 

did I win?

You did Jill. And so did we cause you are here.

Wow! It's been way too long since you've been around Jill!











     A place where people like Bob can gather and never have the unprecedented valid and fairly conducted election of Joseph Biden challenged based on some conspiracy theory that the results were somehow tainted by theft and deceit.

     A place where like-minded rubes can reassure themselves that no matter what history reveals...the 2020 election was the most legitimate election in the history of legitimacy.



Rhymes with Bryen.

Great, "Bryen" and Greg in the same thread!

They are both very very good at being very very wrong.






     Those willing to go on record that honestly belive Joe Biden won the 2020 United States Presidential Election in earnest...in a free and fair counting of legitimate votes.*


   * control your laughter...there are people that actually believe this [history will not be kind as to their intellectual capacity]



1  Mike Edwards

2  Bob Safespace

3  Local County Line

4 ______________________

5 ______________________

6 ______________________

7 ______________________

8 ______________________

9 ______________________

10 _____________________




4 anyone on the planet with greater then half a brain 

5 pretty much everyone else 

6. Everyone who isn't a fucking moron

Bryen's not yellow, he's chicken.





     Someone should notify the hall monitor, there's questioning of the unquestionably legitimate election which by definition shall not be questioned!!!!!  The Slackers and Safespaces of this world should call for censoring and canceling of the voices that must be stricken from the marketplace of ideas in the aftermath of the legitimacy of the most unprecedentedly legitimate election in the vaulted history of historical legitimacy!!!!!!!!!! 
     Where's a censor when you need one?


Cryin Bryen just want to play the victim. Maybe Admin can fulfill his wish and ban him. 









     I honestly have no problem with the rubes that can't decipher reality, I blame the watering down of the educational system...my problem is with the scumbags that know it was stolen and take delight in the theft, they are the scourge of the republic.


     Enjoy the day.




That's some fine irony! 



Take your fascist propaganda and shove it, Bry

Whose ballots are you disputing?





     ...you know who you are, how you sleep at night is beyond me
















Toodle-oo, wackadoodle.



Another great shot mikee

Wavy explaining to Jerry, in terms he can easily understand, exactly how repubs do it


Though the thread was not theirs, I believe my wager's been won. 

Such evil gospel they spew, like COVID, will one day be done. 

Alas poor Bryen & Greg we knew them well. 

Their cyberspace stench is easy to smell. 

And we pity their souls, consigned to that hell. 

  >>>>>A place where...the 2020 election was the most legitimate election in the history of legitimacy.


It's called "The World".

Bob, Aren't you asking us to do the antithesis of what we're supposed to do in a chat room.  Look, I'm a boomer so I don't think of this place is as real to me as it apparently  is to some of you.  If it annoys me I stop reading.  If something inspires me to post, i do.  The aforementioned zoners have viewpoints that I don't agree with so I enjoy the dialogue.  I do think that continuing to tout the 'big lie' is pretty pathetic though.It's also destructive to the viability of our democracy.  Guys,  let's debate whether or not the current stimulus/covid package is too expensive and gives payment to too many people that don't need it.  

Long Live the Grateful Dead.

Barry. I don't think so. I'm a boomer too but I'm not sure I'm understanding your comment about this place being real. It's real to me in the sense that it was a place I could go to share and talk about the music and musicians most of us have loved for the majority of our lives. Trade stories, find tickets, get recommendations, etc. Look, I've been around here and the Philzone probably longer than most and maybe longer than I should admit to. Lol.

Let me be perfectly clear, I never have and never will click  a link to anything those aforementioned buffoons post. I have more brains in the fart I just cut then the two of them have together in both their bodies, to do that. And I no longer even read anything I see when they post if I can help it. The problem is however, it's hard to help it, because, I've grown tired of opening possible threads to check out only to find it's more of their verbal diarrhea and mindless ramblings. Or having legitimate threads that have nothing to do with what those imbeciles wish to speak about get hijacked. It's just not enjoyable anymore.

 It has gotten to the point where I, to quote Groucho "I would never want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member" And that is sad, as over the years I have had good exchanges of ideas and received good input or recommendations and learned a few things. There are some who I will miss, as I miss some who never migrated from the Philzone, but perhaps it's time to move on, for to quote some of the musicians I love. 

"There's nothing you can hold for very long "

"Don't come around here no more"

"All things must pass"

I love Groucho 

Well said Bob.  Hope you stay. But I feel the same way. I am almost ready to let the garbage have it.

