iowa clusterf#@k


It's hard to count the winner of a huge game of musical chairs.

Jesus Christ don't ya just feel a certain sense of pride being a democrat, and belonging to this merry band of misfits ?

These fucking assholes can't do anything right. 

Mayor Pete looks best

What a joke.

Pretty sad. The head of the dnc should step down immediately. DNC is pretty much done after this election. Just a muddle of corruption and unprofessionalism at all levels. Quite a shame.

Trying out a new app.



Bot thread

wait, so do people still trust the DNC to hold a fair primary season? 

shit, even i didn't expect the sketch to start at iowa. wow. 

They have the votes. They are holding them hostage and it will directly effect the primary and general election. It really is amazing. The corruption of our political system is on full display today for the world to see.

What we know is turn out was around the same as 2016 *No record turn out* like 2008.

This is the 3rd time in a row shits gone awry in Iowa.

This is being run by the Iowa democratic party (IDP) which will reflect poorly on the dnc.

The state party fucked up by getting an app (unsecure af) 2 weeks before the primary, to handle tallies.

Socialist will claim "they're doing it again" sewing even more division in the party, all the while republicans 

stoking the fire (trump etc...)


Any candidate claiming victory yet? lol.


in 2016 18.5% of Iowan caucus goers showed up.

they say about the same now.

90% of Iowa is white.


The real question should be why in the fuck is Iowa even considered for anything given

they don't represent the population of the United States?



fuckin' dumb


i read over 28% increase in turnout by the kids, compared to 2016. 

18-29yr olds. 


we all know bernie won. 

You're white. Maybe you should be ignored. 

buttigiege claimed victory. hahahahaha. 

biden in 4th or 5th. guy just isn't electable. 

and his base is older white people. 


>>> i read over 28% increase in turnout by the kids, compared to 2016. 

18-29yr olds. 


we all know bernie won. <<<


P-nutz, 28% was the total amount not an increase.


The largest group was.

1- Gen X

2- Boomers

3- Millennials, Zoomers 




The DNC and Iowa Democratic committee have two different stories. DNC claims they took down the reports because of "quality control" while Iowa Democratic committee claims there was an error in the application being used. The inconsistencies are troubling and yes they did do it again, obviously. This shit doesn't just happen three times in a row by accident lol. There's no excuse.

slacker said a caucus is herding cats. one of the better political analyses that I have heard...

>>> buttigiege claimed victory. hahahahaha. <<<


I watched what butt said, no different than what bernie gave his speech on last night.

bernie put out his own internal polling #'s though. lol.


I keep hearing about the malfunctioning "app", but haven't heard anyone name the "app".

<<<<>>>>Socialist will claim "they're doing it again" sewing even more division in the party, all the while republicans 

stoking the fire (trump etc...)


scary talk right here. thod has neera tanden's twitter set as his homepage. 

yeah, and you better bet bernie's #'s will be 100% more accurate than whatever the dem party will release. 


everybody else's speech last night was about themselves, bernie spoke about what he'll do it the WH. 

as always, he's just better than the rest of this sorry ass field. 

^ LOL yea and you better bet Bernie is the best looking, smartest and kindest candidate too. This guy.

>>> yeah, and you better bet bernie's #'s will be 100% more accurate than whatever the dem party will release.  <<<

You sound scared bro, it's fuckin' Iowa.


i'm not scared. bernie will won iowa next week as well. and then nevada. 

ned you interpret things in a bizarre way. 

^^Last two winners of Iowa caucus ended up winning the election, guy

timpane, iowa means nothing this run, centrists said so (within the last couple weeks, prior to that, iowa was VERY important). 


Iowa doesn't fuckin' matter, their white children aren't in cages.



nice thod.

bernie won iowa, as expected. on to NH to crush it. 

nevada uses the same app -- can we all agree they should toss that shit? does it even matter thod? 





I told you you would be the first to claim a bernie victory. lol


bernie needs to do this in order to gain momentum going into NH.


btw, who officially won Iowa?

text book berniebro...


there are no official results -- you know this, correct? 

momentum? this will surely add to his momentum, no doubt. 

he's up by 20 in NH? good stuff. 

keep melting, thod. 

Iowa is the problem not democratic or republican 



 T.O.D. on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 – 11:33 am

Iowa doesn't fuckin' matter, their white children aren't in cages.



Favreau said he later deleted the tweet after social media users pointed out that the photos were taken during the Biden administration. But by that point, critics had already rushed to accuse him of concealing Biden's own harsh immigration tactics while condemning Trump's.


Lol, the problem is obviously our political system but people are still pretty ignorant to that fact. 

^ you were literally blaming the dems just a lil bit ago. my god man.

turn in your berniebro card.

Did you know that Iowa is 1 of only 2 states that lifetime disenfranchise felons from participating in the

election process?

Kentucky being the other.



>>>>biden in 4th or 5th. guy just isn't electable.  . . .and his base is older white people. 

Biden is also popular with black people, who make up a large part of the Democratic voting block in the South.   But let's see if his anticipated trouncing in Iowa has a trickle down effect in the later primaries.


Ken, you might wanna pull back on that #MayorCheat shit.

it's a full on onslaught by bots, go ahead and check it out.


