Inauguration Day


These are the times that try men's souls.

You better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone

Yes everything will change now. Maybe we'll get some new airports. Russian caviar in every fridge 

More people standing in line for free joints than going to Cheetolini's Inaug.

IMG_1695.JPGPolitics in the politics folder


Can't believe this is really happening.  Watching the live stream is a trip.   Funny to see the Clintons, Bush II, and Jimmy Carter all hanging around together.   Bernie doesn't look too happy. 

They started launching tear gas outside the Washington Post at Franklin Square...

Police using flash bangs and pepper spray.



good times

I switched my radio from NPR to community radio's disco show.  I'd rather boogie oogie oogie.


So, once they get installed in the white house and the guests have left, I bet they look around and say "What a dump!" and start chucking everything.  Lincoln Bedroom redone in gold.  All the historic china in the trash. All libraries will have all books and shelves removed and will be replaced with giant flat screens.

A lot of Jebus stuff.

Look at all the cum on dog's picture 

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is pretty darn white.  Crowd of onlookers they let near the Capitol are also pretty white too.

It's official.

We're fucked.

I refuse to let Orange Julius Caesar determine the quality of my day. Cultivate hope and humor, otherwise the other guys have truly won...

Just started to rain as he spoke/read his first words.

As soon as the transition occurred, it started to rain...


Ugh, its gonna be a long year before he totally implodes and is banished to a small island. I still cant believe this is real...



He is still campaigning.

 What a difficult speech to sit through. . The theme of "America first", at any and all costs,  and to hell  with anyone who gets in my way in delivering my vision. I am feeling ill.

We all bleed the same red blood of patriots.  From our wherever.

The assclown wanted tanks and missiles in his parade ala Red Square, the military said no.




Hey at least some underprivileged kids somewhere will get something out of today's events.

Must be underprivileged cuz they're black, right?

But boy can they dance!

Unprivileged cause they have no t-shirts.


Fascist Alert

What a horrible day.

Fuck us.





As of noon EST at my house.

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^^ What a difficult speech to sit through. .



Oh the horror! I hope you were able to find a safe space in your time of despair.

What was your favorite part?

I liked the part where he rickrolled the world...

I will fight for you with every bone in my body and I will never ever let you down.

Did I miss the Rockettes?



I liked it when he said that we weren't going to get involved in other nations' politics, but rather lead through economic policy to lead the way - classic isolationism.

That was the overt premise of US foreign policy from about 1815 to 1917.

Some argue that the US was at its strongest when we were isolationist, and our decline started when we entered WWI. I guess that Trump agrees.

The problem is, that policy didn't work back then, and it sure as hell isn't going to work today. It kept us out of major conflicts, but it did nothing to spread democracy and freedom.

But fuck, it sounds good.

Why is the labia in El Niño's pic on fire?

Start DRINKING Washington DC ! Hookers at Every Hotel devil

Here's how we are dealing with day 1........

Drugs & Alchohol_0.jpg

Cheers BudBoy

How come I was unfamiliar w the term "rickrolled" until recently?

I Told Barack if He Bumps into My Friend JB in Rancho Mirage Ca ( BO is already there )   WATCH OUT For Late Night Golf Cart Runs devil

What strain is working for you, Budboy? And what's the ratio of Tequila to Marijuana? Scripts? 








just fainted for the first time during my hot yoga class.  2000+ classes and something is in the air/energy here in the Devil's Corner.  It's even messing with my yoga and it's only been a couple of hours.