Jeopardy Dude


Enjoying watching this guy.  Vegas sports gambler James Holzhauer, shaking up the game.  Just last night wondering how the show plans to pay for it all.



Enjoyed at first, then said WTF, college professors don't know the shit a Vegas gambler does ?

I can't wait for the scandal to break.


Albert Freedman, Producer of Rigged 1950s Quiz Show, Dies at 95

>>>>>>Just last night wondering how the show plans to pay for it all.





Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek and Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak earn upwards of $13 million per season for their shows. These are the quintessential and longest-lasting game shows, with each airing for over 30 consecutive seasons. Jeopardy and Wheel average 9.4 million and 10.2 million weekly viewers, respectively, making them among the most-watched programs on television.

Game shows brought in $1.75 billion in ad revenue in 2015, according to Kantar Media. That number increased to $1.83 billion in 2016. In addition to traditional commercials, game shows also lend themselves to integrated brand partnerships. A brand–perhaps a hotel company or cruise line–can sponsor a prize in the Mystery 7 round of $100,000 Pyramid, for example.

I think the guys is legit, willing to make big bets with a quick trigger finger.  

Don't watch the show that often, but didn't know Jeopardy tapes 5 episodes/day (2/week).   Go Alex, good gig...10hr week for ~10M/year. 

this fucker is scary good.

I passed the test last year and am eligible to get on Jeopardy... and I hope they don't call me, I don't want to get fed to the shark. I think I recognized one guy who was in the interview with me in SF, he went down in flames.

>>WTF, college professors don't know the shit a Vegas gambler does ?

everyone that gets on Jeopardy knows lots of shit. What the gambler knows that the professor doesn't is how to maximize his winnings from what he knows, and having the nerve to bet big.

I’ll watch tonight.

Concerned about Alex Trebec's health (stage 4 pancreatic cancer) and hoping he'll be able to stick around long enough to outlast James' good fortune on the show. They may have to bring back Ken Jennings to give that a fighting chance. 

Brad Rutter has won a grand total of $3,385,702 on Jeopardy!, the most ever. He's never officially been beaten by a human opponent. ... In his first match against Jennings, Rutternearly doubled him, $62,000 to $34,599. He's the best ever, money-wise, and he plays like it: there's a slick confidence to his gameplay.May 15, 2014

I was surprised and actually knew many of the answers today. 

Ken Jennings won 74 games in a row. I wonder how many James Holzhauer will win? I am sure that James will crush the winnings total, as he has already set the highest single game winning total at around $130k-140k. That is pretty impressive.  



Congrats on 20 wins, and over 100k tonight.

In the name of a well-known hallucinogen, it comes before "acid diethylamide"...

He has $1,691,008 over 22 games so far and will be back on May 20. 

Do we have any reason to not believe the person pictured above is actually a Japanese sex doll with one of those IBM Hal computers built in? I mean, look at it. Come on people! 

Dude is impressive. What an absolute machine.

He has it all. Knowledgeable across every subject. lightning fast motor memory and a professional gamblers acuity. Plays with abandonment. 

To me, he comes across as a bit of a high-performing austic savant. 


I DO believe the current champ is my alltime favorite. Hell of a story.

Keep Flyin Ryan


Not the same after Trebek died!


I've watched this Champ a couple of times. He's great to watch.

nothing will ever again rival: 

(((((Alex & James))))))