Interview with Tim Scully (Acid Chemist)


Interesting 2017 interview. 

Here’s how underground chemist Tim Scully planned to save the world with LSD:

"I was interested in electronics work, and Bear originally did electronics work for the Grateful Dead while they traveled. So we had about six months of time that we spent taking LSD together at least once a week while I was doing that work. At the end of that time, when he’d completely run out of money and acid and wanted to set up a lab, he decided I’d passed the acid test and let me become his apprentice in the next lab."

You might also want to see the movie Sunshine Makers. Trailer -

A real-life Breaking Bad for the psychadellic set, The Sunshine Makers reveals the entertaining, untold story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the unlikely duo at the heart of 1960s American drug counterculture. United in a utopian mission to save the planet through the consciousness-raising power of LSD, Orange Sunshine, as they tried to stay one step ahead of the feds.


Tim Scully, subject of Cosmo Feilding Mellen’s The Sunshine Makers, pictured here at the McNeil Island Prison.


Courtesy of FilmRise

Take a look at that tight crib. Is that a goddamned microscope on the desk?

Dude looks like he made it work. 


'sunshine makers' was way better than i thought it would be.  i enjoyed it a lot.


Have you ever driven with your parents and if you are even the parent even now.

You see them totally scared and they extent their right leg and foot to stop the car, even though they are in the passenger seat?


Well Jerry Garcia did not like that shit.

From 2/14/81 on Jerry would give me the Dirty-Brow if I did that.

on 8/16/84 at Good Skates -

111 degrees heat the whole audience is outside getting fresh air and talking to Steve Parrish (he was bouncer / ticket ripper)

Jerry has the only fan in the rink blasting in him and he IS killing it.

I gave him that look, like its time to go the MXR 100,

& Jerry gave me the Dirty Brow

I took my fake mental left foot off that brake pedal, carefully.

Jerry was now peering through his glasses like 

"You are going to fall..."

Jerry Garcia was the shit.

I loved that man...

You combine that with the warmth and witty spontaneous humor of Bob Weir and was magical to be in the room with them as fans ~

The world was never the same when Jerry Garcia made is final row to shore +

Nice article here, alan^

Blue this thread is mainly about  Dead chemists and such. I appreciate your input, but maybe you can post your story in your Hat Thread or start another one. Thanks in advance for your assistance.


I wonder how many mics that was?

Hart: We were professionals, and performing under the influence. It took a while to know how much to take, but we were fortunate because the chemist was the sound man. It wasn’t just dropping acid; it was very specific. We knew exactly how many micrograms to take to enhance our playing.”

Bluelight can you translate for me?

“For most people,” Owsley says, “the proper dose is about 150 to 200 micrograms. When you get to 400, you just totally lose it. I don’t care who you are.

Wavy: On the eve of Lincoln’s birthday, 1966, the Pranksters had rented this warehouse in Watts. The buildings were still smoldering from the Watts riots. We had these two galvanized garbage cans, each full of Kool- Aid. “OK now everybody pay attention,” I said. “The Kool-Aid on the left is for the kids. The Kool-Aid on the right is the Eee-lectric Kool-Aid.” And that’s where that phrase came from; it just popped out of my head. People would be dancing for three hours to the Grateful Dead, and they’d come off the stage just looking for something wet, which turned out to be about 200 micrograms [of LSD] per swallow.



One would hope that people who had done as much LSD as these two would have realized that it wasn't going to "save the world".

It's a nice romantic notion, but nice romantic notions aren't reality.

Hi Thom! All those blissed out babyboomer hippies created me, Hillary.

I know you are VERY afraid of me taking all your hard earned cash and handing it out to a bunch of freeloaders, and of the erosion of your white Anglo Saxon culture by waves of immigrants and those university-educated liberal elites, and of me disarming you so you can be preyed upon by urban teenage gangsters...and of all these women in government many strong, smart women.... it's not the path your Puritan forefathers fantasy's ok to be afraid... it's like a bad trip.... except it won't end...but don't worry -- I'll be your guide...relax... everything bad is all my fault... you just relax and go with the flow....

download (5)_1.jpg

Thom is right. People want a small place to live permanently but the hippies bought all the land. 

So they could have a small place to live permanently.

Thom, maybe you just didn’t take enough?

All the acid in the world won't make Thom address the CURRENT government's foreign policy toward Russia - an avowed anti-American country that has worked toward our county's demise for at least 100 years, most significantly since WW2, and as we speak has weapons aimed at him and his children. 

He's more afraid of people with "hippie ideals" than those with hypersonic nukes.


When you’re right, you’re right, Alan...

