The isolated tribes of Acre


im sure its fake... false flag tribes.

Didn't I see them in Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

^You're thinking of Raiders of the Lost Arc.

>>>> The tribe has moved a number of times since that sighting, said Meirelles, a veteran FUNAI scout and expert on the region’s indigenous groups.



>>>> Equally impressive for Meirelles was the barrage of arrows the tribesmen fired at the helicopter, which he took as a healthy sign of resistance. “They’re messages,” he said. “Those arrows mean 'Leave us in peace. Do not disturb.'”


SSIA (or something like that)

Those dudes are just Thom2's camp-in landscaping crew. He lets them  stay under the Azalea and Rhododendron shrubberies with access to the indoor pool, and they keep an eye on the grounds, feed  the Ferrets & Iguanas, and shoot poison blow-darts at burglars.

they're socialists..

They are starring in new reality show next year as fox cameras will follow around a never filmed before tribe. Watch as they interact and live amongst the rain forest, all the while acting perfectly naturally as fox cameras,  booms, scaffolds, cranes, and staff  follow them around. Hilarity ensues. 


 Only a million trees will be cleared for this epic new show. 


"Filming the Unfilmed, a Film"


Coming to your tv in 2017....