I think Bloomberg is gonna get under Donald's orange skin



He might be good an insulting and pissing off Trump, but can he beat him come November?

If there's one positive that Bloomberg can have, it's to push Trump to the point of being a raving lunatic. Go, Mikey!


> push Trump to the point of being a raving lunatic<


He's already a raving lunatic, has been for years 

I think Bloomberg is a racist.

He might be good an insulting and pissing off Trump, but can he beat him come November?


Absolutely he can and will.

poor p-heater :(

Two rich, loud-mouthed New Yorkers.

W.C. Fields would have them fight it out with socks filled with horse manure at Madison Square Garden.

Michael Bloomberg now has the endorsements of three members of the Congressional Black Caucus. On Wednesday, a day after the former New York mayor again faced questions about his previous support for stop-and-frisk policing practices, Reps. Lucy McBath of Georgia, Gregory Meeks of New York and Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands made no mention of the controversial policing practice that took place during Bloomberg's mayoralty in their endorsement statements.  Bloomberg apologized for his support for the practice when he entered the race late last year, but comments from 2015 that surfaced earlier this week in which he defended stop and frisk in stark terms renewed attention on the controversial part of his New York legacy.

"Mike gave grieving mothers like me a way to stand up and fight back," McBath, whose 17-year-old son Jordan Davis was shot and killed by a white man in 2012 after a dispute over loud music, said in a statement. "Nobody running for president has done more for the gun violence prevention movement than Mike."  Bloomberg has long advocated for greater gun control measures and has spent millions on the cause.

all those who are running should take note here. you need to get down in the mud and personally dirty to best a pig

the Bros get that... does the Bern?

ned needs to be told who to vote for. 

and lol at centrists supporting oligarchs, and racist ones at that. 


>>>>Bloomberg has long advocated for greater gun control measures and has spent millions on the cause.

Two-edged sword.  Might appeal to suburban soccer moms, but don't know how that will be received in rural Michigan and Pennsylvania.  

brother Heat, you see value in these tactics tho, yes?  

potus is so shallow and so easy to distract.  you gotta bait him like this all the while buttoning into a very confident troll when doing so.  not sure bloomberg has the moxie to keep this asymmetrical fight going

thats why I like the Bros.  they are like the inglorious bastards.  they are into beating down and killin nazis (in this case the fascism is maga) and give zero fucks what you think of them or there tactics  

>Might appeal to suburban soccer moms, but don't know how that will be received in rural Michigan and Pennsylvania.  <


Bloomberg's gun control efforts are extremely unpopular in rural Pennsylvania, but that's Trump country anyway. 

Dems need PA, OH, MI, WI

>>and lol at centrists supporting oligarchs, and racist ones at that. 

Whether you agree or not, it's kind of important to understand what where people are coming from. For instance, you say that a vote for anyone but Bernie is a vote for more of the same. At the same time, millions of people don't see it that way. To them, every one of the candidates, including Bloomberg, would be a huge change from what we have and would be infinitely better. While you see them supporting a racist oligarch, they see it as supporting the best chance to get rid of Trump.

I get it, you hate them all and think they are all the same. While you're looking at fixing a major, systemic problem, others are looking at stopping the bleeding.

I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that it's all opinion. I also know that you can write in Bernie in Vermont and it won't matter. If you were still in PA, a swing state that will come down to a few thousand votes, and did that, you sure as hell would be keeping Trump in office.

Honest question, ogkb, do you think that they are all as bad as Trump? I ask because that's the vibe you put off.

Slackers brain is slack 



not sure if he is a racist

Observe that he has been spinning out of orbit recently 

am I wrong




bernie or bust

may mean bust

stopping the bleeding is the highest priority 

my "psychobabble" for now oh ye with opinion 

(From a citizen raised as a liberal with a hint of radical FYI)


Guy posts damning photo of Bloomberg hanging out with trump. Trump retweets it, so the guy changes his twitter handle to BERNIE BEATS TRUMP. lol




Stop and frisk certainly turned out to be racist even if that result wasn't in bloomberg's initial thought process.

Bloomberg blames minorities for the recession. 

Bloomberg is the UNITER the Dems need right now. We need a candidate who will protect the struggling, working people of the billionaire class and to further raise drug costs & college tuition to help us continue beating down the poor.




Someone imagined this debate response.

I'm shawt?  So?  Yaw fat.


And yaw not a billionaire.



Remember voting green takes care of the problem.



I'm Bloomberg want to spend a cool billion to troll the fuck out of Trump, drive him crazy, and push him over the edge to a public melt, I'm all for it. 


oligarch vs oligarch ( nod dL)


If you consider trump an oligarch? lol

Why is bloombergs money not being questioned?
his game is stronger, more cerebral than any


Let's talk about his his money

*sorry libertarians*


go get 'em wolf.

^" If Bloomberg wants to spend a cool billion to troll the fuck out of Trump, drive him crazy, and push him over the edge to a public melt, I'm all for it."


(((( chuckle))))


Best post of the year




And I trust Bloomberg to spend another billion helping whoever gets the nomination. He wants Trump gone as much as the rest of us, and has the cash to throw around. More power to him,  even if he manages  to get enough votes to be the Democratic nominee (please no though). Yes, Bloomberg is still a better choice than Trump (please no though).

More cash to the Democratic primary winner please and more cash toward defeating Trump and driving him (more) nuts. 

>>>  He might be good an insulting and pissing off Trump*, but can he beat him come November?

*aka littlefingers

I hope his money helps Bernie, Amy, Pete, Elizabeth or Joe win more electoral college votes than littlefingers come November. 


We all hope the same. 


 Maybe he could spare a few million and put  Bloomberg Towers in Gold on a former Trump property?


 I mean, we're the masters of trolling here, what else you folks got?

All he has to do is keep saying that Trump isn't a billionaire, that he's a failed businessman, and that's why he won't release his tax returns. Then, maybe a comment or two about how Ivanka isn't as desireable as her daddy thinks she is.

He'll publicly lose it after a while.

need to get more small penis commentary from the laundry list of non-disclosure agreement ladies and see if any of that russian kink in the steele dossier is for realsies


Bloomberg wants to stop and frisk every black man in the nation

da unicorns


Tom stayers talks better smack.

Stayer has been doing the anti Trump thing for years. It sounds good, but bounces of Trump's back. It gets to him when Bloomberg does it.

Bloomberg needs to stop jabbing and unleash the wrath of his $60 billion on Donnie; turn him in to a sniveling twat in front in front of the entire nation. 

Seems that the bros hate Bloomberg as much as Trump. 

Do they really hate Trump? I haven't heard that sentiment. The hate is for the Democrats.

No one outside of NY and LA is going to vote for Bloomberg, IMHO.

Heater, the bruh from oc, and the pool cleaner are, as Lenin would say, “useful idiots.”