Is it too late? I want to strip Lance of zoner of the year award And award it  to Alan for that one post alone

maybe he'll have to make up a story about drinking a half bottle of Jack Daniels before noon while at work

On a somewhat related note in spite of my New Year's resolution to not read any news about Donald Trump and reacting with in credulousness and anger


it strikes me that Donald Trump has done too much LSD


combined with enormous rails of Adderall every morning or is it addled-all as his dementia and delusions increase by the minute


carry on - A great story and a great objective back in the day

I believe Alan just cracked another egg!

 (or is that unscrambled another tripped out mind?)



It's a nice romantic notion, but nice romantic notions aren't reality.<<

See Trickle-Down Economics

I'd just like to mention that I'm not debating politics with Thom --  I was trying to discuss  current foreign policy in a rational manner based on mutually-agreed-upon facts.

I'm guessing Thom is part of the crowd that has been listening to Rush on talk radio for the past couple decades while he rides past the ghetto each morning on the way to work (some parts of Delaware have been poverty-stricken forever!), resenting all the freeloaders living off his tax dollars (who wouldn't'?), afraid of the criminals (urban Delaware hosts some nasty predators), fearful of losing the Leave it to Beaver American dream he thought he was entitled to live (hey, HE played by the rules -- he should be rich and happy by now and not threatened by anything!). 

He's a product of his environment, so to speak and I can understand that. There's a lot of people in my city just like him. Hard working older white guys pissed off that they are not higher up on the ladder of success -- pissed that they are not as powerful and respected as they expected to be. It sucks to be weak. It must be someone's fault.

In his mind it all makes sense -- his fellow Americans are the internal enemy and the external threats all ultimately come from the jungle peoples and desert peoples -- everyone but the Euro-centric Christian peoples that are responsible for building civilization as we know it. The history books he grew up with espouse that view and he learned it well. His pundits repeat the theme tirelessly. By now the fear is actually wired into Thom's brain like religious fervor -- nothing anyone says on a dbmb will convince him otherwise.

But I will defend historical facts (as much as there are historical "facts") -- I won't let him twist millenniums of world history to justify his centuries-old national view. And to just reply to an intelligent question about our nation's current foreign policy by lobbing a Hillary grenade and running away.... a pussy move inspired by ignorance and hate. So I'm just gonna toss it back to him everytime. I expect more from a Zoner (at least in certain threads).

Now can we get back to cool stories about underground chemists and their effect on popular culture?

Is there gas in the car?

There's gas in the caaaar!




     I'm quite confident Scully would find it disappointing that someone who claimed to benefit from a relationship with psychedelics couldn't see through a neocon agenda in sheep's clothing. 

 I'd just like to mention that I'm not debating politics with Thom --  I was trying to discuss  current foreign policy in a rational manner based on mutually-agreed-upon facts. I'm guessing Thom is part of the crowd that has been listening to Rush on talk radio for the past couple decades while he rides past the ghetto each morning on the way to work (some parts of Delaware have been poverty-stricken forever!), resenting all the freeloaders living off his tax dollars (who wouldn't'?), afraid of the criminals (urban Delaware hosts some nasty predators), fearful of losing the Leave it to Beaver American dream he thought he was entitled to live (hey, HE played by the rules -- he should be rich and happy by now and not threatened by anything!).  He's a product of his environment, so to speak and I can understand that. There's a lot of people in my city just like him. Hard working older white guys pissed off that they are not higher up on the ladder of success -- pissed that they are not as powerful and respected as they expected to be. It sucks to be weak. It must be someone's fault. In his mind it all makes sense -- his fellow Americans are the internal enemy and the external threats all ultimately come from the jungle peoples and desert peoples -- everyone but the Euro-centric Christian peoples that are responsible for building civilization as we know it. The history books he grew up with espouse that view and he learned it well. His pundits repeat the theme tirelessly. By now the fear is actually wired into Thom's brain like religious fervor -- nothing anyone says on a dbmb will convince him otherwise. But I will defend historical facts (as much as there are historical "facts") -- I won't let him twist millenniums of world history to justify his centuries-old national view. And to just reply tlo an intelligent question about our nation's current foreign policy by lobbing a Hillary grenade and running away.... a pussy move inspired by ignorance and hate. So I'm just gonna toss it back to him everytime. I expect more from a Zoner (at least in certain threads). Now can we get back to cool stories about underground chemists and their effect on popular culture?  <<<


That might feel like a slug cruising across 60 grit Emery cloth instead of smooth patio concrete.

Bryen, you're 'quite confident' you know what Tim Scully would find disappointing?

That's rich.


Why Donald Trump Could Benefit From LSD Therapy

The president's biggest enemy is his ego. But what if it could be dismantled?