Divide and Conquer 


^hahahaha. melt. 

do bots haunt you in your sleep? 


nah, I'm good bro.


 no talk of warren or biden, just bernie and mayor cheat. lol. 

you'd vote for mayor pete, thod? in the primary? 

^^Yup the DNC is part of the political system last I checked genius. I know it's hard to make that connection

 when you're not using your brain though

Thod, just give it up man. You're gonna make yourself look bad again on this thread. Not even Ned likes you.

Hey Bad List is composed of 2 zoners only....thod is not on that list.

amy goodman is the best journalist/reporter in the country. a national treasure. 


I'm glad I didn't make your list ned : - )


I really want to like bernie and support him but p heat and timpane make that task more difficult for myself. 


2016 did a number on them, jfc.


The fact that you let two zoners on a drugband message board be a representation for anything is troubling, JR. Aw, it seems the Ned, Thod, Jr love triangle is back. You guys are so cute. Now all you need is Brian K to come give you some morale support

thod you may have typed the word "bots" 250 times in all these threads. you link centrist talking heads from corporate media who championed the iraq war.

i was disconnected for the most part in 2016 -- 2004-12 was like now for me -- but 2020 is the time for bernie, so here we are. 

2016 fucked your brain up man, it's on display for all to see.

that said, haha, guys we'll be waiting when you're ready. 


Timpane, you are a fucking dipshit. If you spent time reading what I've said, rather than jerking off to it, you'd have a clue.

I've been saying for 4 years that the system is the problem. You all of a sudden think you're Einstein with that revelation. I've supported Bernie for 30 years. I still think he'd be a shitty President. At least I can and have coherently outlined why.

Stick to your feeble trolling. It sucks, but it's better than your chickenshit political views and your BernieBro attitude.

>>>>I really want to like bernie and support him but p heat and timpane make that task more difficult for myself. 

yeah actually I like Bernie a lot. His followers seem a bit unstable though. Not the best advocates. 

These fellows are entitled, not politically savvy, completely out of touch with the population, and are susceptible to whatever propaganda they are being fed. They don't represent most of his supporters, and are an embarrassment to the cause.

A few thoughts.

Caucuses need to go away like Blackberry phones, but it was the Bernie camp that wanted to keep them because his supporters skew young and wealthy enough to attend so Bernie over performs in Caucus states. There is a perfectly good way to select candidates and it is called voting. 

Iowa needs to go away. 

New Hampshire is meaningless this year with both a Massachusets and a Vermont candidate running.

I'm strongly leaning Bernie at this point and that can be summed up in one word. Authentic. But I have to say the over confident -  dismissive attitude of his supporters is the biggest reason I'm still on the fence. That attitude will not play well with suburban whites in the general, and without suburban whites Trump gets a second term. 



replace the words and it's the same delusional cult of personality with a different name:

- everybody else's speech last night was about themselves, trump spoke about what he'll do at the WH. 

as always, he's just better than the rest of this sorry ass field. 

- yeah, and you better bet trump's #'s will be 100% more accurate than whatever the repub party will release. 

- sean hannity is the best journalist/reporter in the country. a national treasure. 

Reading what I said rather than jerking off to it>>>

gross, Brian k. Is that what the woman said to you at your office when you sexually harassed her?I knew you would come out of your lil hole just like the marmot you are Brian K. Now go follow your friend Thod and do as he says like a good little sheep.

JR you are reaching man. Pretty much just came up with a pointless play on words. Kudos.

lots of anger. 

guys have a nice primary season. i'll be floating around from time to time. 




Tinpan, you are a weak minded one-trick-pony with absolutely no substance and nothing to add. There was a 100% chance that you'd reply with that.

I'm so in your dome that it's scary. You keep bringing  me up out of the blue, and you are clearly infatuated with my past.

Fucking needy bitch.


"The party that constantly reminds us how they are the party of science, the party of education and educators, the party that is forward-looking and embraces the power of technology . . . cannot do math when it counts. The party that wants the federal government to take over the health-care system cannot add up numbers from 1,600 precincts. This was all over again. Staffers for presidential campaigns raged over the fact that when they called up the state party for answers, party officials hung up on them.

This morning, Democrats look exactly like what their critics accuse them of being — a bunch of grandiose dreamers whose ambitions greatly exceed their competence. They can’t handle the basics of running elections in a constitutional Republic, but they fantasize of having far-reaching powers over the daily lives of every American."




Fuck off thom, you ain't many.


I just don’t get how someone could blow pretty much a permanent full-on constant 5.0 melt on such a slow and wasted message board.

And yet, there is Thod. 

>>> guys have a nice primary season. i'll be floating around from time to time. <<<


until 4:00pm today? 

When the IDP posts only 50% of the caucus vote and you claim a bernie win, again.


can't wait. lol




< lots of anger

LOL ya think man ? It's that February thing. Everyone's sick of being stuck inside all winter with nothing but us and our bullshit. Can't wait to get outside. So you fuckers that live in warm climates, lighten the fuck up, you have no Feb excuses. I think February leads in most suicides, and it sounds like a few here are ready to take the plunge,,,

God willing

Raz, you should have worked hard enough to live in a climate you wouldn't have to complain about. 