Do you know what stop and frisk was, JR? If not then google it





bloomberg is trump. 

centrists support trump 2.0? of course they do, right woz? 

64 different women. 40 lawsuits. who here supports this? raise your fucking hand. 

please, explain how'll you justify supporting this incredible unvetted oligarch, that is interfering in our elections in a corrupt manner. go ahead, please. thank you. 

trump crushes this loser. 

<<<>>>And I trust Bloomberg to spend another billion helping whoever gets the nomination. He wants Trump gone as much as the rest of us


bwahahahahaha. on man, so fucking stupid. wow. 

oh look, boner boy from the lbc is still at it.


racket, post some more trump meme, you little bitch. 

racket will vote trump, he'll pull the trigger for trump over bernie. 

racket is very stupid. 


>bloomberg is trump<


This statement demonstrates that you do not understand the existential threat posed by Trump.

Everyone but Bernie is Trump.

Ogkb, can you please stop demeaning people who have different opinions than you? Enough with calling people stupid and ignorant. You aren't an expert in politics or the the economy, nor are you a fortune teller. Stop with the shit, would you?

tooltod called me ignorant as fuck. he's on your team.

and bk that is not true. nobody has said that but you.

bk, can you please tell everyone else the same? jesus man. 

but, guys, keep deflecting -- 64 woman, 40 lawsuits. trump 2.0. 

and also, bk, i've never said that. don't put words in my mouth. now you're acting like thod. 

What team's that, Turts? I've yet to decide who I'm voting for, but I have said who I won't vote for in the primary. Bernie is not on that list.

Those who say that a vote for anyone but Bernie is a vote for "more of the same" is saying that they are all the same. Is there another way to look at it, especially if they won't vote for anyone else in the general?

>What team's that, Turts? <

the naysayers?

where's ned?

i'll vote for whoever comes out of the dem party unless its that republican schiester plutocrat bloomberg. fuck that guy.

Interesting. Have I been a naysayer, at least in recent weeks? I'm trying to be open and objective.

My confidence in my own predictions is for shit at this time. The thought that Trump would resign crossed my mind once.

I'll vote for whoever comes out of the dem party unless its that republican schiester plutocrat bloomberg. fuck that guy.


Sounds like you'll be sitting out the next election.....


well if that's the "choice"....then yeah, it really doesn't matter.

go ahead and keep holding the country back for 99% of it's citizens though. it's cool as long as you are still able to afford $500 seats...



It's getting Trump out, and I'm not holding anything back, the Democrats aren't going to nominate Bernie and Bloomie is most definitely not Trump. Typical "Bernie Bro" talk that it doesn't matter. It does.

Bernie is going to alleviate $500 seats also!?  Fucking A he really is the messiah! 

what would be his policy differences?

bust more black people?


Gun Control, Climate Change, taxes.......the whole works. Why don't you go and read about the platform the is running on. The fact that you think his policies would be the same as Trump's reveasl an individual who has done no research or even engaged in a critical analysis of the situation.



no thanks. 

there are many other more qualified candidates.

not into a dick measuring competition among the elites.

how many "delegates" does he have?

people tell me this is how it works.


Turtle likes Tom Steyer.  

The guy that made his billions on coal and fossil fuels in indo and oz.

The guy that kept his hedge funds overseas to avoid paying taxes.

The guy that opens “non profit” bank to further avoid paying taxes.

But hey his commercial says he will save the world so he must be alright.


NEW: two members of DNC rules committees are simultaneously working on Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign. One was just nominated by DNC Chair Tom Perez to be a vice-chair of the Convention Rules Committee.



yeah no problems here....


and the dems wonder why they lost the last election...

i "like" tom styer...lol. 

move to where the air quality is better, you're brain damaged.




re; mikebloomberg dot com - i see nothing in the foreign policy section about bringing our troops home or ending the decades long US policy of economically motivated regime change war, i see he wants to continue the US's failed prohibitionist drug policies by banning flavored vapes, instead of any mention of citizens united or concrete campaign finance reform i see a list of tropes and platitudes strung together to have as wide an appeal and be as noncommittal as possible, his healthcare plan just expands on the ACA, leaving the for profit health insurance industry intact, and like the ACA, leaving middle class americans in the lurch. the opioid epidemic section is like a draconian tour through 1990's american drug policy - not a single mention of narcan, a teeny tiny mention of methadone and bupe at the bottom, no mention of any of the proven ways countries/states have effectively combated opioid addiction/overdose, like cannabis legalization, drug decriminalization, supervised injection sites, needle exchange programs, or ibogaine. just a tiny section on criminal justice reform that says basically nothing, offers no ideas or solutions, and does not even fleetingly mention ending cannabis prohibition, changing our drug policies to a treatment based model, the prison industrial complex, police corruption/brutality or prison reform.

if you want to vote for bloomberg go right ahead, ill just be over here jamming my wiener in this meat grinder.  

Do I really have to look up the quote?

it was sarcastic.

maybe i should highlight sarcasm for you so you don't have to waste excess mental energy?

Sure it was.  You’ve said it multiple times.  

Racket thinks he's going to win. Look it up, dude! Don't quit. 

Tom Steyer surging in South Carolina. Now I'm excited.

If I ran for president would any of you vote for me? 

 as desireable as her daddy thinks she is.

He'll publicly lose it after a while.<<<<  Awesome BK thanks



Steyer has spent 18 million in SC on ads.  Next in line The Mayor has spent about 2 million.  Biden under a million.

Steyers wife actually just moved to SC from CA. Hahaha 

No democrat is going to get enough delegates come convention time.

This is going to cause full melt here on the zone.

cant wait.  What a shit show.

I'd vote for briank - seems more level headed than most zoners. Stays on topic, politely gets point across, not overly vulgar. How ya look on a billboard ?  Not too baby frightening ? 

>“I talked to somebody from the Bloomberg campaign, they said they’re hiring an expert on narcissism and combining that — no, this is for real — and combining that person with a comedy writer to get in Donald Trump’s head,” Couric reported.

awesome to see centrists like woz supporting an oligarch. really says a lot about you imo. 

also, what happened to believing the woman, guys? hahahaha. fucking hypocrites. 

and to cheer on a racist nyc billionaire b/c you think he can troll trump, is just fucking sad. damn. 

Yeah, as sad as punching a Nazi. 

cry me a river, BernieBrat

^^lol. too stupid to even reply to your nonsense. 

Yes. Yes, you are.

Bloomberg should hire me.

^ And get him some platform shoes. He's like the political Mickey Rooney, but not as entertaining. His monotone voice is sooooo boring. Someone teach him to use some range fer Christ's sake.


there, you can watch a much more articulate person annihilate the idea of bloomberg...

If Mexico defaults on it's payment for the Wall, then who pays for it? Trump? Roger Waters?

If college students default on their loans who pays for it? Bloomberg? Sanders?

The deficit fairy.