     I'm extremely confident Tim Scully would be opposed to Hillary Clinton's neoconservative agenda of endless war & bloodshed.  

^ that's nice TOD, good job...maybe you could get the crayons out and draw a picture for the group, we could put it on the refrigerator, then it's nap time 

yeah thom pretty much blows the hypothesis that dosing humans could bring about a global paradigm shift....


sad, very sad.


i thank the chemists though. does help some people get re-tuned to the universal message of LOVE.


our modern society needs it more than ever. it has been gifted to humans as a way to re-connect to the life force energy and recognize the interconnectedness between ALL living things. 

are shrooms legal yet?

The photo Allan posted has some interesting props.  Looks like a soldering iron (for electronics not pipes) and an early Calculator,  plus the oscilloscope or other analog circuit tester.  

Nice stuff for a supposed prison photo.  Was Scully incarcerated,  or doing some maintenance at that place ??

Bryen - I'm not convinced you ever took the time to learn world history, muchness the development of, and interactions between, the Slavic, Anglo, French, Germanic, and  American empires in the last two centuries. 

So I'll simplify it for ya -- The subject is current events...specifically our foreign policy with Russia. In light of the historical facts of the last 250 years.

My basic premise is that they (the Russian government, not necessarily the people) are committed to our demise. So why appease them? Are we being played?

Former politicians, corrupt or not, are not relevant to this conversation. They have to be current politicians. 

Do you have anything intelligent to say?


I don't want to cherrypick supposed liberal sources to recommend to you as a basis for conversation, so here's a paper from the Heritage Foundation dated Dec 2015:

" Within the overarching need for a U.S. comprehensive strategy, Russia poses four distinct, but related problems for U.S. policy:

  • First, Putin’s Russia is a regime that combines a lack of respect for political, civil, and economic rights with a dysfunctional economy.
  • Second and most dangerous for the United States, Russia poses a series of worldwide strategic and diplomatic challenges, including buildup of its nuclear arsenal and military.
  • Third, Russia poses threats to discrete U.S. friends, allies, and interests around the world.
  • Fourth, Russia’s cooperation with bad actors and its increasing tendency to play a spoiler role pose another set of threats."

Thank you chemists! My life is so much richer, I am able to explore my creative visions so much more thoroughly, live with empathy and compassion, peace and love. That was always my nature, but I credit LSD with a lot of what I've learned. A lot.

1966 was a great year to begin experiencing LSD and I loved those clear clean trips.


Bryen, blah blah blah. Hillary schmillary,

Thom, >>>  one would hope that people who had done as much LSD as these two would have realized that it wasn't going to "save the world".

It's a nice romantic notion, but nice romantic notions aren't reality. <<<

LSD itself is simply chemical, it's the people who make the changes, who would "save the world", and "nice romantic notions"  are as real as we make them. Creative people can save the world.

A modern take on the topic (2012):

Juicers, Trippers, and Crocodiles: The Dangerous World of Underground Chemistry - Steroids, narcotics, and psychedelics are flowing freely from underground labs around the world.

This thread needs a drug picture or they are going to move it to the Politics folder


and a related Jerry quote:

Rebecca: Do you feel at all disillusioned at the rate of social evolution? In the sixties, many people thought that massive social change was just around the corner?

Jerry: I never was that optimistic. I never thought that things were going to get magically better. I thought that we were experiencing a lucky vacation from the rest of consensual reality to try stuff out. We were privileged in a sense. I didn't have anything invested in the idea that the world was going to change. Our world certainly changed. (laughter) Our part of it did what it was supposed to do, and it's continuing to do it, continuing to evolve. It's a process. I believe that if you open the door to the process, it tells you how to do it and it works. It's a life strategy that I think anyone can employ.

David: I'm curious about how psychedelics influenced not only your music but your whole philosophy of life.

Jerry: Psychedelics were probably the single most significant experience in my life. Otherwise I think I would be going along believing that this visible reality here is all that there is. Psychedelics didn't give me any answers. What I have are a lot of questions. One thing I'm certain of; the mind is an incredible thing and there are levels of organizations of consciousness that are way beyond what people are fooling with in day to day reality.

David: How did psychedelics influence your music before and after?

Jerry: Phew! I can't answer that. There was a me before psychedelics and a me after psychedelics, that's the best I can say. I can't say that it affected the music specifically, it affected the whole me. The problem of playing music is essentially of muscular development and that is something you have to put in the hours to achieve no matter what. There isn't something that strikes you and suddenly you can play music.

David: You're talking about learning the technique, but what about the inspiration behind the technique?

