It's been a long time since I've seen Phil and I'm ok with that


I haven't seen Phil since 2012 at the Mann in Philly w Further.

Crazy for me to think about this when I used to see him so much and so often.

A few factors have definitely led to my not seeing him: no local shows, line ups  that don't interest me, changing personal priorities.

l'd like to see/hear that Alembic though! 

Been a while since you've seen Phil? If so, how do you feel about it?






2005  How is That For Stoppage !



he's still playing well and some of his lineups are great... when I can make it to one of those, I'm always glad I did (last one was this past Summer).

but yeah, my attendance of Phil shows is nowhere near what it was in the pre-TXR days when I tried to make it to every single Bay Area show... 


Go to TXR!

I think my last Phil show was the same one hall was at; I could use a fix


I saw a Q show last year and one with Warren and Krasno

the Q was ok, and the Krasno show was over the top.

no,plans for this year as of yet. 

Last night at TXR my friend,,,,,,,Sick

the fun of hitting every portchester show is gone. i had a great time in coney island and even though the music was great i think the change of scenery was even better. as much as i think portchester is a great place its time to mix it up a bit. maybe a beacon show or even webster a few nights. 

when you become familiar with the cracks in the bathroom walls its time to go


i saw the Phil sit-in with Karl Denson at TXR back in September. Before that i think was the first Q shows at TXR. forget the year, though.. 2013?


>>>>Last night at TXR my friend,,,,,,,Sick



I totally agree.  Unfortunately, for most the last-minute show announcement precludes travel planning, etc.  I was lucky to get out of the house and arrive a few songs into the first set.  Also, the announced lineup wouldn't gain much notice from people who are not complete Phil and/or Stu phreaks.

Still, I had the pleasure of feeling Phil's bass vibes through the wooden walls and the stairway.  And there were some especially good jams/sounds in the second set.


I just haven't gotten tired of it yet.

Park Theater in Lafayette is for sale. 

haven't seen Phil since '93...(he seems to be ok with that, too)

fucking excuses keep getting in the way

that, and work,

and more excuses...



Goiñg to see him march 15th with my mom, yeah flying iñ from France, just because , Phil is awesome the line up? Hope its good but I'm pretty sure the shoe will be great no mater who plaýs I'm ready 

Oh last show was at the cap too a few years ago furthur, before bobby fell

Oh that's right, I saw him in 2013 last! In Atlantic City, right after bobby fell!

I'm lucky that I still get to see him a lot, as I have for so many years.

I've always been a huge fan and while I've never really taken my opportunities for granted, the funny thing is I still very often forget just how DAMN GOOD he is, and am still consistently blown away when he flips some little riff in a Bertha or The Other One, Unbroken Chain or even a Red Rooster that seems to my ears to be simply genius and completely different than any riff I've heard from him before. And then be amazed at how the other musicians on stage react to that riff and carry it forward.

I believe there were two reasons above and beyond everything else why the Grateful Dead were so great and became what they became, and one of those reasons is still playing, and still playing fucking great.

To me Phil Lesh has always been a brilliant, totally original musician, and there are very few things in this world I love more than unique, brilliant musicianship. Even in the little bar show I saw last week his unique ability to articulate interesting, beautiful, just exactly perfect runs & phrases in the music was clear and a blast to hear. The guy just gets me every time.

At this late point I could live without ever seeing him again and be OK with it, but fortunately that isn't the case yet, and I'm DAMN OK with THAT!

the nelson/sless thing a couple? years ago?

wish they would use him in non "one-off's". play a couple of gigs man...that aren't in nyc

i'd "like to". and would if close, but not traveling for 98% of current configurations.

will hopefully make it this year though.




Nice, Lance! 


That makes me want to see him again, and soon! :)

11/11/11 was my last show. seemed a nice symmetrical place to finish up

I wonder if Phil has any desire to play Red Rocks one more time.

If he can sell tix Red Rocks would be happy to have him back.  Let's just say that he's not going to get booked playing with the family band. 

Who doesn't want to play Red Rocks?

Agreed on the family band.

I can't see Phil using GD50 as his swan song. I see him wanting to put together an A-List band (Q) and selling out a weekend at RR for a true farewell.

We can only hope. 

I came back to GD music because of Phil's PLQ  and I would love for him to do one final tour ending with a blowout weekend at either a fest or a place like Red Rocks. 

Last time was Philoween and I don't know when the next time will be.  Hope a few this year but not planning on the birthday shows or Vegas.


saw him this week and I`m ok with that......I just wish Nelson would hurry up and heal


I agree Candyfrog....not rushing back up to Portchester like I used too

Phil hasn't brought a PLF lineup to Denver in like 5 years. He was coming to Broomfield/Red Rocks pretty regularly with Furthur, but that lineup really wasn't very good; especially as time went on. 

I liked furthur, but I'm a john k fan! :)

hope jk comes back to Denver soon!

I'll probably end up at TXR in the near future.

I definitely hope to check out TXR one day! Regardless of the line up

Went to a Coney Island show last fall on a whim; beautiful day; cool little parking lot scene; strolled the boards and the show was suprisingly refreshing! Jackie and the horn section really brought a new interpretation of the music. Will be looking to head back this spring; get it while the wheel is still turning!

I sense a strong class divide vibe at his shows lately 

DOG Best gif 2017 so far?..