Caucuses are a joke.  Worse, they're exclusionary and undemocratic.

Long past time for a national primary day.  And a shortened "season."

Countries do general elections in six weeks.  We could manage six months, FFS.

i grilled outdoors last night.

The Democrat party is an industry of well educated and well paid Patriots. Don't try to change how they do things. 

>>>>"The party that constantly reminds us how they are the party of science, the party of education and educators, the party that is forward-looking and embraces the power of technology . . . cannot do >>>>math when it counts. The party that wants the federal government to take over the health-care system cannot add up numbers from 1,600 precincts. This was all over again. Staffers for >>>>presidential campaigns raged over the fact that when they called up the state party for answers, party officials hung up on them.

>>>>This morning, Democrats look exactly like what their critics accuse them of being — a bunch of grandiose dreamers whose ambitions greatly exceed their competence. They can’t handle the basics of >>>>running elections in a constitutional Republic, but they fantasize of having far-reaching powers over the daily lives of every American."

I'm pretty sure this is almost word-for-word what was said about the Obamacare roll out. Hey maybe if your side tried something new once and a while and didn't look for the all the answers in book written by a bunch of goat herders 5,000 years ago you might fail from time to time. 

CO had caucuses until a few years ago. We changed to primary voting (!), because caucuses make voting much harder, thus limiting who participates.

>>  The Democrat party



Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While the term has been used in a non-hostile way, it has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators

Thought I'd get in front of it before heater and timpane say it:

crazy conspiracy theory: what if democratic establishment knew that Iowa caucus would likely help Bernie and purposefully delayed releasing caucus results

^^^  It's so funny how this plays right into the Trump/ Putin Narrative that the Democratic primary is rigged so dems should just stay home in November.... But it does look shifty 

I think it's more an effort to help Biden rather than hurt Bernie. If things played out the way they usually do last night and Biden came out with 12% that looks real bad and should have been effectively the end of his campaign (still might be) 

The story last night and today would have been Biden is not Viable... Instead it's we don't have a result 

9m ago17:13

Although Pete Buttigieg leads the caucus results, Bernie Sanders is leading the popular vote count, at 28,220 over Buttigieg’s 27,030.

Elizabeth Warren collected 22,254 votes and Joe Biden has 14,176, with 62% of precincts reporting.

The popular vote represents the raw data not converted into state delegate equivalents.


how does that work?

You're not in my head at all BK. I don't take the zone too serious. Keep acting all angry about my posts though. Your mini melts are entertaining.

second choice matters.

I am assuming that the numbers of votes Turtle posted represent the first round.

But after the first round, people supporting candidates with less than 15% (?) of the precinct had to switch to a second choice candidate.

Presumably, more people who supported a "non-viable" candidate in the first round switched to Pete than switched to Bernie.

At least in those 62% of precincts. Presumably.

< how does that work ?

You kind of answered your own question. In counties Pete doesn't win, he's running 2nd or 3rd, and picking up delegates that way. Pete looking stronger than most anticipated. I like him. Pyramid must be having kittens, not winning Iowa big, or at all

>>Bernie Sanders is leading the popular vote count, at 28,220 over Buttigieg’s 27,030.<


doesn't it work that way? Or is this too some shady-assed super delegate bullshit?

something smells bad....

No it doesn't work that way.

CNN just spelled it out. Because he never lost any counties big, always in the top 3, he wins delegates.  Mayor Pete on now. 

oh, that seems fair.....


62% in, that being said, don't put weight on this shit.

This will be the last cycle that they'll have a caucus.


thod keep going man -- keep us up to date, you're doing great. 

The Iowa caucus is a big old game of musical chairs. It's friggin' ridiculous that the homogeneous states of IA and NH have any importance in determining candidates, simply because they go first. IA is 91% white and NH is 93%. They hardly represent the diversity of people who vote in other states, and candidates who poll well with minorities often have to drop out after they get crushed in these 2 states.

Wasn't CA moving up its primary so that it has more of a say?

CA did move up the primary -- to march 3rd, super tuesday. 

Meanwhile, Bloomberg just announced that he's doubling down on his advertising. He's already dropped $200 million.

I guess they will just release the next 40.% whenever the hell they feel like it?


the reality is in these numbers, not the damn hype.

Iowa doesn't mean shit.


This is creating a great opening for Bloomberg.

woz you support oligarchs? 

I guess they will just release the next 40.% whenever the hell they feel like it? <<< Exactly after They Are Done with Bingo and Coffee


66134136-1020-4FE5-97A9-430BE96B12E1.jpeg< how does this work ?

It’s what y’all want.  Redistribution, 


Did you go to Manic Hispanic at Alex's Bar Saturday night? 

Think caucuses suck?

Remember when I said what republicans would do in an open (vote whoever you want regardless of party) primary?



Upstate GOP leaders plotting to meddle in SC Democratic primary by boosting Bernie Sanders

By Jamie Lovegrove 

3 hrs ago


COLUMBIA — A group of prominent Upstate Republicans is preparing to launch a wide-scale effort this week to encourage GOP voters across South Carolina to vote for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Feb. 29 Democratic primary, The Post and Courier has learned.