Jerry: I think that psychedelics was part of music for me in so far as I'm a person who was looking for something and psychedelics and music are both part of what I was looking for. They fit together, although one didn't cause the other.

Tim Scully (another interview)

The Tim Scully Interview: Manufacturing 750,000,000 Doses of LSD to Save the World

On reflection I’ve come to realize that the peak experiences brought about by LSD are not so different from the peak experiences that people have known down through the ages from one religion or another or in some cases from one political belief or another. Once I realized that, it was no longer so surprising to me that experienced LSD users remained flawed in the same way as true believers in various religions and political movements have been down through history.

At the point when I decided to stop making LSD in 1970 my decision was based on the fact that the balance between risk and benefit had tilted strongly in the wrong direction. While I still believe that LSD was beneficial I no longer unconditionally believe that it might save the world and instead only believe that it might make the world a slightly better place. At the same time, on the risk side of the equation the risks had escalated tremendously. Thus my decision to stop.



     Alan, if you want to discuss foreign policy, let's set up the pieces on the chessboard...I think foreign policy and the benefits of the psychedelic revolution of consciousness are inherently intertwined, but probably for different reasons than yourself, so when I noticed you steering the conversation in that direction it certainly piqued my interest, let's start by establishing the current foreign conflicts you believe we should be spilling American blood.  

Nick Sand, Orange Sunshine LSD chemist, dies at 75

Nick and Ann Shulgin, Easter 2017


Taught the secrets of high-purity LSD manufacture by “Bear” Owsley and Tim Scully, Nick believed:

“When LSD is made in high purity, a certain magic obtains for the person who journeys with preparation and intention. Purity of intention and purity of product go hand-in-hand to produce a transcendent trip.

"...It allows you to see the underlying unity of all opposites in the magic play of existence. This allows you to edit these programs and recreate superior programs that give you the insight to shake loose the restrictions and conflicts programmed into each one of us by our parents, our religion, our early education, and by society as a whole.”

<<let's start by establishing the current foreign conflicts you believe we should be spilling American blood. > >>

No deal -- don't change the subject. Stick to the topic at hand: What should our current foreign policy be toward Russia and why. That's the original thread and my question. 

First you evade with the Hillary stuff and now you deflect with another topic.  What's the matter with answering that? 

I'll assume you have nothing interesting say about the matter until you post something directly related to the question.

Start your own thread and maybe I'll join once I see you are capable of a conversation befitting a stoned, fairly well read amateur historian.



     "don't change the subject."

     ^ that's rich [see above]


     I'm guessing you're speaking in reference to Syria, correct?  That's the conflict all the neoconservative "democrats" are so upset about bringing the troops home from.'re the one who turned a thread about psychedelic technology into foreign policy, which is fine, it's directly impacted our foreign policy in the past, so have at it.

You don't want to talk Russia? Cool. I don't usually Zone for intellectual pursuits, either.

I like posting silly pictures. Those foreign policy questions hurt my head.

You should read the Heritage Foundation article, though. ( I really am in Bizzaro world.)


"You don't want to talk Russia?"


"I'm guessing you're speaking in reference to Syria, correct?"




Is this thing working?


testing 1-2-3...testing

"You'll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it."


     I'm supposing [because I'm left to suppose] that in reference to our foreign policy stance with Russia you're alluding to our proposed withdraw from Syria, supposing that is correct are you either:   [insert question mark where appropriate]


A)  in support of our engagement of roughly 2,000 troops 

B)  opposed to our engagement of roughly 2,000 troops


     ....that would move the discussion along nicely.



>>"...It allows you to see the underlying unity of all opposites in the magic play of existence. This allows you to edit these programs and recreate superior programs that give you the insight to shake loose the restrictions and conflicts programmed into each one of us by our parents, our religion, our early education, and by society as a whole.”<<


well put.


"You should read the Heritage Foundation article, though."


Glad you're up to speed with our current stance...


U.S. Comprehensive Strategy Toward Russia

December 9, 2015 

That Garcia article Alan posted is a goodin'.

bryen's continued support for the trump administration cause he seems to view them as more "anti-war" than your typical presidency is always good for a laugh.


     Unfiltered thoughts...and again, this was a psychedelic technology/foreign policy thread before I stumbled onto it, so...there's that, but it does disappoint me & I'm quite sure Tim, that so many of our friends & associates that have benefited from psychedelics have somehow latched on to this "new normal" of neoconservative democrat ideology without hesitation.  I hold dear the theory that psychedelic technology was a gift for humanity to achieve a level of consciousness necessary to step back from the ledge of nuclear destruction.

