

180 MPH sustained

215 Gusts

Hang onto your pantie shields.........She's a bitch

It's now the strongest Atlantic storm ever recorded outside the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.

Antigua & Barbuda, USVI, and PR look like they are right in the path.   Guess it will take a few days to know what it will do in Florida, but I see it going over the Keys and into the Gulf, where it could gain even more strength.


Be safe down there.

Talked to mom earlier today and she said the grocery stores were out of water when she went shopping.  She has prepped for a lot of storms over the years in her professional career (healthcare).  She's definitely taking it in stride and doesn't seem overly concerned at the moment.  We'll see.  Most of my people are on the Gulf of Mexico side.  Stay safe Floridians!

Catastrophic Hurricane Irma — now a Cat 5 — is on a collision course with Florida

updated September 5 at 2:05 PM


Hopefully there's not too many towns with gay mayors. After all, they'll be hit the worst, right Ann Coulter? 

Oh boy. Like Turts said in another thread, THE EARTH IS PISSED!

Been telling my relative in Tampa area to pack a few days food / water / supplies & head for the Hills.  Still a few days out from FLA or Carolinas landfall,  but better to flee before roads get clogged.

4-5 days out and some people are starting to panic. My phone has been ringing all day with people trying to set up service calls for Monday after the storm for "just in case".


If its broken call me, otherwise don't waste my time on "what ifs"

People betting into brawls over water in the stores.

I have been prepared since June 1st. It's been my family tradition since I can remember. Go first day of hurricane season, load up on can goods, batteries, water, gas and propane. If a storm comes you are all set. If there is no storm use everything up from December to June.

Own a generator, fans, portable a/c unit, rechargeable radio, tv,  flashlights, and most important rechargeable CD player. (Yea I still listen to discs).

For all you that live in tornado alley, I am sure your cellar is prepped or at least it should be.

No matter where she goes it's going to fuck shit up.


The stores around my house (central fl) were out of water at 7am this morning, so my wife texted me if I got water (I work in Tampa) I had to hit a walmart, publix, before I finally found a winn dixie with a few cases left. On the drive home every publix, winn dixie was packed with cars. Stay safe homeys

Speaking of Publix, do any of you all Floridians recall how the brown paper Publix sacks used to have maps on them during hurricane season to keep track of the storms back in the days before computers and the internet?


>The stores around my house (central fl) were out of water at 7am this morning,


if the taps work, why aren't you buying and filling up large reusable containers? fill the bathtub with water?

I do that also nancy, but my water sucks to drink. I fill all bath tubs. I will also freeze the big containers of water to use in the cooler for when power goes out.

Imo drinking water is not the big issue but it eases my wifes worries. If it gets real bad the first thing they bring in is water. The big issue in my area would be losing your house to a tornado, next is losing power for possibly weeks. I like lots of ice, coolers, charcoal propane, smoke, beer and booze. Not my first rodeo, but have also been lucky in past storms. I am also in a hilly part of florida so I do not worry about water damage on the ground, but when the rain comes in sideways during the storm it goes into your roof vents and gets in your attic and can damage your ceilings.

Puerto Rico - Possible Anihilation   This Is BIG and Gnarly {{{ Seatbelts }}}

Ken, I don't remember the publix hurricane bags but remember when you could stop at the gas station, buy a tall boy in a small paper bag, open it, and get back in you car and drive away drinking it right in front of a cop. That was a bit of culture shock coming from Ohio

>Speaking of Publix, do any of you all Floridians recall how the brown paper Publix sacks used to have maps on them during hurricane season to keep track of the storms back in the days before computers and the internet?


I grew up in Brevard County. Publix and Winn-Dixie had that and the free 'Hurricane Tracking Charts' complete with local weather celebrities. One infamous one was Danny Treanor. The best drunk weather guy on TV..

>>>>buy a tall boy in a small paper bag, open it, and get back in you car and drive away drinking it right in front of a cop

They used to have drive up bars where you could order a cocktail from the drive up window.

Hope the storm does a 90 degree  turn and heads out to sea, but looking at the maps, I don't see how Florida is not going to get hit.

We will see what happens on Antigua & Barbuda here in the next couple of hours.

Know some folks in Key West that intend to ride it out. Looks like they could be in for a direct hit. KW is only a few feet above sea level - I'm worried.

