I Don't See It Ending Well


I just don't see the how we turn the temperature down on what is going on. The further we get into it the more I think that there really isn't any way it ends well. With every passing day the path to smooth landing seems to fade into the distance. 

Today my favorite political writer Kevin Drum posted what I've been thinking the last couple of weeks. 

David French is a conservative lawyer who writes for National Review. Last year he wrote scathingly about both Donald Trump and the alt-right and was rewarded with a barrage of abuse, much of the worst of it aimed at his wife and children. 

...And I have never in my adult life seen such anger. There is a near-universal hatred of the media. There is a near-universal hatred of the so-called “elite.” If a person finds out that I didn’t support Trump, I’ll often watch their face transform into a mask of rage. Partisans are so primed to fight — and they so clearly define whom they’re fighting against — that they often don’t care whom or what they’re fighting for….Don’t like the media? Shut it down. Don’t like kneeling football players? Make them stand. Tired of American weakness overseas? Cheer incoherent and reckless tweets as evidence of “strength.”​

Here is link to the whole post





It's different in California. The poor are needed. 

they put hate juice in budweiser

you are surprised by this?

Both parties are under attack left going left and right going right. 2018 going be interesting.

Here's the left...

Published on Friday, October 13, 2017 by The Hill

The Establishment Still Doesn't Recognize The Political Revolution That's Happening

The path ahead for real progressive change is becoming clearer and clearer.

by Jeff Weaver