The Republican plan to meddle in the Democratic race, emerging just weeks before the “First in the South” primary, has two goals: Boost the candidate who the Republicans believe presents the weakest general election threat to President Donald Trump and pressure Democrats to support closing state primaries in the future.


>>woz you support oligarchs?

How do you go from someone making a statement that's true to asking if that person supports oligarchs? Yes, this shitshow in IA does create an opening for Bloomberg. That's part of your problem, ogkb, you completely vilify anyone who doesn't agree with you, and twist any statement they make into whatever suits your narrative. One doesn't have to be a Bernie supporter to be a liberal, and the liberals who don't support him aren't your enemy.

bloomberg needed the party to go on a 6.7 level melt for this debacle to mean anything to his candidacy.  I think mayor pete and his iowa momentum is keeping the party organ grinders at bay for now

if Biden does not win SC tho all bets are off.  someone in the middle will be anointed fill his void.  thing is no candidate in the middle gets any minority support other then old man Joe.  the middle of the party will regret not getting behind Pete with its money and sphere of influence.  of course the middle of the party has been broken since 2014 so its easy to see and predict its demise 


Sanders will crush the field in NH.  if he is the 2nd place finisher or better in SC he is going to be the Dem candidate 


^ especially with the help of republicans 


Brian k obviously a big Bloomberg guy. 

bk you support the oligarchs? 

bk your problem is you don't know shit. 

flame the fuck on. 


Went from state to national...

1hr ago.

GOP activists pushing South Carolina Republicans to vote for Sanders in the Democratic primary — to boost Trump

On Tuesday, the Post and Courier reported that several local Republican officials and Tea Party leaders in Upstate South Carolina are launching a campaign to urge Republican voters to participate in the Democratic presidential primary — and back Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

The officials, which include Greenville GOP chairman Nate Leupp, Spartanburg GOP chairman Curtis Smith, and Anderson GOP chairwoman Cheryl Cuthrell, hope that Sanders would be the weakest general election matchup against President Donald Trump, allowing him to attack Sanders’ open belief in socialism and shifting the conversation off Trump’s own moral fitness for office.




^sounds like a bad idea for the republicans. Once they vote for him once it will make it easier a second time around

Can someone pass the Kleenex?  Heater is going to slip and fall on his own tears.



Seriously, why is it so hard to announce the remaining 38%?

>>> ^sounds like a bad idea for the republicans. Once they vote for him once it will make it easier a second time around <<<

is that what you got out of that?

Did you even read it??




bk your problem is you don't know shit. 

Apparently you don't know the definition of Oligarch.....and it would seem neither does Bernie. Someone should buy you each a dictionary.......LOL

racket trolled a bday thread. lol what a bitch.

woz you literally cant think for yourself -- that is what msnbc has been saying since last night, incredible.


oligarch --  a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.

fucking moron.

>>> Seriously, why is it so hard to announce the remaining 38%? <<<

because it doesn't matter?


No matter what the tallies are...

bernie didn't run away with shit and his support is actually pretty soft.


but sleep well, Iowa doesn't mean shit.


He's a wealthy, self made businessman with little to no political influence. He is running in an election. Not even close to being an oligarch.


Moron. Talk about needing to think for yourself? Start by looking in the mirror little boy and try to form an independamnt thought.

so funny people defending bloomberg. 

god help us. 

woz you're a mess man -- spending over 200million in 3months, having the dnc change the rules for you, is the definition, you stupid fuck.

Jerry loved Bloomberg. 

Far from It overheated pyramid. I don't have time to teach you what you should have learned in high school. Good luck sonny boy.

Yeah, I don't know shit and I'm getting schooled by a couple of know-it-all loud mouths on a dbmb.

So, other than beating your chest and talking the talk, on a day in and day out basis, what exactly do you badass mofos do to make a difference and change the lives of your fellow man for the better? Spill it. Are you for real or are you just Bernie Bro's?

I hear bloomberg wore the garcia ties

{{{{{ tidal wave collection }}}}


bloomberg saw garcia? 

lol woz. fuck off buddy -- remember when to you said nelson was dead and not coming back? 

he sat two seats to my left 9/19/90 and called the 2nd set Let it Grow seconds before I did

I was pissed and yet impressed at the same moment 


< racket trolled a bday thread

Bold innovator

< hey ___________ your problem is you don't know shit

LMAO fill in the fuckin blank 

You fellas are quite the hoot today 


damn, ogpz -- i hope you dosed the shit outta him! 


I was most certainly at 9/19 and of course I dosed lil mikey.  he went full on poz in our section and was thrown out with his pants around his ankles during space 


Sanders support is so soft that he's winning the popular vote with the largest and most liberal county still yet to be accounted for. 

bloomberg can't handle the real L. 

poz'd lol. bloomy probably hates dark star as well. 


dont know about that sir

I hear bloomberg was the front man for the lsd avengers on silk road back in the day

bloomy was all about the needlepoint 

why you gotta go and fuck my brain up. haha. 

miss you man. 

you as well sir... be nice to these people in here.  you will need them in Nov

look me up if you make it west soon!


Thom wants to be a Democrat when he grows up.

I certainly don't hate you, but you certainly do amaze me.....

New results are out.  Up to 71% reporting.

Bernie still leads in popular vote and Pete is still ahead in SDEs.  They are still tied at 10 each in pledged delegates. 

