"I don't want to see the American people voting for the lesser of two evils"


Presidential hopeful and underdog for the Democratic nomination Bernie Sanders said one of the reasons he is staying in the race is that he does not want Americans "voting for the lesser of two evils."

Sanders added that he will use Hillary Clinton's low favorability ratings as part of his case to Democratic party superdelegates that they should back him over her.

"We need a campaign, an election, coming up which does not have two candidates who are really very, very strongly disliked. I don't want to see the American people voting for the lesser of two evils,"...



The American people didn't vote for the lesser evil. I don't think Sanders is happy

I am a Democrat and pissed at DNC for many things for many years . Equally pissed at republicans . The third parties platforms are jsut as nutty as Trump, though in different ways .I dont think I'll ever be sated by American politicians........

Didn't Bernie endorse Hillary?

um at the end...

OP article dated 05/21/16

So Bernie endorsed the lesser of two evils? Classic!

You guys remember that one time B-Wrong was actually B-Right?

It was about the election.

Voting for the lessor of two evils is better than voting for the greater of two evils. 

I don’t understand how people can look at choice and decide that getting a swift kick in the balls is a better deal than getting 50% of what you want -  on the off chance that four years from now the swift kick in balls will magically create a better choice.


The tipping-point states in the 2016 presidential election were: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.Nov 9, 2016

Politics should be completely disbanded and forgotten like the telegram. We should create something new that works much better. Politics failed.

Politics should be completely disbanded and forgotten like the telegram. We should create something new that works much better. Politics failed.

>So Bernie endorsed the lesser of two evils? Classic!<


its called pragmatism...


would it be beneficial if he said, just don't fucking vote?

as long as the game is rigged, pragmatism isn't gonna get you progress, ya dig?

I fucking love Bill Burr.






"it was unbelievable, he was tripping over coffee tables everywhere he went and somehow you couldn't get out in front of this guy?"

Mannfred, without graphs this is a pretty impotent thread. 

Bill Burr rocks!

In fact, I bet you that Bill Burr could've been elected POTUS if he ran against both Trump and Hilary.


Or either:  Your Choice

The democrats only have themselves to blame for Trump being elected. I absolutely love it- not cause i'm a Trump fan, but because the smug ass DNC got their ass handed to them... ha ha.. they got what they deserved, and anything horrible that Trump does is as much on the democratic party as with Trump supporters.

America got the president they deserved..

That being said, let's try and work together for the good of mankind. Be the change you want to see in the world!

The hillbilly white trash element prevailed because liberals are too nice. If they don't obstruct Trumps SCOTUS Im officially out of the party.

>I absolutely love it- not cause i'm a Trump fan, but because the smug ass DNC got their ass handed to them... ha ha.. they got what they deserved, and anything horrible that Trump does is as much on the democratic party as with Trump supporters.<


You sound pretty smug yourself, lassen. The members of the DNC will not suffer, the vurnerable and marginalized will suffer.  But I'm glad you're taking pleasure in the "dnc's loss"

I only rarely sniff my own farts, so how smug can i really be?


lassen's not a racist because his woman is Mexican. 

There's your normal "lesser of two evils" and then there is "My BFF advisor is a white power nazi".




(((((JR's impotence)))))

>>>>>>You guys remember that one time B-Wrong was actually B-Right?


Jr, I don't think lassen is racist. I feel that his glee over the Dems loss  is foolish as the folks in the DNC will not suffer the consequences of Trump's policies.

>"it was unbelievable, he was tripping over coffee tables everywhere he went and somehow you couldn't get out in front of this guy?"

I've been waiting to address Bill's comment. 

Trumps election says more about our nations voters than it does the candidate.  You weren't one of the 'anyone but Hillary' crew?  So with that rational it did not matter how much of a buffoon that Trump made of himself.  The sentiment amongst a segment of voters is that they would have rather had an amoeba over Hillary.  They certainly got what they wanted. Congrats! 

In other news, amoebas protest being lumped in with tRump.

"We didn't vote for him" says Supreme Amoeba.

Single cell v single brain cell..... Should have been a tighter race. 

floops, please re-post the pic of your lady friend with the large watermelons. i would like to re-enter that into my spank bank.