They used to have drive up bars where you could order a cocktail from the drive up window. <<<


the days when my uncle randy would crack a pull tab Openly no prob w gun mounted in back window in Ariz 70s El Camino - i was just a kid riding along cooldevil

T has a handle on reality. Good luck, online friend.


Also vibes to Earl and Betsy.



I'm going with 'yikes!'.

Meanwhile, Trumps 28 million dollar beach home in Saint Martin is about to get hit;  






still five days out

Tim gets it. dont Panic, though yesterday was possibly the most panic stricken day i have ever witnessed. 

talking with schnee this morning, she had her head on straight.

we are all working during the day, and battening down at night.

been hurricane ready for a while now. 


Things that happen days before a hurricane.

People packing grocery stores, propane refills, and gas stations.

Neighbors in the street talking.

Helicopters flying around.

I clean my shop and office, then my home.


Looks like St. Martin, St. Barts, and Anguilla took a hell of a beating.  The eye passed right over Barbuda and radio contact with the island was lost during the height of the storm.  Hope everyone is ok, but it will take a long time for these islands to recover.


USVI and Puerto Rico are up next.

Our old neighbors who live on St. Kitts are safe, nice to hear. 

Prayers, strength and love being sent out to our fine phreaks in the cone. Hunker down and be safe. Lots of good energy to you from us on the coast of NC.

We understand your strife and keep you close to our hearts. From the updated track we may be in a similar predicament later in the week. "I"storms have a history of fucking big time with the OBX. 

Please keep us posted T.

Lots of love and hugs to all,


Vibes for everyone and everything in Irmas path*




*except Mira Lago



Holy shit!  The eye is right over the Virgin Islands.  Guess they are going to have to change the name because they are getting fucked right now.

So Richard Branson decided to ride out the storm on his private island there.  Says he is going to take shelter in the wine cellar if things get bad.

Gas lines are ferocious right now. 40-60 cars deep. Tempers are flaring.

We just went through this shit a year ago with a very close brush with Mathew. 40% of all business are closed today with 80% tomorrow. Sat/Sunday is when it is supposed to start making an impact. Close your store today????

For Christs sakes people be prepared and act like you have been through this before.

I fuckin hate transplants.

Gas stations are telling people there is no reg or mid grade when there is. Hope the law comes crashing down on gougers.


state emergency management just sent out an order that if you have not evacuated your county, to NOT do so, there is not enough fuel in the state to meet demand and yes, you may be stranded.

im floored how uncalm everyone is.

Getting pretty crazy out there:

Hurricane Mania.jpg

The prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda just got back from checking on Barbuda, which had been incommunicado since the eye swallowed the island last night.  Says 90% of the structures on the island are destroyed and the island will have to be evacuated before Jose hits.

It's Andrew On Steroids.............MONSTER !




all parking lots in various locations.

friend just sent a photo of following trucks off the turnpike through a gate onto a farm in order to get to a backroad.

add to that that gas is scarce, leaving is getting sketchy, just as is staying.


Gas lines are starting to wane. People are in full mode panic. Widespread Panic if you will.

Only one thing left to do..............

This the best place to track up to the minute changes


Irma - woman's name that only the dead could write a song for



BJ Faulkner - Irma La Douce (Marguerite Monnot) - YouTube

Chanteuse BJ Faulkner sings the poignant theme song from "Irma La Douce".

I stand corrected


i had to go to four different gas stations in Tampa before I found one with gas this morning. Picked up a nail in my side wall on the way home. I'm at Pep Boys getting a new tire and then I'm hitting a gas station again before I head back to Tampa in the morning. One of our service techs said the Sarasota gas stations are out all over, he passed 25 and none had gas today. Company sent out an email this afternoon from corporate headquarters in Orlando saying he prepared to be open tomorrow and Monday. Go to still hit that 60 million dollar budget number

Yikes. Hearing now of 2 friends families who will be riding out in West Palm area.

Speaking of Widespread Panic, they have shows scheduled for St Augustine next week that are probably gonna have to be canceled, depending on the extent of damage/etc

My friend is going to try to get gas now near Tampa...Wow my other friend in Atlanta just offered the Tampa friend to come to his place if needed with his 4 person family. 