     Here we are...2019, not that far along from the days of the peace movement advocating for foreign entanglements and spilling American blood on foreign soil.  Don't say that's not true because it's exactly "democrat talking points Syria 2019".

thank god those of us "peace movement" supporters now have that maven of pacifist conflict resolution, Donald trump, to lead us.

Clearly he is A deep thinker committed to ushering in a communal brotherhood of equality and compassion much in the same spirit of the likes of dr. King, the Dalai lama and Ghandi.

can u imagine the world Hilary Clinton would have us living in by now?

a senseless bloodbath to b certain.


     Knotesau, that is truly sad, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the current subject matter.


"can u imagine the world Hilary Clinton would have us living in by now?

a senseless bloodbath to b certain."


exactly my point



     So let's see if anyone has the intellectual fortitude to answer the question...


     In regards to our proposed withdraw from Syria, are you either:   [insert question mark where appropriate]


     A)  in support of our engagement of roughly 2,000 troops 

     B)  opposed to our engagement of roughly 2,000 troops


Excellent point, bryen.

what kind of animal could continue to support the brutality of an unwinable war.

trump is like such a better, more reasonable, peaceful leader than that monster, Hillary Clinton.

how can people not see that we really dodged a bullet there?

how many additional military conflicts do think she would have started by now?


a dozen?

or would she have just nuked the planet by this point?


     I honestly wonder, do you even care?

All I care about is how much better, peaceful, exemplary, level headed and beneficial a leader Donald trump is compared to that savage, unrepentant war Lord, Hillary Clinton

i'm on your side, brah;

the side of reason and compassion


     ...which begs the question, does psychedelic experience in the current era impact a society that has been brought up to think their political heroes espouse never-ending military conflict the same as it did in an era where peace was an ideal that was celebrated and hopefully attained?

Aside from diverting the topic from Ergot derivatives to your Cartoon Insect Overlords,  what are your feelings regarding the Quality of doses you brought over to USSR,  and how they effectively brought on an end to the "Cold War" ??

Asking for a friend.


    I don't get out much



Byren - thanks for your limited intellectual input in a thread about underground chemists (and, thanks to Thom's reply to me in another thread, US foreign policy toward Russia). I always enjoy videos of dancing hippie girls and Jerry. But I try to avoid spam and make my posts relevant to the thread -- not cigarette butt opinions thrown out the car window onto the black screen.

When the movie you posted was made, they actually taught World History, Social Studies, and Current Events in the public schools. It's a shame you never learned about the Czars, Lenin, Stalin, the USSR, the Cold War, Gorbachev, etc and are content to parrot what you read on Facebook or hear on cable news. (Since so much of you current world view seems to be based upon Slavic-centric ideas, I'm surprised you're not curious about what led up to our present situation.) I'm guessing you're not too familiar with US history pre-2000, either. 

Maybe check out Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) as an easy entry point to this complex subject. Simplified spoiler alert - "Russia," our avowed enemy, secretly put nuclear missiles within 100 miles of our borders, making us basically defenseless against a suprise attack, and WW3 (including annihilation of the Eastern seaboard and millions of American deaths), was very narrowly averted. True story. Schoolkids didn't have active shooter drills -- we were trained to hid under our desks during active nuclear war drills.

And it's funny that you don't even realize it's ironic that I posted something from the Heritage Foundation, and if you notice I dated my original reference. I chose that article specifically because it was 2015 (pre-Trump) -- so you don't think I am parroting Rachel Maddow or some liberal talking head. Do you even know what the Heritage Foundation is or what it represents? Maybe read the article, as it is relevant to the discussion and let me know what you think about it's conclusions. Hint - political affiliations don't really enter into it. But remember, that's just one point of view directed at a previous administration -- I thought you'd at least give it a chance because it's "anti-Obama / anti- Hillary."

From how you write, I'm sensing potential in you -- but it seems you are content to be an uneducated blowhard spouting bumper-sticker slogans rather than an informed citizen. I'd advise reading some actual history books -- trust me, you'll learn more than relying on You Tube or Wikipedia. And if you ever want anyone to take you seriously about US military intervention,especially in the Mid East -- you really have a lot of studying up to do.

It's easy to be dumb - Phil Lesh?

Damn Allen, coming in white hot this am.

He said "I don't get out much".


Give brother bear a break.


     ....nice speech


A)  in support of our engagement of roughly 2,000 troops 

B)  opposed to our engagement of roughly 2,000 troops

Bryen -

Which stance do you support?

A) Donald Trump

B) John Bolton

"i thank the chemists though. does help some people get re-tuned to the universal message of LOVE.

our modern society needs it more than ever. it has been gifted to humans as a way to re-connect to the life force energy and recognize the interconnectedness between ALL living things. 

are shrooms legal yet?"