Bloomberg is in Chicago meeting with Obama's pals.   Boy, that would suck for O'Biden if Obama ends up backing Bloomberg.

mike ffor black america.jpg


Text "Mike" to 80510

In another attempt to drain the swamp  Donald Trump has just fired The Great Pumpkin. Trump reasons " He's a pale orange compared to me,and a socialist  that gives free candy to children on Halloween. Next up Santa Claus?


is this the "i support an oligarch" thread? 



anyway, centrists (and oligarchs)  are in trouble guys .......... so is trump:














im just imagining mike and his campaign team running around maing sure he has that black baby.

"carl, did you secure the black baby?"

"we've got one that we are 50/50 on and we are working on a backup baby sir"

"DAMMIT CARL, i dont need the whole breakdown, JUST FIND ME MY BLACK BABY!"

Why doesn't Bernie ever take pictures with black people?

New England is pearls and utopian dreams

"i hate trump, he's literally the worst, he's racist and sexist"  

bloomberg is a racist and sexist. nobody read the article above (64 women, 40 lawsuits......woz supports this, doesn't believe woman).


"i hate trump for implementing the muslim ban, argh!" 

bloomberg had the nypd spy on nyc muslims. 


centrists -- how do you explain supporting this?

he just wants to keep the taxes low for his boys, trash the unions, cut ss, push privatization, throw more black people in prison for being black. 

if you support this you're a republican -- which is fine, but don't kid yourself into thinking he represents the working class or even the democratic party -- this isnt the progressive working class policy people are screaming for, that'll defeat trump. this is more of the same. this is a weak campaign designed to help republicans (trump) and hurt bernie. he's an oligarch, indisputable. think. 




Bloomberg was a life long republican up until 2019, lol. Really not much more needs to be said


You are incorrect, Timpane. Bloomberg was a life long Democrat, switched to Republican in 2001, then independent in 2007, then back to Democrat in 2018


Pyramid,  Bloomberg has said that he will spend a billion dollars to defeat Trump, even if he not the democratic nominee.  I'm guessing that you don't believe him, or just unaware of his statement. 

>>>>or just unaware of his statement. 


I'm aware of his racist statements. 


i see you ignore bloomberg's racist, sexist statements. i'm guessing that behavior is acceptable to you.  

replacing one racist sexist billionaire w/ another racist sexist billionaire, fixes nothing. just b/c he'll make you feel like shit isn't as crazy, doesn't mean it's not. he's smarter than trump, which makes him more dangerous. 

bloomberg is a 78 year old racist republican w/ stents. hahaha. facts. 

Not at all, Pyramid. 

Not sure where I advocated for any  particular candidate.

 I just corrected an incorrect assertion from Timpane.

 I mentioned Bloomberg's statement regarding spending a billion dollars to defeat Trump to refute your nonsense that Bloomberg is out to help Trump.

To be clear, I'll vote for the Democratic nominee.  I'd even vote for your foolish behind, if you were the democratic nominee 


>i'm guessing that behavior is acceptable to you<


Still a passive aggressive sanctimonious prick,  I see.


     Lumber, will you tell us more about Russia and the Mueller report?  



     All kidding aside, you may want to stop whatever you're doing and watch this clip of Steve Bannon discussing the Bloomberg/Clinton situation, it's an enlightening take on the current scenario.


     Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo 2.16.2020


Lumber truck is obviously just willing to elect another old racist white male billionaire. Sorry you can't see that.


No, Timpane, I am unhappy with all of the Democratic candidates.  However, they all are better than Trump.  

Again,  I was just correcting your uninformed assertion regarding Bloomberg's party affiliation.

There is plenty on which to criticize Bloomberg, you don't have to promulgate lies.


lol lumber -- i'm not playing your game, asshole. 

justify it anyway you'd like -- you just said you'd vote for a racist, sexist, nyc billionaire -- are we talking trump or bloomberg? 

so just to keep count, these are the people that will support a  sexist and a racist:








who else? come on out. 

pheater gets lumps of coal in his stocking every year :(

...but blames everyone else LOL

haha there you are little buddy. 

has daddy told you who to vote for yet? 

Daylight, that picture was taken during great depression.  


It's not a game, Pyramid. Trump has appointed over 190 federal judges, 2 Supreme court justices. Another term would surely mean one or two more Supreme court justices. It's unfortunate that you seem incapable of understanding the long term consequences of this. 

Unlike you, I am worried about the damage Trump will undoubtedly do, given another term. 





^He just changed parties. Where's the lie? He endorsed Goerge Bush for President. He's a racist. He wants blacks behind bars. So if you support him then you are supporting racism and sexism. No lies there

then you should worry about what bloomberg would do as well, given his record, public comments, who he's supported, donated to, fundraiser for, policy he's passed and advocated for. horrible human. 

oh but he's the real billionaire lol. he'll spend 100 trillion dollars on professional trolling. my god, grow the fuck up. that doesn't beat trump, and you say you're worried. are you tho? b/c it doesn't seem like it from your posts. 

the long term consequences are here man -- were living in it. fucking over the poor and working class got us to this exact moment. thank you democrats and republicans. 

we're taking the party back from you greedy corporatists. 

I think you're just confused and you think that you will make yourself feel better voting for Bloomberg because he's a "democrat" but really he will do virtually the same thing as Trump but not be as obnoxious on Twitter. Not sure where you are from but anyone who's lives out East knows the damage that Bloomberg did as mayor and the racist agenda he supported. The media can only fools those outside of the area I suppose. You have absolutely been fooled if you think I Bloomberg doesn't support a racist American justice system.

Wonder how Bernie would feel if he knew that some of his most ardent and obsessed supporters are now making enemies lists?

you're a pathetic troll, jr. always have been.

JR, Lol. Go back to bed man.

C'mon man even on Sunday you can't resist your juvenile name calling. As time goes by bro its only you who display meltdown behavior, and every day you get worse. You need to get wise pyramid,  and get yourself to church. So obvious you need spiritual as well as  intellectual guidance, bad. Find a Tripple Rock some where near you, soon


as usual, i didn't start the name calling. 

ras are you ok man? you always have it wrong. 


ras went through extra effort to post a picture that has nothing at all to do with any topic at hand. Seems to be any white males over 55 strategy. Just distract from any real issues at hand in order to try and win an argument and/or make themselves look good. They even end up distracting themselves.

Timpane and p heat have been bad boys this morning. They must have been up late last night creating their Bernie "enemies list".  hahahaha

<<so just to keep count, these are the people that will support a  sexist and a racist:







ras stated he likes bloomberg. 

after that thread he started the other day, it's easy to see why a racist and sexist appeals to him. 


jr can copy and paste. nice. not too many pharmaceuticals yet i can see. 

I live in Jersey,  Timpane. I am well aware of Bloomberg's record, the good and the bad. I even have a Republican friend from Queens who hates Bloomberg because he is too liberal. 


>Where is the lie?<

You stated that he was a life long Republican. That is not true, he became a Republican in 2001.