I Hear Plywood Boards Are Crazy Expensive ! All The Best Florida








4 WInds, I hope your family got the fuck outta there!!

Looks like both Trump's place on St. Martin and Richard Branson's house on his private Necker Island in the BVI got destroyed.  Feel bad for Branson.  That was a styling pad:


Talked with my Nephew near Tampa Bay area.  I had tried to convince him to 'head for the Hills'  a few days ago.

Instead he has gathered some valuables and moved to Higher ground;  which is still about sea level in that area.

From Seminole (right on the 'Long Bayou')  to nearby Pinellas Park.  Seems like he is somewhat prepared for mild inclement weather,  but I really wish that he had headed for the Hills.


Can't find it now but saw a picture of store shelves laid bare - except for the Vegan Imitation Meat section, still fully stocked.

>>4 WInds, I hope your family got the fuck outta there!!

My mother and stepfather are the only family there at the moment and they will ride it out and shelter-in-place if necessary.  She is Red Cross ready.  I have a lot of friends in the area.  Obviously, still concerned for my loved ones.

Really the only reason I showed up to work today is to fill the 5 day Coleman with ice. Letting the work crews get their daily fill from the ice machine and then I am filling up and heading to get some sandbags at the local fire department to keep the water from flooding the back porch and entering the house thru the rear doors. then stop and get a couple cases of beer


my brother in law in Orlando is scared shitless. He called last night to see if we wanted to drive to Ohio with him to his mom's house.this thing is now projected to hit my front door according to the wife, right up the middle of the state

Best of luck, Floridians and those who love folks there. 

My girl is really afraid Orlando won't be safe enough for her aunts

 PLEASE urge your loved ones to evacuate...there is still time.

I got my Mom out yesterday..I'm not fucking around with this shit.

My brother got out as took them 15 hours to complete a normal 8 hour drive

and they left in the middle of the night wed...

sending prayers and safe vibes to exceptions.


Amazing weather graphics on this site:,14.30,1195/loc=-78.025,17.623

^ what part of the state does your family live?

My buddy who lives in Delray Beach evacuated with his job and some clients to TN. Drive took 25 hours (normally 13-15). 

My Mom lives near New Smyrna near Tampa.

I called Jetblue this morning to urge them to get more flights out of Orlando.

Many folks aren't leaving because of the gas and traffic issues.

extra flights would really help some folks out right now....

I think the airport shuts down sat 5pm.



Sometimes I see the hurricane news as hype for ratings.   This time I do not!  This is the real deal I'm afraid. 

What about Tim the Zoner?  He is down there right?  My old roommate (and huge Phil fan) lives in St. Petersburg very near the water. He was more worried about planning a Dead and Co meetup. I called him a dummy.

Its a clusterfuck. Tim? * edit  DERP  I see that Tim started the thread. Thats cool.*

RRG's link is very cool

RRG's link is beautiful! And seeing the picture like that is thrilling and scary. I'm trying to remember to breathe as I look at hurricane and earthquake pics and read what's going on. Wow!

It certainly is.

Things here are done. House and business have shutters and secure. I have 6 shutters to put on the house. Left a few panels down for sunlight. The house is so dark and tight it would make a crack addict happy. All supplies are stocked. About 85% of neighborhood has evacuated. We are a 1/2 mile from the inlet, but we are high and sandy on this area. 19.7 feet above sea level.

The storm keeps following the European model and keeps slippin to the west. Good for me, very poor for the Gulf coasters. Hang on Earl and Joe its gonna be a rockin the Bay on Sunday. Too bad it won't be the Bucs.

I am all set to fish for half a day tomorrow. Not in the boat but inside the inlet at a cool place called the Crossroads. Its where 5 areas of water meet before it flows out the Saint Lucie inlet. I heard about it as a kid, that when a tropical system approaches and the pressure drops the fish chew. That is an understatement.  After hurricane Jeanne I went to the point and caught 20 snook in 2 hours. Little rats to big mamas. Fresh fish to BBQ after the storm.

Buckle Up Kids..................

Hope you have ice for all those fish T or a generator to run a freezer.  Something tells me most of the state will be without power for while.

Yetis full of ice. Not my first storm.

>>>>Yetis full of ice. Not my first storm.

There is a country song somewhere in there.