Admins need to make choices who do they want to leave here. I am not one for censorship generally, but this incessant bullshit needs to be gone.

The zone does what the zone does. Hasn't it always been that way? And haven't there always been knuckleheads, and those who would engage with them even knowing that it's foolish to feed the trolls?

These idiots are spewing shit on a very limited message board. Although they're annoying, their voices and audience aren't big enough to do any harm. At least they aren't stalking and making personal attacks. We've had plenty of that over the years, and it's at a minimum right now. Personally, I'll take these boneheads over the big old meanies, any day. Plus, they do elicit some funny comments and interesting discussions.


While I continue to disagree with every premise and "opinion" put forward by Bryen, g-reg and 2Dank, what I think is more of a drag is the style of posting. I find very little that I want to respond or react to, though I do once in a while as a lark.

So I still don't get it; knowing that these guys are going to post as they do because it gets them off, why let it bother you? I'm perfectly serious in that question. They are going to present themselves as jerk-offs, why jerk-off with them?

The rest of you are actually interesting and post about cool things. We are without the topics of tickets and live music right now, but other than that there are plenty of things to talk about, like in real life.


thom bryen and greg lol. 

thom would hate those other two is my guess. 

even tho they all drink the same hateful kool-aid. 

where did the zone's original resident white supremacist supporting scumbag disappear to anyway? 

Hate to inform you, black kettle brother pyro, but you drink from the same pitcher of ignorance,,, just maybe watered down a little bit. Wouldn't hurt you a bit to take some steps back. Peace

^lol. you're a racist piece of shit. 

people like your teach their kids the same thing. 

fuck you and your shitty family. 

Jeez, and people say that I like to argue. The torch has been passed to ogkb. Not only does he argue way more than I ever did, with way more people, he's much more virulent about it.

Damn dude, you're harsh!

That's one of the big problems in society today overall. Everyone looking for a fight. Even with their cars. Kindness is never an option anymore 

> and people say that I like to argue

ogkb doesn't argue. He just lashes out.

>>>>>fuck you and your shitty family. 


Way over the line.


raz is trash. he's proven that w/ his subtly racist posts and overall idiocy. 

i thought it was an appropriate response. 

mikeedwards just is. that's it. 


bk, dont worry, you're still king. 


I don't see the "raz is trash" thing, and I sure haven't seen him post anything racist. Do you mean his "black kettle brother pyro" comment?

lol, I've never had anything on you. Should we do a roll call for all those you've attacked, berated and name-called in the last 18 months? Or, would it be quicker to list those whom you haven't?

^^we know, mikeedwards. perfect. and of course not. 


bk -- yeah, make the list. 


^That's the quick list

May also be the long list.

OG, you may be confusing Ras with Racket.

ogkb, if you're going to call someone a racist, you should be able to back that up. Can you point me to a post?

Or, you could just not throw out random names and accusations at all, and it wouldn't be an issue.

Confusing ras with racket>>>

i do that a lot. Ras did say he doesn't like rap music when no one was even asking. 

Okay, but not liking rap doesn't make you racist.

The post was something along the lines his neighbor playing "that damn rap music". Just seemed like an odd thing to say. Rap is 99.9% black artists so one could question the intent.

> Rap is 99.9% black artists so one could question the intent.

I couldn't disagree more. Again, disliking rap doesn't make you racist. My mom doesn't like rap, and she's not racist.

Gotta' love the Internet, where not liking rap makes one racist, or neighbors helping neighbors makes them freeloaders.

One could question the intent of someone not liking rap, and then falsely assign one and attack the person, but would someone really do that?

I've been wondering if Raz's dislike of rap music (or not wanting to play it at home) had brought on the accusation that he's a racist. If an extrapolation from that statement is the source, that's way out there.

I've never read a post of his saying or alluding to anything racist.

This >>> Rap is 99.9% black artists so one could question the intent. <<< is just bad logic and reasoning. We can question the intent of anything, but to assert that someone is guilty of something as serious as racism based on that is wrong.

I like very little rap that I've heard, though through the Zone I've heard some that is interesting and somewhat likable. I am not a racist, though I do find myself thinking with occasional racial bias.

It's just trolling, Judit, making up some shitty reason to attack someone.

Lmfao. MD, the sacrosanct burnout,  claims he doesn't like censorship, wants people banned,  and throws jabs with one that doesn't ever engage with him, all in the same thread.

You should seek some mental health treatment.  You're losing it.

"just trolling" "to attack someone"?