Can I get an AMEN for Brother Turtle????



"Thank you chemists! My life is so much richer, I am able to explore my creative visions so much more thoroughly, live with empathy and compassion, peace and love. That was always my nature, but I credit LSD with a lot of what I've learned. A lot."


And an AMEN for Sister Judit???


Other than that, I'm totally unsurprised Bryen, that you once again managed to smear your primate fecal mind-matter all over the walls until once again managing to recreate that shit-smelling environment which no one wants to be in. It's truly a gift. Like the Midas touch, except every thread you post in turns to shit. 

buenos dias amigo


I'm for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Syria.


...and Afghanistan 


The free thought project?

Are you serious?





Lumber, please feel free to google William Arkin and read the story from any outlet you find acceptable.


Is this an acceptable source?  Maybe you could check it with your fancy news filter.

Bryen - You good with that media bias fact check?

Conspiracy/ Psuedoscience???


Again T.O.D., the story of William Arkin's resignation from NBC on the grounds that the network promotes endless war is all over the internet, pick any neocon corporate media outlet you like if that makes you feel better.

Newsmax...Factual Reporting: Mixed


Try again. 


This one is better...

Factual Reporting: High




good work Lumber

I've seen it...

My point is YOU brought a fake as fuck Conspiracy/Psuedoscience rag as your source to the table.


^ sure, whatever you say T.O.D.

^That was my point, Brayin'.


You should be more selective about the sources you cite 


     ...and your thoughts on the corporate war machine NBC?

Msnbc is silly with Bush era officials. I blame Scarborough. 

...and your thoughts on Trump using the office to enrich himself and his family?

How about this govt. shutdown, "Bryen", do you support it? How about those workers who now

cant pay their bills? It's their fault I suppose...

Trump seems to under the impression that everyone was born with a golden spoon sticking out of their ass.

As one worker put it, Not everyone has a Fred Trump to bail them out.

Some "leader" you have chosen.




It's no great revelation , Brayin'.  I've been telling my Republican friends to tune in to msnbc for a few years now.


In regards to foreign policy...and let's just go with your chosen source Greenwald, the point Glenn is making is what we're experiencing on this message board and beyond is a sort of "Alice in Wonderland" moment whereas if Trump is for ending pointless wars, then "democrats" are for continuing pointless wars for seemingly no other reason than to be against Trump, which is pretty disgusting when you think about the lives that are lost.  Does that register at all with you guys?

So starting wars and then calling them unnecessary and bailing leaving a huge mess is better than opposing them from the get go and not wanting to bail without fixing the mess we started?

It's not withdrawing troops per se, it the precipitous nature of the decision. There was little consultation or coordination with our allies.  And we are abandoning the Kurds, leaving them vulnerable to Turkish forces. 


Creating a "vacuum" for Erdogan, Putin etc...


So who should be the last soldier to die in Afghanistan for absolutely nothing?



Lot a folks didn't have a choice about going to Vietnam, there was this thing called the draft, you might've heard of it.


^ That's a pretty discouraging statement T.O.D., I'm truly sad for you.

"Bryen" fully supports the guy who encouraged people

 to beat the shit out of protesters at his rallies.

Peace and love bro!

Love to all, no exceptions!


Peace & love to you too, I guess that's the "whataboutism" I keep reading about.


From Glenn's article:


"Arkin has worked with NBC and MSNBC over the years and continuously since 2016. But yesterday, he announced that he was leaving the network in a long, emphatic email denouncing the networks for their superficial and reactionary coverage of national security, for becoming fixated on trivial Trump outbursts of the day to chase profit and ratings, and — most incriminating of all — for becoming the central propaganda arm of the CIA, the Pentagon, and the FBI in the name of #Resistance, thus inculcating an entire new generation of liberals, paying attention to politics for the first time in the Trump era, to “lionize” those agencies and their policies of imperialism and militarism."

Bryen - The military is 100% voluntary. We've been at war for 17 years now.

People who've signed up know what they're getting involved with.

These brave men and women are keeping us safe here by being there.


"Get some!" 


Care to elaborate on the objectives we're currently accomplishing in Afghanistan?

>>>>>>Care to elaborate on the objectives we're currently accomplishing in Afghanistan?


You mean aside from keeping the Taliban on the run and preventing them from perpetrating attacks on US interests around the world?


  ^  You really believe that, correct?

What do you think we’re doing there?


"What do you think we’re doing there?"


Pretty much the same thing we were doing in Iraq & Vietnam.

 "Operation Cyclone" comes to mind...   

Bryen -

Your boy Trump's Military budget is up $85 Billion in his first 2 years compared to Obama's first 2.