Yes, Pyramid,  I am worried.  I am worried that progressive won't vote for a moderate in the general election, and I'm worried that moderates won't vote for a progressive in the general. Me? I know that Trump is an existential threat to our country, and I will vote for the Democrat running against him. 

And, no, the long term consequences aren't here yet. This is a preview.  Give Trump four more years and things will certainly accelerate.  Most folks are far too myopic. 


i know, you've stated many times you'll "vote blue, no matter who", even if that blue is really a red, and racist, and sexist. i know, i get it. you would support a racist and sexist republican over a racist and sexist republican. 

we call that stupid. 


No, Pyramid,  stupid is your inability to understand the permanent damage Trump will inflict with four more years. 


Ok sorry, Bloomberg converted back to "Democrat". Look obviously there's nothing anyone can say to convince you, but it seems you are very confused on what your voting for. That's all.


Not confused at all, Timpane. I'm voting against Trump. 

Oh, Sanders was a member of the liberty union party, an independent, a Democrat,  an independent,  and now a Democrat again. 

Bloomberg would suck as president, but he'd be infinitely better than Trump. If people disagree, so be it. 

bernie doesn't throw innocent black people in prison like bloomberg did. 

bernie marched w/ martin luther king jr. 

look at lumber, lol. 


I understand that, you sanctimonious prick, but Trump is still worse than Bloomberg.  

but, why expend so much energy arguing against bernie?

did anyone watch the krystal ball link i posted above completely shredding bloomberg? she's hot and 100% right on.


keep justifying that logic so you feel good my man. 

lumber supports racists. 

"anybody but donald" is hard to understand?


Turtle,  I don't think Sanders can win the general.  Specifically, I don't think he can win Ohio, Pennsylvania,  or Florida.  Honestly, I'm not sure any of these candidates can beat Trump. 


Fuck off, Pyramid. This is how assholes like you mess it up for Sanders. Facts don't matter, just fall in line and shut up. And if you don't,  you will be slandered.

Hell, I voted for Sanders in the 2016 primary. I'm not sure who will still be standing come Jersey's primary. 



Anybody but Trump; nobody but Bernie

The wheels on the bus go round and round.


everything i've posted about bloomberg has been fact. 

you came in here calling names. 


Lumber, I would watch yourself unless you want to get a knock on your door by the Bernie Bro DBMB mob.  Heard through the grapevine, they are also creating these enemies lists on phishhook and String Cheese message boards, too. However, word on the street is the Panic board has too many southern ex frat dudes to get any real interest or traction. 


>you came in here calling names<



Only you. I'm sorry if you lack the self awareness to understand that you are a sanctimonious prick.  



>everything i've posted about bloomberg has been fact<


For weeks you've been insisting that your opinion regarding Sanders is fact.


>lumber supports racists<


You slandered me by claiming that I support racists, all I stated is that Trump is worse than Bloomberg, and that Bloomberg is not a lifelong Republican. 



DBMB mob?  They wouldn't fair to well in my neighborhood, JR.

i get it lumber.

can we get rid of the electoral college yet or what?

way to deflect, lumber. man, there's a lot to respond to but generally just fuck it w/ you guys. 

the article above is fact. stop n frisk is fact. spying on muslims is fact. all bloomberg. racist. sexist. 


Deflect?  You sure do have trouble with reading comprehension. 



Oh, damn,  fair to well?  

I should really proof read. 

Correction,  JR, a DBMB mob wouldn't fare too well in my neighborhood. 

"Anyone making personal attacks in my name is not a part of our movement." -Bernie Sanders

Bernie said that after the Bro trolls attacked some Nevada labor union for not supporting him. I am sure Bernie wpuld be ashamed to know the vitriol the two here spew at us non-stop.


>can we get rid of the electoral college yet or what?<


Unfortunately it's here for the foreseeable future, Turtle, probably forever.  It will be moot when Texas finally goes  blue. 

What do you expect from a government employee?   He just learned about delegates and the electoral college.

Is Trump the Giant Douche Bag or the Turd Sandwich?

Douche and Turd.jpg


bernie 2.jpg\

Think big.   Nobody thought Trump had a chance.  The power is in your hands.

pretty sure my grasp of politics is above your pay grade boner boy.

did you just get interested when the tea party came along?



This country is not going to elect a Socialist. Bernie needs to go away.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics

are always so certain of themselves,

and wiser people so full of doubts."

- Bertrand Russell


>>>This country is not going to elect a Socialist. 

That's what they said about FDR.


Bernie is not going away.

you mean the entrenched power structure is not going to allow a democratic socialist to become president?

woz prolly voted for reagan.

Speaking of pay grades, this is a neat website.


Hey Ken?


1)   Do you think that economic conditions influence presidential elections?


2)  How were economic conditions in 1932?


>>>This country is not going to elect a Socialist<<<

Says the exact same folks who don't want their Medicare "messed with" and think social security is some kind of birthright.

 you mean the entrenched power structure is not going to allow a democratic socialist to become president?

Trump will wipe the floor with a candidate that will be labeled a socialist. The Democratic part of that label will not be used. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel for the Republicans. Trump must be stopped and if Bernie gets the nod we pose the election. It's that simple.

>>>Do you think that economic conditions influence presidential elections?

Its all about the economy.  Yes, it affects elections and will affect everyone else running against Trump, like Biden and Mayor Pete..

But while a booming stock market might benefit the top 1%, that doesn't help the millions of working class families who are struggling under the crushing weight of medical bills and student debt, something that people in most other advanced countries don't have to even think about.

Cutting just a fraction of our bloated miliary budget and imposing just a small increase in taxes on corporations and the most wealthy could eliminate those problems outright.   America is the richest and greatest country on the planet and with a little bit more compassion and forward thinking, it can be even better.

why don't you post my full name and location where i work too racket?

i have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. 

fuckin' weirdo creep.



Why would I do that?

dude, you're weird man. 

Why you so triggered about a public database website?  Do you think tax funded salaries should not be transparent?  

But while a booming stock market might benefit the top 1%, that doesn't help the millions of working class families who are struggling under the crushing weight of medical bills and student debt, something that people in most other advanced countries don't have to even think about.

Yet a gallup poll from just last week cites more than 50% of the electorate as saying they are better off than 4 years ago, so unless something goes dreadfully wrong, the economy is a plus for Trump.


you can post a link to find your salary as well. 

i don't have a problem with public salary transparency but is only a small percentage of how we are funded.

Well kids, I'm currently taking a well needed vacation and getting some R&R - in the hospital. Massive internal infection, and what have you. Between the IV dilaudid every few hours and having so many tubes in my arms, it's hard to type.

Be good to each other, would you?

That doesn't sound good, heal up.

shit bk, sorry to hear that. good luck.

i got family heading over, see you kids tomorrow.

Damn Brother.   Get well soon BK.

