I love you Zoners


All of you. No exceptions.


Does not hurt to say that once in a while.


In this 21st century, which is a lot different than the 20th century. Most of us are enmeshed in online spaces, taking and creating content, for worse and for better. For me the PhilZone has been the most comfortable, funny, and entertaining place online ~ the Original Zone and Viva la Zone. Sure, sometimes troublemakers have barged in here, upset people, and some Zoners seem to enjoy a bit of shit stirring and baby talk, but none of that ever slows us down for long, and I say it never will! This is a Phan site. Because the Phans want to know.

Thanks everybody. Long may we run!

I like you a lot

Write a Haiku about the zone.

Love my Zoner fam!

So much goodness here. 


There's a whole lot to love here. Heck, even the dysfunctional kind of affection is well-represented.

> some Zoners seem to enjoy a bit of shit stirring and baby talk

I'm usually down for some shit stirring, but baby talk? You must mean do-little's derpish dribble.

I love you too Mikey! Please don't put on that red dress again Roxanne.

Take it from a widow who just lost a Zoner, Zoners are like sharing your favorite wisdom with your best friend. Maybe you fight like family, but you're unconditional like family, and you're much more interesting than the average family. NFA

Thanks, Roarshock. 

Dear sweet folks, anyone can stir shit, could y'all be loving versions of yourselves in a thread about love? Honestly.

LLOLLO, Lil, I don't know if the women are smarter, but look at you being love. And Ras, being like. Sweet.

Lil, I hate that you've lost your Zoner. It hurts all the way to Oregon.

This place is truly unique and it's only because of the characters here.  I've made some nice connections and friends along the way here and hope to make more of both as time progresses. 

Love to all, no exceptions (for now :-)



you don't know how easy it is to love you 


a half assed effort

to haiku for dolittle

zonahs for life, yo

A Zone Haiku

Behind the black screen
All seasons a whirling wheel
Music in our dreams



^ this is how the old toy "Speak & Spell" pronounced "W"


Yeah Love this place and most of the pholks here.  Been a major part of my life for 18 yrs.