I Just Realized It's Been Two Years...


... as of yesterday since I smoked a cigarette.


I never thought I could quit, but after a few months, it was a huge relief to be done with them.


I'm just saying so in case anybody who's been thinking about quitting sees this post.


It gets way easier.

I quit tobacco over four years ago. It was exactly a year before I quit drinking alcohol.

Crazy to think I drank for a full year while not smoking. That was difficult.

It gets to the point that you want to vomit smelling tobacco smoke.

Thank God for cannabis.



Nye will be 2 years for me. Congrats no Grets

Congratulations hammer yes

Anyone else thinking about quitting --- Do it! Do it! Do it! Everyone!

You'll be so glad to be done with that poison. (So expensive too!!)

On Xmas Eve it will be 22 years since the last time I smoked tobacco. cool


That stuff is NOT good for you.


I quit Oct. 15, 1998. Too expensive and weed was more important. :)

My step sister died of lung cancer on April Fools day this year at the age of 51. She smoked a pack a day for thirty-five years.

Too fucking young.



I'm sorry for your step-sister's death, Zippy. Way too young.

We stopped smoking in 1992 after smoking for more than 30 years. Life is so much more fun without tobacco!

I don't know who put it there.


Wow, I see what you mean.



Nice.  I haven't had a cigarette in about 3 months.  I've probably had 5-6 in the last 6 months.  Keep it going ~

I couldn't post because I was using an Apple emoji.



Nye will be 2 years for me. Congrats no Grets

Last cigarette, 10/31/1993 JGB - East Rutherford, NJ. My girlfriend said cigarettes or kisses. Never had another cigarette...been kissing the same girl ever since.

That's nice. I was just tired of coughing up blood and getting winded by two flights of stairs.

Nobody except myself had to convince me to quit. I quit a hundred times

before I actually did it for good though.



Thank you for choosing air.  

I quit almost 14 years ago after smoking for way too long. 

I wish St. Mark would join all of us in quitting cigarettes too.

Congrats Hammer. I quit many years ago for the first time. Was well in to a year or more of non smoking. Hung with a bunch of friends from  England who rolled Joints with tobacco. After a week or two of hanging out with them I was off the wagon and on the express train to ill health.  About 6 or 7 years later, smoking 2 1/2 packs a day with the worst cough and no butts in the house i went out and bought two cartons. I put those two cartons in the pantry and pondered my awful cough. I quit that very moment and left those cartons in the pantry. They remained there for a year before I got rid of them. Straight cold turkey. No patches. No gum. No gimmicks. That was about 20 years ago. For me the most difficult moments of the day in trying to quit were 1) The coffee in one hand, ciggy in the other morning dump.   No better laxative in the land 2) the after meal ciggy 3) After work sitting in the bar with a drink in one hand and nothing in the other surrounded by smokers.  I found the first 3 weeks were tough. Every week after it got easier. 

It definitely gets easier day after day after week after month. It's a build on your success model.

Cold turkey is the way to quit once you possess the most important factor in quitting - which is the HONEST desire to quit.

And no cartons for me - but I kept a pack in my top dresser door for a year post-quitting (just in case) - but I never touched them until a year or so after I quit - and that was to throw them away.

It's about a year for me. I don't know the exact date, but it was early December of last year. Started with the patch, and after a few weeks stopped using it (I got that motivation from Popi).

It really hasn't been an issue for me. There are always cigs around, and I'm still around smokers. I generally feel great, and it has made a noticeable difference in my bank account.

Here's something really fucked up. I've always made a point of living within a few minutes of a store, so that I had easy access if I ran out. I was always planning ahead, making sure I had one for the morning. It's really friggin' liberating to not have to deal with that mindset anymore.

Congrats Hammer.


Sorry for your loss Zippy.


I have to quit......soon.

Similar time frame for me, it's been around 2 1/2 years. After about two weeks I was over it.  I just hate the smell of it now, which I think is an essential part of quitting it all together.

25 years, you can do it.

Hey Hambone, quit being a fucking pussy and just quit cold turkey like I did. It isn't easy but

you got more willpower than that sniveling hoser BK, am I right? A fucking patch? *snicker*

Just fucking quit already! You want to die a painful death or something? After four years I'm in

the best shape of my life.



It's been 8 months since my last one. Really enjoying the tobacco-free existence!


After a pack a day for 35 years, I am officially 483 days quit / $3864 saved / 9660 cigs not smoked

N.O.P.E: Not One Puff Ever



I am sorry for your loss, Zippy.

What up, KK!


I've still got two American Spirits my buddy left at my apt. after we pay-per-viewed the Fare Thee Well shows.


I haven't saved a dime though from quitting, Sunlite.


Spent it all on mountain bike stuff.

>>>> I was always planning ahead, making sure I had one for the morning. It's really friggin' liberating to not have to deal with that mindset anymore. <<<<


For real

lol. I just got a warning for throwing some tough love at Jambone. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what I said.

If you don't quit smoking tobacco you will die a painful death. That is a fact. My sister would still be here if

she didn't smoke so much. Just wanted to clarify that aside from a playful bust on BK, which is mutual, there is

no trolling being done here. I actually give a shit and do not want to see any more zoners die an early death.

How many more need to die? Stop smoking or die. Your choice.



I'd like some feedback from the community about what exactly I said wrong in that post to Hambone.

Seems to me I was spot on. ...and if you ask BK he would most likely vouch that we have a mutual sarcastic friendship.

Maybe it's the fact that I used the word pussy? Would wimp be a better slight?



Certain zoners will always be in the cross hairs of the Vivala hit squad. Tread carefully.



Exactly. I feel that my post could have been made by anyone else and it would have been ignored. If I didn't

actually give a shit if y'all live or die I wouldn't have said what I said. This is a personal issue for me.

I loved Becky like she was blood.



Coming up on 3 years myself. Just got tired of congested lungs & colds seemed to drag on much longer. Not to mention all the $$.

i see nothing wrong w/ the zippy post. 

just my opinion. 

8/8/16 last smoke for me.

Really like not smoking. Had a few bad cravings the other day. Got through it smoke free though.

Zip, sorry for your loss.

Pretty sure Jambone can take it, Judit just doesn't like you imo. Hope I dont get a warning for saying so lol

Gotta agree with zip, lighten up mods!

Evan, good choice, nothing like kissing an ashtray.

Been a long time for me but i started at 12 along with everything else. Still a reformed smoker is a reformed smoker, i can smell that nasty shit for a mile off. Can't stand second hand smoke.

It was a nasty case of bronchitis that made me quit and i never went back, smoking too many cigs is probably what caused it anyway. Or too many cigs and running out of beer.


  ​I knew it. Maybe I was a bit crass but I was half joking. Nothing wrong with what I said.




By the way, even four years and three months later I still think about smoking now and again. It happens. The trick is

having willpower over those unreasonable cravings. I smoked for seven years, quit for seven years and smoked

for another ten years. Cocaine is what got me smoking again after that seven year break. Stupid is as stupid does.

Haven't even touched coke in a dozen years. Quit drinking... All I do now is cannabis, caffeine

and the occasional mushroom. I feel amazing. Thanks for the condolences y'all.



Bump for answers. Who was offended by by comments above?

Quit smoking or die a painful death. Your choice.