Biden still trailing in fourth.

Congratulations are in order to Mayor Pete for winning the Iowa caucus. Huge come from behind win!!!!!! Hopefully Chastin and him can have a relaxing night before New Hampshire.

From Wiki 


In 2000, Buttigieg was valedictorian of his senior class at St. Joseph High School in South Bend.[19] That year, he won first prize in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum's Profiles in Courage essay contest. He traveled to Boston to accept the award and met Caroline Kennedy and other members of President Kennedy's family. The subject of his winning essay was the integrity and political courage of then U.S. Representative Bernie Sandersof Vermont, one of only two independent politicians in Congress.[20][21]

Buttigieg attended Harvard University, where he majored in history and literature.[22] He became president of the Student Advisory Committee of the Harvard Institute of Politics and worked on the institute's annual study of youth attitudes on politics.[23][24] He wrote his undergraduate thesis, titled The Quiet American's Errand into the Wilderness, on the influence of puritanism on U.S. foreign policy as reflected in Graham Greene's novel The Quiet American.[25][26] The title of his thesis is also an allusion to American historian Perry Miller's work "Errand into the Wilderness".[27]

Upon graduating magna cum laude from Harvard in 2004, Buttigieg was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa[1] and awarded a Rhodes Scholarship; in 2007, he received a Bachelor of Arts degree with first-class honors in philosophy, politics, and economics after studying at Pembroke College, Oxford.[28] At Oxford, he was an editor of the Oxford International Review,[29] and was a co-founder[29] and member of the Democratic Renaissance Project, an informal debate and discussion group of about a dozen Oxford students.[30][31]

Can someone please explain to me how Pete can have more delegates even though Sanders has more popular vote? Is this like the electoral college, delegates assigned by demographic region? This shit is all so strange to me. Why can't a popular vote just be a popular vote, why so many intermediaries? Seems to me like if a majority of Iowan democrats vote for a certain candidate, then that candidate should win that state. Isn't that what democracy is essentially about? Weird, man...

^ He actually has the same number of delegates as Bernie right now. It's def complicated. Wish I could tell ya. 

Iowa has been a "presidential predictor" since 1972

How it works? Google is your friend.


The real question is...

Would a bernie supporter be questioning the process if bernie rolled over the competition in Iowa?


^of course you fucking moron. 

that's the difference between you and us. 

can you admit bernie won? he has more votes and the delegates are tied. 

You enjoying a victory lap there buddy?

you thought he was gonna roll over everybody, with all the shit you were spewing.


Maybe if bernie went to the rural areas he could've got the results you anticipated?

He just didn't campaign hard enough in those rural areas, totally pulled a Hillary Clinton.


oh btw, Iowa doesn't mean shit.




>>>>>you fucking moron.


Once again, Heat trying to influence voters by insulting them.

How Trumpian of you.

Thod doesn't do anything worthy of compliments. 


I don't need a participation trophy kid...

seems like you're pissed you didn't get yours though. smh


See, Surf? He's a jerk.

surf, go make some oatmeal or something. 

thod you bitch -- you ask a dumb ass question like you do, that's the response. 



Several folks here need to change their strain. It's not working for you.

just heard an interview with iowan trumper ladies. they feel discriminated that they are christian and have blonde hair...poor things.

>isn't that what democracy is essentially about? Weird, man...<

it's fucked up is what it is.


P-nutz, you're so angry bro...


You've been running around like a little yappy dog as of late.

barking "you fucking moron", "you little bitch", "fuck off buddy" unchecked.

Maybe because you're going hard for bernie?

Where's your decorum?


slack, does P-nutz deserve compliments?

How about a participation trophy?



I don't insult anyone here, Surf. I clean pools. 

Congrats to Mayor Pete!!!  He won the Iowa caucus while Bernie lost


If bernie only would've gone to the rural counties and was able to speak to people with "economic anxiety"...


well congrats self-defeaters.


Slack you're similar to  bryen. You're main objective seems to be getting under people's skin.bryen gets off on it a little more but I have to admit you do seem to shit on anything and everything you can but bry really only shits on dems. You're all over the map slack. Good work

>>well congrats self-defeaters.

That's the rub. Although  Bernie's policies are often best for the rural, poor and/or blue collar, they don't vote for their own interests.

A big part of the problem is that the "revolution" has to come from the educated middle class, and in a lot of ways it is. The problem, though, is that the middle class has shrunk, and the education sucks. 

Gregulator, I'm not Deader than thou. 

>>> Slack you're similar to  bryen. You're main objective seems to be getting under people's skin.bryen gets off on it a little more but I have to admit you do seem to shit on anything and everything you can but bry really only shits on dems. You're all over the map slack. Good work <<<



Eagles - Heartache Tonight 

Somebody's gonna hurt someone before the night is through.
Somebody's gonna come undone; there's nothin' we can do
Everybody wants to touch somebody, if it takes all night
Everybody wants to take a little chance, make it come out right
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know
Lord, I know.

Some people like to stay out late
Some folks can't hold out that long
But nobody wants to go home now; there's too much goin' on

This night is gonna last forever. Last all, last all summer long
Some time before the sun comes up the radio is gonna play that song
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know
Lord, I know.