Fuck brother how'd that sneak up on you, too many fried twinkies or did that sum bitch pyramid give you an ulcer ? I'll gouge that fuckers liver out with a dull spoon. I mean, we'll be good, you get better.

Wow, Bk.  Sounds horrible except the dilaudid iv drip.  Heal up, dude.

Sounds serious BK.  Good luck man.   Check in once in awhile, eh? 

woz def just isn't paying attention, doesn't understand a political movement is needed to defeat trump, and the working class is proving it's possible. 

a racist republican billionaire running as a dem won't beat trump.

a centrist won't beat trump, we saw that in 2016. 

bernie gives us the best shot, it's really not even close. 

nobody excites the electorate like bernie, generates passion and energy, again, not even debatable.

the coalition is there, the strongest and most diverse, majority female coalition, almost 10mil individual donors now, raising money like trump is, except this is real, 100% grassroots -- nobody else is even close -- again, if bernie's campaign was bidens or pete's, you'd all be screaming for everybody else to drop out and support the obvious choice  --


what are you all fighting this so hard for?

many centrists say "i don't like any of the dems running" -- that's amazing, b/c we literally have the absolute best possible candidate running to represent americans, an FDR democrat, in our lifetime --  there was always so much talk about how hrc was the most qualified candidate ever -- actually that's false, bernie is. it's right in front of you. he is the compassion candidate, organizer in chief, people trust him, he is what beats trump -- he speaks to all people, no other dem does that. 


heal up, bk. 


     Get well soon Brian, in your honor I'll share this moment...I was at Sunday evening mass and the priest discussed the importance of civil dialogue...it will certainly be my intention moving forward.

     The healing process is beautiful, never underestimate the human body's ability to heal...every day will get better!



     If you find yourself in a scenario in which you'd like to focus on the very best quality "best films ever" type classics as you're recovering...might I suggest this:




Dear Donald Trump  I'm an independent voter. MAGA doesn't resonate with me  because I always thought America was Great,but maybe I'm just naive.

Anyway can tell me how many miles of The Great Beautifully Wall that you promised to build with pesos is accomplished?

 If you put your tax returns in a time capsule and bury it under the wall not to be opened until the year 2050 or until a Mexican drug tunneler finds it.

I will Strongly consider voting for you rather than the other billionaire. Time is ticking.Please let me know A.S.A.P.


Hoping for a speedy recovery, BK.


>if bernie's campaign was bidens or pete's, you'd all be screaming for everybody else to drop out and support the obvious choice <


You can continue to repeat this false assertion ad nauseum, but it only demonstrates your irrational bias. 

Buttigieg 23 delegates 

Sanders 21 delegates 


>what are you all fighting this so hard for?<


Because I don't believe that Sanders can win the general election. 

Why is it difficult for you to understand this?


Hope you're starting to feel better, BK.

Yikes bk. Don't bother posting to this place.  Just rest up and get better

it's not, lumber. it just shows your massive disconnect from what's actually happening. 

the strongest candidate is bernie, and i've listed all the reasons why. you keep saying he can't win swing states, all the info says otherwise. remember hrc lost michigan and wisconsin, first time in like 30 years for both states. that's called not being electable. any centrist will lose those states again. obvious. bernie wins those swings states, fact. he won wisconsin 71 out of 72 counties, hrc lost the state to trump. same for michigan. PA. 

a centrist just won't get the votes needed to defeat a very strong donald trump -- and remember, he's even stronger now b/c of pelosi's complete disaster of an impeachment trail. 

so besides bernie having the strongest, largest, most female, most diverse coalition, out of any candidate, by far, has the most votes, won both iowa and nh, has the most cash, donations, donors, massive ground game, is the front runner, has the lead in most super tuesday stares, will win nevada, looking to come close in S.C. (which would be considered a win for him), he has the strongest minority support across the country. i mean, bernie raises 25mil in january alone -- if pete/biden/bloomberg did that centrists would be calling for all other to drop out and rally around said candidate. no doubt. you're in denial if you don't think so. 


so who do you think should be the candidate? 

pete has literally zero minority support, he can't win. 

bloomberg only has money, no coalition, can't beat trump. is racist, sexist, a billionaire, from nyc -- that shit isn't gonna fly against trump, plus he's a republican. 

who is your choice man? who in your eyes can motivate enough people to show up and defeat trump? who will get enough youth, latino, black, muslim, female votes to defeat trump? pete or bloomberg won't. who will? biden? he's a dead man walking. klobuchar? haha. she'll get destroyed even before the 1st debate ::: 



lol that's who the nyt endorses. shit is rough. 


the answer is stupid easy, and right in front of you. as ken said above, think big. that's what it'll take to defeat trump. not some lazy lame ass excuse of we must wait or now isn't the time. that logic and lazy thinking is what will get trump re elected, and we know you don't want that. 

Lumber will be the single deciding vote. 


>who is your choice man? who in your eyes can motivate enough people to show up and defeat trump? who will get enough youth, latino, black, muslim, female votes to defeat trump? <


I don't see any candidate that is a slam dunk. However, i believe that Sanders has no chance of winning in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. You're  not going to win the Philly suburbs by telling people that you want to take their health insurance,  raise their taxes, and put them on Medicare.  A moderate has a better chance of winning Pennsylvania and Ohio. You cannot hold up Clinton as the standard bearer for all moderates, she had her own unique set of problems. And given the Cuban expats,  old white folks,  and Florida Man, someone who is not an avowed Socialist has a better chance of winning Florida . No Democrat will win wthout taking 2 out of three of these states. 


Moderate candidates received 20,000 more votes than the progressive candidates in the NH primary. Who will the other states vote for? This is not certain. So it is unrealistic to suggest that the candidate currently leading the delegate count should consider dropping out. Again, this only demonstrates your irrational bias  

jesus christ. didn't even answer the question. 

man you're comparing how many candidates to bernie for vote total? 

very weak argument. 

just post the answer here when you think of it. i'll be waiting. 

i didn't say pete should drop out -- i said if your centrist was polling like bernie, raising money like bernie, pulling in donors like bernie, you and the corporate media would be calling for all the drop out and rally behind. 

pete's fade starts in nevada. 

I did answer the question,  you just disagree with my answer.  


>I didn't say pete should drop out -- i said if your centrist was polling like bernie, raising money like bernie, pulling in donors like bernie, you and the corporate media would be calling for all the drop out and rally <


I took your hypothetical scenario and applied it to the current reality,  and your assessment is ridiculously bias. 


>man you're comparing how many candidates to bernie for vote total<


 I'm adding the vote total for the top 8 candidates, 5 progressives (Sanders, Warren, Yang, Steyer, Gabbard) and  3 centrists (Buttigieg, Biden,  Klobuchar)


3 Centrist candidates....146,780

5 Progressive candidates... 124,574




so you think pete biden or klobuchar, or the racist republican bloomberg, all can beat trump? 

here guys, watch democracy now today -- lots of facts. 