Somehow,  I suspect that the A/C technician Dude has an entire  granite vault full of 2074-era freezer technology.

Good Luck with the Weather,  Mr.  Flash.

Them fish will be eating anything pre-storm, they know whats coming, good luck T

Thom2 on Friday, September 8, 2017 – 02:29 pm

<<It certainly is.

While he cheers on the de-funding of FEMA and aid for disaster survivors. 

You gonna dose?

I wonder to what degree FL Wal-Marts are more F'd up at times like this.

Remember to fact check rumors you see on social media

The following popular things on social media are NOT true:


  • A 2005 movie did not have Irma/Harvey as hurricanes in it


  • Storing important goods in your dishwasher will NOT protect it.


  • Irma does NOT contain sharks

vibes to uhollis, t and all floridians

>>Good for me, very poor for the Gulf coasters.

Yeah, that's what the weather channel has been saying all day.  Not good.  Talked to my mother this evening she is now worried and has more to do tomorrow.  Said she's exhausted, wish I was there to help.  On top of it, she was trapped in an elevator for over an hour today and the fire department had to come rescue.  Her place, my place, and another home all being secured as much as possible.  Sanibel had a mandatory evacuation.

Love south Florida, hoping for the best for everyone there.

Can't imagine what it will be like in the Keys, those small islands along the Overseas highway will be completely submerged. 

Big vibes.

This is a big freaking storm.  Outer rain bands are currently going through Miami, while the other end of the storm is skirting by Jamaica, some 552 miles away!  






the paradise that should never have been

good read written by a floridian

Shifting farther west, yesterday it was coming straight for me, today I'm in the tornado zone, and my co-workers in Tampa are now in the strike zone. Personally I think this thing is going to go into the gulf and then to mexico, houston or new orleans. I think I'll go cut the grassnow before the rain comes


Good Luck Earl

Be careful Tim and all. This is gonna be a beast across Florida.  

The threat to se Fla is lowering every mile Irma goes west. Tampa hasn't had a cne in over a 100 years. Looks like that streak is going to end.

Went fishing today as the barometer is dropping. Caught 40+ fish in a little over 3 hours. We ate blackened snapper tacos for dinner tonight. One was a lane snapper about 4 pounds. That is huge for a lane and they are my favorite snapper of all. Lots of mangos.

No one out today, 99% of all stores are closed. A couple of local convienece stores only. I actually got quite the sunburn today.

be well man

 Good luck to you all!

Ya, thinkin of you, Earl.


If you are there I am sure you are hunkered/bunkered(bombshell anchor on CBS 4 Miami says bunker while others say hunker} down..

Vibes for Florida


I know Budweiser is like sex in a canoe. Fucking close to water but...

Anheuser-Busch to deliver more than 300,000 cans of water to Florida

Naples Florida Getting NAILED Right Now !

The eye went thru sometime around 2-4 am lost my large tree in the front yard but thank God it fell towards the road or I would be missing part of the house. A bunch of shingles are missing band a little water damage on the ceiling in the kitchen, but we all safe.

So glad you are safe! Hoping we'll get reports like this from everyone else who was in the path of danger.

Talked with my Nephew near Tampa Bay area this Afternoon.  Nothing too terrible happened;  power outages but no Speedy winds or extreme flooding (yet).

The System apparently went South -> North through the center of FLA and did not hug either coast.  It sucked water OUT of Tampa Bay (and others) so they are waiting to see where it dumps that water back onto Sea or Land.

Cuba,  Keys, St. Martin and Barbuda got the worst of Irma from what I've seen,  with big flooding in Everglade City and some flooding in Miami.

Jacksonville has about 4-5 feet too much water right now,  mandatory evac.

Another beautiful map of the wind:

Here's another fun one. I really like how this one shows day/night as you spin the globe. (Click your mouse on the image to spin.)

Another storm that didn't live up to the hype

Mom and stepfather are safe. Some water came in through a window and the dining room floor is wet. In the grand scheme of things we're very grateful. Still no power. They can't leave due to downed trees blocking the road.  Some friends' homes didn't do as well.  One buddy's car was halfway underwater and he posted $200 OBO, at least he has a sense of humor about things.   Hope all of you who were in the path of Irma fared relatively okay.  The carpeting in my place is a little wet- but good for the most part.  The lanai above leaked into my lanai.  Apparently, they just remodeled with brand new capet and it's kind of trashed.  These are all things that can be replaced so I'm just thankful no one was hurt. 

