I've decided .. to just be Happy... who's with me?


Life is pretty fricken great isn't It?I love my Job, environment,friends,lovers,fun lovin people..


Basicaly, I'm winning in the old pursuit of Happiness thingie, probably even Die Happy and Be grateful....how bout you'all

I Love it!

happiness is choice i try to pick daily before both eyes are open! 

it helps me to deal with less-than-happy work environments

grateful for all on Viva, that's for sure!

Saw this sign in someone's yard today:

Today is a great day for a great day. 

For today, today, today is a happy day

and tonight, tonight, tonight can be a happy night!


Toots & The Maytals - Pomp & Pride


I look to happiness as a choice also, that occasionally gets interrupted by reality and empty lighters ;-)

Life is kinda like The National Spelling Bee.

It seems so easy when you see the word.

Or when you solve the Wordle ;)


my happy place is the pool 

A good old friend of mine used to say to me, "Have a good day, Mike, unless you have other plans." He'd say that to me because he knew I often did have plans other than goodness.

These days, I like to tell my students that the potential for joy exists in every moment. So far, nobody has convinced me that it doesn't.

< I've decided

What, you've just decided this now ??