^No. I have made no such assertion.  I am saying that I am not convinced that Sanders can pull enough moderate and independent voters in the general election. And I'm saying that in the general, I do not believe that Sanders can win Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. 

Oh, and I'd be happy if I am wrong. 

^You said it yourself that Sanders was an independent for a while. So why would he be able to pull independent voters out to vote for him? Realistically he has the best chance of swaying independents.


^the short answer, Timpane,  is that he is a Socialist. 

My take on the philly suburbs, which I posted earlier, is a specific example of a problem I believe Sanders will encounter. 


Looks like ol' bern's puss'n out...

Wonder how much other shit he's promising will be a let down to his leg humpers.


AOC concedes Sanders may have to compromise on Medicare for All

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) conceded Thursday that Sen. Bernie Sanders' signature Medicare for All proposal would face congressional roadblocks if he was elected president, telling HuffPost: “A president can’t wave a magic wand and pass any legislation they want."

Why it matters: Ocasio-Cortez is a vocal proponent of Medicare for All and one of Sanders' highest-profile surrogates. She told HuffPost: "The worst-case scenario? We compromise deeply and we end up getting a public option. Is that a nightmare? I don’t think so."







I do not believe the average voter in Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Florida could give an accurate description of democratic socialism if you held a gun to their heads. It’s a boogeyman word.

^ agreed, but it will work.



^Cuban expats and Cuban-Americans in Florida have a decent grasp of the concept. 

cubans live under communism dude. That’s a one party system. 

^ The US is under the rule of an authoritarian/fascist, what's your point?


responding to lumber right there


point is it’s an entirely different country with an entirely different governing structure?


I know, elf, but I don't believe they are inclined to vote for a Socialist, even a democratic one. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Sanders has had some nice things to say about Fidel Castro.

^ bingo


Okay, but you said you think they have a decent grasp on socialism. I’m asking how so?

Dropping the “democrat” part, hammering the “socialist” part, and trying to stack other political isms (communism, nazism, whatever) on top of it like we all know trump is going to do is intellectually dishonest, and trying to frame a rational discussion around it is pretty irrational. Especially without taking the time to even define the words we’re using. Don’t you think?


cuban expats are dicks

every time you are talking about bernie and think of a point that involves cuba, venezula, or the soviet union, do yourself a favor and punch yourself in the dick as hard as you possibly can, then google "the nordic model".


>Dropping the “democrat” part, hammering the “socialist” part, and lumping all the rest of the political isms (communism) in with it like we all know trump is going to do is intellectually dishonest<


And it works, that's the point, elf. 


>Okay, but you said you think they have a decent grasp on socialism. I’m asking how so?<


>>Okay, but you said you think they have a decent grasp on socialism. I’m asking how so?<<


I refer you back to your comment regarding intellectual dishonesty, and to my response. 


Larry, the average undecided voter doesn't care about the Nordic model.  

Again, lumber you are the one who said he was an independent, and the correct term is democratic socialism. The funny thing is that socialism has existed your whole life for businesses and corporations that don't even need it and you never batted an eye but now all of a sudden when it comes to socialism for citizens then you are against it? 

Wow, lol. Now who is spreading lies? Sanders never said anything nice about Castro. That's a completely falsity


"I remember, for some reason, being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba." 


You likely won't hear the next sentence when it's used in an ad.



How about this one...


"I was very excited and impressed by the Cuban Revolution."



>The funny thing is that socialism has existed your whole life for businesses and corporations that don't even need it and you never batted an eye but now all of a sudden when it comes to socialism for citizens then you are against it?<


No, I never said that I am against it, I said that it hurts him with the majority of the electorate. 





“Way back in, what was it, 1961, they invaded Cuba,” Sanders said, “and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world and all of the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave their kids healthcare, totally transformed the society.”


So how's that AOC m4a walk-back going bros?

“A president can’t wave a magic wand and pass any legislation they want."

"The worst-case scenario? We compromise deeply and we end up getting a public option. Is that a nightmare? I don’t think so."


- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 






In 1989, Sanders effusively praised the "Cuban revolution" in a public statement from the mayor's office.

"For better or for worse, the Cuban revolution is a very profound and very deep revolution. Much deeper than I had understood," Sanders wrote. "More interesting than their providing their people with free health care, free education, free housing ... is that they are in fact creating a very different value system than the one we are familiar with."

Sanders mocked the notion that Cuba was an undesirable place to live, chalking up criticisms of the island nation as right-wing propaganda.

"Right-wing citizens could come back [from visiting] with first-hand evidence of all the horrors in Cuba, etc., etc," Sanders wrote dismissively.


its going fine, considering she is just publicly stating what has been obvious to anyone with a brain since day one.

you mean in a legislative branch almost always split around 50/50 between left/right we are going to have to compromise? oh holy shit, back to the drawing board folks.

and if anyone actually cared to look, there are easily searchable clips of sanders providing very reasonable responses to the criticism he has received over his 40 year old comments about cuba.


is the argument against sanders now just boiling down to admitting the bulk of the american population is so incredibly stupid that the only chance we have of not being led by an insane cartoon character is to elect corrupt wall street/deep state/military industrial complex puppets?


‘I remember being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba,’ Sanders is seen telling students at the University of Vermont in 1986.

‘It seemed right and appropriate that poor people were rising up against ugly rich people.’


Like any voter outside of South Florida gives a flying shit about Cuba or Castro 

or even knows the difference between there and Puerto Rico




^Not the bulk of the American population, Larry, but enough in the right states to sway the election. 



Elf, outside of South Florida there are the old white folks and Florida rednecks.  Puerto Rican voters will likely vote against Trump. 


 >>>>   Sanders never said anything nice about Castro. That's a completely falsity



>>> its going fine, considering she is just publicly stating what has been obvious to anyone with a brain since day one. <<<

Interesting, considering da P-nutz went ape shit on Warren early on when she announced her own plan.

Said, if bernie ever walked it back, we'd be done with him.


brainless P-nutz is gonna be sooo mad dL. lol.



We literally have a sting president who idolizes and praises totalitarian dictators on an almost daily basis.  


fuckin lol Bernie said a nice thing about Castro

I guess we’re not changing those minds then

>is the argument against sanders now just boiling down to admitting the bulk of the american population is so incredibly stupid that the only chance we have of not being led by an insane cartoon character is to elect corrupt wall street/deep state/military industrial complex puppets?<<

insane in the membrane, no?

>fuckin lol Bernie said a nice thing about Castro

I guess we’re not changing those minds then<<

minds closed until further notice....