And....Obama spent too fucking much!

U must b mistaken, tod.

donald trump is the only president willing to stand up to the gross military industrial complex.

that's y the deep state is trying to take him down!

it's so obvious, I don't know y bryen is the only one here who can see it

 I've been telling my Republican friends to tune in to msnbc for a few years now.

"Max, this thread took a bad turn from underground chemists to Bryen's vapid opinions. Let's get outta here."

"Good thinking, 99. Don't tell me Bryen can't answer simple questions about Russia?"

"Bryen can't answer simple questions about Russia, Max."

"99, I asked you not to tell me that."

"Max, he only wants to repeat unrelated personal opinions about military intervention that he got off Facebook, not provide historical facts relating to the original subject - Russia."

"It's the ollllllld switch topic trick. Just pretend he's in the cone of silence, 99. That way we don't have to listen to his uneducated bullshit."

"Ok Max. While we wait for him to read a real academic, freshman-level printed history book or two, can we go to the shoe?"

"Of course 99, that's what we do... we always go to the shoe......but we may have a looooong wait. Sorry Chief."



     ^ Brilliant...I'm clearly outmatched by your superior intellect, the Russians are impacting the very fabric of our democracy, every aspect of our daily existence.  Be very afraid.  Thank you for sharing your vast wealth of knowledge on this dangerous threat, it's the challenge of our generation.  If we are able to survive as a republic, we owe a debt of gratitude to heroes like yourself who bravely sounded the alarm.

Great thread,Alan.

Insert " The Cone of Silence" image.

so whats all this about? lots of posts, started off yay LSD, then took a right turn, then i scrolled to bottom. should I go back to murder she wrote? (i joke, for the kids)

But I say YAY and thank you.

Yeah, I didn't pay attention to this thread until just now. I see it quickly veered off into normal zone babble and I have nothing to add to that.

>>>I want to strip Lance of zoner of the year award And award it  to Alan for that one post alone<<<

However, I will comment that the admittedly top quality post in question near the top of this thread was made in 2019, so back off LLTD.

Back to the topic of the thread,

Better living through chemistry...

I dosed for the first time in decades last weekend, was quite enjoyable...   

Been thinking about taking a refresher course myself

Did one of those low dose "working" hits (and another for good measure).  Was fun feeling the other parts of the brain activate a bit, cleaned up that winter depression quite nicely, played a little music with a friend and it was free (no addictions to pentatonics, etc),  watched some of the Oteil NYE show from last week (Melvin was magical), did a tavern run for food...   all in all a very pleasant trip!  

I keep thinking about it, too. Not quite in the space.

Had a prankster visit, what's a fella to do ;) 

Ya had to.

It was just before the wind storm, so bonus points for that I suppose, lol, definitely added to the excitement!

( I dosed hard for the big wind storm in Nov. 1981, hurricane force winds in the Willamette Valley, was out in the country, Woot!)

This thread took a much more positive turn. Well done folks!


I was going to shun you, but that's a fairly good post.....just the right amount of sarcasm.... you might be a decent Zoner yet.. You have the passion, but..

Passion without knowledge is childlike.

Right now you remind me of a little kid in a toy car, furiously spinning the steering wheel, thinking he is actually driving ...insisting he is actually driving.

Or a first-grader who runs into a roomful of grownups obnoxiously shouting some truth about sex he heard on the playground, years before he ever took a biology class or experienced it himself.

Or put another way - anyone can pick up a trumpet and immediately make a bunch of noise. But it takes time and work and knowledge to make music.

Come back and start a conversation about American foreign policy once you read a  real history book or two or three. it will add some meaningful context to your ideas. I mean you can watch one episode of a tv show and enjoy it, but if that show is part of a series and you watch the whole thing.. you gain a much greater appreciation of what's goin on. Kapeesh?

And note -- discussing foreign policy is different than raving about politics.. in that there are no "teams" or individual bad guys. it's America's relation to the world in a broader, more strategic sense. 


Also - start your own thread next time..quit fuckin up every else's good time.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program....








     You're obviously more mature than myself...certainly wiser than I could ever hope to be.  Your knowledge about the Russian threat to our democracy...our very existence, has been invaluable.  What are the specific steps we should take to prevent them from causing further harm to our institutions and ultimately destroying our great nation?  Is there anything that can be done?  Any guidance you can provide is genuinely appreciated, thank you.


we could start by euthanizing mouth breathers like Bryen.


     Top o' the morning Timmy

You know when people starting doing headshot quotes from John Kerry that a thread is really starting to die.

how did Alan not get the zoty?

He won the popular vote.  KK was just trying to suck up to Lance.