There's gonna be a heartache tonight
The moon's shinin' bright, so turn out the light, and we'll get it right
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache to night, I know

Somebody's gonna hurt someone (somebody) before the night is through
Somebody's gonna come undone; there's nothin' we can do (everybody)
Everybody wants to touch somebody, if it takes all night
Everybody wants to take a little chance, make it come out right
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know
Let's go.

We can beat around the bushes; we can get down to the bone
We can leave it in the parkin' lot, but either way
There's gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know

There'll be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight I know



why does slacker bother people so much?

agreed bk's.

There's no declared winner yet but regardless if Bernie loses in super delegates or delegates and wins the popular vote that's still a great showing in the caucus. Time to move on to New Hampshire after one of the largest debacles and shit show caucuses of our time.

Now Mayor Pete is on his way to New Hampshire with a ton of momentum and the wind behind his back. Huge huge win!!!


^He is polling at 12% in New Hampshire lol

NH primary results matter even less than Iowa. Both Warren and Sanders have a home-field advantage.

^ exactly

Every win is a big win moving forward seeing that the polls are all over the place with close contention between 4 candidates.

>>>>polls are all over the place with close contention between 4 candidates.

Uh, contested convention.  Oh joy.

>>> Every win is a big win moving forward seeing that the polls are all over the place with close contention between 4 candidates <<<


Pretzel Logic



What's up Thod? 



First ones free, Tampax.


Pretzel logic is an expression used to describe someone's "twisted reasoning."



That's nice. Like usually, I just pretty much skip over all your posts now. JR has been more entertaining, lately. Your even trailing BK which is pretty sad. Have a good one, guy.

More results just in.   They are now at 75% reported, with Bernie still leading in the popular vote count, Pete still ahead in SDE, and Bernie and Pete still tied in pledged delegates.

And we have a winner!!! 


Thanks TOD!

^^^Did San Fran "win" after 3 quarters?!

Strange that heater has been silent today.  Probably took his ball and went home after the big mayor pete victory. 

if people can say bernie bros, can people also say buttbuddies?

The only good so far is that biden got 0 delegates. 


Poor Turtle :(


>>> if people can say bernie bros, can people also say buttbuddies? <<<


Yes, but you can't possibly think even with half of California liking turtle, think that's a good play.


Maybe they don't care?


c'mon man


It's only Iowa.

Nudehamster such a bigger win, focus. lol.



Good Christ, Turts, "Bernie Bro's" isn't some sexist or racist term. It refers to the dudes, mostly young, who say they support Bernie but really don't give a shit about his message. 99% of Bernie supporters aren't Bro's. It's that 1% that bring you all down, and because they're trolls, most of the normal supporters are afraid to say anything to them.

You're not a Bernie Bro, Turts, nor is ogkb. He loves the dude and his message. That Tinpan dude is 100% Bro. It's just another venue for trolling.

"Stronger Together"


President, Peter Buttijudge 

We are going to need many more Kleenex tissues than originally anticipated.  

Congrats to Mayor Pete for winning Iowa.

it was a joke kids, butt you know it's not far behind.


E371AD56-6573-4F28-8364-91F35E178DF2.jpegpete or bernie won? 








whose jake tapper?



Non white in Iowa?  What’s that like 17 people?

satellite caucuses

so even tho the DNC tried, and did, bernie dirty -- w/ 97% reporting, looking like bernie will overtake pete (it's tied now). 

pete did not win iowa -- even tho he's had 3 days worth of victory laps and the corporate media keeps allowing it to happen, he did not win. 

Bernie has a good shot at taking all the delegates in New Hampshire as well. Iowa is done and in the books. It was a disaster and ultimately Bernie did his job and made it through unscathed through the disaster that was the Iowa caucus. Pete will see a slight bump but prob is looking at 3rd or even fourth in NH. Might not even get any delegates.

how come they accidentally gave bernie delegates to some asshole nobody even knows about? 

how come all of the "bernie" districts are announced super late? 

many districts where bernie has more votes, but pete has the delegates -- does the reverse exist? 


the satellite caucuses will make bernie the clear winner its looking like. 



So Bernie was tired of waiting around for the release of the remaining official results, said "fuck this shit," and declared victory.


At this point Iowa doesn't even matter how can we trust anything the IDC has to day at this point? It's hard to imagine th way could have completely fucked up this bad but either way you look at it, either Pete or Bernie ends a fraction ahead in state delegates (which do not matter at all) and wil both walk away with 11 National delegates a piece which is really all that matters. Sanders won the popular vote by about 6k. It's done. On to New Hampshire:

<  Heat trying to influence voters by insulting them. How Trumpian of you.

Tis true tis true. What I find nuts is him bashing all things democrat, that ain't bernie, especially Pelosi. Bad form dude. You blast her for voting for the last defense bill. I did a bit of pokin around and because of her a bunch of positives were added to that bill. Stuff that effects a lot of hurting vets, that I'm very down with ---- Health Programs -- Vet Retirement Homes - Compensation - Help With Personal Issues. You think repubs added those to the bill ? 

Plus she gives it to trump at every possible turn, railing at all his wrongdoing. And you want her gone ? Man yer a fucking numb brain numb nutz. If Bernie wins he roots hard for her to remain speaker.  You should be praising that woman if yer a dem.  Oh I forgot, you're a far left fringe socialist.