Which is worse?   Saying nice things about Castro or insulting farmers and teachers:


Seems like he was stating that he was for the government that the revolution was able to accomplish. I don't see anywhere where he said anything nice about Castro personally at all. I happen to think he was right. We disbanded Cuba completely based on the fact that a revolution that wasn't funded or backed by us in anyway had succeeded and we couldn't make money off it so we alienated the country which was very close to us geographically. We did it simply because we are and have always been a country based on racist and oligarchical values and anyone who has stood up or gone again at us whether right or wrong has been dealt with in the most inhuman and disgusting way possible. Good for Bernie.

Puerto Rican Voters are likely to vote against Trump.>>>>>

Wrong one again. Republican voters are huge in the Hispanic population in that area. Also, you should know that PRs vote does not hold any electoral votes and does does not participate in the general election. 


Mr Timpane,  I am referring to Puerto Ricans registered to vote in one of the 50 states.  Also, do you recall how the Trump administration responded to the hurricanes that hit  Puerto Rico? I doubt that Trump can count on much support from the Puerto Rican community.  




>Seems like he was stating that he was for the government that the revolution was able to accomplish<



"I was very excited and impressed by the Cuban Revolution."


The next sentence will not be included in the ad. 


Do you really believe that most people will search out the entire speech in order to provide context?


I think the ads might have the next line, in that 1986 video, Lumber:

"I remember being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba,

It seemed right and appropriate that poor people were rising up against ugly rich people."


Speaking of Ads, You kids see Bloomies latest on the Bernie Bros. yet?


Bernie bro's is a funny term seeing that most of Bernie's supporters are women and minorities. 

If The worst he did was say that about Castro then I'd say you have pretty much nothing. Bloomberg on the other hand has a long list of shit to clear up

Castro was even born when Cuba got their independence btw kids. Keep trying though lumber

Castro was even born when Cuba got their independence btw kids. Keep trying though lumber


Timpane, I'm not sure what you are trying to say with the double post. But I suppose it is easy for you to dismiss Sanders comments regarding Cuba, however,  I do not believe Cuban Americans will share your perspective.  The Cuban Americans I know certainly disagree with anything positive regarding Castro or the revolution. 


And I'm not sure Bloomberg can sustain his candidacy, given all the negative revelations. 

Just checking in to see if you all have figured this out yet. It looks like there's been no movement in the past few months. Maybe we should reset the board and start anew?


nah, we're good.

Most people with a brain can tell the difference between canvassing/politrick'n and where we're posting.


heal up brother.


Seems like anyone who still cares about Castro will probably be voting straight ticket GOP regardless of what Bernie may have said about Cuba in the past.

>>>then google "the nordic model".

You can also google how the “Nordic Model” has struggled, especially lately.  There have been huge shifts in policy in the last few elections especially in Sweden and Denmark.

maybe you're right ken....


a 40 year catapult to the top of the msm polls, softly at best vetted before super tuesday.


nothing to see here.


trumps say wut?


Lumber truck, you don't get to speak for Cuban Americans if you're not one. Might be time to admit to yourself that you're just another American white male who thinks he knows what minorities want but really you don't at all.

^ bern's not gonna be able to get you free healthcare, you cool with that now?

centrists still melting. since we're calling names....

thod you continue to be the dumbest mother fucker up in here. wow. i mean, by far. it's always stunning when dumb fucks like yourself make it into their 50s. don't you get sick of it? 

just overall lazy thinking. zero compassion. greedy. selfish. scared. all this leads to your status quo corporate rule. 

thod, do you not know what worst case scenario means? 

you try so hard to beat down bernie and the campaign, w/ complete nonsense, it's just super desperate, sad look man, anti american. the corporate media and centrist political hacks like tanden, carville, o'brien, rubin, are melting b/c the movement can't be stopped. you just echo their weak ass talking points. remember when they all were yelling bernies too old and and his heart etc? you were saying the same shit. nothing about bloomberg. same for the taxes. keep shaking your head, bitch. 

where's the oppo research? they have nothing. nothing will stick. no candidate has been trusted the way bernie is, so you fucks just don't understand it. i know, it's different. wow. 

socialism, lol. bernie bro's. think about it. that all you have. doesn't work. 


and lumber, all you say is bernie can't win and offer nothing else. you won't say who you support or who you think can beat trump. 

you just say bernie can't. lol. nice. 

you can't quit me


please don't hold the country back, centrists. 

it's anti american, and you've already  done enough to destroy our country and the earth. 

It’s anti American to not vote for a self proclaimed socialist?  That’s some logic there.

Always On Centrists



it's anti american to not rally around the clear front runner to defeat the biggest threat to our democracy in modern times, and instead spread misinformation. absolutely. 


>Lumber truck, you don't get to speak for Cuban Americans if you're not one.


I'm not trying to speak for anyone. This is way I've qualified my statements with I believe, and IMO.

And you stated yourself...

Republican voters are huge in the Hispanic population in that area


Part of that voting block are Cuban Americans, who have traditionally voted Republican. Given that, and positive statements about the Cuban revolution,  I do not believe that Sanders can win the Cuban American vote. Again, my opinion. 

But you disagree, so you insult me. 

Are all Sanders supporters angered by disagreement? 


Oh, add in the old white guy vote, ( am i aloud to comment on these people?) and Florida Man, I believe that Sanders is the longest of long shots to win Trump's new home state of Florida. 



Pyramid, I've stated repeatedly that I am not convinced any of the current Democrats can win. They all have their baggage. Don't mind me, my primary is June 3, should be wrapped up by then.

Don't you worry,  I'll rally around the Democratic nominee. 

Will you?

>>> it's anti american to not rally around the clear front runner to defeat the biggest threat to our democracy in modern times, and instead spread misinformation. absolutely. <<<

 that's some st. red pill, t. boof shit right there.



How did I insult you? By calling you a white male trying to speak for minorities? That's just the truth. Sorry if the truth insults you but maybe nobody ever told you that you're not qualified to speak for Cubans because you're not one. We could keep going back and forth but I'm not insulting you. I'm just just trying to educate you. It seems this election the 55+ age bracket has some learning to do. It's happening right in front of our eyes and it will be ok when the big change happens. You guys won't have to keep fighting for whatever candidate you're not sure that you support yet.


fuck that delegate thing, we need enthusiasm


^ Is Bloomberg enthusiastic enough for you?

bloomberg owns you, just read your post.

people who eat acid see this.



Ok, you're just a condescending jerk.  Again, I am not speaking for anyone, I am giving my opinion, which is based on the voting history of Cuban Americans. How many times has a Democrat won the Cuban American vote in a presidential election? The truth is you don't agree me, so you dismiss my opinion. Also I'm under 55. 


Oh, if I'm not allowed to say that I believe that Cuban Americans won't vote for Sanders, can Pyramid continue to insist that African Americans won't vote for Buttigieg?

I saw it immediately, TOD. Smh at these guys. 

<<Will you?

I was around a bunch of centrists and they all agreed they'd vote for Bernie in the general if he's the nominee. Funny how the Bernie contingency is so undecided on this topic when the opposite scenario is brought up. Makes me think that none of them have taken responsibility for their role in electing Trump the 1st time. 


