It’s All Over Now


Under 70 hours left until Trump is no longer POTUS.

Our 4 year nightmare is almost over.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey a-pocky way! 

Jeezus Dave.  Don't jinx us.   We got two days left.


Nicely done, Bss



when his number of hours is less than your age, life gets better.

looking forward to midnight.

I love the idea that Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka are getting replaced by 2 dogs and a cat....


then the biden nightmare can begin. 

Will Hunter smoke crack in the Oval Office?

>>then the biden nightmare can begin. 

Just count your lucky stars we will never have to live during the Sanders nightmare

When does Joe fall asleep during one of his speeches? I'm betting on it happening in his first year. 

My bet is he won't make it through the first year either by natural or malice ways. Joe is just a stepping stone for the far left.

^ Agree on him not lasting thru term one. But thank the Lord he was there, he was the only candidate who beats chump. Thank the Lord for mr stepping stone.

And them cocksuckers on the right thought Hillary was gonna be trouble ?????

Bwahahaahaaaaaaa welcome to your worst nightmare assholes - Kamala,  not just an ultra smart woman, but an academic of color !!!!    OMG 

Fuck the right

Fuck extremists... and anger and hate. Folks be wasting a lot of time stewing in their hate

^Agree. Fuck extremists on both sides.

Feels like being in the midst of Pillars of the Earth ... just when you think you're out of the woods and out from under the thumb of the evil Earl, it somehow not only stays the track, but gets worse.

<<>>Just count your lucky stars we will never have to live during the Sanders nightmare



The 4th Reich.jpg


Trump Hitler (800x739)_0.jpg

I hope someone starts a "No more years!  No more years!" chant when he exits the White House on Wednesday morning.  

Looking forward to having an administration in place who trust the science experts.  Our response to the pandemic and climate change will benefit from responsible stewardship.  We'll have better diplomacy and foreign relations, and less divisive rhetoric on the domestic front.  Too bad you can't see the forest from the trees Pyronoid.

Be good just to have some adults in the room

Again, not looking to jinx anything, but for those who haven't seen the movie "Downfall", the timing couldn't be better.

(It's on Amazon Prime)

Bill Maher - Just Pack Your Shit and Go!

Buh bye.


>>I hope someone snipes his ass starts a "No more years!  No more years!" chant when he exits the White House on Wednesday morning.  

Let the Door hit Him ware the Good Lord Split Him !!   The Best is Yet to Come !

>>>The Best is Yet to Come !


Like the end of America!?

The commies and Chinese win!

Parler is back online now by routing 100% of its user traffic through servers located within the Russian Federation.

38 hours

Two more sleeps!

If anyone's able to sleep after Pardon Tuesday.  It's good thing Hannibal Lecter is fictional.


24 hours to go.




Trump has left the White House for the last time as President

CNN ... walk out music was ewwwww.... 

The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid)

.....and he spoke of the pandemic in past tense... the nerve!

Any one heading to midtown today?

per NPR:


At Joint Base Andrews, the outgoing president had one last moment of pomp: "Hail to the Chief," a 21-gun salute and a final farewell to about 200 supporters. Vice President Pence was not there.

Without naming Biden, Trump said, "I wish the new administration great luck and great success," claiming that his White House had laid the foundation for the economy to rebound. "I hope they don't raise your taxes, but if they do, I told you so!" he said.

"So, have a good life, we will see you soon," he said, as the disco anthem "YMCA" pumped through the loudspeakers.



There SHOULD BE parties galore! Unfortunately..... 

Fuck Q !


> a final farewell to about 200 supporters

That's hysterical. They sent out invites to everyone in the WH address book it sounds like--including Anthony Scaramucci and John Kelly, both of whom of course declined--and they were all allowed up to five guests. Trump must have been fuming about the turnout all the way to Florida.

Or, FuQ.


YMCA...this is what happens when Neil Young and The Rolling Stones sue you to stop you from using their songs.

Guests included outgoing White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, former White House physician and now Rep. Ronny L. Jackson (R-Tex.) and other current and former aides, including former press secretary Sean Spicer. The Trumps also were joined by members of his family, including daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner, both senior White House advisers.

Noticeably absent from Trump’s send-off were the three elected Republicans who had worked most closely with him — Vice President Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). All three instead attended Biden’s inauguration, which Trump decided not to attend, bucking the traditional transfer of power.