Don't worry I still love ya 




Hillary beat bernie in the 2016 Iowa democratic caucus.

Hillary - 23 delegates 

bernie - 21 delegates


"Popular vote" doesn't mean shit when you get to the convention.


Delegates matter.


Delegates determine the nominee, not the popular vote.


Iowa doesn't mean shit.


Ogkb has all the answers: get rid of Pelosi, don't make political compromises, "the people" all want this or that, isolate yourself from political  allies, etc.

Jesus Christ.

There's no way in hell that he's casting a vote in the GE for anyone but Bernie. He'll then claim that we lost because of a centrist candidate. The reality is that we'll lose because a whole bunch of naive Bernie supporters are going to throw the election because they really don't give a shit about the country.

How about if all the Bernie Bitches "fall in line" and stop acting like spoiled, petulant children?

centrists always trying to hold us back, always supporting the trump agenda. 

we've tried your way, look where it has gotten us? wake up guys. 

i don't have all the answers, that's funny. i am actually very stupid. but i know that the establishment doesn't care about us, and that unless we fight for representation, it'll never be handed to us. 

bernie is a once in a lifetime candidate -- and y'all are fighting as hard as you can to defeat the man -- funniest part is, he has the best shot at defeating trump. i know, you don't believe so -- you want to run and safe centrist that trump will beat again. ok, fine. that's crazy but go for it. 

you guys are shameful. 

Yeah, yeah, anyone to the right of your self-serving pseudo Socialism is "centrist."

We have a Trump agenda because your compadres in the swing states chose not to vote for Hillary. The data on that is undeniable. Maybe look in the mirror and stop blaming everyone else?

What isn't a "non-starter" for you when it comes to compromise? How exactly is a few billion tacked on to an already inflated military budget, when it got a ton on forward movement on veteran's stuff, holding us back?

Is it dumping in BTV yet? It just switched over here and it's coming down.

Bloom,berg >  Sanders and the rest of the clown car

woz prefers oligarchs over real humans. insanity. 


bk still out by bristol, dumping. 


>>>The reality is that we'll lose because a whole bunch of naive Bernie supporters are going to throw the election because they really don't give a shit about the country.

The reality is that we'll lose because a whole bunch of naive Bernie supporters are going to throw the election because they are privileged enough to avoid the negative consequences of four more years of Republican rule. 


>> bernie is a once in a lifetime candidate  <<


Vote for Bernie...before he dies!

bloomberg is a republican.

woz lays his cards on the table...



>> bloomberg is a republican. <<

And Trump was a democrat....and Lincoln was a republican....and Bernie was...

Labels get re-arranged.

An anti-gun, pro-ACA expansion, pro-public education doesn't smell like a (R).

ned's a republican. which is fine. 

but ned's a republican that supports republicans. such a good little republican. 

Chum that water p' spot taken.

Come join the Movement....or else you're a Trump sucking republican. LOL does it work?

ok, he's a corporatist.

it's what's wrong with our country.

i get it, some people are comfortable enough....


>> i get it, some people are comfortable enough.... <<

I get your sentiment, as well. Every voter has different motivations. I see Bernie getting killed in he's the nominee. I don't want trump to win.

P-heater will say Bernie's the only one to get people out to vote. Well, that didn't happen in Iowa. Same voter volume as 2016. Bernie will keep the middle home, or, even worse, voting for tRump. No bueno.

Lol, we're only going to start having nice things when there are more progressives in state legislatures. Until then it's putting lipstick on a pig.

Seeing as how Republicans control 53% of all seats, and there are very few avowed "progressives," we have a long way to go.

Until then, maybe we can defeat Trump and stave off another 4 years of shit that will take a generation to undo. Bernie may be able to do that. So may a few of the others. I fear that none of them will, and the far left that will sit it out if they can't vote for Bernie will make a huge difference.

justify it any way you'd like ned -- bloomberg is a billionaire republican, that spoke at the RNC and cheered on W and the iraq war. facts

stop n frisk targeting african americans and minorities. facts.

he bought his way onto the stage, has zero grassroots support, won't get any minority vote (just like pete), list goes on. 

i didn't say you're a trump republican -- but supporting an corporate republican like bloomberg in the dem primary, lol, i mean justify it any way you'd like. facts are facts. 

willing to settle for a republican as the dem nominee would be catastrophic, it is not going to win the election, that's just crazy talk. 


iwoa doesn't mean anything, iowa means everything ! 

so scared. we get it. 

why don't you people yell at zoners in these "swing-hole" states?

far left. shit cracks me up. 

funny y'all blame the working class since centrists have only had their way since well forever, and look where it got us. 


Bloomberg's a non starter. A billionaire Jew who wants to take your guns and Big Gulps, and is hard on crime through racial profiling, doesn't play well with a whole lot of people. He hits all sorts of check boxes.

Bernie has serious electability issues in the general. If you can't see that there's no way I'll change your mind. Unfortunately, we just might find out if Bernie gets nominated. No more excuses then, no one else to blame.

it would be two candidates, billionaires, that ran in the same circles as jeffrey epstein. 

ned youd support that? 


if bernie loses, he loses. trump is strong, especially w/ pelosi's botched impeachment. you think bernie would blame other people, like HRC and her clan does? nope. 

centrists got us into this mess, over decades, along w/ the GOP. facts. 

