Invention of a new type of "scrambled eggs"?


Started out frying two eggs at low / medium heat.   After a minute or so, just as they were starting to solidify ... I opted to go with scrambled instead of fried, but for some reason decided to first separate the yolks to one side of the pan and the whites on the other.   I continued to slowly cook each side - being careful not to let either cross over to the other side.  After both sides were fully cooked, I gently mixed the two sides together ... just enough to disperse both sides evenly, yet still retaining relatively large "chunks" of yolk or white.

Clearly not traditional scrambled eggs, but curious if there's already a name for this other than "glorified eggsalad"?

If not, I hereby name them Scrambled Eggs A La FaceOnMars ... and will seek to add it to this list:

None of that sounds good.

Just made another breakfast sandwich with my newly invented form of "scrambled eggs". 

I think it's better than "regular" scrambled eggs in that the concentration of the yoke is preserved.

Hüsky enjoys the occasional Chicken Embryo with his meal.  He's not fussy about how / if it is prepared.

Going over to the Egg Man's place in a while.  His Chicken pen is built with Locust posts which I plucked from here on the Farm.

Although I'd like to have Chickens here again,  the predators are extremely talented at killing them.

all about the soft scrambled eggs

just keep whipping, add lots of butter

like a cross between scrambled eggs and hollandaise


Avoiding the concentration of the yolk is the point of scrambling.

Jus' sayin'.


But keep up the search for culinary profunditysmiley

I think the yolk is the "heart of the bit" re: eggs ... and scrambling them (traditionally) only lessens the impact of this "pole". 

I'll concede that scrambling "elevates" the egg white ... it's just that the yolk gets knocked down a notch or two