>>Another storm that didn't live up to the hype

yeah, thankfully! 

when you have family and friends in the storm path it sucks hype or not.

Good to hear they're safe, 4winds.

Betsy(Blue Heron) is also safe after spending the night in a closet in her house.

>>The eye went thru sometime around 2-4 am lost my large tree in the front yard but thank God it fell towards the road or I would be missing part of the house. A bunch of shingles are missing band a little water damage on the ceiling in the kitchen, but we all safe.

Oh, man.  Glad the tree fell the other way!

Harvey and Irma = The Bill Will BE HUGE !!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

>>Good to hear they're safe, 4winds.

Thank you, Judit.

Another storm that didn't live up to the hype <<<


Huh ? I SEE Alot Of Damage On The News !

I thought sure A1A would be flooded, but never thought of this.

Glad your people are OK 4winds.

thank you, cb.

>>I thought sure A1A would be flooded, but never thought of this.

holy moly!

Heard that my folks and friends in St. Augustine got through the storm ok.  No power and no idea when it will be restored, but that sounds like the same story across the state.  They were luckier than people up along A1A between St. Augustine and Jacksonville where homes were washed into the sea, especially in Vilano Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach.   Those areas were hit hard by Matthew last year and I am sure all the beach erosion from that left the houses that survived much more vulnerable this time around.

Record flooding in Jacksonville is ongoing along the St. Johns River.

Although Miami Metro Area avoided a direct hit, the sheer geographical size of the area affected by this storm will make the overall damage numbers really high.


>>Record flooding in Jacksonville is ongoing along the St. Johns River.

yeah, a friend lives in Jacksonville and the flooding looks devastating.

That link didn't work for me, 4winds, but this one did. I presume it's the same story. That 's a lot of sand.

yes, cb's link works.

I left a few ... off or something.

40% of local small businesses fail after a natural disaster

40% is huge! I had no idea. That's so sad.

I think Flashbacks lives on a small peninsula. That county has some major flooding, like no power, and limited cell service.

They were predicting 15 feet tide/flood rise, and he wrote that he was working with 19? That's tight.

I'm pretty sure, he & his family are in discomfort at best and can use some vibes. I am praying for his wiener dogs too.

Hurricane Irma Aftermath In the Lower Florida Keys - 9/10/2017

Man oh man, that looks so gritty. Seeing the slabs of pavement moved around somehow really affected me.

It's going to be such a long job to come back from this. If "come back" is even the right term...

I know, love the Florida Keys like so many others.

That ride along US1 through the Keys to Key West is one of the best drives in America.

Just awesome. 

I wish the Florida folks all the best!

Before and After Images of Hurricane Irma's Destruction in Barbuda and the Virgin Islands

by digital globe

Spent most of yesterday cutting up the tree that fell, still without power. Will probably start cooking food from the freezer that is thawing out and cannot fit into the two coolers, glad to hear that everyone that is checking in is safe

Hope Flashbacks is ok and they get the power back up soon.

Hang in there Fabes. 

Power restored at mom's house around 2 AM.  A friend a mile away has no power yet.  Unfortunately, my mom had to put her 16 year old cat to sleep yesterday, she had not been eating among other things.  She said the place was packed- had to call around yesterday for pet hospitals and that was the only one open.

do you have power Tim, Fabes?

>>Will probably start cooking food from the freezer

That's what they were doing yesterday and last night.


Power came back on this afternoon, it was a hot one last night.

Glad you all finally have power. 

Looks like the power outage was too much for one nursing home.  Sad stuff and wonder why the staff didn't get a generator or do something more to save these people:

Power is still out at my parents' place.  

^ saw the awful nursing home story earlier.

 >>Sad stuff and wonder why the staff didn't get a generator or do something more to save these people

good question.

Fallen tree_1.jpgA few shots

Nursing home is right across the street from a hospital, too. WTF?


One morethumb_Cut tree_1.jpg

saw the awful nursing home story earlier.<<<<


Straight Out Neglect and Irresponsibility On The Staff ! TERRIBLE !

The nursing home story is so tragic. So terribly sad. Damn.