No, dummy, I support tRump being voted out. Bloomberg is harmless compared to trump. Bernie losing to trump is not harmless.

so then, yes....? 

the fact that you think bloomber can beat trump is sad. 

I never said that. Right now I don't think anyone can beat trump, unfortunately.

You seriously think the Middle is going to vote to blindly follow Bernie off a cliff? Not gonna happen.

hi everybody.  i am here now. 

<<he has the best shot at defeating trump. 

what are the facts that back this up? without facts, it's just hyperbole. 

^You have all the tools on your iPhone to look it up man. Come on. He has more donors and more single contributions for one. He is also leading in head to head polls vs trump. He's been organizing a movement based of individual contributors who want a change in our country. Join the movement anytime.

>> He has more donors and more single contributions for one <<

Congrats!  But, that wasn't the question.

he has the most diverse base most importantly, female majority, he appeals to independents in swing states like michigan, wisconsin, pa, and apparently florida and texas, he has the youth vote, hispanics, african american support is strong and surging, older voters are fleeing biden b/c he's very weak on SS, he's not backed by billionaires like biden and pete, he's the only candidate w/ a movement that is needed to defeat somebody like trump, everybody else is status quo establishment politics, that doesn't beat trump or motivate the electorate to vote; bernie has the most active military support in terms of donations out of any candidate, unions, teachers, nurses, and low wage workers back sanders, overwhelmingly -- this is a movemnt for the people by the people, laugh all you want. that's what it takes. 

his grassroots campaign has shown it can take on trump, he's a democratic socialist that has spoken truth to power to now be the front runner in this race, he has broad appeal, and the strongest most diverse coalition in the field. we know you don't get it b/c this is not politics as usual, hopefully you understand soon tho. 

Are you two on a list serve of talking points? Holy shit, it's like a broken record.

After nine days of voting, the membership of our union has moved decisively to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States in the 2020 Primary Election. Members from all 17 of our locals, chapters, and associations participated, and Sen. Sanders carried the election with 66% of all ballots cast

And Bernie is honest.  Even the most hard core right wingers will readily admit that.

Honesty goes a long, long way.

even when we answer the questions, centrists just mock. 

Haters gonna hate, bruh.

^If you read above, then you'd have seen that JR was the one who asked the question. The thing is you guys keep asking the same questions and keep getting the same answers and the reason you're asking the question is because you are all very confused on what to do. I guess you guys have to figure that one out but it doesn't seem like any of you are really good at listening. 

all good. 

guys, bernie raised 25mil in january. 1 month. wow. 

all the other centrists couldn't even do that in a 1/4 w/ their dark money donors. 

hello somebody! 

It also seems like Brian K is just pretty stupid in general. One of the dumbest people on the zone for sure. He really thinks Bloomberg is going to make a difference on Super Tuesday. I mean you have the worst and least sensible ideas on this thread. Nobody has ever got 0% of the vote and 0 delegates in Iowa and won a primary. Good luck trying to sell yourself on Bloomberg though. 

Go back to your decade of trolling, Tinpan. Lol

Lol man lol. You're so funny man. Keep it up with your stupid posts about Bloomberg. You can't back any of it up so you just resort to calling me a troll when I'm really just calling you out on your posts. You can't have any kind of discussion about it because you have nothing. Not really a surprise because everyone on the zone knows you're nothing but a punk ass coward. Keep trying super hard to fit in with Ned and Thod guy. Seems like it's workin

>>>>He really thinks Bloomberg is going to make a difference on Super Tuesday

He might just pull enough votes away from O'Biden on Super Tuesday to ensure that dude's well needed retirement.

You have zero reading comprehension skills.

Punk ass coward? I haven't been the one trolling behind a black screen for a decade. You're not so smart, huh? 

Haven't been trolling. Just zoning. Again you still have nothing for anybody on the topic of Bloomberg. Just trying to troll your way to acceptance by your peers. Sad shit to watch tbh

I've said 3 things about Bloomberg 

1. I won't vote for him in the primary

2. His viability will be proven on Super Tuesday

3. A billionaire Jew who wants to take away guns and Big Gulps, and championed stop and frisk, won't track well in the heartland or with minorities.

Which of those do you disagree with, Einstein?


And no, you haven't been "Zoning." Almost all your posts are putting down other people, their opinions and lives. That makes you a troll. Other than your Bernie Bro shit, you.'be never given an opinion about jack shit, other than to put others down. That's who you are and what you do - a sad nobody who hides behind a black screen.

I wear it with pride that a total loser like you is threatened by me. Rock on, troll.

^lol so weak. 

is carville a zoner? jr? 

Bloomberg is paying people $150 to post nice things about him on Instagram:



Carville knows things. He doesn't know everything and I love that he knows that. The article Woz provided the link to is valuable as a window to another way of seeing things, by someone with an experienced overview. He's right that blacks and immigrants need to vote for a candidate for her/him to win, that regular working people aren't voting for perks that they didn't have themselves, and that coalition building is critical.