Equating Bloomberg as the same as Trump is a verified Russian talking point.

pete has close to zero african american support nationally, fact. lumber hates facts. 


this is called electability. 




are you excited?

Bill Clinton lost the first 5-6 dem primaries. 

fact don't hate


electablility, thod. 

fall in line, bitch. 

why is always bitch with you...


No, Pyramid,  I agree with you, but Timpane says I cannot say that because I am not African American. 


I was talking with a couple friends the other day who believe that African Americans would vote for Buttigieg,  "when push comes to shove, the people will come out to vote against Trump." 

Timpane, the friends I'm referring to are African American, so they're allowed to offer an opinion, right?

thod your girl warren isn't gonna poll above 15% in any of the super tuesday races except massachusetts, they're saying. 

fall in line. do the right thing in the primary. 

somebody has to get your lazy ass pizzas, racket. 


Remember, the delivery driver is alone, in their car, with your food, be nice to them.

so you left pa. Muthafucka

to compete against?


pizza of course.              *putt


bk, that taste keep us updated 


yo, muthafucka 

make sure he's comfortable 


thod -- your obsession w/ where i moved to and from, is strange man. 

why do you think that's some type of insult? 


^I think that providing decent pizza outside of NY/NJ/Ct/Phila is reason enough to relocate 

Heat, your pitch still needs some work. When you tell people to "fall in line", the most likely reaction is " go fuck yourself".. Is that really what you're going for?

when thod comes at me, why is that an issue? 

but also, grow up? it's obvious who the candidate to run against trump should be. the only one w/ a political movement, that's what it's going to take to defeat the guy. 

why do you care if i'm sharp sassy or straight up rude? vote bernie to get the evil man out. pretty simple. 

fuck me. i'm trash. 

^ nah. just a bit overzealous

Those huge #'s for Bernie with the under 45 crowd are fantastic. Too bad those are historically the one's who don't vote. 

two racist nyc billionaire friends. 



I enjoy pepperoni, onion, and garlic pies.  


so, uh, that was embarrassing for bloomberg. sheesh. 

trump would destroy that guy. bloomber totally out of his element, no idea what he's doing. 


Bloomberg was confused about what he's doing in life last night. Really don't get why he's running lol

Rest of the field beat him like the proverbial unwanted step child.

He's getting bad advice...very bad.

terrible candidate. 

terrible campaign. 

trump crushes bloomberg. 


Warren mopped the floor with his lil ass.


....Mike Bloomberg Ad.jpg

too bad warren didn't act like that during the entire campaign.

only 2% of the country have voted.

you know that right? smh


thod still thinks warren has a chance lol.

shes now fighting to be bernie's vp, no doubt. maybe too little too late tho.


I'd love to see a Bernie/Tulsi card.

I'd love to see a Bernie/Tulsi card.

woz, are you txting MIKE right now? 

>>>>I'd love to see a Bernie/Tulsi card.

That would be a hoot, but I think a Bernie/Stacey Abrams tickets will bring back the Obama coalition.


P-nutz, you do know that bernie cried about the process 4 years ago.

He was actually against the popular vote winning the nomination.

because Hillary was way ahead in the popular vote.


Now in 2020 he believes that the popular vote should determine the outcome.

talk about snivelin' lil bitch. 


He's soooo consistent, lol.



What that debate demonstrated last night was that we are stuck with four more years of Trump.

mike is a COOL guy


Election related breaking news > 

Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.

American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia, on the orders of President Vladimir V. Putin, interfered in the 2016 presidential election.Credit...Emmanuel Dunand/Agence France-Presse — 

By Adam Goldman, Julian E. Barnes, Maggie Haberman and Nicholas Fandos

Feb. 20, 2020, 4:55 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, in a disclosure that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.

The day after the Feb. 13 briefing to lawmakers, Mr. Trump berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place, people familiar with the exchange said. Mr. Trump cited the presence in the briefing of Representative Adam B. Schiff, the California Democrat who led the impeachment proceedings against him, as a particular irritant.

During the briefing to the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. Trump’s allies challenged the conclusions, arguing that Mr. Trump has been tough on Russia and strengthened European security. Some intelligence officials viewed the briefing as a tactical error, saying that had the official who delivered the conclusion spoken less pointedly or left it out, they would have avoided angering the Republicans.

That intelligence official, Shelby Pierson, is an aide to Mr. Maguire who has a reputation of delivering intelligence in somewhat blunt terms. The president announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Mr. Maguire with Richard Grenell, the ambassador to Germany and long an aggressively vocal Trump supporter.

Though some current and former officials speculated that the briefing may have played a role in the removal of Mr. Maguire, who had told people in recent days that he believed he would remain in the job, two administration officials said the timing was coincidental. Mr. Grenell had been in discussions with the administration about taking on new roles, they said, and Mr. Trump had never felt a personal kinship with Mr. Maguire.

Spokeswomen for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and its election security office declined to comment. A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A House intelligence committee official called the Feb. 13 briefing an important update about “the integrity of our upcoming elections” and said that members of both parties attended, including Representative Devin Nunes of California, the top Republican on the committee.

The Washington Post first reported the Oval Office confrontation between Mr. Trump and Mr. Maguire.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Eric Schmitt and Elisabeth Bumiller contributed reporting.

Adam Goldman reports on the F.B.I. from Washington and is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner. @adamgoldmanNYT

Julian E. Barnes is a national security reporter based in Washington, covering the intelligence agencies. Before joining The Times in 2018, he wrote about security matters for The Wall Street Journal. @julianbarnes • Facebook

Maggie Haberman is a White House correspondent. She joined The Times in 2015 as a campaign correspondent and was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on President Trump’s advisers and their connections to Russia. @maggieNYT

Nicholas Fandos is a national reporter based in the Washington bureau. He has covered Congress since 2017 and is part of a team of reporters who have chronicled investigations by the Justice Department and Congress into President Trump and his administration. @npfandos



what does that hashtag mean? gabbard has not been relevant for months despite running circles around the pro war wing of the party at every opportunity.

Ha.  You're half-right.

Surprise, surprise, surprise. 


That was in Tennessee.  Heard on the radio the other day that Bloomberg was going to open campaign offices in SW Washington just over the river.  I was thinking, "Oh, those places are going to get trashed."

“I am only effective as long as there is a shadow on white America of the black man standing behind me with a Molotov cocktail." - MLK

Call Andy.

One of EW's volunteers canvassed my neighborhood yesterday. He literally intruded into my backyard where I was enjoying a nice cold beer in peace. I told him I'd already voted for Sanders and expected I'd be voting for him again in November. The guy got this pouty look on his face so I offered him a beer and he got all mad. I think he thought I was making fun of his candidate, but I just felt sorry for him.

Note to the EW campaign, probably not a good idea to send canvassers with anger management issues out to people's private homes.