Maybe he was just trying to get a discount on a custom GTTS jersey.

the retail mark up on those things is insane!

My only brush with underground chemists and such occurred a few weeks after I moved to San Francisco for holography school and "coincidentally"  the 84 / 85 NYE Dead shows at Bill Graham Civic.

A friend from the East Bay (who I later found out was part of the extended Shulgin family) provided some rather-sizable sealed glass vials filled with white powder that were labeled Experimental Chemical Reagent - Not For Human Consumption. And two sets of printed instructions -- one was for something called XTC and the other for something called 2CB. Very hush-hush but making the rounds in certain circles (they were legal until later that year). I can't remember if any money was exchanged, but if it was, it wasn't much - - it was more a "share the sacrament thing."

Now this is before the Internet, before Burning Man, before raves even, and these two acronym-names were virtually unheard. Except by druggie Deadheads of course, and from those wizard looking old original hippies. (We might have had a run in with MDMA and MDA before, but never had heard the word "ecstasy" and probably never had lab-grade anything). Needless to say, that 85 summer tour that started at the Greeks and ended in Pittsburg or somewhere was quite amusing.

When we got back, these same chemicals were rapidly starting to percolate out of the Bay area, which was a cultural hotbed for the weird then -- still affordable for starving artists - spawning a whole bunch of scenes from the Cacophony Society to urban firedancers to virtual reality pioneers, etc.  Here is some interesting reading reflecting those times.

High Frontiers, a large size (11x17") mid-80's 'zine that went on to become Reality Hackers and then Mondo 2000:

Ken Goffman (aka R.U. Sirius) was the founding editor. The content reflects that Bay Area scene where early computer programmers mixed with remnants from the 1960's counterculture and experimented with LSD and other hallucinogens. From the beginning, this was what you might call a cyber punk aesthetic, a mixture between the consciousness-expanding realm of the psychedelic underground and the emergence of the Internet. - 

This issue includes original graphics and articles by/interviews with Ram Dass, Robert Anton Wilson, Paul Krassner, Terence McKenna, Nick Herbert, and more. High Frontiers kept its original name for only the first three issues. 


highfrontierrrr (1).jpg


AlanR is a total ass(et).

The Oracle of Other Stuff

 Thanks for refurbishing the post 

 I dictated refocusing refurbishing works also 


as a hypocrite and stating the obvious I know what year it is Lantz and stand by my convictions. (Did chuckle)

Is this story over? 

Did it ever start?

It started with lsd. That led to gentrification. We got computers out of that. But we now have inequality. 

<<<The Oracle of Other Stuff>>>

It's a little long to claim it as a band name, but I will name one of my next sculptures that. 

I like it. Great name for an alabaster wizard. Thank you.

Bryen, If I sell it, I promise to buy you a library card -- then you can walk into a building full of books that you can read for free. No shit, they will even let you take them home to read if you promise to bring them back. It's probably considered a wasteful government service now, but at one time taxdollars were used to disseminate knowledge. They even had a whole shelf of history books! Unbelievable, I know.



     Thanks Alan, your observations on Russia have been an embarrassment of riches, but a library card...I am without words, you are too kind.

<<<It started with lsd. That led to gentrification. We got computers out of that. But we now have inequality. >>>

Gold. I swear Slacker is some sort of Buddha. No one believes me, but it's true. I'm serious.

(I hear it in the Napoleon Dynamite guy's voice)

<<Is this story over? >>

No. That would be a dumb story. There's a little more.

When we were back East with all this XTC and 2CB that most no one had ever heard of -- remember this was 1985 -- way pre glowstick /pacifier scene -- we went to a Halloween party with a bunch of mostly young Deadheads. You got what and it does what? We had the printed instructions. Curious people got their curiosity satisfied. Forgot about the incident. Just another great party with the Jello Boys.*

Fastforward 30 years and the damn party is on the Internet! I know it just looks like a VHS tape of a bad prom, but t's like an anthropology artifact (to me). It would be safe to bet that most people in this video are experiencing their first XTC or 2CB kicking in as you watch.

* What Garcia member ended up playing with the Jello Boys?

Jimmy Warren – electric piano, clavinet

80 / 81

<<* What Garcia member ended up playing with the Jello Boys?>>

Keyboardist Jimmy Warren

Alan, you have a plethora of extremely flat.fucking cool info. Hopefully, for me, I'll make all weekend at the Nedfest and talk weirdness over a couple of meads for a bit.

no Jazz, just too much time on my hands. But school starts soon so I will not be so verbose in the near future.

Looking forward to spring so I can open the stone studio. And to summer of course, so we can party.