Thinking of their suffering and thinking of the families with love.

Flashback just sent me an email:

No land lines

No internet

No electric

No worries

All the conveniences of a first world country are back !!

Irma was a solid storm. Took out trees and fences but nothing too big or too bad. I have to admit I do like electricity. I had all the goodies at my shop but on Monday evening a semi truck drove down our road and took all the wiring out and Bam....all went blank at the shop here.

They restored everything at my house last night (Thursday) and everything at the shop today (Friday).

I flipped the light switch on and off about 10 times. Just because I could.

People should have to fill out a 5 question test before they are allowed to buy a generator. People are dropping like flies because they are running them indoors and the Carbon Monoxide is deadly. Secondly it has to be loud as fuck when one is indoors.

As of this afternoon we have had 132 service calls. 1/2 are from people trying to rig and run the a/c to a portable generator. You want to fuck up a cental a/c system, hook it to a 5000 watt generator.

Hope everyone is safe and getting back to normal or at least close to normal.


Lots to be said for a small one room window unit at times  like these.

People! What can you do about them?

Thanks for the update, Tim.

Glad to hear you have power back and are safe Tim.

Question for you on your statement about running a central air unit with a generator. What size generator would be suitable to power a small house with central air in situations like these? I have thought about investing in a generator but have no clue what I would need. It's one of those items you pay 1-2 grand for and hope you never have to use it. That is the main reason I have not picked one up yet. We lost power for a couple hours this summer from a large thunderstorm. The power came back on just as the inside temps were becoming a too warm for the little one. After Irma and the stories we have heard, my wife thinks we really should start looking around.  Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 

I hope FL is back up and running sooner than later. 

6500 watt is a minimum for a small 2 or 2.5 ton central a/c system. An electrician is needed to hook it it for proper operation. People left the main on with "rigged wires" in the main panel and left the main breaker on too. This is dangerous for the linesmen and when power is restored all kinds of shit burns and fries. This is very costly to the home owner and could take additional weeks for a electrician to replace panels and other things.

A portable a/c, on wheels and an exhaust hose is very reasonably priced and work great for master bedrooms and such. A smaller 5000 watt generator will run one of these along with a fan and a tv. About all we need to "get by"

Whole house generators that fire up once a week and does everything automaticly and run on propane are fantastic. For $10,000 I hope so.

Nice to hear you're all 'back on the grid'  Mr. Flash.

Nephew in Tampa Bay area is still missing AC electricity.  However,  his place did not get flooded.  He had a couple "High Ground"  spots to inhabit compared to his pad near a Canal / Bayou.

He was mainly keeping company w/ Grandma & Grampa in the area.  Today he is devoid of College obligations,  and taking Jet-Ski for a ride.

Glad you're OK, T.

Always knew you liked electricity.

Now get busy on those service calls. Cha-ching!

Thanks for the info. Sounds like I have no need for a whole house generator, especially for ten grand.

Electricity restored at my house late yesterday afternoon, yep, 7 full days. Wilma it took 11. No house damage, wicked yard debris.  family of raccoons road the storm out in my tallest coconut palm. 

We stayed at home until Thursday and went up to NorFla for this weekend, which has totally different problems. House up there lost a dock.

Jacksonville and the St. Johns river. Shit. Old neighbs in the southern part pof the city, oaks falling through house after house. 

Nothing ever lives up to hype, but i actually think this storm did more work on the state by sliding under and moving west. The Keys, shit. 

We had 20 hours of sustained tropical force and inside of that 7+ hours of 80 sustained, with constant 100-100 gust, over 100 miles from the eye, in southern PBC. oh, and the tornados were a fun bonus. 150+ within 1/4 mile. this storm crawled along the land until it reached mid state. Miami took 6-8 hours of sustained 100-110. It was quite exhausting i felt. 

and yes, the sand on A1A on my way into work today. very strange. 



Another storm that didn't live up to the hype


Fuck you, Hounder

Tell that to the folks in the Keys, Naples and up and down the Florida State and don't forget those folks in Jacksonville.

Sorry it was no Katrina or Andrew where you can sit on your soft couch and watch the destruction on your big screen tv.

Shit DID get fucked up and it was a big storm. over 40 people died in Florida. Over 8 million people with no power.