Attacking Zoners? Eating ourselves?

> This >>> Rap is 99.9% black artists so one could question the intent. <<< is just bad logic and reasoning

You're absolutely correct, judit, and doubly so. It's a example of a logical fallacy known as a hasty conclusion, wherein you don't have enough data to support the conclusion, and an example of the intentional fallacy; we can't fully know our own intentions, no less another persons.

And, like BK said, it's just trolling too.

I have to admit


i love it when you call me big papa 

Confused between Ras and Racket? really? 

>>Attacking Zoners? Eating ourselves?

Some people enjoy that, I guess.

> Eating ourselves?

I miss Tulsa Chris at times like this.

Don't take much to get brother pyro's panties to fully ignite. Poor little fella,  BARELY even called out for his constantly head up ass philosophy always delivered in 100% full metal jacket Attack Mode at everyone,,,  and he finds it appropriate to act even more juvenile. Pitifully shameful piss poor performance zoner. Time to recalibrate.

Your pennance - more music,,  b minor masses,, double time

Well, I don't exactly know
What's going on in the world today
Don't know what there is to say
About the way the people are treating
Each other, not like brothers

Do you recognize the bells of truth
When you hear them ring
Won't you stop and listen
To the children sing
Won't you come on and sing it children


Tulsa was a saint compared to some of these cretins. 

I really hate Cool Jazz, who am I supposed to hate?

I guess I now have to know, I have been putting it off for way to long and have all of the hate built up in me because of it. I need to offload this shit in a hurry before it kills me.

> I really hate Cool Jazz, who am I supposed to hate?

Ooh ooh ooh. I know the answer to that one. Kenny G, right?

> Eating ourselves?

Though not Ouroboros.

robin boris 


Mikee, this big ball of hate inside of me is just too big for one man, I need a whole race of people to unload this shit on like Ras has. It is really stating to hurt my kidneys 

It's appears that Kenny G is Jewish. Damn. I guess I'm anti-Semitic now.

I really hate Cool Jazz, who am I supposed to hate?<<

Kenny G plays Smooth Jazz, not Cool Jazz.  Cool Jazz is like all the West Coast cats from the 50s, and is good stuff.  Chet Baker, Chico Hamilton, Stan Getz, Gerry Mulligan, etc.

Smooth Jazz hasn't helped my opinion of Dentists.

over the years, especially the past year+, ras has made several questionable posts. 

just wait, there's bound to be more. he doesn't know any better. i know im not the only one that has noticed. beyond his strange rap comment, for sure. 

is he racist? probably. thom racist? probably not. 

raz is a zoner piece of shit. 

just like thod. 

mikewedwards, look back for yourself, im sure you have nothing better to do. 

>>>>>is he racist? probably. ...raz is a zoner piece of shit. 


By using this website, you agree to vivalazone.org/.com’s Rules, including avoiding the following:

~-~ slander/libel, harmful, incriminating, or purposely disruptive secondhand information, unsubstantiated hearsay, gossip, ugly rumors

~-~ defamatory, indecent, vulgar or obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually, racially, culturally, ethnically offensive, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory or abusive language


Just sayin'.

surf, you're saying they should take the site down then? 

Damn it, I have mis-thrown my hate to an undeserving sector of society, it is Smooth Jazz that I hate and the Radio channels that call it cool jazz. Thanks herbal  you probably saved me from becoming Qnon in my haste to hate,  I hate to say it.

 he's saying that you need to be taken down for violating the rules. 

you too then. 

> i know im not the only one that has noticed.

You sound like Trump now. People are saying...

i mean, he's gonna do it again. 

don't worry, you'll get to the bottom of this man. 

>>> By using this website, you agree to vivalazone.org/.com’s Rules, including avoiding the following:

~-~ slander/libel, harmful, incriminating, or purposely disruptive secondhand information, unsubstantiated hearsay, gossip, ugly rumors

~-~ defamatory, indecent, vulgar or obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually, racially, culturally, ethnically offensive, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory or abusive language


Thanks, Surfdead. Please note this, everyone, since it seemed like it would be a good time to remind people by email and now I don't have to send them.

So I still don't get it; knowing that these guys are going to post as they do because it gets them off, why let it bother you? I'm perfectly serious in that question. They are going to present themselves as jerk-offs, why jerk-off with them?<<<

I think it's a different question after Trump got elected and repeatedly launched attacks upon the Republic;  how could support for such a thing ever go unchallenged?  Then again, that's part of the black hole of it all.